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// query.cpp
* Copyright (C) 2008 10gen Inc.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
* as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "query.h"
#include "pdfile.h"
#include "jsobj.h"
#include "../util/builder.h"
#include <time.h>
#include "introspect.h"
#include "btree.h"
#include "../util/lruishmap.h"
#include "javajs.h"
#include "json.h"
#include "repl.h"
#include "scanandorder.h"
/* We cut off further objects once we cross this threshold; thus, you might get
a little bit more than this, it is a threshold rather than a limit.
const int MaxBytesToReturnToClientAtOnce = 4 * 1024 * 1024;
LRUishMap<JSObj,DiskLoc,5> lrutest(123);
int nextCursorId = 1;
extern bool useCursors;
#pragma pack(push,1)
struct EmptyObject {
EmptyObject() { len = 5; jstype = EOO; }
int len;
char jstype;
} emptyObject;
#pragma pack(pop)
JSObj emptyObj((char *) &emptyObject);
int getGtLtOp(Element& e);
void appendElementHandlingGtLt(JSObjBuilder& b, Element& e);
int runCount(const char *ns, JSObj& cmd, string& err);
/* todo: _ cache query plans
_ use index on partial match with the query
query - the query, e.g., { name: 'joe' }
order - order by spec, e.g., { name: 1 } 1=ASC, -1=DESC
simpleKeyMatch - set to true if the query is purely for a single key value
unchanged otherwise.
auto_ptr<Cursor> getIndexCursor(const char *ns, JSObj& query, JSObj& order, bool *simpleKeyMatch = 0, bool *isSorted = 0) {
NamespaceDetails *d = nsdetails(ns);
if( d == 0 ) return auto_ptr<Cursor>();
// queryFields, e.g. { 'name' }
set<string> queryFields;
if( !order.isEmpty() ) {
set<string> orderFields;
// order by
for(int i = 0; i < d->nIndexes; i++ ) {
JSObj idxInfo = d->indexes[i].info.obj(); // { name:, ns:, key: }
assert( strcmp(ns, idxInfo.getStringField("ns")) == 0 );
JSObj idxKey = idxInfo.getObjectField("key");
set<string> keyFields;
if( keyFields == orderFields ) {
bool reverse =
order.firstElement().type() == Number &&
order.firstElement().number() < 0;
JSObjBuilder b;
/* todo: start with the right key, not just beginning of index, when query is also
DEV cout << " using index " << d->indexes[i].indexNamespace() << '\n';
if( isSorted )
*isSorted = true;
return auto_ptr<Cursor>(new BtreeCursor(d->indexes[i], reverse ? maxKey : emptyObj, reverse ? -1 : 1, false));
// regular query without order by
for(int i = 0; i < d->nIndexes; i++ ) {
JSObj idxInfo = d->indexes[i].info.obj(); // { name:, ns:, key: }
JSObj idxKey = idxInfo.getObjectField("key");
set<string> keyFields;
if( keyFields == queryFields ) {
bool simple = true;
JSObjBuilder b;
JSObj q = query.extractFields(idxKey, b);
/* regexp: only supported if form is /^text/ */
JSObjBuilder b2;
JSElemIter it(q);
bool first = true;
while( it.more() ) {
Element e = it.next();
if( e.eoo() )
// GT/LT
if( e.type() == Object ) {
int op = getGtLtOp(e);
if( op ) {
if( !first || !it.next().eoo() ) {
// compound keys with GT/LT not supported yet via index.
goto fail;
if( op >= JSMatcher::opIN ) {
// $in does not use an index (at least yet, should when # of elems is tiny)
goto fail;
JSElemIter k(e.embeddedObject());
if( !k.next().eoo() ) {
/* compound query like { $lt : 9, $gt : 2 }
for those our method below won't work.
need more work on "stopOnMiss" in general -- may
be issues with it. so fix this to use index after
that is fixed.
