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// config.cpp
* Copyright (C) 2008 10gen Inc.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
* as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "pch.h"
#include "../util/message.h"
#include "../util/stringutils.h"
#include "../util/unittest.h"
#include "../client/connpool.h"
#include "../client/model.h"
#include "../db/pdfile.h"
#include "../db/cmdline.h"
#include "server.h"
#include "config.h"
#include "chunk.h"
#include "grid.h"
namespace mongo {
int ConfigServer::VERSION = 3;
Shard Shard::EMPTY;
string ShardNS::shard = "config.shards";
string ShardNS::database = "config.databases";
string ShardNS::collection = "config.collections";
string ShardNS::chunk = "config.chunks";
string ShardNS::mongos = "config.mongos";
string ShardNS::settings = "config.settings";
BSONField<bool> ShardFields::draining("draining");
BSONField<long long> ShardFields::maxSize ("maxSize");
BSONField<long long> ShardFields::currSize("currSize");
OID serverID;
/* --- DBConfig --- */
DBConfig::CollectionInfo::CollectionInfo( DBConfig * db , const BSONObj& in ){
_dirty = false;
_dropped = in["dropped"].trueValue();
if ( in["key"].isABSONObj() )
shard( db , in["_id"].String() , in["key"].Obj() , in["unique"].trueValue() );
void DBConfig::CollectionInfo::shard( DBConfig * db , const string& ns , const ShardKeyPattern& key , bool unique ){
_cm.reset( new ChunkManager( db, ns , key , unique ) );
_dirty = true;
void DBConfig::CollectionInfo::unshard(){
_dropped = true;
_dirty = true;
void DBConfig::CollectionInfo::save( const string& ns , DBClientBase* conn ){
BSONObj key = BSON( "_id" << ns );
BSONObjBuilder val;
val.append( "_id" , ns );
val.appendDate( "lastmod" , time(0) );
val.appendBool( "dropped" , _dropped );
if ( _cm )
_cm->getInfo( val );
conn->update( ShardNS::collection , key , val.obj() , true );
_dirty = false;
bool DBConfig::isSharded( const string& ns ){
if ( ! _shardingEnabled )
return false;
scoped_lock lk( _lock );
return _isSharded( ns );
bool DBConfig::_isSharded( const string& ns ){
if ( ! _shardingEnabled )
return false;
Collections::iterator i = _collections.find( ns );
if ( i == _collections.end() )
return false;
return i->second.isSharded();
const Shard& DBConfig::getShard( const string& ns ){
if ( isSharded( ns ) )
return Shard::EMPTY;
uassert( 10178 , "no primary!" , _primary.ok() );
return _primary;
void DBConfig::enableSharding(){
if ( _shardingEnabled )
scoped_lock lk( _lock );
_shardingEnabled = true;
ChunkManagerPtr DBConfig::shardCollection( const string& ns , ShardKeyPattern fieldsAndOrder , bool unique ){
uassert( 8042 , "db doesn't have sharding enabled" , _shardingEnabled );
scoped_lock lk( _lock );
CollectionInfo& ci = _collections[ns];
uassert( 8043 , "already sharded" , ! ci.isSharded() );
log() << "enable sharding on: " << ns << " with shard key: " << fieldsAndOrder << endl;
ci.shard( this , ns , fieldsAndOrder , unique );
return ci.getCM();
bool DBConfig::removeSharding( const string& ns ){
if ( ! _shardingEnabled ){
return false;
scoped_lock lk( _lock );
Collections::iterator i = _collections.find( ns );
if ( i == _collections.end() )
return false;
CollectionInfo& ci = _collections[ns];
if ( ! ci.isSharded() )
return false;
return true;
ChunkManagerPtr DBConfig::getChunkManager( const string& ns , bool shouldReload ){
scoped_lock lk( _lock );
if ( shouldReload )
CollectionInfo& ci = _collections[ns];
massert( 10181 , (string)"not sharded:" + ns , ci.isSharded() || ci.wasDropped() );
return ci.getCM();
void DBConfig::setPrimary( string s ){
