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// Test for splitting a chunk with a very large shard key value should not be allowed
// and does not corrupt the config.chunks metadata.
(function() {
'use strict';
function verifyChunk(keys, expectFail, ns) {
// If split failed then there's only 1 chunk
// With a min & max for the shardKey
if (expectFail) {
assert.eq(1, configDB.chunks.find({"ns": ns}).count(), "Chunks count no split");
var chunkDoc = configDB.chunks.findOne({"ns": ns});
assert.eq(0, bsonWoCompare(chunkDoc.min, keys.min), "Chunks min");
assert.eq(0, bsonWoCompare(chunkDoc.max, keys.max), "Chunks max");
} else {
assert.eq(2, configDB.chunks.find({"ns": ns}).count(), "Chunks count split");
// Tests
// - name: Name of test, used in collection name
// - key: key to test
// - keyFieldSize: size of each key field
// - expectFail: true/false, true if key is too large to pre-split
var tests = [
{name: "Key size small", key: {x: 1}, keyFieldSize: 100, expectFail: false},
{name: "Key size 512", key: {x: 1}, keyFieldSize: 512, expectFail: true},
{name: "Key size 2000", key: {x: 1}, keyFieldSize: 2000, expectFail: true},
{name: "Compound key size small", key: {x: 1, y: 1}, keyFieldSize: 100, expectFail: false},
{name: "Compound key size 512", key: {x: 1, y: 1}, keyFieldSize: 256, expectFail: true},
{name: "Compound key size 10000", key: {x: 1, y: 1}, keyFieldSize: 5000, expectFail: true},
var st = new ShardingTest({shards: 1});
var configDB = st.s.getDB('config');
assert.commandWorked(configDB.adminCommand({enableSharding: 'test'}));
tests.forEach(function(test) {
var collName = "split_large_key_" + test.name;
var midKey = {};
var chunkKeys = {min: {}, max: {}};
for (var k in test.key) {
// new Array with join creates string length 1 less than size, so add 1
midKey[k] = new Array(test.keyFieldSize + 1).join('a');
// min & max keys for each field in the index
chunkKeys.min[k] = MinKey;
chunkKeys.max[k] = MaxKey;
configDB.adminCommand({shardCollection: "test." + collName, key: test.key}));
var res = configDB.adminCommand({split: "test." + collName, middle: midKey});
if (test.expectFail) {
assert(!res.ok, "Split: " + collName);
assert(res.errmsg !== null, "Split errmsg: " + collName);
} else {
assert(res.ok, "Split: " + collName + " " + res.errmsg);
verifyChunk(chunkKeys, test.expectFail, "test." + collName);
st.s0.getCollection("test." + collName).drop();