OCCASIONALLY cout << "finish query optimizer for lt gt compound\n";
goto fail;
int direction = - JSMatcher::opDirection(op);
return auto_ptr<Cursor>( new BtreeCursor(
direction == 1 ? emptyObj : maxKey,
true) );
first = false;
if( e.type() == RegEx ) {
simple = false;
if( *e.regexFlags() )
goto fail;
const char *re = e.regex();
const char *p = re;
if( *p++ != '^' ) goto fail;
while( *p ) {
if( *p == ' ' || (*p>='0'&&*p<='9') || (*p>='@'&&*p<='Z') || (*p>='a'&&*p<='z') )
goto fail;
if( it.more() && !it.next().eoo() ) // we must be the last part of the key (for now until we are smarter)
goto fail;
// ok!
b2.append(e.fieldName(), re+1);
else {
//appendElementHandlingGtLt(b2, e);
JSObj q2 = b2.done();
DEV cout << "using index " << d->indexes[i].indexNamespace() << endl;
if( simple && simpleKeyMatch ) *simpleKeyMatch = true;
return auto_ptr<Cursor>(
new BtreeCursor(d->indexes[i], q2, 1, true));
DEV cout << "getIndexCursor fail " << ns << '\n';
return auto_ptr<Cursor>();
/* ns: namespace, e.g. <client>.<collection>
pattern: the "where" clause / criteria
justOne: stop after 1 match
int deleteObjects(const char *ns, JSObj pattern, bool justOne, bool god) {
if( strstr(ns, ".system.") && !god ) {
/*if( strstr(ns, ".system.namespaces") ){
cout << "info: delete on system namespace " << ns << '\n';
else if( strstr(ns, ".system.indexes") ) {
cout << "info: delete on system namespace " << ns << '\n';
else*/ {
cout << "ERROR: attempt to delete in system namespace " << ns << endl;
return -1;
int nDeleted = 0;
JSMatcher matcher(pattern);
JSObj order;
auto_ptr<Cursor> c = getIndexCursor(ns, pattern, order);
if( c.get() == 0 )
c = theDataFileMgr.findAll(ns);
Cursor &tempDebug = *c;
while( c->ok() ) {
Record *r = c->_current();
DiskLoc rloc = c->currLoc();
c->advance(); // must advance before deleting as the next ptr will die
JSObj js(r);
bool deep;
if( !matcher.matches(js, &deep) ) {
if( c->tempStopOnMiss() )
else {
assert( !deep || !c->getsetdup(rloc) ); // can't be a dup, we deleted it!
if( !justOne )
theDataFileMgr.deleteRecord(ns, r, rloc);
if( justOne )
return nDeleted;
struct Mod {
enum Op { INC, SET } op;
const char *fieldName;
double *n;
static void getMods(vector<Mod>& mods, JSObj from);
static void applyMods(vector<Mod>& mods, JSObj obj);
void Mod::applyMods(vector<Mod>& mods, JSObj obj) {
for( vector<Mod>::iterator i = mods.begin(); i != mods.end(); i++ ) {
Mod& m = *i;
Element e = obj.findElement(m.fieldName);
if( e.type() == Number ) {
if( m.op == INC )
*m.n = e.number() += *m.n;
e.number() = *m.n; // $set or $SET
/* get special operations like $inc
{ $inc: { a:1, b:1 } }
{ $set: { a:77 } }
NOTE: MODIFIES source from object!
void Mod::getMods(vector<Mod>& mods, JSObj from) {
JSElemIter it(from);
while( it.more() ) {
Element e = it.next();
const char *fn = e.fieldName();
if( *fn == '$' && e.type() == Object &&
fn[4] == 0 ) {
JSObj j = e.embeddedObject();
JSElemIter jt(j);
Op op = Mod::SET;
if( strcmp("$inc",fn) == 0 ) {
op = Mod::INC;
// we rename to $SET instead of $set so that on an op like
// { $set: {x:1}, $inc: {y:1} }
// we don't get two "$set" fields which isn't allowed
strcpy((char *) fn, "$SET");
while( jt.more() ) {
Element f = jt.next();
if( f.eoo() )
Mod m;
m.op = op;
m.fieldName = f.fieldName();
if( f.type() == Number ) {
m.n = &f.number();
mods.push_back( m );
/* todo:
_ smart requery find record immediately
2: we did applyMods() but didn't logOp()
5: we did applyMods() and did logOp() (so don't do it again)
(clean these up later...)