scoped_lock lk( _lock );
_primary.reset( s );
void DBConfig::serialize(BSONObjBuilder& to){
to.append("_id", _name);
to.appendBool("partitioned", _shardingEnabled );
to.append("primary", _primary.getName() );
bool DBConfig::unserialize(const BSONObj& from){
log(1) << "DBConfig unserialize: " << _name << " " << from << endl;
assert( _name == from["_id"].String() );
_shardingEnabled = from.getBoolField("partitioned");
_primary.reset( from.getStringField("primary") );
// this is a temporary migration thing
BSONObj sharded = from.getObjectField( "sharded" );
if ( sharded.isEmpty() )
return false;
BSONObjIterator i(sharded);
while ( i.more() ){
BSONElement e = i.next();
uassert( 10182 , "sharded things have to be objects" , e.type() == Object );
BSONObj c = e.embeddedObject();
uassert( 10183 , "key has to be an object" , c["key"].type() == Object );
_collections[e.fieldName()].shard( this , e.fieldName() , c["key"].Obj() , c["unique"].trueValue() );
return true;
bool DBConfig::load(){
scoped_lock lk( _lock );
return _load();
bool DBConfig::_load(){
ScopedDbConnection conn( configServer.modelServer() );
BSONObj o = conn->findOne( ShardNS::database , BSON( "_id" << _name ) );
if ( o.isEmpty() ){
return false;
if ( unserialize( o ) )
BSONObjBuilder b;
b.appendRegex( "_id" , (string)"^" + _name + "." );
auto_ptr<DBClientCursor> cursor = conn->query( ShardNS::collection ,b.obj() );
assert( cursor.get() );
while ( cursor->more() ){
BSONObj o = cursor->next();
_collections[o["_id"].String()] = CollectionInfo( this , o );
return true;
void DBConfig::_save(){
ScopedDbConnection conn( configServer.modelServer() );
BSONObj n;
BSONObjBuilder b;
n = b.obj();
conn->update( ShardNS::database , BSON( "_id" << _name ) , n , true );
string err = conn->getLastError();
uassert( 13396 , (string)"DBConfig save failed: " + err , err.size() == 0 );
for ( Collections::iterator i=_collections.begin(); i!=_collections.end(); ++i ){
if ( ! i->second.isDirty() )
i->second.save( i->first , conn.get() );
bool DBConfig::reload(){
scoped_lock lk( _lock );
return _reload();
bool DBConfig::_reload(){
// TODO: i don't think is 100% correct
return _load();
bool DBConfig::dropDatabase( string& errmsg ){
* 1) make sure everything is up
* 2) update config server
* 3) drop and reset sharded collections
* 4) drop and reset primary
* 5) drop everywhere to clean up loose ends
log() << "DBConfig::dropDatabase: " << _name << endl;
configServer.logChange( "dropDatabase.start" , _name , BSONObj() );
// 1
if ( ! configServer.allUp( errmsg ) ){
log(1) << "\t DBConfig::dropDatabase not all up" << endl;
return 0;
// 2
grid.removeDB( _name );
ScopedDbConnection conn( configServer.modelServer() );
conn->remove( ShardNS::database , BSON( "_id" << _name ) );
if ( ! configServer.allUp( errmsg ) ){
log() << "error removing from config server even after checking!" << endl;
return 0;
log(1) << "\t removed entry from config server for: " << _name << endl;
set<Shard> allServers;
// 3
while ( true ){
int num;
if ( ! _dropShardedCollections( num , allServers , errmsg ) )
return 0;
log() << " DBConfig::dropDatabase: " << _name << " dropped sharded collections: " << num << endl;
if ( num == 0 )
// 4
ScopedDbConnection conn( _primary );
BSONObj res;
if ( ! conn->dropDatabase( _name , &res ) ){
errmsg = res.toString();
return 0;
// 5
for ( set<Shard>::iterator i=allServers.begin(); i!=allServers.end(); i++ ){
ScopedDbConnection conn( *i );
BSONObj res;
if ( ! conn->dropDatabase( _name , &res ) ){
errmsg = res.toString();
return 0;
log(1) << "\t dropped primary db for: " << _name << endl;
