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* Tests that a change stream on a sharded collection with a non-simple default collation is not
* erroneously invalidated upon chunk migration. Reproduction script for the bug in SERVER-33944.
* @tags: [requires_replication, requires_journaling]
(function() {
load("jstests/libs/collection_drop_recreate.js"); // For assert[Drop|Create]Collection.
load("jstests/libs/change_stream_util.js"); // For 'ChangeStreamTest'.
const st = new ShardingTest({
shards: 2,
mongos: 1,
rs: {
nodes: 1,
const testDB = st.s.getDB(jsTestName());
// Enable sharding on the test database and ensure that the primary is shard0.
assert.commandWorked(testDB.adminCommand({enableSharding: testDB.getName()}));
st.ensurePrimaryShard(testDB.getName(), st.shard0.shardName);
const caseInsensitiveCollectionName = "change_stream_case_insensitive";
const caseInsensitive = {locale: "en_US", strength: 2};
// Create the collection with a case-insensitive collation, then shard it on {shardKey: 1}.
const caseInsensitiveCollection = assertDropAndRecreateCollection(
testDB, caseInsensitiveCollectionName, {collation: caseInsensitive});
caseInsensitiveCollection.createIndex({shardKey: 1}, {collation: {locale: "simple"}}));
shardCollection: caseInsensitiveCollection.getFullName(),
key: {shardKey: 1},
collation: {locale: "simple"}
// Verify that the collection does not exist on shard1.
// Now open a change stream on the collection.
const cst = new ChangeStreamTest(testDB);
const csCursor = cst.startWatchingChanges({
pipeline: [{$changeStream: {}}, {$project: {docId: "$documentKey.shardKey"}}],
collection: caseInsensitiveCollection
// Insert some documents into the collection.
assert.commandWorked(caseInsensitiveCollection.insert({shardKey: 0, text: "aBc"}));
assert.commandWorked(caseInsensitiveCollection.insert({shardKey: 1, text: "abc"}));
// Move a chunk from shard0 to shard1. This will create the collection on shard1.
moveChunk: caseInsensitiveCollection.getFullName(),
find: {shardKey: 1},
to: st.rs1.getURL(),
_waitForDelete: false
// Attempt to read from the change stream. We should see both inserts, without an invalidation.
cst.assertNextChangesEqual({cursor: csCursor, expectedChanges: [{docId: 0}, {docId: 1}]});