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132 lines
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// clientTest.cpp
* a simple test for the c++ driver
#include <iostream>
#include "client/dbclient.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace mongo;
int main() {
DBClientConnection conn;
string errmsg;
if ( ! conn.connect(/* ""*/"" , errmsg ) ) {
cout << "couldn't connect : " << errmsg << endl;
throw -11;
const char * ns = "test.test1";
// clean up old data from any previous tests
conn.remove( ns, BSONObjBuilder().obj() );
assert( conn.findOne( ns , BSONObjBuilder().obj() ).isEmpty() );
// test insert
conn.insert( ns ,BSON( "name" << "eliot" << "num" << 1 ) );
assert( ! conn.findOne( ns , BSONObjBuilder().obj() ).isEmpty() );
// test remove
conn.remove( ns, BSONObjBuilder().obj() );
assert( conn.findOne( ns , BSONObjBuilder().obj() ).isEmpty() );
// insert, findOne testing
conn.insert( ns , BSON( "name" << "eliot" << "num" << 1 ) );
BSONObj res = conn.findOne( ns , BSONObjBuilder().obj() );
assert( strstr( res.getStringField( "name" ) , "eliot" ) );
assert( ! strstr( res.getStringField( "name2" ) , "eliot" ) );
assert( 1 == res.getIntField( "num" ) );
// cursor
conn.insert( ns ,BSON( "name" << "sara" << "num" << 2 ) );
auto_ptr<DBClientCursor> cursor = conn.query( ns , BSONObjBuilder().obj() );
int count = 0;
while ( cursor->more() ) {
BSONObj obj = cursor->next();
assert( count == 2 );
auto_ptr<DBClientCursor> cursor = conn.query( ns , BSON( "num" << 1 ) );
int count = 0;
while ( cursor->more() ) {
BSONObj obj = cursor->next();
assert( count == 1 );
auto_ptr<DBClientCursor> cursor = conn.query( ns , BSON( "num" << 3 ) );
int count = 0;
while ( cursor->more() ) {
BSONObj obj = cursor->next();
assert( count == 0 );
// update
BSONObj res = conn.findOne( ns , BSONObjBuilder().append( "name" , "eliot" ).obj() );
assert( ! strstr( res.getStringField( "name2" ) , "eliot" ) );
BSONObj after = BSONObjBuilder().appendElements( res ).append( "name2" , "h" ).obj();
conn.update( ns , BSONObjBuilder().append( "name" , "eliot2" ).obj() , after );
res = conn.findOne( ns , BSONObjBuilder().append( "name" , "eliot" ).obj() );
assert( ! strstr( res.getStringField( "name2" ) , "eliot" ) );
assert( conn.findOne( ns , BSONObjBuilder().append( "name" , "eliot2" ).obj() ).isEmpty() );
conn.update( ns , BSONObjBuilder().append( "name" , "eliot" ).obj() , after );
res = conn.findOne( ns , BSONObjBuilder().append( "name" , "eliot" ).obj() );
assert( strstr( res.getStringField( "name" ) , "eliot" ) );
assert( strstr( res.getStringField( "name2" ) , "h" ) );
assert( conn.findOne( ns , BSONObjBuilder().append( "name" , "eliot2" ).obj() ).isEmpty() );
// upsert
conn.update( ns , BSONObjBuilder().append( "name" , "eliot2" ).obj() , after , 1 );
assert( ! conn.findOne( ns , BSONObjBuilder().append( "name" , "eliot" ).obj() ).isEmpty() );
{ // ensure index
assert( conn.ensureIndex( ns , BSON( "name" << 1 ) ) );
assert( ! conn.ensureIndex( ns , BSON( "name" << 1 ) ) );
{ // hint related tests
assert( conn.findOne(ns, "{}")["name"].str() == "sara" );
assert( conn.findOne(ns, "{ name : 'eliot' }")["name"].str() == "eliot" );
assert( conn.getLastError() == "" );
// nonexistent index test
assert( conn.findOne(ns, Query("{name:\"eliot\"}").hint("{foo:1}")).hasElement("$err") );
assert( conn.getLastError() == "hint index not found" );
assert( conn.getLastError() == "" );
//existing index
assert( conn.findOne(ns, Query("{name:'eliot'}").hint("{name:1}")).hasElement("name") );
// run validate
assert( conn.validate( ns ) );
cout << "client test finished!" << endl;