mirror of https://github.com/mongodb/mongo.git synced 2024-12-01 09:32:32 +01:00

664 lines
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Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python3
Resmoke Test Suite Generator.
Analyze the evergreen history for tests run under the given task and create new evergreen tasks
to attempt to keep the task runtime under a specified amount.
import datetime
from datetime import timedelta
import logging
import math
import os
import re
import sys
from distutils.util import strtobool # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module
import click
import requests
import structlog
import yaml
from evergreen.api import RetryingEvergreenApi
from shrub.config import Configuration
from shrub.task import TaskDependency
from shrub.variant import DisplayTaskDefinition
from shrub.variant import TaskSpec
# Get relative imports to work when the package is not installed on the PYTHONPATH.
if __name__ == "__main__" and __package__ is None:
import buildscripts.resmokelib.suitesconfig as suitesconfig # pylint: disable=wrong-import-position
import buildscripts.util.read_config as read_config # pylint: disable=wrong-import-position
import buildscripts.util.taskname as taskname # pylint: disable=wrong-import-position
import buildscripts.util.teststats as teststats # pylint: disable=wrong-import-position
# pylint: disable=wrong-import-position
from buildscripts.patch_builds.task_generation import TimeoutInfo, resmoke_commands
# pylint: enable=wrong-import-position
LOGGER = structlog.getLogger(__name__)
TEST_SUITE_DIR = os.path.join("buildscripts", "resmokeconfig", "suites")
CONFIG_DIR = "generated_resmoke_config"
CONFIG_FILE = "./.evergreen.yml"
MIN_TIMEOUT_SECONDS = int(timedelta(minutes=5).total_seconds())
GEN_SUFFIX = "_gen"
HEADER_TEMPLATE = """# DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE. All manual edits will be lost.
# This file was generated by {file} from
# {suite_file}.
"resmoke_args": "",
"resmoke_repeat_suites": 1,
"run_multiple_jobs": "true",
"target_resmoke_time": 60,
"use_default_timeouts": False,
"use_large_distro": False,
"fallback_num_sub_suites": int,
"max_sub_suites": int,
"target_resmoke_time": int,
class ConfigOptions(object):
"""Retrieve configuration from a config file."""
def __init__(self, config, required_keys=None, defaults=None, formats=None):
Create an instance of ConfigOptions.
:param config: Dictionary of configuration to use.
:param required_keys: Set of keys required by this config.
:param defaults: Dict of default values for keys.
:param formats: Dict with functions to format values before returning.
self.config = config
self.required_keys = required_keys if required_keys else set()
self.default_values = defaults if defaults else {}
self.formats = formats if formats else {}
def from_file(cls, filepath, required_keys, defaults, formats):
Create an instance of ConfigOptions based on the given config file.
:param filepath: Path to file containing configuration.
:param required_keys: Set of keys required by this config.
:param defaults: Dict of default values for keys.
:param formats: Dict with functions to format values before returning.
:return: Instance of ConfigOptions.
return cls(read_config.read_config_file(filepath), required_keys, defaults, formats)
def depends_on(self):
"""List of dependencies specified."""
return split_if_exists(self._lookup(self.config, "depends_on"))
def is_patch(self):
"""Is this running in a patch build."""
patch = self.config.get("is_patch")
if patch:
return strtobool(patch)
return None
def repeat_suites(self):
"""How many times should the suite be repeated."""
return int(self.resmoke_repeat_suites)
def suite(self):
"""Return test suite is being run."""
return self.config.get("suite", self.task)
def task(self):
"""Return task being run."""
return remove_gen_suffix(self.task_name)
def variant(self):
"""Return build variant is being run on."""
return self.build_variant
def _lookup(self, config, item):
if item not in config:
if item in self.required_keys:
raise KeyError(f"{item} must be specified in configuration.")
return self.default_values.get(item, None)
if item in self.formats and item in config:
return self.formats[item](config[item])
return config.get(item, None)
def __getattr__(self, item):
"""Determine the value of the given attribute."""