int _updateObjects(const char *ns, JSObj updateobj, JSObj pattern, bool upsert, stringstream& ss, bool logop=false) {
//cout << "TEMP BAD";
int profile = client->profile;
// cout << "update ns:" << ns << " objsize:" << updateobj.objsize() << " queryobjsize:" <<
// pattern.objsize();
if( strstr(ns, ".system.") ) {
cout << "\nERROR: attempt to update in system namespace " << ns << endl;
ss << " can't update system namespace ";
return 0;
int nscanned = 0;
JSMatcher matcher(pattern);
JSObj order;
auto_ptr<Cursor> c = getIndexCursor(ns, pattern, order);
if( c.get() == 0 )
c = theDataFileMgr.findAll(ns);
while( c->ok() ) {
Record *r = c->_current();
JSObj js(r);
if( !matcher.matches(js) ) {
if( c->tempStopOnMiss() )
else {
/* note: we only update one row and quit. if you do multiple later,
be careful or multikeys in arrays could break things badly. best
to only allow updating a single row with a multikey lookup.
if( profile )
ss << " nscanned:" << nscanned;
/* look for $inc etc. note as listed here, all fields to inc must be this type, you can't set some
regular ones at the moment. */
const char *firstField = updateobj.firstElement().fieldName();
if( firstField[0] == '$' ) {
vector<Mod> mods;
Mod::getMods(mods, updateobj);
Mod::applyMods(mods, c->currLoc().obj());
if( profile )
ss << " fastmod ";
if( logop ) {
if( mods.size() ) {
logOp("u", ns, updateobj, &pattern, &upsert);
return 5;
return 2;
theDataFileMgr.update(ns, r, c->currLoc(), updateobj.objdata(), updateobj.objsize(), ss);
return 1;
if( profile )
ss << " nscanned:" << nscanned;
if( upsert ) {
if( updateobj.firstElement().fieldName()[0] == '$' ) {
/* upsert of an $inc. build a default */
vector<Mod> mods;
Mod::getMods(mods, updateobj);
JSObjBuilder b;
for( vector<Mod>::iterator i = mods.begin(); i != mods.end(); i++ )
b.append(i->fieldName, *i->n);
JSObj obj = b.done();
theDataFileMgr.insert(ns, (void*) obj.objdata(), obj.objsize());
if( profile )
ss << " fastmodinsert ";
return 3;
if( profile )
ss << " upsert ";
theDataFileMgr.insert(ns, (void*) updateobj.objdata(), updateobj.objsize());
return 4;
return 0;
/* todo: we can optimize replication by just doing insert when an upsert triggers.
void updateObjects(const char *ns, JSObj updateobj, JSObj pattern, bool upsert, stringstream& ss) {
int rc = _updateObjects(ns, updateobj, pattern, upsert, ss, true);
if( rc != 5 )
logOp("u", ns, updateobj, &pattern, &upsert);
int queryTraceLevel = 0;
int otherTraceLevel = 0;
int initialExtentSize(int len);
void clean(const char *ns, NamespaceDetails *d) {
for( int i = 0; i < Buckets; i++ )
string validateNS(const char *ns, NamespaceDetails *d) {
bool valid = true;
stringstream ss;
ss << "\nvalidate\n";
ss << " details: " << hex << d << " ofs:" << nsindex(ns)->detailsOffset(d) << dec << endl;
if( d->capped )
ss << " capped:" << d->capped << " max:" << d->max << '\n';
ss << " firstExtent:" << d->firstExtent.toString() << " ns:" << d->firstExtent.ext()->ns.buf << '\n';
ss << " lastExtent:" << d->lastExtent.toString() << " ns:" << d->lastExtent.ext()->ns.buf << '\n';
try {
} catch(...) { valid=false; ss << " extent asserted "; }
ss << " datasize?:" << d->datasize << " nrecords?:" << d->nrecords << " lastExtentSize:" << d->lastExtentSize << '\n';
ss << " padding:" << d->paddingFactor << '\n';
try {
try {
ss << " first extent:\n";
valid = valid && d->firstExtent.ext()->validates();
