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// stat.cpp
* Copyright (C) 2008 10gen Inc.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
* as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "pch.h"
#include "client/dbclient.h"
#include "db/json.h"
#include "../util/httpclient.h"
#include "../util/text.h"
#include "tool.h"
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/program_options.hpp>
namespace po = boost::program_options;
namespace mongo {
class Stat : public Tool {
Stat() : Tool( "stat" , REMOTE_SERVER , "admin" ) {
_sleep = 1;
_http = false;
_many = false;
( "sleep" , po::value<int>() , "time to sleep between calls" )
("noheaders", "don't output column names")
("rowcount,n", po::value<int>()->default_value(0), "number of stats lines to print (0 for indefinite)")
("http", "use http instead of raw db connection")
("discover" , "discover nodes and display stats for all" )
("all" , "all optional fields" )
addPositionArg( "sleep" , 1 );
_autoreconnect = true;
virtual void printExtraHelp( ostream & out ) {
out << "usage: " << _name << " [options] [sleep time]" << endl;
out << "sleep time: time to wait (in seconds) between calls" << endl;
virtual void printExtraHelpAfter( ostream & out ) {
out << "\n";
out << " Fields\n";
out << " inserts \t- # of inserts per second\n";
out << " query \t- # of queries per second\n";
out << " update \t- # of updates per second\n";
out << " delete \t- # of deletes per second\n";
out << " getmore \t- # of get mores (cursor batch) per second\n";
out << " command \t- # of commands per second\n";
out << " flushes \t- # of fsync flushes per second\n";
out << " mapped \t- amount of data mmaped (total data size) megabytes\n";
out << " visze \t- virtual size of process in megabytes\n";
out << " res \t- resident size of process in megabytes\n";
out << " faults \t- # of pages faults per sec (linux only)\n";
out << " locked \t- percent of time in global write lock\n";
out << " idx miss \t- percent of btree page misses (sampled)\n";
out << " qr|qw \t- queue lengths for clients waiting (read|write)\n";
out << " ar|aw \t- active clients (read|write)\n";
out << " netIn \t- network traffic in - bits\n";
out << " netOut \t- network traffic out - bits\n";
out << " conn \t- number of open connections\n";
BSONObj stats() {
if ( _http ) {
HttpClient c;
HttpClient::Result r;
string url;
stringstream ss;
ss << "http://" << _host;
if ( _host.find( ":" ) == string::npos )
ss << ":28017";
ss << "/_status";
url = ss.str();
if ( c.get( url , &r ) != 200 ) {
cout << "error (http): " << r.getEntireResponse() << endl;
return BSONObj();
BSONObj x = fromjson( r.getBody() );
BSONElement e = x["serverStatus"];
if ( e.type() != Object ) {
cout << "BROKEN: " << x << endl;
return BSONObj();
return e.embeddedObjectUserCheck();
BSONObj out;
if ( ! conn().simpleCommand( _db , &out , "serverStatus" ) ) {
cout << "error: " << out << endl;
return BSONObj();
return out.getOwned();
double diff( const string& name , const BSONObj& a , const BSONObj& b ) {
BSONElement x = a.getFieldDotted( name.c_str() );
BSONElement y = b.getFieldDotted( name.c_str() );
if ( ! x.isNumber() || ! y.isNumber() )
return -1;
return ( y.number() - x.number() ) / _sleep;
double percent( const char * outof , const char * val , const BSONObj& a , const BSONObj& b ) {
double x = ( b.getFieldDotted( val ).number() - a.getFieldDotted( val ).number() );
double y = ( b.getFieldDotted( outof ).number() - a.getFieldDotted( outof ).number() );
if ( y == 0 )
return 0;
double p = x / y;
p = (double)((int)(p * 1000)) / 10;
return p;
template<typename T>
void _append( BSONObjBuilder& result , const string& name , unsigned width , const T& t ) {
if ( name.size() > width )
width = name.size();
result.append( name , BSON( "width" << (int)width << "data" << t ) );
void _appendMem( BSONObjBuilder& result , const string& name , unsigned width , double sz ) {
string unit = "m";
if ( sz > 1024 ) {
unit = "g";
