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// This test ensures that if one collection is its migration critical section, this won't stall
// operations for other sharded or unsharded collections
(function() {
'use strict';
var staticMongod = MongoRunner.runMongod({}); // For startParallelOps.
var st = new ShardingTest({mongos: 1, shards: 2});
assert.commandWorked(st.s0.adminCommand({enableSharding: 'TestDB'}));
st.ensurePrimaryShard('TestDB', st.shard0.shardName);
var testDB = st.s0.getDB('TestDB');
assert.commandWorked(st.s0.adminCommand({shardCollection: 'TestDB.Coll0', key: {Key: 1}}));
assert.commandWorked(st.s0.adminCommand({split: 'TestDB.Coll0', middle: {Key: 0}}));
var coll0 = testDB.Coll0;
assert.writeOK(coll0.insert({Key: -1, Value: '-1'}));
assert.writeOK(coll0.insert({Key: 1, Value: '1'}));
assert.commandWorked(st.s0.adminCommand({shardCollection: 'TestDB.Coll1', key: {Key: 1}}));
assert.commandWorked(st.s0.adminCommand({split: 'TestDB.Coll1', middle: {Key: 0}}));
var coll1 = testDB.Coll1;
assert.writeOK(coll1.insert({Key: -1, Value: '-1'}));
assert.writeOK(coll1.insert({Key: 1, Value: '1'}));
// Ensure that coll0 has chunks on both shards so we can test queries against both donor and
// recipient for Coll1's migration below
st.s0.adminCommand({moveChunk: 'TestDB.Coll0', find: {Key: 1}, to: st.shard1.shardName}));
// Pause the move chunk operation just before it leaves the critical section
pauseMoveChunkAtStep(st.shard0, moveChunkStepNames.chunkDataCommitted);
var joinMoveChunk = moveChunkParallel(
staticMongod, st.s0.host, {Key: 1}, null, 'TestDB.Coll1', st.shard1.shardName);
waitForMoveChunkStep(st.shard0, moveChunkStepNames.chunkDataCommitted);
// Ensure that all operations for 'Coll0', which is not being migrated are not stalled
assert.eq(1, coll0.find({Key: {$lte: -1}}).itcount());
assert.eq(1, coll0.find({Key: {$gte: 1}}).itcount());
assert.writeOK(coll0.insert({Key: -2, Value: '-2'}));
assert.writeOK(coll0.insert({Key: 2, Value: '2'}));
assert.eq(2, coll0.find({Key: {$lte: -1}}).itcount());
assert.eq(2, coll0.find({Key: {$gte: 1}}).itcount());
// Ensure that read operations for 'Coll1', which *is* being migration are not stalled
assert.eq(1, coll1.find({Key: {$lte: -1}}).itcount());
assert.eq(1, coll1.find({Key: {$gte: 1}}).itcount());
// Ensure that all operations for non-sharded collections are not stalled
var collUnsharded = testDB.CollUnsharded;
assert.eq(0, collUnsharded.find({}).itcount());
assert.writeOK(collUnsharded.insert({TestKey: 0, Value: 'Zero'}));
assert.eq(1, collUnsharded.find({}).itcount());
unpauseMoveChunkAtStep(st.shard0, moveChunkStepNames.chunkDataCommitted);