mirror of https://github.com/mongodb/mongo.git synced 2024-11-30 00:56:44 +01:00
2021-08-02 15:51:44 +00:00

1333 lines
47 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python3
"""Utility script to run Black Duck scans and query Black Duck database."""
#pylint: disable=too-many-lines
import argparse
import functools
import io
import json
import logging
import os
import re
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile
import time
import warnings
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from typing import Dict, List, Optional
import urllib3.util.retry as urllib3_retry
import requests
import yaml
from blackduck.HubRestApi import HubInstance
import requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions as urllib3_exceptions #pylint: disable=ungrouped-imports
except ImportError:
# Versions of the requests package prior to 1.2.0 did not vendor the urllib3 package.
urllib3_exceptions = None
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Name of project to upload to and query about
BLACKDUCK_PROJECT = "mongodb/mongo"
# Version of project to query about
# Black Duck automatically determines the version based on branch
# Timeout to wait for a Black Duck scan to complete
# Black Duck hub api uses this file to get settings
BLACKDUCK_RESTCONFIG = ".restconfig.json"
# Wiki page where we document more information about Black Duck
BLACKDUCK_WIKI_PAGE = "https://wiki.corp.mongodb.com/display/KERNEL/Black+Duck"
# Black Duck failed report prefix
BLACKDUCK_FAILED_PREFIX = "A Black Duck scan was run and failed"
# Black Duck default teaam
BLACKDUCK_DEFAULT_TEAM = "Service Development Platform"
# Globals
# Build Logger constants
BUILD_LOGGER_CREATE_TEST_ENDPOINT = "/build/%(build_id)s/test"
BUILD_LOGGER_APPEND_TEST_LOGS_ENDPOINT = "/build/%(build_id)s/test/%(test_id)s"
BUILD_LOGGER_DEFAULT_URL = "https://logkeeper.mongodb.org"
LOCAL_REPORTS_DIR = "bd_reports"
THIRD_PARTY_COMPONENTS_FILE = "etc/third_party_components.yml"
RE_LETTERS = re.compile("[A-Za-z]{2,}")
def default_if_none(value, default):
"""Set default if value is 'None'."""
return value if value is not None else default
# Derived from buildscripts/resmokelib/logging/handlers.py
class HTTPHandler(object):
"""A class which sends data to a web server using POST requests."""
def __init__(self, url_root, username, password, should_retry=False):
"""Initialize the handler with the necessary authentication credentials."""
self.auth_handler = requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth(username, password)
self.session = requests.Session()
if should_retry:
retry_status = [500, 502, 503, 504] # Retry for these statuses.
retry = urllib3_retry.Retry(
backoff_factor=0.1, # Enable backoff starting at 0.1s.
allowed_methods=False, # Support all HTTP verbs.
adapter = requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retry)
self.session.mount('http://', adapter)
self.session.mount('https://', adapter)
self.url_root = url_root
def make_url(self, endpoint):
"""Generate a url to post to."""
return "%s/%s/" % (self.url_root.rstrip("/"), endpoint.strip("/"))
def post(self, endpoint, data=None, headers=None, timeout_secs=BUILD_LOGGER_TIMEOUT_SECS):
Send a POST request to the specified endpoint with the supplied data.
Return the response, either as a string or a JSON object based
on the content type.
data = default_if_none(data, [])
data = json.dumps(data)
headers = default_if_none(headers, {})
headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json; charset=utf-8"
url = self.make_url(endpoint)
LOGGER.info("POSTING to %s", url)
with warnings.catch_warnings():
if urllib3_exceptions is not None:
warnings.simplefilter("ignore", urllib3_exceptions.InsecurePlatformWarning)
except AttributeError:
# Versions of urllib3 prior to 1.10.3 didn't define InsecurePlatformWarning.
# Versions of requests prior to 2.6.0 didn't have a vendored copy of urllib3
# that defined InsecurePlatformWarning.
warnings.simplefilter("ignore", urllib3_exceptions.InsecureRequestWarning)
except AttributeError:
# Versions of urllib3 prior to 1.9 didn't define InsecureRequestWarning.
# Versions of requests prior to 2.4.0 didn't have a vendored copy of urllib3
# that defined InsecureRequestWarning.
response = self.session.post(url, data=data, headers=headers, timeout=timeout_secs,
auth=self.auth_handler, verify=True)
if not response.encoding:
response.encoding = "utf-8"
headers = response.headers
if headers["Content-Type"].startswith("application/json"):
return response.json()
return response.text
# Derived from buildscripts/resmokelib/logging/buildlogger.py
class BuildloggerServer(object):
# pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
A remote server to which build logs can be sent.
