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* Tests that read operations with readConcern majority only see committed data.
* The following read operations are tested:
* - find command
* - aggregation
* - distinct
* - count
* - geoSearch
* Each operation is tested on a single node, and (if supported) through mongos on both sharded and
* unsharded collections. Mongos doesn't directly handle readConcern majority, but these tests
* should ensure that it correctly propagates the setting to the shards when running commands.
* @tags: [requires_sharding, requires_majority_read_concern]
(function() {
'use strict';
// Skip this test if running with --nojournal and WiredTiger.
if (jsTest.options().noJournal &&
(!jsTest.options().storageEngine || jsTest.options().storageEngine === "wiredTiger")) {
print("Skipping test because running WiredTiger without journaling isn't a valid" +
" replica set configuration");
var testServer = MongoRunner.runMongod();
var db = testServer.getDB("test");
if (!db.serverStatus().storageEngine.supportsCommittedReads) {
print("Skipping read_majority.js since storageEngine doesn't support it.");
function makeCursor(db, result) {
return new DBCommandCursor(db, result);
// These test cases are functions that return a cursor of the documents in collections without
// fetching them yet.
var cursorTestCases = {
find: function(coll) {
return makeCursor(coll.getDB(),
'find', {readConcern: {level: 'majority'}, batchSize: 0})));
aggregate: function(coll) {
return makeCursor(
{readConcern: {level: 'majority'}, cursor: {batchSize: 0}, pipeline: []})));
aggregateGeoNear: function(coll) {
return makeCursor(coll.getDB(), assert.commandWorked(coll.runCommand('aggregate', {
readConcern: {level: 'majority'},
cursor: {batchSize: 0},
pipeline: [{$geoNear: {near: [0, 0], distanceField: "d", spherical: true}}]
// These test cases have a run method that will be passed a collection with a single object with
// _id: 1 and a state field that equals either "before" or "after". The collection will also
// contain both a 2dsphere and a geoHaystack index to enable testing commands that depend on
// them. The return value from the run method is expected to be the value of expectedBefore or
// expectedAfter depending on the state of the state field.
var nonCursorTestCases = {
count_before: {
run: function(coll) {
var res = coll.runCommand(
'count', {readConcern: {level: 'majority'}, query: {state: 'before'}});
return res.n;
expectedBefore: 1,
expectedAfter: 0,
count_after: {
run: function(coll) {
var res = coll.runCommand(
'count', {readConcern: {level: 'majority'}, query: {state: 'after'}});
return res.n;
expectedBefore: 0,
expectedAfter: 1,
distinct: {
run: function(coll) {
var res =
coll.runCommand('distinct', {readConcern: {level: 'majority'}, key: 'state'});
assert.eq(res.values.length, 1, tojson(res));
return res.values[0];
expectedBefore: 'before',
expectedAfter: 'after',
geoSearch: {
run: function(coll) {
var res = coll.runCommand('geoSearch', {
readConcern: {level: 'majority'},
near: [0, 0],
search: {_id: 1}, // Needed due to SERVER-23158.
maxDistance: 1,
assert.eq(res.results.length, 1, tojson(res));
return res.results[0].state;
expectedBefore: 'before',
expectedAfter: 'after',
function runTests(coll, mongodConnection) {
function makeSnapshot() {
return assert.commandWorked(mongodConnection.adminCommand("makeSnapshot")).name;
function setCommittedSnapshot(snapshot) {
assert.commandWorked(mongodConnection.adminCommand({"setCommittedSnapshot": snapshot}));
assert.commandWorked(coll.createIndex({point: '2dsphere'}));
for (var testName in cursorTestCases) {
jsTestLog('Running ' + testName + ' against ' + coll.toString());
var getCursor = cursorTestCases[testName];
// Setup initial state.
assert.writeOK(coll.save({_id: 1, state: 'before', point: [0, 0]}));
// Check initial conditions.
assert.eq(getCursor(coll).next().state, 'before');
// Change state without making it committed.
assert.writeOK(coll.save({_id: 1, state: 'after', point: [0, 0]}));
// Cursor still sees old state.
assert.eq(getCursor(coll).next().state, 'before');
// Create a cursor before the update is visible.
var oldCursor = getCursor(coll);
// Making a snapshot doesn't make the update visible yet.
var snapshot = makeSnapshot();
assert.eq(getCursor(coll).next().state, 'before');
// Setting it as committed does for both new and old cursors.
assert.eq(getCursor(coll).next().state, 'after');
assert.eq(oldCursor.next().state, 'after');
assert.commandWorked(coll.ensureIndex({point: 'geoHaystack', _id: 1}, {bucketSize: 1}));
for (var testName in nonCursorTestCases) {
jsTestLog('Running ' + testName + ' against ' + coll.toString());
var getResult = nonCursorTestCases[testName].run;
var expectedBefore = nonCursorTestCases[testName].expectedBefore;
var expectedAfter = nonCursorTestCases[testName].expectedAfter;
// Setup initial state.
assert.writeOK(coll.save({_id: 1, state: 'before', point: [0, 0]}));
// Check initial conditions.
assert.eq(getResult(coll), expectedBefore);
// Change state without making it committed.
assert.writeOK(coll.save({_id: 1, state: 'after', point: [0, 0]}));
// Cursor still sees old state.
assert.eq(getResult(coll), expectedBefore);
// Making a snapshot doesn't make the update visible yet.
var snapshot = makeSnapshot();
assert.eq(getResult(coll), expectedBefore);
// Setting it as committed does.
assert.eq(getResult(coll), expectedAfter);
var replTest = new ReplSetTest({
nodes: 1,
oplogSize: 2,
nodeOptions: {
setParameter: 'testingSnapshotBehaviorInIsolation=true',
enableMajorityReadConcern: '',
shardsvr: ''
// Cannot wait for a stable recovery timestamp with 'testingSnapshotBehaviorInIsolation' set.
null, "replSetInitiate", {doNotWaitForStableRecoveryTimestamp: true});
var mongod = replTest.getPrimary();
(function testSingleNode() {
var db = mongod.getDB("singleNode");
runTests(db.collection, mongod);
var shardingTest = new ShardingTest({
shards: 0,
mongos: 1,
assert(shardingTest.adminCommand({addShard: replTest.getURL()}));
// Remove tests of commands that aren't supported at all through mongos, even on unsharded
// collections.
['geoSearch'].forEach(function(cmd) {
// Make sure it really isn't supported.
assert.eq(shardingTest.getDB('test').coll.runCommand(cmd).code, ErrorCodes.CommandNotFound);
delete cursorTestCases[cmd];
delete nonCursorTestCases[cmd];
(function testUnshardedDBThroughMongos() {
var db = shardingTest.getDB("throughMongos");
runTests(db.unshardedDB, mongod);
shardingTest.adminCommand({enableSharding: 'throughMongos'});
(function testUnshardedCollectionThroughMongos() {
var db = shardingTest.getDB("throughMongos");
runTests(db.unshardedCollection, mongod);
(function testShardedCollectionThroughMongos() {
var db = shardingTest.getDB("throughMongos");
var collection = db.shardedCollection;
shardingTest.adminCommand({shardCollection: collection.getFullName(), key: {_id: 1}});
runTests(collection, mongod);