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"""Holder for the (test kind, list of tests) pair with additional metadata their execution."""
import itertools
import threading
import time
from . import report as _report
from . import summary as _summary
from .. import config as _config
from .. import selector as _selector
# Map of error codes that could be seen. This is collected from:
# * dbshell.cpp
# * exit_code.h
# * Unix signals
# * Windows access violation
1: "DB Exception",
-6: "SIGABRT",
-9: "SIGKILL",
-11: "SIGSEGV",
-15: "SIGTERM",
14: "Exit Abrupt",
-3: "Failure executing JS file",
253: "Failure executing JS file",
-4: "Eval Error",
252: "Eval Error",
-5: "Mongorc Error",
251: "Mongorc Error",
250: "Unterminated Process",
-7: "Process Termination Error",
249: "Process Termination Error",
-1073741819: "Windows Access Violation",
3221225477: "Windows Access Violation",
-1073741571: "Stack Overflow",
3221225725: "Stack Overflow",
def translate_exit_code(exit_code):
Convert the given exit code into a human readable string.
:param exit_code: Exit code to translate.
:return: Human readable string.
return EXIT_CODE_MAP.get(exit_code, "UNKNOWN")
def synchronized(method):
"""Provide decorator to enforce instance lock ownership when calling the method."""
def synced(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Sync an instance lock."""
lock = getattr(self, "_lock")
with lock:
return method(self, *args, **kwargs)
return synced
class Suite(object): # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
"""A suite of tests of a particular kind (e.g. C++ unit tests, dbtests, jstests)."""
def __init__(self, suite_name, suite_config, suite_options=_config.SuiteOptions.ALL_INHERITED):
"""Initialize the suite with the specified name and configuration."""
self._lock = threading.RLock()
self._suite_name = suite_name
self._suite_config = suite_config
self._suite_options = suite_options
self.test_kind = self.get_test_kind_config()
self.tests, self.excluded = self._get_tests_for_kind(self.test_kind)
self.return_code = None # Set by the executor.
self._suite_start_time = None
self._suite_end_time = None
self._test_start_times = []
self._test_end_times = []
self._reports = []
# We keep a reference to the TestReports from the currently running jobs so that we can
# report intermediate results.
self._partial_reports = None
def __repr__(self):
"""Create a string representation of object for debugging."""
return f"{self.test_kind}:{self._suite_name}"
def _get_tests_for_kind(self, test_kind):
"""Return the tests to run based on the 'test_kind'-specific filtering policy."""
selector_config = self.get_selector_config()
# The mongos_test doesn't have to filter anything, the selector_config is just the
# arguments to the mongos program to be used as the test case.
if test_kind == "mongos_test":
mongos_options = selector_config # Just for easier reading.
if not isinstance(mongos_options, dict):
raise TypeError("Expected dictionary of arguments to mongos")
return [mongos_options], []
return _selector.filter_tests(test_kind, selector_config)
def get_name(self):
"""Return the name of the test suite."""
return self._suite_name
def get_display_name(self):
"""Return the name of the test suite with a unique identifier for its SuiteOptions."""
if self.options.description is None:
return self.get_name()
return "{} ({})".format(self.get_name(), self.options.description)
def get_selector_config(self):
"""Return the "selector" section of the YAML configuration."""
if "selector" not in self._suite_config:
return {}
selector = self._suite_config["selector"].copy()
if self.options.include_tags is not None:
if "include_tags" in selector:
selector["include_tags"] = {
"$allOf": [
elif "exclude_tags" in selector:
selector["exclude_tags"] = {
"$anyOf": [
{"$not": self.options.include_tags},
selector["include_tags"] = self.options.include_tags
return selector
def get_executor_config(self):
"""Return the "executor" section of the YAML configuration."""
return self._suite_config["executor"]
def get_test_kind_config(self):
"""Return the "test_kind" section of the YAML configuration."""
return self._suite_config["test_kind"]
def options(self):
"""Get the options."""
return self._suite_options.resolve()
def with_options(self, suite_options):
"""Return a Suite instance with the specified resmokelib.config.SuiteOptions."""
return Suite(self._suite_name, self._suite_config, suite_options)
def record_suite_start(self):
"""Record the start time of the suite."""
self._suite_start_time = time.time()
def record_suite_end(self):
"""Record the end time of the suite."""
self._suite_end_time = time.time()
def record_test_start(self, partial_reports):
"""Record the start time of an execution.
The result is stored in the TestReports for currently running jobs.
self._partial_reports = partial_reports
def record_test_end(self, report):
"""Record the end time of an execution."""
self._partial_reports = None
def get_active_report(self):
"""Return the partial report of the currently running execution, if there is one."""
if not self._partial_reports:
return None
return _report.TestReport.combine(*self._partial_reports)
def get_reports(self):
"""Return the list of reports.