It is used to retrieve handlers that can then be added to logger
instances to send the log to the servers.
def __init__(self, username, password, task_id, builder, build_num, build_phase, url):
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
"""Initialize BuildloggerServer."""
self.username = username
self.password = password
self.builder = builder
self.build_num = build_num
self.build_phase = build_phase
self.url = url
self.task_id = task_id
self.handler = HTTPHandler(url_root=self.url, username=self.username,
password=self.password, should_retry=True)
def new_build_id(self, suffix):
"""Return a new build id for sending global logs to."""
builder = "%s_%s" % (self.builder, suffix)
build_num = int(self.build_num)
response = self.handler.post(
"builder": builder,
"buildnum": build_num,
"task_id": self.task_id,
return response["id"]
def new_test_id(self, build_id, test_filename, test_command):
"""Return a new test id for sending test logs to."""
endpoint = BUILD_LOGGER_CREATE_TEST_ENDPOINT % {"build_id": build_id}
response = self.handler.post(
endpoint, data={
"test_filename": test_filename,
"command": test_command,
"phase": self.build_phase,
"task_id": self.task_id,
return response["id"]
def post_new_file(self, build_id, test_name, lines):
"""Post a new file to the build logger server."""
test_id = self.new_test_id(build_id, test_name, "foo")
"build_id": build_id,
"test_id": test_id,
dt = time.time()
dlines = [(dt, line) for line in lines]
self.handler.post(endpoint, data=dlines)
except requests.HTTPError as err:
# Handle the "Request Entity Too Large" error, set the max size and retry.
raise ValueError("Encountered an HTTP error: %s" % (err))
except requests.RequestException as err:
raise ValueError("Encountered a network error: %s" % (err))
except: # pylint: disable=bare-except
raise ValueError("Encountered an error.")
return self.handler.make_url(endpoint)
def _to_dict(items, func):
dm = {}
for i in items:
tuple1 = func(i)
dm[tuple1[0]] = tuple1[1]
return dm
def _compute_security_risk(security_risk_profile):
counts = security_risk_profile["counts"]
cm = _to_dict(counts, lambda i: (i["countType"], int(i["count"])))
priorities = ['CRITICAL', 'HIGH', 'MEDIUM', 'LOW', 'OK', 'UNKNOWN']
for priority in priorities:
if cm[priority] > 0:
return priority
return "OK"
class VersionInfo:
"""Parse and break apart version strings so they can be compared."""
def __init__(self, ver_str):
"""Parse a version string input a tuple of ints or mark it as a beta release."""
self.ver_str = ver_str
self.production_version = True
# Abseil has an empty string for one version
if self.ver_str == "":
self.production_version = False
# Special case Intel's Decimal library since it is just too weird
if ver_str == "v2.0 U1":
self.ver_array = [2, 0]
# BlackDuck thinks boost 1.70.0 was released on 2007 which means we have to check hundreds of versions
bad_keywords = ["(", "+b", "-b", "b1", ".0a"]
if [bad for bad in bad_keywords if bad in self.ver_str]:
self.production_version = False
# Clean the version information
# Some versions start with 'v'. Some components have a mix of 'v' and not 'v' prefixed versions so trim the 'v'
# MongoDB versions start with 'r'
if ver_str[0] == 'v' or ver_str[0] == 'r':
self.ver_str = ver_str[1:]
# Git hashes are not valid versions
if len(self.ver_str) == 40 and bytes.fromhex(self.ver_str):
self.production_version = False
# Clean out Mozilla's suffix
self.ver_str = self.ver_str.replace("esr", "")
# Clean out GPerfTool's prefix
self.ver_str = self.ver_str.replace("gperftools-", "")
# Clean out Yaml Cpp's prefix
self.ver_str = self.ver_str.replace("yaml-cpp-", "")
# Clean out Boosts's prefix
self.ver_str = self.ver_str.replace("boost-", "")
self.ver_str = self.ver_str.replace("asio-", "")
if self.ver_str.endswith('-'):
self.ver_str = self.ver_str[0:-1]
# Boost keeps varying the version strings so filter for anything with 2 or more ascii charaters
if RE_LETTERS.search(self.ver_str):
self.production_version = False
# Some versions end with "-\d", change the "-" since it just means a patch release from a debian/rpm package
# yaml-cpp has this problem where Black Duck sourced the wrong version information
self.ver_str = self.ver_str.replace("-", ".")
# If we trimmed the string to nothing, treat it as a beta version
if self.ver_str == '':
self.production_version = False
# Versions are generally a multi-part integer tuple
self.ver_array = [int(part) for part in self.ver_str.split(".")]
