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// balance.cpp
* Copyright (C) 2008 10gen Inc.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
* as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "pch.h"
#include "../db/jsobj.h"
#include "../db/cmdline.h"
#include "balance.h"
#include "server.h"
#include "shard.h"
#include "config.h"
#include "chunk.h"
namespace mongo {
Balancer balancer;
_balancedLastTime = 0;
bool Balancer::shouldIBalance( DBClientBase& conn ){
BSONObj x = conn.findOne( ShardNS::settings , BSON( "_id" << "balancer" ) );
log(3) << "balancer: " << x << endl;
if ( ! x.isEmpty() ){
if ( x["who"].String() == _myid ){
log(3) << "balancer: i'm the current balancer" << endl;
return true;
BSONObj other = conn.findOne( ShardNS::mongos , x["who"].wrap( "_id" ) );
massert( 13125 , (string)"can't find mongos: " + x["who"].String() , ! other.isEmpty() );
int secsSincePing = (int)(( jsTime() - other["ping"].Date() ) / 1000 );
log(3) << "current balancer is: " << other << " ping delay(secs): " << secsSincePing << endl;
if ( secsSincePing < ( 60 * 10 ) ){
return false;
log() << "balancer: going to take over" << endl;
// we want to take over, so fall through to below
OID hack;
BSONObjBuilder updateQuery;
updateQuery.append( "_id" , "balancer" );
if ( x["x"].type() )
updateQuery.append( x["x"] );
updateQuery.append( "x" , BSON( "$exists" << false ) );
conn.update( ShardNS::settings ,
updateQuery.obj() ,
BSON( "$set" << BSON( "who" << _myid << "x" << hack ) ) ,
true );
x = conn.findOne( ShardNS::settings , BSON( "_id" << "balancer" ) );
log() << "balancer: after update: " << x << endl;
return _myid == x["who"].String() && hack == x["x"].OID();
int Balancer::balance( DBClientBase& conn ){
log(1) << "i'm going to do some balancing" << endl;
int numBalanced = 0;
auto_ptr<DBClientCursor> cursor = conn.query( ShardNS::database , BSON( "partitioned" << true ) );
while ( cursor->more() ){
BSONObj db = cursor->next();
BSONObjIterator i( db["sharded"].Obj() );
while ( i.more() ){
BSONElement e = i.next();
BSONObj data = e.Obj().getOwned();
string ns = e.fieldName();
bool didAnything = balance( conn , ns , data );
if ( didAnything )
return numBalanced;
bool Balancer::balance( DBClientBase& conn , const string& ns , const BSONObj& data ){
log(4) << "balancer: balance(" << ns << ")" << endl;
map< string,vector<BSONObj> > shards;
auto_ptr<DBClientCursor> cursor = conn.query( ShardNS::chunk , QUERY( "ns" << ns ).sort( "min" ) );
while ( cursor->more() ){
BSONObj chunk = cursor->next();
vector<BSONObj>& chunks = shards[chunk["shard"].String()];
chunks.push_back( chunk.getOwned() );
if ( shards.size() == 0 )
return false;
vector<Shard> all;
Shard::getAllShards( all );
for ( vector<Shard>::iterator i=all.begin(); i!=all.end(); ++i ){
// this just makes sure there is an entry in the map for every shard
Shard s = *i;
pair<string,unsigned> min("",9999999);
pair<string,unsigned> max("",0);
for ( map< string,vector<BSONObj> >::iterator i=shards.begin(); i!=shards.end(); ++i ){
string shard = i->first;
unsigned size = i->second.size();
if ( size < min.second ){
min.first = shard;
min.second = size;
if ( size > max.second ){
max.first = shard;
max.second = size;
log(6) << "min: " << min.first << "\t" << min.second << endl;
