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480 lines
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import {FeatureFlagUtil} from "jstests/libs/feature_flag_util.js";
import {ReplSetTest} from "jstests/libs/replsettest.js";
import {ShardingTest} from "jstests/libs/shardingtest.js";
import {removeShard} from "jstests/sharding/libs/remove_shard_util.js";
const st = new ShardingTest({
shards: 3,
chunkSize: 1,
{reshardingCriticalSectionTimeoutMillis: 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000, /* 1 day */}}
const configDB = st.s.getDB('config');
const shard0 = st.shard0.shardName;
const shard1 = st.shard1.shardName;
const shard2 = st.shard2.shardName;
// TODO SERVER-77915 Remove checkUnsplittableMetadata once 8.0 becomes last LTS. Update the test as
// this variable is now always "true"
const checkUnsplittableMetadata = FeatureFlagUtil.isPresentAndEnabled(
st.shard0.getDB('admin'), "TrackUnshardedCollectionsUponCreation");
function getInfoFromConfigDatabases(dbName) {
const configDBsQueryResults = configDB.databases.find({_id: dbName}).toArray();
if (configDBsQueryResults.length === 0) {
return null;
assert.eq(1, configDBsQueryResults.length);
return configDBsQueryResults[0];
function getInfoFromConfigCollections(fullCollName) {
const configCollsQueryResults = configDB.collections.find({_id: fullCollName}).toArray();
if (configCollsQueryResults.length === 0) {
return null;
assert.eq(configCollsQueryResults.length, 1);
return configCollsQueryResults[0];
function getLatestPlacementEntriesFor(namespace, numEntries) {
return configDB.placementHistory.find({nss: namespace})
.sort({timestamp: -1})
function getLatestPlacementInfoFor(namespace) {
const placementQueryResults = getLatestPlacementEntriesFor(namespace, 1);
if (placementQueryResults.length === 0) {
return null;
assert.eq(placementQueryResults.length, 1);
return placementQueryResults[0];
function getValidatedPlacementInfoForDB(dbName) {
const configDBInfo = getInfoFromConfigDatabases(dbName);
const dbPlacementInfo = getLatestPlacementInfoFor(dbName);
assert.neq(null, configDBInfo);
assert.neq(null, dbPlacementInfo);
// Verify that the placementHistory document matches the related content stored in
// config.databases.
assert.sameMembers([configDBInfo.primary], dbPlacementInfo.shards);
assert(timestampCmp(configDBInfo.version.timestamp, dbPlacementInfo.timestamp) === 0);
// No UUID field for DB namespaces
assert.eq(undefined, dbPlacementInfo.uuid);
return dbPlacementInfo;
function getValidatedPlacementInfoForCollection(
dbName, collName, expectedShardList, isInitialPlacement = false) {
const fullName = dbName + '.' + collName;
const configCollInfo = getInfoFromConfigCollections(fullName);
assert.neq(null, configCollInfo);
// Verify that there is consistent placement info on the sharded collection and its parent DB.
const collPlacementInfo = getLatestPlacementInfoFor(fullName);
assert.neq(null, collPlacementInfo);
const dbPlacementInfo = getValidatedPlacementInfoForDB(dbName);
assert(timestampCmp(dbPlacementInfo.timestamp, collPlacementInfo.timestamp) < 0);
assert.eq(configCollInfo.uuid, collPlacementInfo.uuid);
if (isInitialPlacement) {
assert(timestampCmp(configCollInfo.timestamp, collPlacementInfo.timestamp) === 0);
} else {
assert(timestampCmp(configCollInfo.timestamp, collPlacementInfo.timestamp) <= 0);
assert.sameMembers(expectedShardList, collPlacementInfo.shards);
return collPlacementInfo;
function testEnableSharding(dbName, primaryShardName) {
st.s.adminCommand({enableSharding: dbName, primaryShard: primaryShardName}));
function testShardCollection(dbName, collName) {
const nss = dbName + '.' + collName;
// Shard the collection. Ensure enough chunks to cover all shards.
assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand({shardCollection: nss, key: {_id: "hashed"}}));
// Verify that a consistent document has been added to config.placementHistory and that its list
// of shards matches the current content of config.shards
const entriesInConfigShards = configDB.shards.find({}, {_id: 1}).toArray().map((s) => s._id);
getValidatedPlacementInfoForCollection(dbName, collName, entriesInConfigShards, true);
function testMoveChunk(dbName, collName) {
// Setup - All the data are contained by a single chunk on the primary shard
const nss = dbName + '.' + collName;
testEnableSharding(dbName, shard0);
assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand({shardCollection: nss, key: {x: 1}}));
const collPlacementInfoAtCreationTime =
getValidatedPlacementInfoForCollection(dbName, collName, [shard0], true);
const collUUID = collPlacementInfoAtCreationTime.uuid;
assert.eq(1, configDB.chunks.count({uuid: collUUID}));
// Create two chunks, then move 1 to shard1 -> the recipient should be present in a new
// placement entry
st.s.adminCommand({split: nss, middle: {x: 0}});
assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand({moveChunk: nss, find: {x: -1}, to: shard1}));
let placementAfterMigration =
getValidatedPlacementInfoForCollection(dbName, collName, [shard0, shard1]);
let migratedChunk = configDB.chunks.findOne({uuid: collUUID, min: {x: MinKey}});
assert(timestampCmp(placementAfterMigration.timestamp, migratedChunk.history[0].validAfter) ===
assert(timestampCmp(placementAfterMigration.timestamp, migratedChunk.onCurrentShardSince) ===
// Move out the last chunk from shard0 to shard2 - a new placement entry should appear, where
// the donor has been removed and the recipient inserted
assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand({moveChunk: nss, find: {x: 1}, to: shard2}));
placementAfterMigration =
getValidatedPlacementInfoForCollection(dbName, collName, [shard1, shard2]);
migratedChunk = configDB.chunks.findOne({uuid: collUUID, min: {x: 0}});
assert(timestampCmp(placementAfterMigration.timestamp, migratedChunk.history[0].validAfter) ===
assert(timestampCmp(placementAfterMigration.timestamp, migratedChunk.onCurrentShardSince) ===
// Create a third chunk in shard1, then move it to shard2: since this migration does not alter
// the subset of shards owning collection data, no new record should be inserted
const numPlacementEntriesBeforeMigration = configDB.placementHistory.count({nss: nss});
st.s.adminCommand({split: nss, middle: {x: 10}});
assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand({moveChunk: nss, find: {x: 10}, to: shard1}));
const numPlacementEntriesAfterMigration = configDB.placementHistory.count({nss: nss});
assert.eq(numPlacementEntriesBeforeMigration, numPlacementEntriesAfterMigration);
function testMoveRange(dbName, collName) {
// Setup - All the data are contained by a single chunk on the primary shard
const nss = dbName + '.' + collName;
testEnableSharding(dbName, shard0);
assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand({shardCollection: nss, key: {x: 1}}));
const collPlacementInfoAtCreationTime =
getValidatedPlacementInfoForCollection(dbName, collName, [shard0], true);
const collUUID = collPlacementInfoAtCreationTime.uuid;
assert.eq(1, configDB.chunks.count({uuid: collUUID}));
// Move half of the existing chunk to shard 1 -> the recipient should be added to the placement
// data
st.s.adminCommand({moveRange: nss, min: {x: MinKey}, max: {x: 0}, toShard: shard1}));
let placementAfterMigration =
getValidatedPlacementInfoForCollection(dbName, collName, [shard0, shard1]);
let migratedChunk = configDB.chunks.findOne({uuid: collUUID, min: {x: MinKey}});
assert(timestampCmp(placementAfterMigration.timestamp, migratedChunk.history[0].validAfter) ===
assert(timestampCmp(placementAfterMigration.timestamp, migratedChunk.onCurrentShardSince) ===
// Move the other half to shard 1 -> shard 0 should be removed from the placement data
st.s.adminCommand({moveRange: nss, min: {x: 0}, max: {x: MaxKey}, toShard: shard1}));
placementAfterMigration = getValidatedPlacementInfoForCollection(dbName, collName, [shard1]);
migratedChunk = configDB.chunks.findOne({uuid: collUUID, min: {x: 0}});
assert(timestampCmp(placementAfterMigration.timestamp, migratedChunk.history[0].validAfter) ===
assert(timestampCmp(placementAfterMigration.timestamp, migratedChunk.onCurrentShardSince) ===
function testMovePrimary(dbName, fromPrimaryShardName, toPrimaryShardName) {
// Create the database
testEnableSharding(dbName, fromPrimaryShardName);
// Move the primary shard
assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand({movePrimary: dbName, to: toPrimaryShardName}));
// Verify that the new primary shard is the one specified in the command.