LOGGER.error("Failed to parse version '%s' as '%s', exception", ver_str, self.ver_str)
def __repr__(self):
return self.__str__()
def __str__(self):
return ".".join([str(val) for val in self.ver_array])
def __eq__(self, other):
return (self.production_version, self.ver_array) == (other.production_version,
def __gt__(self, other):
if self.production_version != other.production_version:
return self.production_version
return self.ver_array > other.ver_array
def _test_version_info():
VersionInfo("v2.0 U1")
assert VersionInfo('') > VersionInfo('')
assert VersionInfo('') > VersionInfo('7.0.2')
assert VersionInfo('') > VersionInfo('3.1')
assert VersionInfo('') <= VersionInfo('8.0.2')
def _retry_on_except(count, func):
# Retry func() COUNT times until func() does not raise an exception
# pylint: disable=bare-except
retry = 0
while retry < count:
return func()
exception_info = sys.exc_info()[0]
LOGGER.error("Failed to execute retriable function (%s), retrying", exception_info)
retry += 1
raise ValueError("Failed to run query after retries %s" % (count))
class Component:
Black Duck Component description.
Contains a subset of information about a component extracted from Black Duck for a given project and version
def __init__(self, name, version, licenses, policy_status, security_risk, newest_release,
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
"""Initialize Black Duck component."""
self.name = name
self.version = version
self.licenses = licenses
self.policy_status = policy_status
self.security_risk = security_risk
self.newest_release = newest_release
self.is_manually_added = is_manually_added
def parse(hub, component):
# pylint: disable=too-many-locals
"""Parse a Black Duck component from a dictionary."""
name = component["componentName"]
cversion = component.get("componentVersionName", "unknown_version")
licenses = ",".join([a.get("spdxId", a["licenseDisplay"]) for a in component["licenses"]])
policy_status = component["policyStatus"]
security_risk = _compute_security_risk(component['securityRiskProfile'])
newer_releases = component["activityData"].get("newerReleases", 0)
is_manually_added = 'MANUAL_BOM_COMPONENT' in component['matchTypes']
LOGGER.info("Retrievinng version information for Comp %s - %s Releases %s", name, cversion,
cver = VersionInfo(cversion)
newest_release = None
# Blackduck's newerReleases is based on "releasedOn" date. This means that if a upstream component releases a beta or rc,
# it counts as newer but we do not consider those newer for our purposes
# Missing newerReleases means we do not have to upgrade
if newer_releases > 0:
limit = newer_releases + 1
versions_url = component["component"] + f"/versions?sort=releasedon%20desc&limit={limit}"
LOGGER.info("Retrieving version information via %s", versions_url)
def get_version_info():
vjson = hub.execute_get(versions_url).json()
if "items" not in vjson:
LOGGER.warn("Missing items in response: %s", vjson)
raise ValueError("Missing items in response for " + versions_url)
return vjson
vjson = _retry_on_except(5, get_version_info)
versions = [(ver["versionName"], ver["releasedOn"]) for ver in vjson["items"]]
LOGGER.info("Known versions: %s ", versions)
versions = [ver["versionName"] for ver in vjson["items"]]
# For Firefox, only examine Extended Service Releases (i.e. esr), their long term support releases
if name == "Mozilla Firefox":
versions = [ver for ver in versions if "esr" in ver]
# For yaml-cpp, we need to clean the list of versions a little
# yaml-cpp uses #.#.# but there are some entires with #.#.#.# so the later needs to
# be filtered out.
if name == "jbeder/yaml-cpp":
ver_regex = re.compile(r"\d+\.\d+\.\d+$")
versions = [ver for ver in versions if ver_regex.match(ver)]
# For Boost C++ Libraries - boost, we need to clean the list of versions a little
# All boost versions for the last 10 years start with 1.x.x. Black Duck thinks some
# versions are 4.x.x which are bogus and throw off the sorting.
# Also, boost uses #.#.# but there are some entires with #.#.#.# so the later needs to
# be filtered out.
if name == "Boost C++ Libraries - boost":
ver_regex = re.compile(r"\d+\.\d+\.\d+$")
versions = [ver for ver in versions if ver.startswith("1") and ver_regex.match(ver)]
ver_info = [VersionInfo(ver) for ver in versions]
ver_info = [ver for ver in ver_info if ver.production_version]
LOGGER.info("Filtered versions: %s ", ver_info)
ver_info = sorted([ver for ver in ver_info if ver.production_version and ver > cver],
LOGGER.info("Sorted versions: %s ", ver_info)
if ver_info:
newest_release = ver_info[0]
return Component(name, cversion, licenses, policy_status, security_risk, newest_release,
class BlackDuckConfig:
Black Duck configuration settings.