catch(...) {
ss << "\n exception firstextent\n" << endl;
auto_ptr<Cursor> c = theDataFileMgr.findAll(ns);
int n = 0;
long long len = 0;
long long nlen = 0;
set<DiskLoc> recs;
int outOfOrder = 0;
DiskLoc cl_last;
while( c->ok() ) {
DiskLoc cl = c->currLoc();
if( n < 1000000 )
if( d->capped ) {
if( cl < cl_last )
cl_last = cl;
Record *r = c->_current();
len += r->lengthWithHeaders;
nlen += r->netLength();
if( d->capped ) {
ss << " capped outOfOrder:" << outOfOrder;
if( outOfOrder > 1 ) {
valid = false;
ss << " ???";
else ss << " (OK)";
ss << '\n';
ss << " " << n << " objects found, nobj:" << d->nrecords << "\n";
ss << " " << len << " bytes data w/headers\n";
ss << " " << nlen << " bytes data wout/headers\n";
ss << " deletedList: ";
for( int i = 0; i < Buckets; i++ ) {
ss << (d->deletedList[i].isNull() ? '0' : '1');
ss << endl;
int ndel = 0;
long long delSize = 0;
int incorrect = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < Buckets; i++ ) {
DiskLoc loc = d->deletedList[i];
try {
int k = 0;
while( !loc.isNull() ) {
if( recs.count(loc) )
if( loc.questionable() ) {
if( loc.a() <= 0 || strstr(ns, "hudsonSmall") == 0 ) {
ss << " ?bad deleted loc: " << loc.toString() << " bucket:" << i << " k:" << k << endl;
valid = false;
DeletedRecord *d = loc.drec();
delSize += d->lengthWithHeaders;
loc = d->nextDeleted;
} catch(...) { ss <<" ?exception in deleted chain for bucket " << i << endl; valid = false; }
ss << " deleted: n: " << ndel << " size: " << delSize << '\n';
if( incorrect ) {
ss << " ?corrupt: " << incorrect << " records from datafile are in deleted list\n";
valid = false;
int idxn = 0;
try {
ss << " nIndexes:" << d->nIndexes << endl;
for( ; idxn < d->nIndexes; idxn++ ) {
ss << " " << d->indexes[idxn].indexNamespace() << " keys:" <<
d->indexes[idxn].head.btree()->fullValidate(d->indexes[idxn].head) << endl;
catch(...) {
ss << "\n exception during index validate idxn:" << idxn << endl; valid=false;
catch(AssertionException) {
ss << "\n exception during validate\n" << endl;
valid = false;
if( !valid )
ss << " ns corrupt, requires dbchk\n";
return ss.str();
bool userCreateNS(const char *ns, JSObj& j, string& err);
const int edebug=0;
bool dbEval(JSObj& cmd, JSObjBuilder& result) {
Element e = cmd.firstElement();
assert( e.type() == Code );
const char *code = e.valuestr();
if ( ! JavaJS ) {
result.append("errmsg", "db side execution is disabled");
return false;
jlong f = JavaJS->functionCreate(code);
if( f == 0 ) {
result.append("errmsg", "compile failed");
return false;
Scope s;
s.setString("$client", client->name.c_str());
Element args = cmd.findElement("args");
if( args.type() == Array ) {
JSObj eo = args.embeddedObject();
if( edebug ) {
cout << "args:" << eo.toString() << endl;
cout << "code:\n" << code << endl;
s.setObject("args", eo);
int res = s.invoke(f);
if( res ) {
result.append("errno", (double) res);
result.append("errmsg", "invoke failed");
return false;
int type = s.type("return");
if( type == Object || type == Array )
result.append("retval", s.getObject("return"));
else if( type == Number )
result.append("retval", s.getNumber("return"));
else if( type == String )
result.append("retval", s.getString("return").c_str());
else if( type == Bool ) {
result.appendBool("retval", s.getBoolean("return"));
return true;
extern int opLogging;
void flushOpLog();
// e.g.
