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"""API to parse and access the configuration present in a evergreen.yml file.
The API also provides methods to access specific fields present in the mongodb/mongo
configuration file.
from __future__ import annotations
import datetime
import distutils.spawn # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module
import re
from typing import Set
import yaml
import buildscripts.util.runcommand as runcommand
def parse_evergreen_file(path, evergreen_binary="evergreen"):
"""Read an Evergreen file and return EvergreenProjectConfig instance."""
if evergreen_binary:
if not distutils.spawn.find_executable(evergreen_binary):
raise EnvironmentError(
"Executable '{}' does not exist or is not in the PATH.".format(evergreen_binary))
# Call 'evergreen evaluate path' to pre-process the project configuration file.
cmd = runcommand.RunCommand(evergreen_binary)
error_code, output = cmd.execute()
if error_code:
raise RuntimeError("Unable to evaluate {}: {}".format(path, output))
config = yaml.safe_load(output)
with open(path, "r") as fstream:
config = yaml.safe_load(fstream)
return EvergreenProjectConfig(config)
class EvergreenProjectConfig(object): # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
"""Represent an Evergreen project configuration file."""
def __init__(self, conf):
"""Initialize the EvergreenProjectConfig from a YML dictionary."""
self._conf = conf
self.tasks = [Task(task_dict) for task_dict in self._conf["tasks"]]
self._tasks_by_name = {task.name: task for task in self.tasks}
self.task_groups = [
TaskGroup(task_group_dict) for task_group_dict in self._conf.get("task_groups", [])
self._task_groups_by_name = {task_group.name: task_group for task_group in self.task_groups}
self.variants = [
Variant(variant_dict, self._tasks_by_name, self._task_groups_by_name)
for variant_dict in self._conf["buildvariants"]
self._variants_by_name = {variant.name: variant for variant in self.variants}
self.distro_names = set()
for variant in self.variants:
def task_names(self):
"""Get the list of task names."""
return list(self._tasks_by_name.keys())
def get_task(self, task_name):
"""Return the task with the given name as a Task instance."""
return self._tasks_by_name.get(task_name)
def task_group_names(self):
"""Get the list of task_group names."""
return list(self._task_groups_by_name.keys())
def get_task_group(self, task_group_name):
"""Return the task_group with the given name as a Task instance."""
return self._task_groups_by_name.get(task_group_name)
def variant_names(self):
"""Get the list of build variant names."""
return list(self._variants_by_name.keys())
def get_variant(self, variant_name: str) -> Variant:
"""Return the variant with the given name as a Variant instance."""
return self._variants_by_name.get(variant_name)
def get_required_variants(self) -> Set[Variant]:
"""Get the list of required build variants."""
return {variant for variant in self.variants if variant.is_required_variant()}
def get_task_names_by_tag(self, tag):
"""Return the list of tasks that have the given tag."""
return list(task.name for task in self.tasks if tag in task.tags)
class Task(object):
"""Represent a task configuration as found in an Evergreen project configuration file."""
def __init__(self, conf_dict):
"""Initialize a Task from a dictionary containing its configuration."""
self.raw = conf_dict
def name(self):
"""Get the task name."""
return self.raw["name"]
def depends_on(self):
"""Get the list of task names this task depends on."""
return self.raw.get("depends_on", [])
def _find_func_command(self, func_command):
"""Return the 'func_command' if found, or None."""
for command in self.raw.get("commands", []):
if command.get("func") == func_command:
return command
return None
def generate_resmoke_tasks_command(self):
"""Return the 'generate resmoke tasks' command if found, or None."""
func = self._find_func_command("generate resmoke tasks")
return func if func is not None else self._find_func_command(
"generate randomized multiversion tasks")
def generate_randomized_multiversion_command(self):
"""Return the 'generate resmoke tasks' command if found, or None."""
return self._find_func_command("generate randomized multiversion tasks")
def is_generate_resmoke_task(self):
"""Return True if 'generate resmoke tasks' command is found."""
return (self.generate_resmoke_tasks_command is not None
or self.generate_randomized_multiversion_command is not None)
def run_tests_command(self):
"""Return the 'run tests' command if found, or None."""
return self._find_func_command("run tests")
def is_run_tests_task(self):
"""Return True if 'run_tests' command is found."""
return self.run_tests_command is not None
def multiversion_setup_command(self):
"""Return the 'do multiversion setup' command if found, or None."""
return self._find_func_command("do multiversion setup")
def is_multiversion_task(self):
"""Return True if a multiversion path is found."""
return self.multiversion_setup_command is not None or self.multiversion_path is not None
def generated_task_name(self):
Get basename of the tasks generated by this _gen task.