return self._lookup(self.config, item)
def __repr__(self):
"""Provide a string representation of this object for debugging."""
required_values = [f"{key}: {self.config[key]}" for key in REQUIRED_CONFIG_KEYS]
return f"ConfigOptions({', '.join(required_values)})"
def enable_logging(verbose):
"""Enable verbose logging for execution."""
level = logging.DEBUG if verbose else logging.INFO
format="[%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s] %(message)s",
def split_if_exists(str_to_split):
"""Split the given string on "," if it is not None."""
if str_to_split:
return str_to_split.split(",")
return None
def remove_gen_suffix(task_name):
"""Remove '_gen' suffix from task_name."""
if task_name.endswith(GEN_SUFFIX):
return task_name[:-4]
return task_name
def string_contains_any_of_args(string, args):
Return whether array contains any of a group of args.
:param string: String being checked.
:param args: Args being analyzed.
:return: True if any args are found in the string.
return any(arg in string for arg in args)
def divide_remaining_tests_among_suites(remaining_tests_runtimes, suites):
"""Divide the list of tests given among the suites given."""
suite_idx = 0
for test_file, runtime in remaining_tests_runtimes:
current_suite = suites[suite_idx]
current_suite.add_test(test_file, runtime)
suite_idx += 1
if suite_idx >= len(suites):
suite_idx = 0
def divide_tests_into_suites(tests_runtimes, max_time_seconds, max_suites=None):
Divide the given tests into suites.
Each suite should be able to execute in less than the max time specified.
suites = []
current_suite = Suite()
last_test_processed = len(tests_runtimes)
LOGGER.debug("Determines suites for runtime", max_runtime_seconds=max_time_seconds)
for idx, (test_file, runtime) in enumerate(tests_runtimes):
LOGGER.debug("Adding test", test=test_file, test_runtime=runtime)
if current_suite.get_runtime() + runtime > max_time_seconds:
LOGGER.debug("Runtime greater than boundary", suite_runtime=current_suite.get_runtime(),
test_runtime=runtime, max_time=max_time_seconds)
if current_suite.get_test_count() > 0:
current_suite = Suite()
if max_suites and len(suites) >= max_suites:
last_test_processed = idx
current_suite.add_test(test_file, runtime)
if current_suite.get_test_count() > 0:
if max_suites and last_test_processed < len(tests_runtimes):
# We must have hit the max suite limit, just randomly add the remaining tests to suites.
divide_remaining_tests_among_suites(tests_runtimes[last_test_processed:], suites)
return suites
def update_suite_config(suite_config, roots=None, excludes=None):
Update suite config based on the roots and excludes passed in.
:param suite_config: suite_config to update.
:param roots: new roots to run, or None if roots should not be updated.
:param excludes: excludes to add, or None if excludes should not be include.
:return: updated suite_config
if roots:
suite_config["selector"]["roots"] = roots
if excludes:
# This must be a misc file, if the exclude_files section exists, extend it, otherwise,
# create it.
if "exclude_files" in suite_config["selector"] and \
suite_config["selector"]["exclude_files"] += excludes
suite_config["selector"]["exclude_files"] = excludes
# if excludes was not specified this must not a misc file, so don"t exclude anything.
if "exclude_files" in suite_config["selector"]:
del suite_config["selector"]["exclude_files"]
return suite_config
def generate_subsuite_file(source_suite_name, target_suite_name, roots=None, excludes=None):
Read and evaluate the yaml suite file.