sz /= 1024;
if ( sz > 1024 ) {
string s = str::stream() << (int)sz << unit;
_append( result , name , width , s );
stringstream ss;
ss << setprecision(3) << sz << unit;
_append( result , name , width , ss.str() );
void _appendNet( BSONObjBuilder& result , const string& name , double diff ) {
// I think 1000 is correct for megabit, but I've seen conflicting things (ERH 11/2010)
const double div = 1000;
string unit = "b";
if ( diff >= div ) {
unit = "k";
diff /= div;
if ( diff >= div ) {
unit = "m";
diff /= div;
if ( diff >= div ) {
unit = "g";
diff /= div;
string out = str::stream() << (int)diff << unit;
_append( result , name , 6 , out );
* BSON( <field> -> BSON( width : ### , data : XXX ) )
BSONObj doRow( const BSONObj& a , const BSONObj& b ) {
BSONObjBuilder result;
if ( b["opcounters"].type() == Object ) {
BSONObj ax = a["opcounters"].embeddedObject();
BSONObj bx = b["opcounters"].embeddedObject();
BSONObj ar = a["opcountersRepl"].isABSONObj() ? a["opcountersRepl"].embeddedObject() : BSONObj();
BSONObj br = b["opcountersRepl"].isABSONObj() ? b["opcountersRepl"].embeddedObject() : BSONObj();
BSONObjIterator i( bx );
while ( i.more() ) {
BSONElement e = i.next();
if ( ar.isEmpty() || br.isEmpty() ) {
_append( result , e.fieldName() , 6 , (int)diff( e.fieldName() , ax , bx ) );
else {
string f = e.fieldName();
int m = (int)diff( f , ax , bx );
int r = (int)diff( f , ar , br );
string myout;
if ( f == "command" ) {
myout = str::stream() << m << "|" << r;
else if ( f == "getmore" ) {
myout = str::stream() << m;
else if ( m && r ) {
// this is weird...
myout = str::stream() << m << "|" << r;
else if ( m ) {
myout = str::stream() << m;
else if ( r ) {
myout = str::stream() << "*" << r;
else {
myout = "*0";
_append( result , f , 6 , myout );
if ( b["backgroundFlushing"].type() == Object ) {
BSONObj ax = a["backgroundFlushing"].embeddedObject();
BSONObj bx = b["backgroundFlushing"].embeddedObject();
_append( result , "flushes" , 6 , (int)diff( "flushes" , ax , bx ) );
if ( b.getFieldDotted("mem.supported").trueValue() ) {
BSONObj bx = b["mem"].embeddedObject();
BSONObjIterator i( bx );
_appendMem( result , "mapped" , 6 , bx["mapped"].numberInt() );
_appendMem( result , "vsize" , 6 , bx["virtual"].numberInt() );
_appendMem( result , "res" , 6 , bx["resident"].numberInt() );
if ( _all )
_appendMem( result , "non-mapped" , 6 , bx["virtual"].numberInt() - bx["mapped"].numberInt() );
if ( b["extra_info"].type() == Object ) {
BSONObj ax = a["extra_info"].embeddedObject();
BSONObj bx = b["extra_info"].embeddedObject();
if ( ax["page_faults"].type() || ax["page_faults"].type() )
_append( result , "faults" , 6 , (int)diff( "page_faults" , ax , bx ) );
_append( result , "locked %" , 8 , percent( "globalLock.totalTime" , "globalLock.lockTime" , a , b ) );
_append( result , "idx miss %" , 8 , percent( "indexCounters.btree.accesses" , "indexCounters.btree.misses" , a , b ) );
if ( b.getFieldDotted( "globalLock.currentQueue" ).type() == Object ) {
int r = b.getFieldDotted( "globalLock.currentQueue.readers" ).numberInt();
int w = b.getFieldDotted( "globalLock.currentQueue.writers" ).numberInt();
stringstream temp;
temp << r << "|" << w;
_append( result , "qr|qw" , 9 , temp.str() );
if ( b.getFieldDotted( "globalLock.activeClients" ).type() == Object ) {
int r = b.getFieldDotted( "globalLock.activeClients.readers" ).numberInt();
int w = b.getFieldDotted( "globalLock.activeClients.writers" ).numberInt();
stringstream temp;
temp << r << "|" << w;
_append( result , "ar|aw" , 7 , temp.str() );
if ( b["network"].isABSONObj() ) {
BSONObj ax = a["network"].embeddedObject();
BSONObj bx = b["network"].embeddedObject();
_appendNet( result , "netIn" , diff( "bytesIn" , ax , bx ) );
_appendNet( result , "netOut" , diff( "bytesOut" , ax , bx ) );
_append( result , "conn" , 5 , b.getFieldDotted( "connections.current" ).numberInt() );
if ( b["repl"].type() == Object ) {
BSONObj x = b["repl"].embeddedObject();
bool isReplSet = x["setName"].type() == String;
stringstream ss;
if ( isReplSet ) {
string setName = x["setName"].String();
_append( result , "set" , setName.size() , setName );
if ( x["ismaster"].trueValue() )
ss << "M";
else if ( x["secondary"].trueValue() )
ss << "SEC";
else if ( x["isreplicaset"].trueValue() )
ss << "REC";
else if ( isReplSet )
ss << "UNK";
ss << "SLV";
_append( result , "repl" , 4 , ss.str() );
else if ( b["shardCursorType"].type() == Object ) {
// is a mongos
// TODO: should have a better check
_append( result , "repl" , 4 , "RTR" );
struct tm t;
time_t_to_Struct( time(0), &t , true );
stringstream temp;
temp << setfill('0') << setw(2) << t.tm_hour
<< ":"
<< setfill('0') << setw(2) << t.tm_min
<< ":"
<< setfill('0') << setw(2) << t.tm_sec;
_append( result , "time" , 10 , temp.str() );
return result.obj();
virtual void preSetup() {
if ( hasParam( "http" ) ) {
_http = true;
_noconnection = true;
if ( hasParam( "host" ) &&
getParam( "host" ).find( ',' ) != string::npos ) {
_noconnection = true;
_many = true;
if ( hasParam( "discover" ) ) {
_noconnection = true;
_many = true;
int run() {
_sleep = getParam( "sleep" , _sleep );
_all = hasParam( "all" );
if ( _many )
return runMany();
return runNormal();
static void printHeaders( const BSONObj& o ) {
BSONObjIterator i(o);
while ( i.more() ) {
BSONElement e = i.next();
BSONObj x = e.Obj();
cout << setw( x["width"].numberInt() ) << e.fieldName() << ' ';
cout << endl;
static void printData( const BSONObj& o , const BSONObj& headers ) {
BSONObjIterator i(headers);
while ( i.more() ) {
BSONElement e = i.next();
BSONObj h = e.Obj();
int w = h["width"].numberInt();
BSONElement data;
BSONElement temp = o[e.fieldName()];
if ( temp.isABSONObj() )
data = temp.Obj()["data"];
if ( data.type() == String )
cout << setw(w) << data.String();
else if ( data.type() == NumberDouble )
cout << setw(w) << setprecision(3) << data.number();
else if ( data.type() == NumberInt )
cout << setw(w) << data.numberInt();
else if ( data.eoo() )
cout << setw(w) << "";
cout << setw(w) << "???";
cout << ' ';
cout << endl;
int runNormal() {
bool showHeaders = ! hasParam( "noheaders" );
int rowCount = getParam( "rowcount" , 0 );
int rowNum = 0;
BSONObj prev = stats();
if ( prev.isEmpty() )
return -1;
while ( rowCount == 0 || rowNum < rowCount ) {
BSONObj now;
try {
now = stats();
catch ( std::exception& e ) {
cout << "can't get data: " << e.what() << endl;
if ( now.isEmpty() )
return -2;
try {
BSONObj out = doRow( prev , now );
if ( showHeaders && rowNum % 10 == 0 ) {
printHeaders( out );
printData( out , out );
catch ( AssertionException& e ) {
cout << "\nerror: " << e.what() << "\n"
<< now
<< endl;
prev = now;
return 0;
struct ServerState {
ServerState() : lock( "Stat::ServerState" ) {}
string host;
scoped_ptr<boost::thread> thr;
mongo::mutex lock;
BSONObj prev;
BSONObj now;
time_t lastUpdate;
vector<BSONObj> shards;
string error;
bool mongos;
static void serverThread( shared_ptr<ServerState> state ) {
try {
DBClientConnection conn( true );
conn._logLevel = 1;
string errmsg;
if ( ! conn.connect( state->host , errmsg ) )
state->error = errmsg;
long long cycleNumber = 0;
while ( ++cycleNumber ) {
try {
BSONObj out;
if ( conn.simpleCommand( "admin" , &out , "serverStatus" ) ) {
scoped_lock lk( state->lock );
state->error = "";
state->lastUpdate = time(0);
state->prev = state->now;
state->now = out.getOwned();
else {
scoped_lock lk( state->lock );
state->error = "serverStatus failed";
state->lastUpdate = time(0);
if ( out["shardCursorType"].type() == Object ) {
state->mongos = true;
if ( cycleNumber % 10 == 1 ) {
auto_ptr<DBClientCursor> c = conn.query( "config.shards" , BSONObj() );
vector<BSONObj> shards;
while ( c->more() ) {
shards.push_back( c->next().getOwned() );
scoped_lock lk( state->lock );
state->shards = shards;
catch ( std::exception& e ) {
scoped_lock lk( state->lock );
state->error = e.what();
sleepsecs( 1 );
catch ( std::exception& e ) {
cout << "serverThread (" << state->host << ") fatal error : " << e.what() << endl;
catch ( ... ) {
cout << "serverThread (" << state->host << ") fatal error" << endl;
typedef map<string,shared_ptr<ServerState> > StateMap;
bool _add( StateMap& threads , string host ) {
shared_ptr<ServerState>& state = threads[host];
if ( state )
return false;
state.reset( new ServerState() );
state->host = host;
state->thr.reset( new boost::thread( boost::bind( serverThread , state ) ) );
return true;
* @param hosts [ "a.foo.com" , "b.foo.com" ]
bool _addAll( StateMap& threads , const BSONObj& hosts ) {
BSONObjIterator i( hosts );
bool added = false;
while ( i.more() ) {
bool me = _add( threads , i.next().String() );
added = added || me;
return added;
bool _discover( StateMap& threads , const string& host , const shared_ptr<ServerState>& ss ) {
BSONObj info = ss->now;
bool found = false;
if ( info["repl"].isABSONObj() ) {
BSONObj x = info["repl"].Obj();
if ( x["hosts"].isABSONObj() )
if ( _addAll( threads , x["hosts"].Obj() ) )
found = true;
if ( x["passives"].isABSONObj() )
if ( _addAll( threads , x["passives"].Obj() ) )
found = true;
if ( ss->mongos ) {
for ( unsigned i=0; i<ss->shards.size(); i++ ) {
BSONObj x = ss->shards[i];
string errmsg;
ConnectionString cs = ConnectionString::parse( x["host"].String() , errmsg );
if ( errmsg.size() ) {
cerr << errmsg << endl;
vector<HostAndPort> v = cs.getServers();
for ( unsigned i=0; i<v.size(); i++ ) {
if ( _add( threads , v[i].toString() ) )
found = true;
return found;
int runMany() {
StateMap threads;
string orig = getParam( "host" );
if ( orig == "" )
orig = "localhost:27017";
StringSplitter ss( orig.c_str() , "," );
while ( ss.more() ) {
string host = ss.next();
_add( threads , host );
int row = 0;
bool discover = hasParam( "discover" );
while ( 1 ) {
sleepsecs( _sleep );
// collect data
vector<Row> rows;
for ( map<string,shared_ptr<ServerState> >::iterator i=threads.begin(); i!=threads.end(); ++i ) {
scoped_lock lk( i->second->lock );
if ( i->second->error.size() ) {
rows.push_back( Row( i->first , i->second->error ) );
else if ( i->second->prev.isEmpty() || i->second->now.isEmpty() ) {
rows.push_back( Row( i->first ) );
else {
BSONObj out = doRow( i->second->prev , i->second->now );
rows.push_back( Row( i->first , out ) );
if ( discover && ! i->second->now.isEmpty() ) {
if ( _discover( threads , i->first , i->second ) )
// compute some stats
unsigned longestHost = 0;
BSONObj biggest;
for ( unsigned i=0; i<rows.size(); i++ ) {
if ( rows[i].host.size() > longestHost )
longestHost = rows[i].host.size();
if ( rows[i].data.nFields() > biggest.nFields() )
biggest = rows[i].data;
// check for any headers not in biggest
// TODO: we put any new headers at end,
// ideally we would interleave
set<string> seen;
BSONObjBuilder b;
// iterate biggest
BSONObjIterator i( biggest );
while ( i.more() ) {
BSONElement e = i.next();
seen.insert( e.fieldName() );
b.append( e );
// now do the rest
for ( unsigned j=0; j<rows.size(); j++ ) {
BSONObjIterator i( rows[j].data );
while ( i.more() ) {
BSONElement e = i.next();
if ( seen.count( e.fieldName() ) )
seen.insert( e.fieldName() );
b.append( e );
biggest = b.obj();
// display data
cout << endl;
// header
if ( row++ % 5 == 0 && ! biggest.isEmpty() ) {
cout << setw( longestHost ) << "" << "\t";
printHeaders( biggest );
// rows
for ( unsigned i=0; i<rows.size(); i++ ) {
cout << setw( longestHost ) << rows[i].host << "\t";
if ( rows[i].err.size() )
cout << rows[i].err << endl;
else if ( rows[i].data.isEmpty() )
cout << "no data" << endl;
printData( rows[i].data , biggest );
return 0;
int _sleep;
bool _http;
bool _many;
bool _all;
struct Row {
Row( string h , string e ) {
host = h;
err = e;
Row( string h ) {
host = h;
Row( string h , BSONObj d ) {
host = h;
data = d;
string host;
string err;
BSONObj data;
int main( int argc , char ** argv ) {
mongo::Stat stat;
return stat.main( argc , argv );