Format is defined by Black Duck Python hub API.
def __init__(self):
"""Init Black Duck config from disk."""
if not os.path.exists(BLACKDUCK_RESTCONFIG):
raise ValueError("Cannot find %s for blackduck configuration" % (BLACKDUCK_RESTCONFIG))
with open(BLACKDUCK_RESTCONFIG, "r") as rfh:
rc = json.loads(rfh.read())
self.url = rc["baseurl"]
self.username = rc["username"]
self.password = rc["password"]
def _run_scan():
# Get user name and password from .restconfig.json
bdc = BlackDuckConfig()
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as fp:
curl --retry 5 -s -L https://detect.synopsys.com/detect.sh | bash -s -- --blackduck.url={bdc.url} --blackduck.username={bdc.username} --blackduck.password={bdc.password} --detect.report.timeout={BLACKDUCK_TIMEOUT_SECS} --snippet-matching --upload-source --detect.wait.for.results=true
subprocess.call(["/bin/sh", fp.name])
def _scan_cmd_args(args):
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
LOGGER.info("Running Black Duck Scan")
def _query_blackduck():
# pylint: disable=global-statement
hub = HubInstance()
LOGGER.info("Getting version from blackduck")
version = hub.execute_get(hub.get_urlbase() + "/api/current-version").json()
LOGGER.info("Version: %s", version)
# Get a list of all projects, this is a privileged call and will fail if we do not have a valid license
LOGGER.info("Get All Projects")
projects = hub.get_projects()
LOGGER.info("Projects: %s", projects)
LOGGER.info("Fetching project %s from blackduck", BLACKDUCK_PROJECT)
project = hub.get_project_by_name(BLACKDUCK_PROJECT)
LOGGER.info("Fetching project version %s from blackduck", BLACKDUCK_PROJECT_VERSION)
version = hub.get_version_by_name(project, BLACKDUCK_PROJECT_VERSION)
LOGGER.info("Getting version components from blackduck")
bom_components = hub.get_version_components(version)
components = [
Component.parse(hub, comp) for comp in bom_components["items"] if comp['ignored'] is False
BLACKDUCK_PROJECT_URL = version["_meta"]["href"]
return components
class TestResultEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
"""JSONEncoder for TestResults."""
def default(self, o):
"""Serialize objects by default as a dictionary."""
# pylint: disable=method-hidden
return o.__dict__
class TestResult:
"""A single test result in the Evergreen report.json format."""
def __init__(self, name, status, url):
"""Init test result."""
# This matches the report.json schema
# See https://github.com/evergreen-ci/evergreen/blob/789bee107d3ffb9f0f82ae344d72502945bdc914/model/task/task.go#L264-L284
assert status in ["pass", "fail"]
self.test_file = name
self.status = status
self.exit_code = 1
if url:
self.url = url
self.url_raw = url + "?raw=1"
if status == "pass":
self.exit_code = 0
class TestResults:
"""Evergreen TestResult format for report.json."""
def __init__(self):
"""Init test results."""
self.results = []
def add_result(self, result: TestResult):
"""Add a test result."""
def write(self, filename: str):
"""Write the test results to disk."""
with open(filename, "w") as wfh:
wfh.write(json.dumps(self, cls=TestResultEncoder))
class ReportLogger(object, metaclass=ABCMeta):
"""Base Class for all report loggers."""
def log_report(self, name: str, content: str) -> Optional[str]:
"""Get the command to run a linter."""
class LocalReportLogger(ReportLogger):
"""Write reports to local directory as a set of files."""
def __init__(self):
"""Init logger and create directory."""
if not os.path.exists(LOCAL_REPORTS_DIR):
def log_report(self, name: str, content: str) -> Optional[str]:
"""Log report to a local file."""
file_name = os.path.join(LOCAL_REPORTS_DIR, name + ".log")
with open(file_name, "w") as wfh:
class BuildLoggerReportLogger(ReportLogger):
"""Write reports to a build logger server."""
def __init__(self, build_logger):
"""Init logger."""
self.build_logger = build_logger
self.build_id = self.build_logger.new_build_id("bdh")
def log_report(self, name: str, content: str) -> Optional[str]:
"""Log report to a build logger."""
content = content.split("\n")
return self.build_logger.post_new_file(self.build_id, name, content)
def _get_default(list1, idx, default):
if (idx + 1) < len(list1):
return list1[idx]
return default
class TableWriter:
"""Generate an ASCII table that summarizes the results of all the reports generated."""
def __init__(self, headers: List[str]):
"""Init writer."""
self._headers = headers
self._rows = []
def add_row(self, row: List[str]):
"""Add a row to the table."""