Override selector.roots and selector.excludes with the provided values. Write the results to
source_file = os.path.join(TEST_SUITE_DIR, source_suite_name + ".yml")
with open(source_file, "r") as fstream:
suite_config = yaml.safe_load(fstream)
with open(os.path.join(CONFIG_DIR, target_suite_name + ".yml"), "w") as out:
out.write(HEADER_TEMPLATE.format(file=__file__, suite_file=source_file))
suite_config = update_suite_config(suite_config, roots, excludes)
out.write(yaml.dump(suite_config, default_flow_style=False, Dumper=yaml.SafeDumper))
def render_suite(suites, suite_name):
"""Render the given suites into yml files that can be used by resmoke.py."""
for idx, suite in enumerate(suites):
suite.name = taskname.name_generated_task(suite_name, idx, len(suites))
generate_subsuite_file(suite_name, suite.name, roots=suite.tests)
def render_misc_suite(test_list, suite_name):
"""Render a misc suite to run any tests that might be added to the directory."""
subsuite_name = "{0}_{1}".format(suite_name, "misc")
generate_subsuite_file(suite_name, subsuite_name, excludes=test_list)
def prepare_directory_for_suite(directory):
"""Ensure that dir exists."""
if not os.path.exists(directory):
def calculate_timeout(avg_runtime, scaling_factor):
Determine how long a runtime to set based on average runtime and a scaling factor.
:param avg_runtime: Average runtime of previous runs.
:param scaling_factor: scaling factor for timeout.
:return: timeout to use (in seconds).
def round_to_minute(runtime):
"""Round the given seconds up to the nearest minute."""
distance_to_min = 60 - (runtime % 60)
return int(math.ceil(runtime + distance_to_min))
return max(MIN_TIMEOUT_SECONDS, round_to_minute(avg_runtime)) * scaling_factor
def should_tasks_be_generated(evg_api, task_id):
Determine if we should attempt to generate tasks.
If an evergreen task that calls 'generate.tasks' is restarted, the 'generate.tasks' command
will no-op. So, if we are in that state, we should avoid generating new configuration files
that will just be confusing to the user (since that would not be used).
:param evg_api: Evergreen API object.
:param task_id: Id of the task being run.
:return: Boolean of whether to generate tasks.
task = evg_api.task_by_id(task_id, fetch_all_executions=True)
# If any previous execution was successful, do not generate more tasks.
for i in range(task.execution):
task_execution = task.get_execution(i)
if task_execution.is_success():
return False
return True
class EvergreenConfigGenerator(object):
"""Generate evergreen configurations."""
def __init__(self, suites, options, evg_api):
"""Create new EvergreenConfigGenerator object."""
self.suites = suites
self.options = options
self.evg_api = evg_api
self.evg_config = Configuration()
self.task_specs = []
self.task_names = []
self.build_tasks = None
def _set_task_distro(self, task_spec):
if self.options.use_large_distro and self.options.large_distro_name:
def _generate_resmoke_args(self, suite_file):
resmoke_args = "--suite={0}.yml --originSuite={1} {2}".format(
suite_file, self.options.suite, self.options.resmoke_args)
if self.options.repeat_suites and not string_contains_any_of_args(
resmoke_args, ["repeatSuites", "repeat"]):
resmoke_args += " --repeatSuites={0} ".format(self.options.repeat_suites)
return resmoke_args
def _get_run_tests_vars(self, suite_file):
variables = {
"resmoke_args": self._generate_resmoke_args(suite_file),
"run_multiple_jobs": self.options.run_multiple_jobs,
"task": self.options.task,
if self.options.resmoke_jobs_max:
variables["resmoke_jobs_max"] = self.options.resmoke_jobs_max
if self.options.use_multiversion:
variables["task_path_suffix"] = self.options.use_multiversion
return variables
def _get_timeout_command(self, max_test_runtime, expected_suite_runtime, use_default):
Add an evergreen command to override the default timeouts to the list of commands.
:param max_test_runtime: Maximum runtime of any test in the sub-suite.
:param expected_suite_runtime: Expected runtime of the entire sub-suite.
:param use_default: Use default timeouts.