If there's an execution currently in progress, then a report for the partial results
is included in the returned list.
if self._partial_reports is not None:
return self._reports + [self.get_active_report()]
return self._reports
def summarize(self, sb):
"""Append a summary of the suite onto the string builder 'sb'."""
if not self._reports and not self._partial_reports:
sb.append("No tests ran.")
summary = _summary.Summary(0, 0.0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
elif not self._reports and self._partial_reports:
summary = self.summarize_latest(sb)
elif len(self._reports) == 1 and not self._partial_reports:
summary = self._summarize_execution(0, sb)
summary = self._summarize_repeated(sb)
if summary.num_run == 0:
sb.append("Suite did not run any tests.")
# Override the 'time_taken' attribute of the summary if we have more accurate timing
# information available.
if self._suite_start_time is not None and self._suite_end_time is not None:
time_taken = self._suite_end_time - self._suite_start_time
summary = summary._replace(time_taken=time_taken)
def summarize_latest(self, sb):
"""Return a summary of the latest execution of the suite.
Also append a summary of that execution onto the string builder 'sb'.
If there's an execution currently in progress, then the partial
summary of that execution is appended to 'sb'.
if self._partial_reports is None:
return self._summarize_execution(-1, sb)
active_report = _report.TestReport.combine(*self._partial_reports)
# Use the current time as the time that this suite finished running.
end_time = time.time()
return self._summarize_report(active_report, self._test_start_times[-1], end_time, sb)
def _summarize_repeated(self, sb):
"""Return the summary information of all executions.
Also append each execution's summary onto the string builder 'sb' and
information of how many repetitions there were.
reports = self.get_reports() # Also includes the combined partial reports.
num_iterations = len(reports)
start_times = self._test_start_times[:]
end_times = self._test_end_times[:]
if self._partial_reports:
end_times.append(time.time()) # Add an end time in this copy for the partial reports.
total_time_taken = end_times[-1] - start_times[0]
sb.append("Executed %d times in %0.2f seconds:" % (num_iterations, total_time_taken))
combined_summary = _summary.Summary(0, 0.0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
for iteration in range(num_iterations):
# Summarize each execution as a bulleted list of results.
bulleter_sb = []
summary = self._summarize_report(reports[iteration], start_times[iteration],
end_times[iteration], bulleter_sb)
combined_summary = _summary.combine(combined_summary, summary)
for (i, line) in enumerate(bulleter_sb):
# Only bullet first line, indent others.
prefix = "* " if i == 0 else " "
sb.append(prefix + line)
return combined_summary
def _summarize_execution(self, iteration, sb):
"""Return the summary information of the execution given by 'iteration'.
Also append a summary of that execution onto the string builder 'sb'.
return self._summarize_report(self._reports[iteration], self._test_start_times[iteration],
self._test_end_times[iteration], sb)
def _summarize_report(self, report, start_time, end_time, sb):
"""Return the summary information of the execution.
The summary is for 'report' that started at 'start_time' and finished at 'end_time'.
Also append a summary of that execution onto the string builder 'sb'.
time_taken = end_time - start_time
# Tests that were interrupted are treated as failures because (1) the test has already been
# started and therefore isn't skipped and (2) the test has yet to finish and therefore
# cannot be said to have succeeded.
num_failed = report.num_failed + report.num_interrupted
num_run = report.num_succeeded + report.num_errored + num_failed
# The number of skipped tests is only known if self.options.time_repeat_tests_secs
# is not specified.
if self.options.time_repeat_tests_secs:
num_skipped = 0
num_tests = len(self.tests) * self.options.num_repeat_tests
num_skipped = num_tests + report.num_dynamic - num_run
if report.num_succeeded == num_run and num_skipped == 0:
sb.append("All %d test(s) passed in %0.2f seconds." % (num_run, time_taken))
return _summary.Summary(num_run, time_taken, num_run, 0, 0, 0)
summary = _summary.Summary(num_run, time_taken, report.num_succeeded, num_skipped,
num_failed, report.num_errored)
sb.append("%d test(s) ran in %0.2f seconds"
" (%d succeeded, %d were skipped, %d failed, %d errored)" % summary)
test_names = []
if num_failed > 0:
sb.append("The following tests failed (with exit code):")
for test_info in itertools.chain(report.get_failed(), report.get_interrupted()):
sb.append(" %s (%d %s)" % (test_info.test_file, test_info.return_code,
if report.num_errored > 0:
sb.append("The following tests had errors:")
for test_info in report.get_errored():
sb.append(" %s" % (test_info.test_file))
if num_failed > 0 or report.num_errored > 0:
sb.append("If you're unsure where to begin investigating these errors, "
"consider looking at tests in the following order:")
for test_name in test_names:
sb.append(" %s" % (test_name))
return summary
def log_summaries(logger, suites, time_taken):
"""Log summary of all suites."""
sb = []
"Summary of all suites: %d suites ran in %0.2f seconds" % (len(suites), time_taken))
for suite in suites:
suite_sb = []
sb.append(" %s: %s" % (suite.get_display_name(), "\n ".join(suite_sb)))
logger.info("=" * 80)