configServer.logChange( "dropDatabase" , _name , BSONObj() );
return true;
bool DBConfig::_dropShardedCollections( int& num, set<Shard>& allServers , string& errmsg ){
num = 0;
set<string> seen;
while ( true ){
Collections::iterator i = _collections.begin();
for ( ; i != _collections.end(); ++i ){
if ( i->second.isSharded() )
if ( i == _collections.end() )
if ( seen.count( i->first ) ){
errmsg = "seen a collection twice!";
return false;
seen.insert( i->first );
log(1) << "\t dropping sharded collection: " << i->first << endl;
i->second.getCM()->getAllShards( allServers );
i->second.getCM()->drop( i->second.getCM() );
uassert( 10184 , "_dropShardedCollections too many collections - bailing" , num < 100000 );
log(2) << "\t\t dropped " << num << " so far" << endl;
return true;
void DBConfig::getAllShards(set<Shard>& shards) const{
for (Collections::const_iterator it(_collections.begin()), end(_collections.end()); it != end; ++it){
if (it->second.isSharded()){
} // TODO: handle collections on non-primary shard
/* --- ConfigServer ---- */
ConfigServer::ConfigServer() : DBConfig( "config" ){
_shardingEnabled = false;
ConfigServer::~ConfigServer() {
bool ConfigServer::init( string s ){
vector<string> configdbs;
splitStringDelim( s, &configdbs, ',' );
return init( configdbs );
bool ConfigServer::init( vector<string> configHosts ){
uassert( 10187 , "need configdbs" , configHosts.size() );
string hn = getHostName();
if ( hn.empty() ) {
set<string> hosts;
for ( size_t i=0; i<configHosts.size(); i++ ){
string host = configHosts[i];
hosts.insert( getHost( host , false ) );
configHosts[i] = getHost( host , true );
for ( set<string>::iterator i=hosts.begin(); i!=hosts.end(); i++ ){
string host = *i;
bool ok = false;
for ( int x=10; x>0; x-- ){
if ( ! hostbyname( host.c_str() ).empty() ){
ok = true;
log() << "can't resolve DNS for [" << host << "] sleeping and trying " << x << " more times" << endl;
sleepsecs( 10 );
if ( ! ok )
return false;
_config = configHosts;
string fullString;
joinStringDelim( configHosts, &fullString, ',' );
_primary.setAddress( fullString , true );
log(1) << " config string : " << fullString << endl;
return true;
bool ConfigServer::checkConfigServersConsistent( string& errmsg , int tries ) const {
if ( _config.size() == 1 )
return true;
if ( tries <= 0 )
return false;
unsigned firstGood = 0;
int up = 0;
vector<BSONObj> res;
for ( unsigned i=0; i<_config.size(); i++ ){
BSONObj x;
try {
ScopedDbConnection conn( _config[i] );
if ( ! conn->simpleCommand( "config" , &x , "dbhash" ) )
x = BSONObj();
else {
x = x.getOwned();
if ( up == 0 )
firstGood = i;
catch ( std::exception& ){
log(LL_WARNING) << " couldn't check on config server:" << _config[i] << " ok for now" << endl;
if ( up == 0 ){
errmsg = "no config servers reachable";
return false;
if ( up == 1 ){
log( LL_WARNING ) << "only 1 config server reachable, continuing" << endl;
return true;
BSONObj base = res[firstGood];
for ( unsigned i=firstGood+1; i<res.size(); i++ ){
if ( res[i].isEmpty() )
string c1 = base.getFieldDotted( "collections.chunks" );
string c2 = res[i].getFieldDotted( "collections.chunks" );
string d1 = base.getFieldDotted( "collections.databases" );
string d2 = res[i].getFieldDotted( "collections.databases" );
if ( c1 == c2 && d1 == d2 )
stringstream ss;
ss << "config servers " << _config[firstGood] << " and " << _config[i] << " differ";
log( LL_WARNING ) << ss.str();
if ( tries <= 1 ){
ss << "\n" << c1 << "\t" << c2 << "\n" << d1 << "\t" << d2;
errmsg = ss.str();
return false;
return checkConfigServersConsistent( errmsg , tries - 1 );
return true;