:return: Timeout information.
repeat_factor = self.options.repeat_suites
if (max_test_runtime or expected_suite_runtime) and not use_default:
timeout = None
exec_timeout = None
if max_test_runtime:
timeout = calculate_timeout(max_test_runtime, 3) * repeat_factor
LOGGER.debug("Setting timeout", timeout=timeout, max_runtime=max_test_runtime,
if expected_suite_runtime:
exec_timeout = calculate_timeout(expected_suite_runtime, 3) * repeat_factor
LOGGER.debug("Setting exec_timeout", exec_timeout=exec_timeout,
suite_runtime=expected_suite_runtime, factor=repeat_factor)
return TimeoutInfo.overridden(timeout=timeout, exec_timeout=exec_timeout)
return TimeoutInfo.default_timeout()
def _is_task_dependency(task, possible_dependency):
return re.match("{0}_(\\d|misc)".format(task), possible_dependency)
def _get_tasks_for_depends_on(self, dependent_task):
return [
str(task.display_name) for task in self.build_tasks
if self._is_task_dependency(dependent_task, str(task.display_name))
def _add_dependencies(self, task):
if not self.options.is_patch:
# Don"t worry about task dependencies in patch builds, only mainline.
if self.options.depends_on:
for dep in self.options.depends_on:
depends_on_tasks = self._get_tasks_for_depends_on(dep)
for dependency in depends_on_tasks:
return task
def _generate_task(self, sub_suite_name, sub_task_name, max_test_runtime=None,
"""Generate evergreen config for a resmoke task."""
LOGGER.debug("Generating task", sub_suite=sub_suite_name)
spec = TaskSpec(sub_task_name)
task = self.evg_config.task(sub_task_name)
target_suite_file = os.path.join(CONFIG_DIR, sub_suite_name)
run_tests_vars = self._get_run_tests_vars(target_suite_file)
use_multiversion = self.options.use_multiversion
timeout_info = self._get_timeout_command(max_test_runtime, expected_suite_runtime,
commands = resmoke_commands("run generated tests", run_tests_vars, timeout_info,
def _generate_all_tasks(self):
for idx, suite in enumerate(self.suites):
sub_task_name = taskname.name_generated_task(self.options.task, idx, len(self.suites),
max_runtime = None
total_runtime = None
if suite.should_overwrite_timeout():
max_runtime = suite.max_runtime
total_runtime = suite.get_runtime()
self._generate_task(suite.name, sub_task_name, max_runtime, total_runtime)
# Add the misc suite
misc_suite_name = "{0}_misc".format(self.options.suite)
self._generate_task(misc_suite_name, "{0}_misc_{1}".format(self.options.task,
def _generate_display_task(self):
dt = DisplayTaskDefinition(self.options.task)\
.execution_tasks(self.task_names) \
return dt
def _generate_variant(self):
def generate_config(self):
"""Generate evergreen configuration."""
self.build_tasks = self.evg_api.tasks_by_build(self.options.build_id)
return self.evg_config
class Suite(object):
"""A suite of tests that can be run by evergreen."""
def __init__(self):
"""Initialize the object."""
self.tests = []
self.total_runtime = 0
self.max_runtime = 0
self.tests_with_runtime_info = 0
def add_test(self, test_file, runtime):
"""Add the given test to this suite."""
self.total_runtime += runtime
if runtime != 0:
self.tests_with_runtime_info += 1
if runtime > self.max_runtime:
self.max_runtime = runtime
def should_overwrite_timeout(self):
Whether the timeout for this suite should be overwritten.
We should only overwrite the timeout if we have runtime info for all tests.
return len(self.tests) == self.tests_with_runtime_info
def get_runtime(self):
"""Get the current average runtime of all the tests currently in this suite."""
return self.total_runtime
def get_test_count(self):
"""Get the number of tests currently in this suite."""
return len(self.tests)
class GenerateSubSuites(object):
"""Orchestrate the execution of generate_resmoke_suites."""
def __init__(self, evergreen_api, config_options):
"""Initialize the object."""
self.evergreen_api = evergreen_api
self.config_options = config_options
self.test_list = []
def calculate_suites(self, start_date, end_date):
"""Divide tests into suites based on statistics for the provided period."""
evg_stats = self.get_evg_stats(self.config_options.project, start_date, end_date,
self.config_options.task, self.config_options.variant)
if not evg_stats:
# This is probably a new suite, since there is no test history, just use the
# fallback values.
return self.calculate_fallback_suites()
target_execution_time_secs = self.config_options.target_resmoke_time * 60
return self.calculate_suites_from_evg_stats(evg_stats, target_execution_time_secs)
except requests.HTTPError as err:
if err.response.status_code == requests.codes.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE:
# Evergreen may return a 503 when the service is degraded.
# We fall back to splitting the tests into a fixed number of suites.
LOGGER.warning("Received 503 from Evergreen, "
"dividing the tests evenly among suites")
return self.calculate_fallback_suites()
def get_evg_stats(self, project, start_date, end_date, task, variant):
"""Collect test execution statistics data from Evergreen."""