def _write_row(col_sizes: List[int], row: List[str], writer: io.StringIO):
for idx, row_value in enumerate(row):
writer.write(" ")
writer.write(" " * (col_sizes[idx] - len(row_value)))
writer.write(" |")
def print(self, writer: io.StringIO):
"""Print the final table to the string stream."""
cols = max([len(r) for r in self._rows])
assert cols == len(self._headers)
col_sizes = []
for col in range(0, cols):
max([len(_get_default(row, col, []))
for row in self._rows] + [len(self._headers[col])]))
TableWriter._write_row(col_sizes, self._headers, writer)
TableWriter._write_row(col_sizes, ["-" * c for c in col_sizes], writer)
for row in self._rows:
TableWriter._write_row(col_sizes, row, writer)
class TableData:
"""Store scalar values in a two-dimensional matrix indexed by the first column's value."""
def __init__(self):
"""Init table data."""
self._rows = {}
def add_value(self, col: str, value: str):
"""Add a value for a given column. Order sensitive."""
if col not in self._rows:
self._rows[col] = []
def write(self, headers: List[str], writer: io.StringIO):
"""Write table data as nice prettty table to writer."""
tw = TableWriter(headers)
for row in self._rows:
tw.add_row([row] + self._rows[row])
class ReportManager:
"""Manage logging reports to ReportLogger and generate summary report."""
def __init__(self, logger: ReportLogger):
"""Init report manager."""
self._logger = logger
self._results = TestResults()
self._data = TableData()
def _get_norm_comp_name(comp_name: str):
return comp_name.replace(" ", "_").replace("/", "_").lower()
def write_report(self, comp_name: str, report_name: str, status: str, content: str):
Write a report about a test to the build logger.
status is a string of "pass" or "fail"
comp_name = ReportManager._get_norm_comp_name(comp_name)
name = comp_name + "_" + report_name
LOGGER.info("Writing Report %s - %s", name, status)
self._data.add_value(comp_name, status)
url = self._logger.log_report(name, content)
self._results.add_result(TestResult(name, status, url))
def add_report_metric(self, comp_name: str, metric: str):
"""Add a column to be included in the pretty table."""
comp_name = ReportManager._get_norm_comp_name(comp_name)
self._data.add_value(comp_name, metric)
def finish(self, reports_file: Optional[str], vulnerabilties_only: bool):
"""Generate final summary of all reports run."""
if reports_file:
stream = io.StringIO()
if vulnerabilties_only:
self._data.write(["Component", "Vulnerability"], stream)
["Component", "Vulnerability", "Upgrade", "Current Version", "Newest Version"],
class ThirdPartyComponent:
"""MongoDB Third Party component from third_party_components.yml."""
def __init__(self, name, homepage_url, local_path, team_owner):
"""Init class."""
# Required fields
self.name = name
self.homepage_url = homepage_url
self.local_path = local_path
self.team_owner = team_owner
# optional fields
self.is_test_only = False
self.vulnerability_suppression = None
self.upgrade_suppression = None
def _get_field(name, ymap, field: str):
if field not in ymap:
raise ValueError("Missing field %s for component %s" % (field, name))
return ymap[field]
def _get_supression_field(ymap, field: str):
if field not in ymap:
return None
value = ymap[field].lower()
if not "todo" in value:
raise ValueError(
"Invalid suppression, a suppression must include the word 'TODO' so that the TODO scanner finds resolved tickets."
return value
def _read_third_party_components():
yaml_file = yaml.load(rfh.read())
third_party = []
components = yaml_file["components"]
for comp in components:
cmap = components[comp]
tp = ThirdPartyComponent(comp, _get_field(comp, cmap, 'homepage_url'),
_get_field(comp, cmap, 'local_directory_path'),
_get_field(comp, cmap, 'team_owner'))
tp.is_test_only = cmap.get("is_test_only", False)
tp.vulnerability_suppression = _get_supression_field(cmap, "vulnerability_suppression")
tp.upgrade_suppression = _get_supression_field(cmap, "upgrade_suppression")
return third_party
def _generate_report_missing_blackduck_component(mgr: ReportManager, mcomp: ThirdPartyComponent):
mcomp.name, "missing_blackduck_component", "fail", f"""{BLACKDUCK_FAILED_PREFIX}
The {mcomp.name} library was found in {THIRD_PARTY_COMPONENTS_FILE} but not detected by Black Duck.
This is caused by one of two issues:
1. The {THIRD_PARTY_COMPONENTS_FILE} file is out of date and the entry needs to be removed for "{mcomp.name}".
2. A entry to the component needs to be manually added to Black Duck.
Next Steps:
Build Baron:
A BF ticket should be generated and assigned to "{BLACKDUCK_DEFAULT_TEAM}" with
this text.