// system.cmd$.find( { queryTraceLevel: 2 } );
// returns true if ran a cmd
bool _runCommands(const char *ns, JSObj& jsobj, stringstream& ss, BufBuilder &b, JSObjBuilder& anObjBuilder) {
const char *p = strchr(ns, '.');
if( !p ) return false;
if( strcmp(p, ".$cmd") != 0 ) return false;
bool ok = false;
bool valid = false;
//cout << jsobj.toString() << endl;
Element e;
e = jsobj.firstElement();
if( e.eoo() ) goto done;
if( e.type() == Code ) {
valid = true;
ok = dbEval(jsobj, anObjBuilder);
else if( e.type() == Number ) {
if( strcmp(e.fieldName(), "getoptime") == 0 ) {
valid = true;
ok = true;
anObjBuilder.appendDate("optime", OpTime::now().asDate());
else if( strcmp(e.fieldName(), "dropDatabase") == 0 ) {
if( 1 ) {
cout << "dropDatabase " << ns << endl;
valid = true;
int p = (int) e.number();
if( p != 1 ) {
ok = false;
} else {
ok = true;
else {
cout << "TEMP CODE: dropdatabase commented out " << endl;
else if( strcmp(e.fieldName(), "profile") == 0 ) {
anObjBuilder.append("was", (double) client->profile);
int p = (int) e.number();
valid = true;
if( p == -1 )
ok = true;
else if( p >= 0 && p <= 2 ) {
ok = true;
client->profile = p;
else {
ok = false;
else {
// admin only commands.
if( strncmp(ns, "admin", p-ns) != 0 )
return false;
if( strcmp(e.fieldName(),"opLogging") == 0 ) {
valid = ok = true;
opLogging = (int) e.number();
log() << "CMD: opLogging set to " << opLogging << endl;
} else if( strcmp(e.fieldName(),"queryTraceLevel") == 0 ) {
valid = ok = true;
queryTraceLevel = (int) e.number();
} else if( strcmp(e.fieldName(),"traceAll") == 0 ) {
valid = ok = true;
queryTraceLevel = (int) e.number();
otherTraceLevel = (int) e.number();
else if( e.type() == String ) {
/* { count: "collectionname"[, query: <query>] } */
string us(ns, p-ns);
if( strcmp( e.fieldName(), "count" ) == 0 ) {
valid = true;
string ns = us + '.' + e.valuestr();
string err;
int n = runCount(ns.c_str(), jsobj, err);
int nn = n;
ok = true;
if( n < 0 ) {
ok = false;
nn = 0;
if( !err.empty() )
anObjBuilder.append("errmsg", err.c_str());
anObjBuilder.append("n", (double) nn);
else if( strcmp( e.fieldName(), "clone") == 0 ) {
valid = true;
string err;
ok = cloneFrom(e.valuestr(), err);
if( !err.empty() )
anObjBuilder.append("errmsg", err.c_str());
else if( strcmp( e.fieldName(), "create") == 0 ) {
valid = true;
string ns = us + '.' + e.valuestr();
string err;
ok = userCreateNS(ns.c_str(), jsobj, err);
if( ok )
logOp("c", ns.c_str(), jsobj);
if( !ok && !err.empty() )
anObjBuilder.append("errmsg", err.c_str());
else if( strcmp( e.fieldName(), "clean") == 0 ) {
valid = true;
string dropNs = us + '.' + e.valuestr();
NamespaceDetails *d = nsdetails(dropNs.c_str());
log() << "CMD: clean " << dropNs << endl;
if( d ) {
ok = true;
anObjBuilder.append("ns", dropNs.c_str());
clean(dropNs.c_str(), d);
else {
anObjBuilder.append("errmsg", "ns not found");
else if( strcmp( e.fieldName(), "drop") == 0 ) {
valid = true;
string nsToDrop = us + '.' + e.valuestr();
NamespaceDetails *d = nsdetails(nsToDrop.c_str());
log() << "CMD: drop " << nsToDrop << endl;
if( d == 0 ) {
anObjBuilder.append("errmsg", "ns not found");
else if( d->nIndexes != 0 ) {
// client is supposed to drop the indexes first