:return: Basename of the generated tasks.
if not self.is_generate_resmoke_task:
raise TypeError("Only _gen tasks can have generated task names")
return self.name[:-4]
def get_vars_suite_name(self, command_vars):
"""Return the command_vars task or suite value, suite value overrides the task value."""
if not isinstance(command_vars, dict):
raise TypeError("Must specify a dict")
suite_name = self.generated_task_name
if "suite" in command_vars:
suite_name = command_vars["suite"]
return suite_name
def multiversion_path(self):
"""Get the multiversion path if task uses multiversion setup, or None."""
if self.is_run_tests_task:
return self.run_tests_command.get("vars", {}).get("task_path_suffix")
if self.is_generate_resmoke_task:
return self.generate_resmoke_tasks_command.get("vars", {}).get("use_multiversion")
return None
def resmoke_args(self):
"""Get the resmoke_args from 'run tests' function if defined, or None."""
if self.is_run_tests_task:
return self.run_tests_command.get("vars", {}).get("resmoke_args")
if self.is_generate_resmoke_task:
command_vars = self.generate_resmoke_tasks_command.get("vars", {})
suite_name = self.get_vars_suite_name(command_vars)
return "--suites={suite_name} {resmoke_args}".format(
suite_name=suite_name, resmoke_args=command_vars.get("resmoke_args"))
return None
def resmoke_suite(self):
"""Get the --suites option in the resmoke_args of 'run tests' if defined, or None.
Raise an exception if the --suites options contains more than one suite name.
args = self.resmoke_args
if args:
suites = ResmokeArgs.get_arg(args, "suites")
if suites and "," in suites:
raise RuntimeError("More than one resmoke suite discovered in {}".format(suites))
return suites
return None
def tags(self):
"""Get a set of tags this task has been marked with."""
return set(self.raw.get("tags", []))
def __str__(self):
return self.name
class TaskGroup(object):
"""Represent a task_group configuration as found in an Evergreen project configuration file."""
def __init__(self, conf_dict):
"""Initialize a TaskGroup from a dictionary containing its configuration."""
self.raw = conf_dict
def name(self):
"""Get the task_group name."""
return self.raw["name"]
def tasks(self):
"""Get the list of task names for task_group."""
return self.raw.get("tasks", [])
def __str__(self):
return self.name
class Variant(object):
"""Build variant configuration as found in an Evergreen project configuration file."""
def __init__(self, conf_dict, task_map, task_group_map):
"""Initialize Variant."""
self.raw = conf_dict
run_on = self.run_on
self.tasks = []
for task in conf_dict["tasks"]:
task_name = task.get("name")
if task_name in task_group_map:
# A task in conf_dict may be a task_group, containing a list of tasks.
for task_in_group in task_group_map.get(task_name).tasks:
VariantTask(task_map.get(task_in_group), task.get("distros", run_on), self))
VariantTask(task_map.get(task["name"]), task.get("distros", run_on), self))
self.distro_names = set(run_on)
for task in self.tasks:
def __repr__(self):
"""Create a string version of object for debugging."""
return self.name
def name(self):
"""Get the build variant name."""
return self.raw["name"]
def display_name(self):
"""Get the build variant display name, or None if not found."""
return self.raw.get("display_name")
def batchtime(self):
"""Get the build variant batchtime parameter as datetime.timedelta.