bool ConfigServer::ok( bool checkConsistency ){
if ( ! _primary.ok() )
return false;
if ( checkConsistency ){
string errmsg;
if ( ! checkConfigServersConsistent( errmsg ) ){
log( LL_ERROR ) << "config servers not in sync! " << errmsg << endl;
return false;
return true;
bool ConfigServer::allUp(){
string errmsg;
return allUp( errmsg );
bool ConfigServer::allUp( string& errmsg ){
try {
ScopedDbConnection conn( _primary );
return true;
catch ( DBException& ){
log() << "ConfigServer::allUp : " << _primary.toString() << " seems down!" << endl;
errmsg = _primary.toString() + " seems down";
return false;
int ConfigServer::dbConfigVersion(){
ScopedDbConnection conn( _primary );
int version = dbConfigVersion( conn.conn() );
return version;
int ConfigServer::dbConfigVersion( DBClientBase& conn ){
auto_ptr<DBClientCursor> c = conn.query( "config.version" , BSONObj() );
int version = 0;
if ( c->more() ){
BSONObj o = c->next();
version = o["version"].numberInt();
uassert( 10189 , "should only have 1 thing in config.version" , ! c->more() );
else {
if ( conn.count( ShardNS::shard ) || conn.count( ShardNS::database ) ){
version = 1;
return version;
void ConfigServer::reloadSettings(){
set<string> got;
ScopedDbConnection conn( _primary );
auto_ptr<DBClientCursor> c = conn->query( ShardNS::settings , BSONObj() );
assert( c.get() );
while ( c->more() ){
BSONObj o = c->next();
string name = o["_id"].valuestrsafe();
got.insert( name );
if ( name == "chunksize" ){
log(1) << "MaxChunkSize: " << o["value"] << endl;
Chunk::MaxChunkSize = o["value"].numberInt() * 1024 * 1024;
else if ( name == "balancer" ){
// ones we ignore here
else {
log() << "warning: unknown setting [" << name << "]" << endl;
if ( ! got.count( "chunksize" ) ){
conn->insert( ShardNS::settings , BSON( "_id" << "chunksize" <<
"value" << (Chunk::MaxChunkSize / ( 1024 * 1024 ) ) ) );
// indexes
try {
conn->ensureIndex( ShardNS::chunk , BSON( "ns" << 1 << "min" << 1 ) , true );
conn->ensureIndex( ShardNS::chunk , BSON( "ns" << 1 << "shard" << 1 << "min" << 1 ) , true );
conn->ensureIndex( ShardNS::chunk , BSON( "ns" << 1 << "lastmod" << 1 ) , true );
conn->ensureIndex( ShardNS::shard , BSON( "host" << 1 ) , true );
catch ( std::exception& e ){
log( LL_WARNING ) << "couldn't create indexes on config db: " << e.what() << endl;
string ConfigServer::getHost( string name , bool withPort ){
if ( name.find( ":" ) != string::npos ){
if ( withPort )
return name;
return name.substr( 0 , name.find( ":" ) );
if ( withPort ){
stringstream ss;
ss << name << ":" << CmdLine::ConfigServerPort;
return ss.str();
return name;
void ConfigServer::logChange( const string& what , const string& ns , const BSONObj& detail ){
assert( _primary.ok() );
static bool createdCapped = false;
static AtomicUInt num;
ScopedDbConnection conn( _primary );
if ( ! createdCapped ){
try {
conn->createCollection( "config.changelog" , 1024 * 1024 * 10 , true );
catch ( UserException& e ){
log(1) << "couldn't create changelog (like race condition): " << e << endl;
// don't care
createdCapped = true;
stringstream id;
id << getHostNameCached() << "-" << terseCurrentTime() << "-" << num++;
BSONObj msg = BSON( "_id" << id.str() << "server" << getHostNameCached() << "time" << DATENOW <<
"what" << what << "ns" << ns << "details" << detail );
log() << "config change: " << msg << endl;
try {
conn->insert( "config.changelog" , msg );
catch ( std::exception& e ){
log() << "not logging config change: " << e.what() << endl;
DBConfigPtr configServerPtr (new ConfigServer());
ConfigServer& configServer = dynamic_cast<ConfigServer&>(*configServerPtr);