mirror of https://github.com/mongodb/mongo.git synced 2024-11-30 09:06:21 +01:00

120 lines
3.0 KiB

import re
import socket
import time
import os
# various utilities that are handy
def getGitBranch():
if not os.path.exists( ".git" ):
return None
version = open( ".git/HEAD" ,'r' ).read().strip()
if not version.startswith( "ref: " ):
return version
version = version.split( "/" )
version = version[len(version)-1]
return version
def getGitBranchString( prefix="" , postfix="" ):
t = re.compile( '[/\\\]' ).split( os.getcwd() )
if len(t) > 2 and t[len(t)-1] == "mongo":
par = t[len(t)-2]
m = re.compile( ".*_([vV]\d+\.\d+)$" ).match( par )
if m is not None:
return prefix + m.group(1).lower() + postfix
if par.find("Nightly") > 0:
return ""
b = getGitBranch()
if b == None or b == "master":
return ""
return prefix + b + postfix
def getGitVersion():
if not os.path.exists( ".git" ):
return "nogitversion"
version = open( ".git/HEAD" ,'r' ).read().strip()
if not version.startswith( "ref: " ):
return version
version = version[5:]
f = ".git/" + version
if not os.path.exists( f ):
return version
return open( f , 'r' ).read().strip()
def execsys( args ):
import subprocess
if isinstance( args , str ):
r = re.compile( "\s+" )
args = r.split( args )
p = subprocess.Popen( args , stdout=subprocess.PIPE , stderr=subprocess.PIPE )
r = p.communicate()
return r;
def getprocesslist():
raw = ""
raw = execsys( "/bin/ps -ax" )[0]
except Exception,e:
print( "can't get processlist: " + str( e ) )
r = re.compile( "[\r\n]+" )
return r.split( raw )
def removeIfInList( lst , thing ):
if thing in lst:
lst.remove( thing )
def findVersion( root , choices ):
for c in choices:
if ( os.path.exists( root + c ) ):
return root + c
raise "can't find a version of [" + root + "] choices: " + choices
def choosePathExist( choices , default=None):
for c in choices:
if c != None and os.path.exists( c ):
return c
return default
def filterExists(paths):
return filter(os.path.exists, paths)
def ensureDir( name ):
d = os.path.dirname( name )
if not os.path.exists( d ):
print( "Creating dir: " + name );
os.makedirs( d )
if not os.path.exists( d ):
raise "Failed to create dir: " + name
def distinctAsString( arr ):
s = set()
for x in arr:
s.add( str(x) )
return list(s)
def checkMongoPort( port=27017 ):
sock = socket.socket()
sock.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY, 1)
sock.connect(("localhost", port))
def didMongodStart( port=27017 , timeout=20 ):
while timeout > 0:
time.sleep( 1 )
checkMongoPort( port )
return True
except Exception,e:
print( e )
timeout = timeout - 1
return False