const newDbInfo = getValidatedPlacementInfoForDB(dbName);
assert.sameMembers(newDbInfo.shards, [toPrimaryShardName]);
function testDropCollection() {
const dbName = 'dropCollectionTestDB';
const collName = 'shardedCollName';
const nss = dbName + '.' + collName;
const db = st.s.getDB(dbName);
testShardCollection(dbName, collName);
const initialPlacementInfo = getLatestPlacementInfoFor(nss);
const numHistoryEntriesBeforeFirstDrop = configDB.placementHistory.count({nss: nss});
// Drop the collection
assert.commandWorked(db.runCommand({drop: collName}));
// Verify that a single entry gets added with the expected content.
const numHistoryEntriesAfterFirstDrop = configDB.placementHistory.count({nss: nss});
assert.eq(numHistoryEntriesBeforeFirstDrop + 1, numHistoryEntriesAfterFirstDrop);
const collPlacementInfo = getLatestPlacementInfoFor(nss);
assert.eq(0, collPlacementInfo.shards.length);
assert.eq(initialPlacementInfo.uuid, collPlacementInfo.uuid);
assert(timestampCmp(initialPlacementInfo.timestamp, collPlacementInfo.timestamp) < 0);
// Verify that no placement entry gets added if dropCollection is repeated
assert.commandWorked(db.runCommand({drop: collName}));
assert.eq(numHistoryEntriesAfterFirstDrop, configDB.placementHistory.count({nss: nss}));
// Verify that records get added in case an unsharded collection gets dropped as well
const unshardedCollName = 'unshardedColl';
assert.commandWorked(db.runCommand({drop: unshardedCollName}));
if (checkUnsplittableMetadata) {
assert.eq(2, configDB.placementHistory.count({nss: dbName + '.' + unshardedCollName}));
} else {
assert.eq(0, configDB.placementHistory.count({nss: dbName + '.' + unshardedCollName}));
function testRenameCollection() {
const dbName = 'renameCollectionTestDB';
const db = st.s.getDB(dbName);
const oldCollName = 'old';
const oldNss = dbName + '.' + oldCollName;
const targetCollName = 'target';
const targetNss = dbName + '.' + targetCollName;
'Testing that placement entries are added by rename() for each sharded collection involved in the DDL');
testShardCollection(dbName, oldCollName);
const initialPlacementForOldColl = getLatestPlacementInfoFor(oldNss);
assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand({shardCollection: targetNss, key: {x: 1}}));
st.s.adminCommand({split: targetNss, middle: {x: 0}});
assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand({moveChunk: targetNss, find: {x: -1}, to: shard1}));
const initialPlacementForTargetColl = getLatestPlacementInfoFor(targetNss);
assert.commandWorked(db[oldCollName].renameCollection(targetCollName, true /*dropTarget*/));
// The old collection shouldn't be served by any shard anymore
const finalPlacementForOldColl = getLatestPlacementInfoFor(oldNss);
assert.eq(initialPlacementForOldColl.uuid, finalPlacementForOldColl.uuid);
assert.sameMembers([], finalPlacementForOldColl.shards);
// The target collection should have
// - an entry for its old incarnation (no shards should serve its data) at T1
// - an entry for its renamed incarnation (with the same properties of
// initialPlacementForOldColl) at T2 > T1
const [targetCollPlacementInfoWhenRenamed, targetCollPlacementInfoWhenDropped] = (function() {
const placementEntries = getLatestPlacementEntriesFor(targetNss, 2);
assert.eq(2, placementEntries.length);
const placementInfoWhenDropped = placementEntries[1];