anObjBuilder.append("errmsg", "ns has indexes (not permitted on drop)");
else {
ok = true;
anObjBuilder.append("ns", nsToDrop.c_str());
logOp("c", ns, jsobj);
JSObjBuilder b;
b.append("name", dropNs.c_str());
JSObj cond = b.done(); // { name: "colltodropname" }
deleteObjects("system.namespaces", cond, false, true);
else if( strcmp( e.fieldName(), "validate") == 0 ) {
valid = true;
string toValidateNs = us + '.' + e.valuestr();
NamespaceDetails *d = nsdetails(toValidateNs.c_str());
log() << "CMD: validate " << toValidateNs << endl;
if( d ) {
ok = true;
anObjBuilder.append("ns", toValidateNs.c_str());
string s = validateNS(toValidateNs.c_str(), d);
anObjBuilder.append("result", s.c_str());
else {
anObjBuilder.append("errmsg", "ns not found");
else if( strcmp(e.fieldName(),"deleteIndexes") == 0 ) {
valid = true;
/* note: temp implementation. space not reclaimed! */
string toDeleteNs = us + '.' + e.valuestr();
NamespaceDetails *d = nsdetails(toDeleteNs.c_str());
log() << "CMD: deleteIndexes " << toDeleteNs << endl;
if( d ) {
Element f = jsobj.findElement("index");
if( !f.eoo() ) {
logOp("c", ns, jsobj);
// delete a specific index or all?
if( f.type() == String ) {
const char *idxName = f.valuestr();
if( *idxName == '*' && idxName[1] == 0 ) {
ok = true;
cout << " d->nIndexes was " << d->nIndexes << endl;
anObjBuilder.append("nIndexesWas", (double)d->nIndexes);
anObjBuilder.append("msg", "all indexes deleted for collection");
cout << " alpha implementation, space not reclaimed" << endl;
for( int i = 0; i < d->nIndexes; i++ )
d->nIndexes = 0;
else {
// delete just one index
int x = d->findIndexByName(idxName);
if( x >= 0 ) {
cout << " d->nIndexes was " << d->nIndexes << endl;
anObjBuilder.append("nIndexesWas", (double)d->nIndexes);
/* note it is important we remove the IndexDetails with this
call, otherwise, on recreate, the old one would be reused, and its
IndexDetails::info ptr would be bad info.
for( int i = x; i < d->nIndexes; i++ )
d->indexes[i] = d->indexes[i+1];
cout << " alpha implementation, space not reclaimed\n";
} else {
cout << "deleteIndexes: " << idxName << " not found" << endl;
else {
anObjBuilder.append("errmsg", "ns not found");
if( !valid )
anObjBuilder.append("errmsg", "no such cmd");
anObjBuilder.append("ok", ok?1.0:0.0);
JSObj x = anObjBuilder.done();
b.append((void*) x.objdata(), x.objsize());
return true;
bool runCommands(const char *ns, JSObj& jsobj, stringstream& ss, BufBuilder &b, JSObjBuilder& anObjBuilder) {
try {
return _runCommands(ns, jsobj, ss, b, anObjBuilder);
catch( AssertionException ) {
ss << " assertion ";
anObjBuilder.append("errmsg", "db assertion failure");
anObjBuilder.append("ok", 0.0);
JSObj x = anObjBuilder.done();
b.append((void*) x.objdata(), x.objsize());
return true;
int nCaught = 0;
void killCursors(int n, long long *ids) {
int k = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
if( ClientCursor::erase(ids[i]) )
log() << "killCursors: found " << k << " of " << n << '\n';
// order.$natural sets natural order direction
auto_ptr<Cursor> findTableScan(const char *ns, JSObj& order);
JSObj id_obj = fromjson("{_id:ObjId()}");
JSObj empty_obj = fromjson("{}");
/* { count: "collectionname"[, query: <query>] }
returns -1 on error.