To address this build failure, the next steps are as follows:
1. Verify that the component is correct in {THIRD_PARTY_COMPONENTS_FILE}.
2. If the component is incorrect, add a comment to the component in Black Duck and mark it as "Ignored".
2. If the component is correct, add the correct information to {THIRD_PARTY_COMPONENTS_FILE}.
If the "{BLACKDUCK_DEFAULT_TEAM}" cannot do this work for any reason, the BF should be assigned to
the component owner team "{mcomp.team_owner}".
For more information, see {BLACKDUCK_WIKI_PAGE}.
def _generate_report_blackduck_missing_directory(mgr: ReportManager, directory: str):
directory, "missing_directory", "fail", f"""{BLACKDUCK_FAILED_PREFIX}
The directory "{directory}" was found in a known MongoDB third_party directory but is not known to
Black Duck or {THIRD_PARTY_COMPONENTS_FILE}. This directory likely needs to be added to Black Duck
Next Steps:
Build Baron:
A BF ticket should be generated and assigned to "{BLACKDUCK_DEFAULT_TEAM}" with
this text.
To address this build failure, the next steps are as follows:
1. Verify that the component is correct.
2. Add the component manually to the Black Duck project at
3. Once the component has been accepted by Black Duck, add the correct information to
For more information, see {BLACKDUCK_WIKI_PAGE}.
def _generate_report_missing_yaml_component(mgr: ReportManager, comp: Component):
comp.name, "missing_yaml_component", "fail", f"""{BLACKDUCK_FAILED_PREFIX}
The {comp.name} library with version "{comp.version}" was detected by Black Duck but not found in
This is caused by one of two issues:
1. Black Duck has made an error and the software is not being vendored by MongoDB.
2. Black Duck is correct and {THIRD_PARTY_COMPONENTS_FILE} must be updated.
Next Steps:
Build Baron:
A BF ticket should be generated and assigned to "{BLACKDUCK_DEFAULT_TEAM}" with
this text.
To address this build failure, the next steps are as follows:
1. Verify that the component is correct at {BLACKDUCK_PROJECT_URL}.
2. If the component is incorrect, add a comment to the component and mark it as "Ignored".
3. If the component is correct, add the correct information to {THIRD_PARTY_COMPONENTS_FILE}.
For more information, see {BLACKDUCK_WIKI_PAGE}.
def _generate_report_upgrade(mgr: ReportManager, comp: Component, mcomp: ThirdPartyComponent,
fail: bool):
if not fail:
mgr.write_report(comp.name, "upgrade_check", "pass", "Blackduck run passed")
if comp.is_manually_added:
component_explanation = f"""This component requires a manual update in the Black Duck Database because it was added to
Black Duck manually. After the update to the third-party library is committed, please update the
version information for this component at {BLACKDUCK_PROJECT_URL}. Click on the down arrow on the
far right of the component, choose edit and specify the new version."""
component_explanation = """This commponent was automatically detected by Black Duck. Black Duck should automatically detect
the new version after the library is updated and the daily scanner task runs again."""
comp.name, "upgrade_check", "fail", f"""{BLACKDUCK_FAILED_PREFIX}
The {comp.name} library at {mcomp.local_path} is out of date. The current version is
"{comp.version}" and the newest version is "{comp.newest_release}" according to Black Duck.
MongoDB policy requires all third-party software to be updated to the latest version on the master
Next Steps:
Build Baron:
A BF ticket should be generated and assigned to "{BLACKDUCK_DEFAULT_TEAM}" with
this text.
To address this build failure, the next steps are as follows:
1. File a SERVER ticket to update the software if one already does not exist.
2. Add a “upgrade_supression” to {THIRD_PARTY_COMPONENTS_FILE} with the SERVER ticket to acknowledge
this report. Note that you do not need to immediately update the library, just file a ticket.
If the "{BLACKDUCK_DEFAULT_TEAM}" cannot do this work for any reason, the BF should be assigned to
the component owner team "{mcomp.team_owner}".
For more information, see {BLACKDUCK_WIKI_PAGE}.
mgr.add_report_metric(comp.name, str(comp.version))
mgr.add_report_metric(comp.name, str(comp.newest_release))
def _generate_report_vulnerability(mgr: ReportManager, comp: Component, mcomp: ThirdPartyComponent,
fail: bool):
if not fail:
mgr.write_report(comp.name, "vulnerability_check", "pass", "Blackduck run passed")
comp.name, "vulnerability_check", "fail", f"""{BLACKDUCK_FAILED_PREFIX}
The {comp.name} library at {mcomp.local_path} had HIGH and/or CRITICAL security issues. The current
version in Black Duck is "{comp.version}".