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
days = (end_date - start_date).days
return self.evergreen_api.test_stats_by_project(
project, after_date=start_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"),
before_date=end_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), tasks=[task], variants=[variant],
group_by="test", group_num_days=days)
def calculate_suites_from_evg_stats(self, data, execution_time_secs):
"""Divide tests into suites that can be run in less than the specified execution time."""
test_stats = teststats.TestStats(data)
tests_runtimes = self.filter_existing_tests(test_stats.get_tests_runtimes())
if not tests_runtimes:
return self.calculate_fallback_suites()
self.test_list = [info.test_name for info in tests_runtimes]
return divide_tests_into_suites(tests_runtimes, execution_time_secs,
def filter_existing_tests(self, tests_runtimes):
"""Filter out tests that do not exist in the filesystem."""
all_tests = [teststats.normalize_test_name(test) for test in self.list_tests()]
return [
info for info in tests_runtimes
if os.path.exists(info.test_name) and info.test_name in all_tests
def calculate_fallback_suites(self):
"""Divide tests into a fixed number of suites."""
num_suites = self.config_options.fallback_num_sub_suites
self.test_list = self.list_tests()
suites = [Suite() for _ in range(num_suites)]
for idx, test_file in enumerate(self.test_list):
suites[idx % num_suites].add_test(test_file, 0)
return suites
def list_tests(self):
"""List the test files that are part of the suite being split."""
return suitesconfig.get_suite(self.config_options.suite).tests
def write_evergreen_configuration(self, suites, task):
"""Generate the evergreen configuration for the new suite and write it to disk."""
evg_config_gen = EvergreenConfigGenerator(suites, self.config_options, self.evergreen_api)
evg_config = evg_config_gen.generate_config()
with open(os.path.join(CONFIG_DIR, task + ".json"), "w") as file_handle:
def run(self):
"""Generate resmoke suites that run within a specified target execution time."""
LOGGER.debug("config options", config_options=self.config_options)
if not should_tasks_be_generated(self.evergreen_api, self.config_options.task_id):
LOGGER.info("Not generating configuration due to previous successful generation.")
end_date = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(microsecond=0)
start_date = end_date - datetime.timedelta(days=LOOKBACK_DURATION_DAYS)
suites = self.calculate_suites(start_date, end_date)
LOGGER.debug("Creating suites", num_suites=len(suites), task=self.config_options.task)
render_suite(suites, self.config_options.suite)
render_misc_suite(self.test_list, self.config_options.suite)
self.write_evergreen_configuration(suites, self.config_options.task)
@click.option("--expansion-file", type=str, required=True,
help="Location of expansions file generated by evergreen.")
@click.option("--evergreen-config", type=str, default=CONFIG_FILE,
help="Location of evergreen configuration file.")
@click.option("--verbose", is_flag=True, default=False, help="Enable verbose logging.")
def main(expansion_file, evergreen_config, verbose):
Create a configuration for generate tasks to create sub suites for the specified resmoke suite.
The `--expansion-file` should contain all the configuration needed to generate the tasks.
:param expansion_file: Configuration file.
:param evergreen_config: Evergreen configuration file.
:param verbose: Use verbose logging.
evg_api = RetryingEvergreenApi.get_api(config_file=evergreen_config)
config_options = ConfigOptions.from_file(expansion_file, REQUIRED_CONFIG_KEYS,
GenerateSubSuites(evg_api, config_options).run()
if __name__ == "__main__":
main() # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter