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/* connpool.cpp
/* Copyright 2009 10gen Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// _ todo: reconnect?
#include "pch.h"
#include "connpool.h"
#include "../db/commands.h"
#include "syncclusterconnection.h"
#include "../s/shard.h"
namespace mongo {
// ------ PoolForHost ------
PoolForHost::~PoolForHost() {
while ( ! _pool.empty() ) {
StoredConnection sc = _pool.top();
delete sc.conn;
void PoolForHost::done( DBConnectionPool * pool, DBClientBase * c ) {
if ( _pool.size() >= _maxPerHost ) {
pool->onDestory( c );
delete c;
else {
DBClientBase * PoolForHost::get( DBConnectionPool * pool , double socketTimeout ) {
time_t now = time(0);
while ( ! _pool.empty() ) {
StoredConnection sc = _pool.top();
if ( ! sc.ok( now ) ) {
pool->onDestory( sc.conn );
delete sc.conn;
assert( sc.conn->getSoTimeout() == socketTimeout );
return sc.conn;
return NULL;
void PoolForHost::flush() {
vector<StoredConnection> all;
while ( ! _pool.empty() ) {
StoredConnection c = _pool.top();
all.push_back( c );
bool res;
c.conn->isMaster( res );
for ( vector<StoredConnection>::iterator i=all.begin(); i != all.end(); ++i ) {
_pool.push( *i );
void PoolForHost::getStaleConnections( vector<DBClientBase*>& stale ) {
time_t now = time(0);
vector<StoredConnection> all;
while ( ! _pool.empty() ) {
StoredConnection c = _pool.top();
if ( c.ok( now ) )
all.push_back( c );
stale.push_back( c.conn );
for ( size_t i=0; i<all.size(); i++ ) {
_pool.push( all[i] );
PoolForHost::StoredConnection::StoredConnection( DBClientBase * c ) {
conn = c;
when = time(0);
bool PoolForHost::StoredConnection::ok( time_t now ) {
// if connection has been idle for 30 minutes, kill it
return ( now - when ) < 1800;
void PoolForHost::createdOne( DBClientBase * base) {
if ( _created == 0 )
_type = base->type();
unsigned PoolForHost::_maxPerHost = 50;
// ------ DBConnectionPool ------
DBConnectionPool pool;
: _mutex("DBConnectionPool") ,
_name( "dbconnectionpool" ) ,
_hooks( new list<DBConnectionHook*>() ) {
DBClientBase* DBConnectionPool::_get(const string& ident , double socketTimeout ) {
assert( ! inShutdown() );
scoped_lock L(_mutex);
PoolForHost& p = _pools[PoolKey(ident,socketTimeout)];
return p.get( this , socketTimeout );
DBClientBase* DBConnectionPool::_finishCreate( const string& host , double socketTimeout , DBClientBase* conn ) {
scoped_lock L(_mutex);
PoolForHost& p = _pools[PoolKey(host,socketTimeout)];
p.createdOne( conn );
onCreate( conn );
onHandedOut( conn );
return conn;
DBClientBase* DBConnectionPool::get(const ConnectionString& url, double socketTimeout) {
DBClientBase * c = _get( url.toString() , socketTimeout );
if ( c ) {
onHandedOut( c );
return c;
string errmsg;
c = url.connect( errmsg, socketTimeout );
uassert( 13328 , _name + ": connect failed " + url.toString() + " : " + errmsg , c );
return _finishCreate( url.toString() , socketTimeout , c );
DBClientBase* DBConnectionPool::get(const string& host, double socketTimeout) {
DBClientBase * c = _get( host , socketTimeout );
if ( c ) {
onHandedOut( c );
return c;
string errmsg;
ConnectionString cs = ConnectionString::parse( host , errmsg );
uassert( 13071 , (string)"invalid hostname [" + host + "]" + errmsg , cs.isValid() );
c = cs.connect( errmsg, socketTimeout );
if ( ! c )
throw SocketException( SocketException::CONNECT_ERROR , host , 11002 , str::stream() << _name << " error: " << errmsg );
return _finishCreate( host , socketTimeout , c );
void DBConnectionPool::release(const string& host, DBClientBase *c) {
if ( c->isFailed() ) {
onDestory( c );
delete c;
scoped_lock L(_mutex);
DBConnectionPool::~DBConnectionPool() {
// connection closing is handled by ~PoolForHost
void DBConnectionPool::flush() {
scoped_lock L(_mutex);
for ( PoolMap::iterator i = _pools.begin(); i != _pools.end(); i++ ) {
PoolForHost& p = i->second;
void DBConnectionPool::addHook( DBConnectionHook * hook ) {
_hooks->push_back( hook );
void DBConnectionPool::onCreate( DBClientBase * conn ) {
if ( _hooks->size() == 0 )
for ( list<DBConnectionHook*>::iterator i = _hooks->begin(); i != _hooks->end(); i++ ) {
(*i)->onCreate( conn );
void DBConnectionPool::onHandedOut( DBClientBase * conn ) {
if ( _hooks->size() == 0 )
for ( list<DBConnectionHook*>::iterator i = _hooks->begin(); i != _hooks->end(); i++ ) {
(*i)->onHandedOut( conn );
void DBConnectionPool::onDestory( DBClientBase * conn ) {
if ( _hooks->size() == 0 )
for ( list<DBConnectionHook*>::iterator i = _hooks->begin(); i != _hooks->end(); i++ ) {
(*i)->onDestory( conn );
void DBConnectionPool::appendInfo( BSONObjBuilder& b ) {
int avail = 0;
long long created = 0;
map<ConnectionString::ConnectionType,long long> createdByType;
set<string> replicaSets;
BSONObjBuilder bb( b.subobjStart( "hosts" ) );
scoped_lock lk( _mutex );
for ( PoolMap::iterator i=_pools.begin(); i!=_pools.end(); ++i ) {
if ( i->second.numCreated() == 0 )
string s = str::stream() << i->first.ident << "::" << i->first.timeout;
BSONObjBuilder temp( bb.subobjStart( s ) );
temp.append( "available" , i->second.numAvailable() );
temp.appendNumber( "created" , i->second.numCreated() );
avail += i->second.numAvailable();
created += i->second.numCreated();
long long& x = createdByType[i->second.type()];
x += i->second.numCreated();
string setName = i->first.ident;
if ( setName.find( "/" ) != string::npos ) {
setName = setName.substr( 0 , setName.find( "/" ) );
replicaSets.insert( setName );
BSONObjBuilder setBuilder( b.subobjStart( "replicaSets" ) );
for ( set<string>::iterator i=replicaSets.begin(); i!=replicaSets.end(); ++i ) {
string rs = *i;
ReplicaSetMonitorPtr m = ReplicaSetMonitor::get( rs );
if ( ! m ) {
warning() << "no monitor for set: " << rs << endl;
BSONObjBuilder temp( setBuilder.subobjStart( rs ) );
m->appendInfo( temp );
BSONObjBuilder temp( bb.subobjStart( "createdByType" ) );
for ( map<ConnectionString::ConnectionType,long long>::iterator i=createdByType.begin(); i!=createdByType.end(); ++i ) {
temp.appendNumber( ConnectionString::typeToString( i->first ) , i->second );
b.append( "totalAvailable" , avail );
b.appendNumber( "totalCreated" , created );
bool DBConnectionPool::serverNameCompare::operator()( const string& a , const string& b ) const{
string ap = str::before( a , "/" );
string bp = str::before( b , "/" );
return ap < bp;
bool DBConnectionPool::poolKeyCompare::operator()( const PoolKey& a , const PoolKey& b ) const {
string ap = str::before( a.ident , "/" );
string bp = str::before( b.ident , "/" );
if ( ap < bp )
return true;
if ( ap > bp )
return false;
return a.timeout < b.timeout;
void DBConnectionPool::taskDoWork() {
vector<DBClientBase*> toDelete;
// we need to get the connections inside the lock
// but we can actually delete them outside
scoped_lock lk( _mutex );
for ( PoolMap::iterator i=_pools.begin(); i!=_pools.end(); ++i ) {
i->second.getStaleConnections( toDelete );
for ( size_t i=0; i<toDelete.size(); i++ ) {
try {
onDestory( toDelete[i] );
delete toDelete[i];
catch ( ... ) {
// we don't care if there was a socket error
// ------ ScopedDbConnection ------
ScopedDbConnection * ScopedDbConnection::steal() {
assert( _conn );
ScopedDbConnection * n = new ScopedDbConnection( _host , _conn, _socketTimeout );
_conn = 0;
return n;
void ScopedDbConnection::_setSocketTimeout(){
if( ! _conn ) return;
if( _conn->type() == ConnectionString::MASTER )
(( DBClientConnection* ) _conn)->setSoTimeout( _socketTimeout );
else if( _conn->type() == ConnectionString::SYNC )
(( SyncClusterConnection* ) _conn)->setAllSoTimeouts( _socketTimeout );
ScopedDbConnection::~ScopedDbConnection() {
if ( _conn ) {
if ( ! _conn->isFailed() ) {
/* see done() comments above for why we log this line */
log() << "~ScopedDbConnection: _conn != null" << endl;
ScopedDbConnection::ScopedDbConnection(const Shard& shard, double socketTimeout )
: _host( shard.getConnString() ) , _conn( pool.get(_host, socketTimeout) ), _socketTimeout( socketTimeout ) {
ScopedDbConnection::ScopedDbConnection(const Shard* shard, double socketTimeout )
: _host( shard->getConnString() ) , _conn( pool.get(_host, socketTimeout) ), _socketTimeout( socketTimeout ) {
class PoolFlushCmd : public Command {
PoolFlushCmd() : Command( "connPoolSync" , false , "connpoolsync" ) {}
virtual void help( stringstream &help ) const { help<<"internal"; }
virtual LockType locktype() const { return NONE; }
virtual bool run(const string&, mongo::BSONObj&, std::string&, mongo::BSONObjBuilder& result, bool) {
return true;
virtual bool slaveOk() const {
return true;
} poolFlushCmd;
class PoolStats : public Command {
PoolStats() : Command( "connPoolStats" ) {}
virtual void help( stringstream &help ) const { help<<"stats about connection pool"; }
virtual LockType locktype() const { return NONE; }
virtual bool run(const string&, mongo::BSONObj&, std::string&, mongo::BSONObjBuilder& result, bool) {
pool.appendInfo( result );
result.append( "numDBClientConnection" , DBClientConnection::getNumConnections() );
result.append( "numAScopedConnection" , AScopedConnection::getNumConnections() );
return true;
virtual bool slaveOk() const {
return true;
} poolStatsCmd;
AtomicUInt AScopedConnection::_numConnections;
} // namespace mongo