log(6) << "max: " << max.first << "\t" << max.second << endl;
if( (int) ( max.second - min.second ) < _balancedLastTime ? 2 : 8 )
return false;
string from = max.first;
string to = min.first;
BSONObj chunkToMove = pickChunk( shards[from] , shards[to] );
log() << "balancer: move a chunk from [" << from << "] to [" << to << "] " << chunkToMove << endl;
DBConfig * cfg = grid.getDBConfig( ns );
assert( cfg );
ChunkManager * cm = cfg->getChunkManager( ns );
assert( cm );
Chunk& c = cm->findChunk( chunkToMove["min"].Obj() );
if ( c.getMin().woCompare( chunkToMove["min"].Obj() ) ){
log() << "balancer: weird chunk issue c: " << c << " min: " << chunkToMove["min"].Obj() << endl;
assert( c.getMin().woCompare( chunkToMove["min"].Obj() ) == 0 );
string errmsg;
if ( c.moveAndCommit( Shard::make( to ) , errmsg ) ){
return true;
log() << "balancer: MOVE FAILED **** " << errmsg << "\n"
<< " from: " << from << " to: " << to << " chunk: " << chunkToMove << endl;
return false;
BSONObj Balancer::pickChunk( vector<BSONObj>& from, vector<BSONObj>& to ){
assert( from.size() > to.size() );
if ( to.size() == 0 )
return from[0];
if ( from[0]["min"].Obj().woCompare( to[to.size()-1]["max"].Obj() , BSONObj() , false ) == 0 )
return from[0];
if ( from[from.size()-1]["max"].Obj().woCompare( to[0]["min"].Obj() , BSONObj() , false ) == 0 )
return from[from.size()-1];
return from[0];
void Balancer::ping(){
assert( _myid.size() && _started );
try {
ShardConnection conn( configServer.getPrimary() );
ping( conn.conn() );
catch ( std::exception& e ){
log() << "bare ping failed: " << e.what() << endl;
void Balancer::ping( DBClientBase& conn ){
WriteConcern w = conn.getWriteConcern();
conn.setWriteConcern( W_NONE );
conn.update( ShardNS::mongos ,
BSON( "_id" << _myid ) ,
BSON( "$set" << BSON( "ping" << DATENOW << "up" << (int)(time(0)-_started) ) ) ,
true );
conn.setWriteConcern( w);
bool Balancer::checkOIDs(){
vector<Shard> all;
Shard::getAllShards( all );
map<int,Shard> oids;
for ( vector<Shard>::iterator i=all.begin(); i!=all.end(); ++i ){
Shard s = *i;
BSONObj f = s.runCommand( "admin" , "features" );
if ( f["oidMachine"].isNumber() ){
int x = f["oidMachine"].numberInt();
if ( oids.count(x) == 0 ){
oids[x] = s;
else {
log() << "error: 2 machines have " << x << " as oid machine piece " << s.toString() << " and " << oids[x].toString() << endl;
s.runCommand( "admin" , BSON( "features" << 1 << "oidReset" << 1 ) );
oids[x].runCommand( "admin" , BSON( "features" << 1 << "oidReset" << 1 ) );
return false;
else {
log() << "warning: oidMachine not set on: " << s.toString() << endl;
return true;
void Balancer::run(){
{ // init stuff, don't want to do at static init
StringBuilder buf;
buf << ourHostname << ":" << cmdLine.port;
_myid = buf.str();
log(1) << "balancer myid: " << _myid << endl;
_started = time(0);
while ( ! inShutdown() ){
sleepsecs( 15 );
try {
ShardConnection conn( configServer.getPrimary() );
ping( conn.conn() );
if ( ! checkOIDs() ){
uassert( 13258 , "oids broken after resetting!" , checkOIDs() );
int numBalanced = 0;
if ( shouldIBalance( conn.conn() ) ){
numBalanced = balance( conn.conn() );
_balancedLastTime = numBalanced;
catch ( std::exception& e ){
log() << "caught exception while doing balance: " << e.what() << endl;