const placementInfoWhenRenamed = placementEntries[0];
placementInfoWhenRenamed.timestamp) < 0);
return placementEntries;
assert.eq(initialPlacementForTargetColl.uuid, targetCollPlacementInfoWhenDropped.uuid);
assert.sameMembers([], targetCollPlacementInfoWhenDropped.shards);
assert.eq(initialPlacementForOldColl.uuid, targetCollPlacementInfoWhenRenamed.uuid);
if (checkUnsplittableMetadata) {
'Testing that placement entries are added by rename() for unsharded collections involved in the DDL');
const unshardedOldCollName = 'unshardedOld';
const unshardedTargetCollName = 'unshardedTarget';
true /*dropTarget*/));
assert.eq(2, configDB.placementHistory.count({nss: dbName + '.' + unshardedOldCollName}));
configDB.placementHistory.count({nss: dbName + '.' + unshardedTargetCollName}));
} else {
'Testing that no placement entries are added by rename() for unsharded collections involved in the DDL');
const unshardedOldCollName = 'unshardedOld';
const unshardedTargetCollName = 'unshardedTarget';
true /*dropTarget*/));
assert.eq(0, configDB.placementHistory.count({nss: dbName + '.' + unshardedOldCollName}));
configDB.placementHistory.count({nss: dbName + '.' + unshardedTargetCollName}));
function testDropDatabase(dbName, primaryShardName) {
// Create the database
testEnableSharding(dbName, primaryShardName);
const db = st.s.getDB(dbName);
// Create an unsharded collection
const unshardedCollName = 'unshardedColl';
const unshardedCollNss = dbName + '.' + unshardedCollName;
// Create a sharded collection
const shardedCollName = 'shardedColl';
const shardedCollNss = dbName + '.' + shardedCollName;
testShardCollection(dbName, shardedCollName);
const initialShardedCollPlacementInfo = getLatestPlacementInfoFor(shardedCollNss);
// Drop the database
// Verify that a new entry with an empty set of shards has been inserted for both dbName and
// shardedCollName...
const dbPlacementInfo = getLatestPlacementInfoFor(dbName);
assert.neq(null, dbPlacementInfo);
assert.eq(0, dbPlacementInfo.shards.length);
assert.eq(undefined, dbPlacementInfo.uuid);
const finalShardedCollPlacementInfo = getLatestPlacementInfoFor(shardedCollNss);
assert.neq(null, finalShardedCollPlacementInfo);
assert.eq(0, finalShardedCollPlacementInfo.shards);
assert.eq(initialShardedCollPlacementInfo.uuid, finalShardedCollPlacementInfo.uuid);
finalShardedCollPlacementInfo.timestamp) < 0);
if (checkUnsplittableMetadata) {
// ...And that unshardedCollName is also tracked.
assert.neq(null, getLatestPlacementInfoFor(unshardedCollNss));
} else {
// ...And that unshardedCollName stays untracked.
assert.eq(null, getLatestPlacementInfoFor(unshardedCollNss));
function testReshardCollection() {
const dbName = 'reshardCollectionTestDB';
const collName = 'shardedCollName';
const nss = dbName + '.' + collName;
let db = st.s.getDB(dbName);
// Start with a collection with a single chunk on shard0.
assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand({enableSharding: dbName, primaryShard: shard0}));
assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand({shardCollection: nss, key: {oldShardKey: 1}}));
const initialNumPlacementEntries = configDB.placementHistory.count({});
const initialCollPlacementInfo =
getValidatedPlacementInfoForCollection(dbName, collName, [shard0], true);
// Create a set of zones that will force the new set of chunk to be distributed across all the
// shards of the cluster.