int runCount(const char *ns, JSObj& cmd, string& err) {
NamespaceDetails *d = nsdetails(ns);
if( d == 0 ) {
err = "ns does not exist";
return -1;
JSObj query = cmd.getObjectField("query");
if( query.isEmpty() ) {
// count of all objects
return (int) d->nrecords;
auto_ptr<Cursor> c;
bool simpleKeyToMatch = false;
c = getIndexCursor(ns, query, empty_obj, &simpleKeyToMatch);
if( c.get() ) {
if( simpleKeyToMatch ) {
/* Here we only look at the btree keys to determine if a match, instead of looking
into the records, which would be much slower.
int count = 0;
BtreeCursor *bc = dynamic_cast<BtreeCursor *>(c.get());
if( c->ok() ) {
while( 1 ) {
if( !(query == bc->currKeyNode().key) )
if( !c->advance() )
return count;
} else {
c = findTableScan(ns, empty_obj);
int count = 0;
auto_ptr<JSMatcher> matcher(new JSMatcher(query));
while( c->ok() ) {
JSObj js = c->current();
bool deep;
if( !matcher->matches(js, &deep) ) {
if( c->tempStopOnMiss() )
else if( !deep || !c->getsetdup(c->currLoc()) ) { // i.e., check for dups on deep items only
// got a match.
return count;
QueryResult* runQuery(Message& message, const char *ns, int ntoskip, int _ntoreturn, JSObj jsobj,
auto_ptr< set<string> > filter, stringstream& ss, int queryOptions)
time_t t = time(0);
bool wantMore = true;
int ntoreturn = _ntoreturn;
if( _ntoreturn < 0 ) {
ntoreturn = -_ntoreturn;
wantMore = false;
ss << "query " << ns << " ntoreturn:" << ntoreturn;
int n = 0;
BufBuilder b(32768);
JSObjBuilder cmdResBuf;
long long cursorid = 0;
/* we assume you are using findOne() for running a cmd... */
if( ntoreturn == 1 && runCommands(ns, jsobj, ss, b, cmdResBuf) ) {
n = 1;
else {
JSObj query = jsobj.getObjectField("query");
JSObj order = jsobj.getObjectField("orderby");
if( query.isEmpty() && order.isEmpty() )
query = jsobj;
/* The ElemIter will not be happy if this isn't really an object. So throw exception
here when that is true.
(Which may indicate bad data from appserver?)
if( query.objsize() == 0 ) {
cout << "Bad query object?\n jsobj:";
cout << jsobj.toString() << "\n query:";
cout << query.toString() << endl;
auto_ptr<JSMatcher> matcher(new JSMatcher(query));
JSMatcher &debug1 = *matcher;
assert( debug1.getN() < 5000 );
bool isSorted = false;
int nscanned = 0;
auto_ptr<Cursor> c = getSpecialCursor(ns);
if( c.get() == 0 )
c = getIndexCursor(ns, query, order, 0, &isSorted);
if( c.get() == 0 )
c = findTableScan(ns, order);
auto_ptr<ScanAndOrder> so;
bool ordering = false;
if( !order.isEmpty() && !isSorted ) {
ordering = true;
ss << " scanAndOrder ";
so = auto_ptr<ScanAndOrder>(new ScanAndOrder(ntoreturn,order));
wantMore = false;
// scanAndOrder(b, c.get(), order, ntoreturn);
while( c->ok() ) {
JSObj js = c->current();
if( queryTraceLevel >= 50 )
cout << " checking against:\n " << js.toString() << endl;
bool deep;
if( !matcher->matches(js, &deep) ) {
if( c->tempStopOnMiss() )
else if( !deep || !c->getsetdup(c->currLoc()) ) { // i.e., check for dups on deep items only
// got a match.
if( ntoskip > 0 ) {
else {
assert( js.objsize() >= 0 ); //defensive for segfaults
if( ordering ) {
// note: no cursors for non-indexed, ordered results. results must be fairly small.
} else {
bool ok = fillQueryResultFromObj(b, filter.get(), js);
if( ok ) n++;
if( ok ) {
if( (ntoreturn>0 && (n >= ntoreturn || b.len() > MaxBytesToReturnToClientAtOnce)) ||
(ntoreturn==0 && (b.len()>1*1024*1024 || n>=101)) ) {
/* if ntoreturn is zero, we return up to 101 objects. on the subsequent getmore, there
is only a size limit. The idea is that on a find() where one doesn't use much results,
we don't return much, but once getmore kicks in, we start pushing significant quantities.
