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// quorum.cpp
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "quorum.h"
namespace mongo {
QuorumConnection::QuorumConnection( string commaSeperated ){
string::size_type idx;
while ( ( idx = commaSeperated.find( ',' ) ) != string::npos ){
string h = commaSeperated.substr( 0 , idx );
commaSeperated = commaSeperated.substr( idx + 1 );
_connect( h );
_connect( commaSeperated );
uassert( "QuorumConnection needs 3 servers" , _conns.size() == 3 );
QuorumConnection::QuorumConnection( string a , string b , string c ){
// connect to all even if not working
_connect( a );
_connect( b );
_connect( c );
for ( size_t i=0; i<_conns.size(); i++ )
delete _conns[i];
bool QuorumConnection::prepare( string& errmsg ){
return fsync( errmsg );
bool QuorumConnection::fsync( string& errmsg ){
bool ok = true;
errmsg = "";
for ( size_t i=0; i<_conns.size(); i++ ){
BSONObj res;
try {
if ( _conns[i]->simpleCommand( "admin" , 0 , "fsync" ) )
catch ( std::exception& e ){
errmsg += e.what();
catch ( ... ){
ok = false;
errmsg += _conns[i]->toString() + ":" + res.toString();
return ok;
void QuorumConnection::_checkLast(){
vector<BSONObj> all;
vector<string> errors;
for ( size_t i=0; i<_conns.size(); i++ ){
BSONObj res;
string err;
try {
if ( ! _conns[i]->runCommand( "admin" , BSON( "getlasterror" << 1 << "fsync" << 1 ) , res ) )
err = "cmd failed: ";
catch ( std::exception& e ){
err += e.what();
catch ( ... ){
err += "unknown failure";
all.push_back( res );
errors.push_back( err );
assert( all.size() == errors.size() && all.size() == _conns.size() );
stringstream err;
bool ok = true;
for ( size_t i = 0; i<_conns.size(); i++ ){
BSONObj res = all[i];
if ( res["ok"].trueValue() && res["fsyncFiles"].numberInt() > 0 )
ok = false;
err << _conns[i]->toString() << ": " << res << " " << errors[i];
if ( ok )
throw UserException( (string)"QuorumConnection write op failed: " + err.str() );
void QuorumConnection::_connect( string host ){
log() << "QuorumConnection connecting to: " << host << endl;
DBClientConnection * c = new DBClientConnection( true );
string errmsg;
if ( ! c->connect( host , errmsg ) )
log() << "QuorumConnection connect fail to: " << host << " errmsg: " << errmsg << endl;
_conns.push_back( c );
auto_ptr<DBClientCursor> QuorumConnection::query(const string &ns, Query query, int nToReturn, int nToSkip,
const BSONObj *fieldsToReturn, int queryOptions){
uassert( "$cmd not support yet in QuorumConnection::query" , ns.find( "$cmd" ) == string::npos );
for ( size_t i=0; i<_conns.size(); i++ ){
try {
auto_ptr<DBClientCursor> cursor =
_conns[i]->query( ns , query , nToReturn , nToSkip , fieldsToReturn , queryOptions );
if ( cursor.get() )
return cursor;
log() << "query failed to: " << _conns[i]->toString() << " no data" << endl;
catch ( ... ){
log() << "query failed to: " << _conns[i]->toString() << " exception" << endl;
throw UserException( "all servers down!" );
auto_ptr<DBClientCursor> QuorumConnection::getMore( const string &ns, long long cursorId, int nToReturn, int options ){
uassert("QuorumConnection::getMore not supported yet" , 0);
auto_ptr<DBClientCursor> c;
return c;
void QuorumConnection::insert( const string &ns, BSONObj obj ){
string errmsg;
if ( ! prepare( errmsg ) )
throw UserException( (string)"QuorumConnection::insert prepare failed: " + errmsg );
for ( size_t i=0; i<_conns.size(); i++ ){
_conns[i]->insert( ns , obj );
void QuorumConnection::insert( const string &ns, const vector< BSONObj >& v ){
uassert("QuorumConnection bulk insert not implemented" , 0);
void QuorumConnection::remove( const string &ns , Query query, bool justOne ){ assert(0); }
void QuorumConnection::update( const string &ns , Query query , BSONObj obj , bool upsert , bool multi ){ assert(0); }
string QuorumConnection::toString(){
stringstream ss;
ss << "QuorumConnection [";
for ( size_t i=0; i<_conns.size(); i++ ){
if ( i > 0 )
ss << ",";
ss << _conns[i]->toString();
ss << "]";
return ss.str();