const zone1Name = 'zone1';
assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand({addShardToZone: shard1, zone: zone1Name}));
const zone1Descriptor = {zone: zone1Name, min: {newShardKey: 0}, max: {newShardKey: 100}};
const zone2Name = 'zone2';
assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand({addShardToZone: shard2, zone: zone2Name}));
const zone2Descriptor = {zone: zone2Name, min: {newShardKey: 200}, max: {newShardKey: 300}};
// Launch the reshard operation.
reshardCollection: nss,
key: {newShardKey: 1},
numInitialChunks: 1,
zones: [zone1Descriptor, zone2Descriptor]
// A single new placement document should have been added (the temp collection created by
// resharding does not get tracked in config.placementHistory).
assert.eq(1 + initialNumPlacementEntries, configDB.placementHistory.count({}));
// Verify that the latest placement info matches the expectations.
const finalCollPlacementInfo =
getValidatedPlacementInfoForCollection(dbName, collName, [shard0, shard1, shard2], false);
// The resharded collection maintains its nss, but changes its uuid.
assert.neq(initialCollPlacementInfo.uuid, finalCollPlacementInfo.uuid);
function testAddShard() {
// Create a new replica set and populate it with some initial DBs
const newReplicaSet = new ReplSetTest({name: "addedShard", nodes: 1});
const newShardName = 'addedShard';
const preExistingCollName = 'preExistingColl';
newReplicaSet.startSet({shardsvr: ""});
const dbsOnNewReplicaSet = ['addShardTestDB1', 'addShardTestDB2'];
for (const dbName of dbsOnNewReplicaSet) {
const db = newReplicaSet.getPrimary().getDB(dbName);
assert.commandWorked(db[preExistingCollName].save({value: 1}));
// Run addShard(); pre-existing collections in the replica set should be treated as unsharded
// collections, while their parent DBs should appear in config.placementHistory with consistent
// details.
assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand({addShard: newReplicaSet.getURL(), name: newShardName}));
for (const dbName of dbsOnNewReplicaSet) {
if (checkUnsplittableMetadata) {
dbName, preExistingCollName, [newShardName], true);
} else {
assert.eq(null, getLatestPlacementInfoFor(dbName + '.' + preExistingCollName));
const dbPlacementEntry = getValidatedPlacementInfoForDB(dbName);
assert.sameMembers([newShardName], dbPlacementEntry.shards);
// Execute the test case teardown
for (const dbName of dbsOnNewReplicaSet) {
removeShard(st, newShardName);
jsTest.log('Testing placement entries added by explicit DB creation');
testEnableSharding('explicitlyCreatedDB', shard0);
'Testing placement entries added by shardCollection() over an existing sharding-enabled DB');
testShardCollection('explicitlyCreatedDB', 'coll1');
jsTest.log('Testing placement entries added by shardCollection() over a non-existing db (& coll)');
testShardCollection('implicitlyCreatedDB', 'coll1');
jsTest.log('Testing placement entries added by dropCollection()');
jsTest.log('Testing placement entries added/not added by a sequence of moveChunk() commands');
testMoveChunk('explicitlyCreatedDB', 'testMoveChunk');
jsTest.log('Testing placement entries added/not added by a sequence of moveRange() commands');
testMoveRange('explicitlyCreatedDB', 'testMoveRange');
'Testing placement entries added by movePrimary() over a new sharding-enabled DB with no data');
testMovePrimary('movePrimaryDB', st.shard0.shardName, st.shard1.shardName);
'Testing placement entries added by dropDatabase() over a new sharding-enabled DB with data');
testDropDatabase('dropDatabaseDB', st.shard0.shardName);
jsTest.log('Testing placement entries added by reshardCollection()');
'Testing placement entries set by addShard() when existing DBs get imported into the cluster');