mirror of https://github.com/mongodb/mongo.git synced 2024-12-01 09:32:32 +01:00

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// Merge the two options objects. Used as a helper when we are trying to actually compare options
// despite the fact that our test framework adds extra stuff to it. Anything set in the second
// options object overrides the first options object. The two objects must have the same structure.
function mergeOptions(obj1, obj2) {
var obj3 = {};
for (var attrname in obj1) {
if (typeof obj1[attrname] === "object" && typeof obj2[attrname] !== "undefined") {
if (typeof obj2[attrname] !== "object") {
throw Error("Objects being merged must have the same structure");
obj3[attrname] = mergeOptions(obj1[attrname], obj2[attrname]);
} else {
obj3[attrname] = obj1[attrname];
for (var attrname in obj2) {
if (typeof obj2[attrname] === "object" && typeof obj1[attrname] !== "undefined") {
if (typeof obj1[attrname] !== "object") {
throw Error("Objects being merged must have the same structure");
// Already handled above
} else {
obj3[attrname] = obj2[attrname];
return obj3;
// Test that the parsed result of setting certain command line options has the correct format in
// mongod. See SERVER-13379.
// Arguments:
// mongoRunnerConfig - Configuration object to pass to the mongo runner
// expectedResult - Object formatted the same way as the result of running the "getCmdLineOpts"
// command, but with only the fields that should be set by the options implied by the first
// argument set.
// Example:
// testGetCmdLineOptsMongod({ port : 10000 }, { "parsed" : { "net" : { "port" : 10000 } } });
var getCmdLineOptsBaseMongod;
function testGetCmdLineOptsMongod(mongoRunnerConfig, expectedResult) {
// Get the options object returned by "getCmdLineOpts" when we spawn a mongod using our test
// framework without passing any additional options. We need this because the framework adds
// options of its own, and we only want to compare against the options we care about.
function getBaseOptsObject() {
// Start mongod with no options
var baseMongod = MongoRunner.runMongod();
// Get base command line opts. Needed because the framework adds its own options
var getCmdLineOptsBaseMongod = baseMongod.adminCommand("getCmdLineOpts");
// Stop the mongod we used to get the options
return getCmdLineOptsBaseMongod;
if (typeof getCmdLineOptsBaseMongod === "undefined") {
getCmdLineOptsBaseMongod = getBaseOptsObject();
// Get base command line opts. Needed because the framework adds its own options
var getCmdLineOptsExpected = getCmdLineOptsBaseMongod;
// Delete port and dbPath if we are not explicitly setting them, since they will change on
// multiple runs of the test framework and cause false failures.
if (typeof expectedResult.parsed === "undefined" ||
typeof expectedResult.parsed.net === "undefined" ||
typeof expectedResult.parsed.net.port === "undefined") {
delete getCmdLineOptsExpected.parsed.net.port;
if (typeof expectedResult.parsed === "undefined" ||
typeof expectedResult.parsed.storage === "undefined" ||
typeof expectedResult.parsed.storage.dbPath === "undefined") {
delete getCmdLineOptsExpected.parsed.storage.dbPath;
// Merge with the result that we expect
expectedResult = mergeOptions(getCmdLineOptsExpected, expectedResult);
// Start mongod with options
var mongod = MongoRunner.runMongod(mongoRunnerConfig);
// Create and authenticate high-privilege user in case mongod is running with authorization.
// Try/catch is necessary in case this is being run on an uninitiated replset, by a test
// such as repl_options.js for example.
var ex;
try {
mongod.getDB("admin").createUser({user: "root", pwd: "pass", roles: ["root"]});
mongod.getDB("admin").auth("root", "pass");
} catch (ex) {
// Get the parsed options
var getCmdLineOptsResult = mongod.adminCommand("getCmdLineOpts");
// Delete port and dbPath if we are not explicitly setting them, since they will change on
// multiple runs of the test framework and cause false failures.
if (typeof expectedResult.parsed === "undefined" ||
typeof expectedResult.parsed.net === "undefined" ||
typeof expectedResult.parsed.net.port === "undefined") {
delete getCmdLineOptsResult.parsed.net.port;
if (typeof expectedResult.parsed === "undefined" ||
typeof expectedResult.parsed.storage === "undefined" ||
typeof expectedResult.parsed.storage.dbPath === "undefined") {
delete getCmdLineOptsResult.parsed.storage.dbPath;
// Make sure the options are equal to what we expect
assert.docEq(getCmdLineOptsResult.parsed, expectedResult.parsed);
// Cleanup
// Test that the parsed result of setting certain command line options has the correct format in
// mongos. See SERVER-13379.
// Arguments:
// mongoRunnerConfig - Configuration object to pass to the mongo runner
// expectedResult - Object formatted the same way as the result of running the "getCmdLineOpts"
// command, but with only the fields that should be set by the options implied by the first
// argument set.
// Example:
// testGetCmdLineOptsMongos({ port : 10000 }, { "parsed" : { "net" : { "port" : 10000 } } });
var getCmdLineOptsBaseMongos;
function testGetCmdLineOptsMongos(mongoRunnerConfig, expectedResult) {
"use strict";
// Get the options object returned by "getCmdLineOpts" when we spawn a mongos using our test
// framework without passing any additional options. We need this because the framework adds
// options of its own, and we only want to compare against the options we care about.
function getCmdLineOptsFromMongos(mongosOptions) {
// Start mongod with no options
var baseMongod = MongoRunner.runMongod(
{configsvr: "", journal: "", replSet: "csrs", storageEngine: "wiredTiger"});
{_id: "csrs", configsvr: true, members: [{_id: 0, host: baseMongod.host}]}
var configdbStr = "csrs/" + baseMongod.host;
var ismasterResult;
function() {
ismasterResult = baseMongod.adminCommand("ismaster");
return ismasterResult.ismaster;
function() {
return tojson(ismasterResult);
var options = Object.merge(mongosOptions, {configdb: configdbStr});
var baseMongos = MongoRunner.runMongos(options);
// Get base command line opts. Needed because the framework adds its own options
var getCmdLineOptsResult = baseMongos.adminCommand("getCmdLineOpts");
// Remove the configdb option
delete getCmdLineOptsResult.parsed.sharding.configDB;
// Stop the mongod and mongos we used to get the options
return getCmdLineOptsResult;
if (typeof getCmdLineOptsBaseMongos === "undefined") {
getCmdLineOptsBaseMongos = getCmdLineOptsFromMongos({});
// Get base command line opts. Needed because the framework adds its own options
var getCmdLineOptsExpected = getCmdLineOptsBaseMongos;
// Delete port if we are not explicitly setting it, since it will change on multiple runs of the
// test framework and cause false failures.
if (typeof expectedResult.parsed === "undefined" ||
typeof expectedResult.parsed.net === "undefined" ||
typeof expectedResult.parsed.net.port === "undefined") {
delete getCmdLineOptsExpected.parsed.net.port;
// Merge with the result that we expect
expectedResult = mergeOptions(getCmdLineOptsExpected, expectedResult);
// Get the parsed options
var getCmdLineOptsResult = getCmdLineOptsFromMongos(mongoRunnerConfig);
// Delete port if we are not explicitly setting it, since it will change on multiple runs of the
// test framework and cause false failures.
if (typeof expectedResult.parsed === "undefined" ||
typeof expectedResult.parsed.net === "undefined" ||
typeof expectedResult.parsed.net.port === "undefined") {
delete getCmdLineOptsResult.parsed.net.port;
// Make sure the options are equal to what we expect
assert.docEq(getCmdLineOptsResult.parsed, expectedResult.parsed);