MongoDB policy requires all third-party software to be updated to a version clean of HIGH and
CRITICAL vulnerabilities on the master branch.
Next Steps:
Build Baron:
A BF ticket should be generated and assigned to "{BLACKDUCK_DEFAULT_TEAM}" with
this text.
To address this build failure, the next steps are as follows:
1. File a SERVER ticket to update the software if one already does not exist. Note that you do not
need to immediately update the library, just file a ticket.
2. Add a “vulnerability_supression” to {THIRD_PARTY_COMPONENTS_FILE} with the SERVER ticket to
acknowledge this report.
If you believe the library is already up-to-date but Black Duck has the wrong version, please update
version information for this component at {BLACKDUCK_PROJECT_URL}.
If the "{BLACKDUCK_DEFAULT_TEAM}" cannot do this work for any reason, the BF should be assigned to
the component owner team "{mcomp.team_owner}".
For more information, see {BLACKDUCK_WIKI_PAGE}.
def _get_third_party_directories():
third_party = []
for entry in os.scandir(tp):
if entry.name not in ["scripts"] and entry.is_dir():
return sorted(third_party)
class Analyzer:
Analyze the MongoDB source code for software maintence issues.
Queries Black Duck for out of date software
Consults a local yaml file for detailed information about third party components included in the MongoDB source code.
def __init__(self):
"""Init analyzer."""
self.third_party_components = None
self.third_party_directories = None
self.black_duck_components = None
self.mgr = None
def _do_reports(self, vulnerabilties_only: bool):
for comp in self.black_duck_components:
# 1. Validate if this is in the YAML file
if self._verify_yaml_contains_component(comp, vulnerabilties_only):
# 2. Validate there are no security issues
# 3. Check for upgrade issue
if not vulnerabilties_only:
if vulnerabilties_only:
# 4. Validate that each third_party directory is in the YAML file
# 5. Verify the YAML file has all the entries in Black Duck
def _verify_yaml_contains_component(self, comp: Component, vulnerabilties_only: bool):
# It should be rare that Black Duck detects something that is not in the YAML file
# As a result, we do not generate a "pass" report for simply be consistent between Black Duck and the yaml file
if comp.name not in [c.name for c in self.third_party_components]:
if not vulnerabilties_only:
_generate_report_missing_yaml_component(self.mgr, comp)
return False
return True
def _verify_directories_in_yaml(self):
comp_dirs = [c.local_path for c in self.third_party_components]
for cdir in self.third_party_directories:
# Ignore WiredTiger since it is not a third-party library but made by MongoDB, Inc.
if cdir in ["src/third_party/wiredtiger"]:
if cdir not in comp_dirs:
_generate_report_blackduck_missing_directory(self.mgr, cdir)
def _verify_components_in_yaml(self):
comp_names = [c.name for c in self.black_duck_components]
for mcomp in self.third_party_components:
# These components are known to be missing from Black Duck
# Aladdin MD5 is a pair of C files for MD5 computation
# timelib is simply missing
# Unicode is not code
if mcomp.name in ["Aladdin MD5", "timelib", "unicode"]:
if mcomp.name not in comp_names:
_generate_report_missing_blackduck_component(self.mgr, mcomp)
def _verify_upgrade_status(self, comp: Component):
mcomp = self._get_mongo_component(comp)
if comp.newest_release and not mcomp.upgrade_suppression and not mcomp.is_test_only:
_generate_report_upgrade(self.mgr, comp, mcomp, True)
_generate_report_upgrade(self.mgr, comp, mcomp, False)
def _verify_vulnerability_status(self, comp: Component):
mcomp = self._get_mongo_component(comp)
if comp.security_risk in [
] and not mcomp.vulnerability_suppression and not mcomp.is_test_only:
_generate_report_vulnerability(self.mgr, comp, mcomp, True)
_generate_report_vulnerability(self.mgr, comp, mcomp, False)
def _get_mongo_component(self, comp: Component):
mcomp = next((x for x in self.third_party_components if x.name == comp.name), None)
if not mcomp:
raise ValueError(
"Cannot find third party component for Black Duck Component '%s'. Please update '%s'. "
return mcomp
def run(self, logger: ReportLogger, report_file: Optional[str], vulnerabilties_only: bool):
"""Run analysis of Black Duck scan and local files."""