The n limit (vs. size) is important when someone fetches only one small field from big
objects, which causes massive scanning server-side.
/* if only 1 requested, no cursor saved for efficiency...we assume it is findOne() */
if( wantMore && ntoreturn != 1 ) {
if( useCursors ) {
if( c->ok() ) {
// more...so save a cursor
ClientCursor *cc = new ClientCursor();
cc->c = c;
cursorid = cc->cursorid;
DEV cout << " query has more, cursorid: " << cursorid << endl;
cc->matcher = matcher;
cc->ns = ns;
cc->pos = n;
cc->filter = filter;
cc->originalMessage = message;
} // end while
if( ordering ) {
so->fill(b, filter.get(), n);
else if( cursorid == 0 && (queryOptions & Option_CursorTailable) && c->tailable() ) {
ClientCursor *cc = new ClientCursor();
cc->c = c;
cursorid = cc->cursorid;
DEV cout << " query has no more but tailable, cursorid: " << cursorid << endl;
cc->matcher = matcher;
cc->ns = ns;
cc->pos = n;
cc->filter = filter;
cc->originalMessage = message;
if( client->profile )
ss << " nscanned:" << nscanned << ' ';
QueryResult *qr = (QueryResult *) b.buf();
qr->_data[0] = 0;
qr->_data[1] = 0;
qr->_data[2] = 0;
qr->_data[3] = 0;
qr->len = b.len();
ss << " reslen:" << b.len();
// qr->channel = 0;
qr->operation = opReply;
qr->cursorId = cursorid;
qr->startingFrom = 0;
qr->nReturned = n;
if( (client && client->profile) || time(0)-t > 5 ) {
if( ntoskip )
ss << " ntoskip:" << ntoskip;
ss << " <br>query: " << jsobj.toString() << ' ';
ss << " nreturned:" << n;
return qr;
//int dump = 0;
/* empty result for error conditions */
QueryResult* emptyMoreResult(long long cursorid) {
BufBuilder b(32768);
QueryResult *qr = (QueryResult *) b.buf();
qr->cursorId = 0; // 0 indicates no more data to retrieve.
qr->startingFrom = 0;
qr->len = b.len();
qr->operation = opReply;
qr->nReturned = 0;
return qr;
QueryResult* getMore(const char *ns, int ntoreturn, long long cursorid) {
BufBuilder b(32768);
ClientCursor *cc = ClientCursor::find(cursorid);
int resultFlags = 0;
int start = 0;
int n = 0;
if( !cc ) {
DEV log() << "getMore: cursorid not found " << ns << " " << cursorid << endl;
cursorid = 0;
resultFlags = ResultFlag_CursorNotFound;
else {
start = cc->pos;
Cursor *c = cc->c.get();
while( 1 ) {
if( !c->ok() ) {
if( c->tailing() ) {
DEV log() << " getmore: last batch, erasing cursor " << cursorid << endl;
bool ok = ClientCursor::erase(cursorid);
cursorid = 0;
cc = 0;
JSObj js = c->current();
bool deep;
if( !cc->matcher->matches(js, &deep) ) {
if( c->tempStopOnMiss() )
goto done;
else {
//cout << "matches " << c->currLoc().toString() << ' ' << deep << '\n';
if( deep && c->getsetdup(c->currLoc()) ) {
//cout << " but it's a dup \n";
else {
bool ok = fillQueryResultFromObj(b, cc->filter.get(), js);
if( ok ) {
if( (ntoreturn>0 && (n >= ntoreturn || b.len() > MaxBytesToReturnToClientAtOnce)) ||
(ntoreturn==0 && b.len()>1*1024*1024) ) {
if( c->tailing() && !c->ok() )
cc->pos += n;
if( cc )
QueryResult *qr = (QueryResult *) b.buf();
qr->len = b.len();
qr->operation = opReply;
qr->resultFlags() = resultFlags;
qr->cursorId = cursorid;
qr->startingFrom = start;
qr->nReturned = n;
return qr;