Return None if the batchtime parameter is not found.
batchtime = self.raw.get("batchtime")
return datetime.timedelta(minutes=batchtime) if batchtime is not None else None
def modules(self):
"""Get build variant modules parameter as a list of module names."""
modules = self.raw.get("modules")
return modules if modules is not None else []
def is_enterprise_build(self) -> bool:
"""Determine if this build variant include the enterprise module."""
return ENTERPRISE_MODULE_NAME in set(self.modules)
def run_on(self):
"""Get build variant run_on parameter as a list of distro names."""
run_on = self.raw.get("run_on")
return run_on if run_on is not None else []
def task_names(self):
"""Get list of task names."""
return [t.name for t in self.tasks]
def is_required_variant(self) -> bool:
"""Return True if the variant is a required variant."""
return self.display_name.startswith("! ")
def get_task(self, task_name):
"""Return the task with the given name as an instance of VariantTask.
Return None if this variant does not run the task.
for task in self.tasks:
if task.name == task_name:
return task
return None
def __str__(self):
return self.name
# Expansions
def expansion(self, name):
"""Return the value of the expansion named 'name', or None if not found."""
return self.raw.get("expansions", {}).get(name)
def expansions(self):
"""Get the expansions."""
return self.raw.get("expansions", [])
def test_flags(self):
"""Get the value of the test_flags expansion or None if not found."""
return self.expansion("test_flags")
def num_jobs_available(self):
"""Get the value of the num_jobs_available expansion or None if not found."""
return self.expansion("num_jobs_available")
class VariantTask(Task):
"""Represent a task definition in the context of a build variant."""
def __init__(self, task, run_on, variant):
"""Initialize VariantTask."""
Task.__init__(self, task.raw)
self.run_on = run_on
self.variant = variant
def __repr__(self):
"""Create a string representation of object for debugging."""
return f"{self.variant}: {self.name}"
def combined_resmoke_args(self):
"""Get the combined resmoke arguments.
This results from the concatenation of the task's resmoke_args parameter and the
variant's test_flags parameter.
resmoke_args = self.resmoke_args
test_flags = self.variant.test_flags
if resmoke_args is None:
return None
elif test_flags is None:
return self.resmoke_args
return "{} {}".format(resmoke_args, test_flags)
class ResmokeArgs(object):
"""ResmokeArgs class."""
def _arg_regex(name):
"""Return the regex for a resmoke arg."""
return re.compile(r"(?P<name_value>--{}[=\s](?P<value>([(\w+,\w+)\w]+)))".format(name))
def _arg_regex_inclusive_trailing_whitespace(name):
"""Return the regex for a resmoke arg, including the trailing whitespace if it exists."""
return re.compile(r"(?P<name_value>--{}[=\s](?P<value>([(\w+,\w+)\w]+))\s?)".format(name))
def _get_first_match(resmoke_args, name, group_name=None, include_trailing_space=False):
"""Return first matching occurrence and matching group_name, or None."""
regex = ResmokeArgs._arg_regex_inclusive_trailing_whitespace(
name) if include_trailing_space else ResmokeArgs._arg_regex(name)
matches = re.findall(regex, resmoke_args)
if not matches:
return None
if len(matches) > 1:
raise RuntimeError("More than one match for --{} discovered in {}".format(
name, resmoke_args))
return re.search(regex, resmoke_args).group(group_name)
def get_arg(resmoke_args, name):
"""Return the value from the first --'name' in the 'resmoke_args' string or None.
Raise an excpetion in the case there is more than one occurrence of '--name'.
return ResmokeArgs._get_first_match(resmoke_args, name, "value")
def set_updated_arg(resmoke_args, name, value):
"""Add or update the 'resmoke_args' string and set the 'value' from the first --'name'.
Raise an exception in the case there is more than one occurrence of '--name'.
name_value = ResmokeArgs._get_first_match(resmoke_args, name, "name_value")
if name_value:
new_name_value = "--{}={}".format(name, value)
return resmoke_args.replace(name_value, new_name_value)
return "{} --{}={}".format(resmoke_args, name, value)
def remove_arg(resmoke_args: str, name: str):
Remove an arg from the 'resmoke_args' string.
Raise an exception in the case there is more than one occurrence of '--name'.
:param resmoke_args: The resmoke args being parsed.
:param name: The name of the arg to be removed.
:return: New resmoke args with the arg removed.
name_value = ResmokeArgs._get_first_match(resmoke_args, name, "name_value",
if name_value:
return resmoke_args.replace(name_value, "")
return resmoke_args