self.third_party_directories = _get_third_party_directories()
LOGGER.info("Found the following third party directories: %s", self.third_party_directories)
self.third_party_components = _read_third_party_components()
self.black_duck_components = _query_blackduck()
# Black Duck detects ourself everytime we release a new version
# Rather then constantly have to supress this in Black Duck itself which will generate false positives
# We filter ourself our of the list of components.
self.black_duck_components = [
comp for comp in self.black_duck_components
if not (comp.name == "MongoDB" or comp.name == "WiredTiger")
# Remove duplicate Black Duck components. We only care about the component with highest version number
# Black Duck can detect different versions of the same component for instance if an upgrade of a component happens
bd_names = {comp.name for comp in self.black_duck_components}
if len(bd_names) != len(self.black_duck_components):
LOGGER.warning("Found duplicate Black Duck components")
bd_unique = {}
for comp in self.black_duck_components:
if comp.name in bd_unique:
LOGGER.warning("Found duplicate Black Duck component: %s", comp.name)
first = bd_unique[comp.name]
if comp.version > first.version:
bd_unique[comp.name] = comp
bd_unique[comp.name] = comp
self.black_duck_components = list(bd_unique.values())
self.mgr = ReportManager(logger)
self.mgr.finish(report_file, vulnerabilties_only)
# Derived from buildscripts/resmokelib/logging/buildlogger.py
def _get_build_logger_from_file(filename, build_logger_url, task_id):
tmp_globals = {}
config = {}
# The build logger config file is actually python
# It is a mix of quoted strings and ints
exec(compile(open(filename, "rb").read(), filename, 'exec'), tmp_globals, config)
# Rename "slavename" to "username" if present.
if "slavename" in config and "username" not in config:
config["username"] = config["slavename"]
del config["slavename"]
# Rename "passwd" to "password" if present.
if "passwd" in config and "password" not in config:
config["password"] = config["passwd"]
del config["passwd"]
return BuildloggerServer(config["username"], config["password"], task_id, config["builder"],
config["build_num"], config["build_phase"], build_logger_url)
def _generate_reports_args(args):
LOGGER.info("Generating Reports")
# Log to LOCAL_REPORTS_DIR directory unless build logger is explicitly chosen
logger = LocalReportLogger()
if args.build_logger_local:
build_logger = BuildloggerServer("fake_user", "fake_pass", "fake_task", "fake_builder", 1,
"fake_build_phase", "http://localhost:8080")
logger = BuildLoggerReportLogger(build_logger)
elif args.build_logger:
if not args.build_logger_task_id:
raise ValueError("Must set build_logger_task_id if using build logger")
build_logger = _get_build_logger_from_file(args.build_logger, args.build_logger_url,
logger = BuildLoggerReportLogger(build_logger)
analyzer = Analyzer()
analyzer.run(logger, args.report_file, args.vulnerabilities_only)
def _scan_and_report_args(args):
LOGGER.info("Running Black Duck Scan And Generating Reports")
def main() -> None:
"""Execute Main entry point."""
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Black Duck hub controller.')
parser.add_argument('-v', "--verbose", action='store_true', help="Enable verbose logging")
parser.add_argument('-d', "--debug", action='store_true', help="Enable debug logging")
sub = parser.add_subparsers(title="Hub subcommands", help="sub-command help")
generate_reports_cmd = sub.add_parser('generate_reports',
help='Generate reports from Black Duck')
generate_reports_cmd.add_argument("--report_file", type=str,
help="report json file to write to")
"--build_logger", type=str, help="Log to build logger with credentials from specified file")
generate_reports_cmd.add_argument("--build_logger_url", type=str,
help="build logger url to log to")
generate_reports_cmd.add_argument("--build_logger_task_id", type=str,
help="build logger task id")
generate_reports_cmd.add_argument("--build_logger_local", action='store_true',
help="Log to local build logger, logs to disk by default")
generate_reports_cmd.add_argument("--vulnerabilities_only", action='store_true',
help="Only check for security vulnerabilities")
scan_cmd = sub.add_parser('scan', help='Do Black Duck Scan')
scan_and_report_cmd = sub.add_parser('scan_and_report',
help='Run scan and then generate reports')
scan_and_report_cmd.add_argument("--report_file", type=str, help="report json file to write to")
"--build_logger", type=str, help="Log to build logger with credentials from specified file")
scan_and_report_cmd.add_argument("--build_logger_url", type=str,
help="build logger url to log to")
scan_and_report_cmd.add_argument("--build_logger_task_id", type=str,
help="build logger task id")
scan_and_report_cmd.add_argument("--build_logger_local", action='store_true',
help="Log to local build logger, logs to disk by default")
scan_and_report_cmd.add_argument("--vulnerabilities_only", action='store_true',
help="Only check for security vulnerabilities")
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.debug:
elif args.verbose:
if __name__ == "__main__":