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GitOrigin-RevId: 744aa110a53786b23c62ff53f87a1418b5991e8d
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150 lines
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// Tests tracking of latestOptime and earliestOptime in serverStatus.oplog
// Also tests tracking of wall clock times in replSetGetStatus
import {FeatureFlagUtil} from "jstests/libs/feature_flag_util.js";
import {ReplSetTest} from "jstests/libs/replsettest.js";
function timestampCompare(o1, o2) {
if (o1.t < o2.t) {
return -1;
} else if (o1.t > o2.t) {
return 1;
} else {
if (o1.i < o2.i) {
return -1;
} else if (o1.i > o2.i) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
function wallTimeCompare(d1, d2) {
if (d1 < d2) {
return -1;
} else if (d1 > d2) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
function optimesAndWallTimesAreEqual(replTest, isPersistent) {
const reduceMajorityWriteLatency =
FeatureFlagUtil.isPresentAndEnabled(replTest.getPrimary(), "ReduceMajorityWriteLatency");
let prevReplStatus = replTest.nodes[0].getDB('admin').runCommand({replSetGetStatus: 1});
let prevOptime = prevReplStatus.optimes.appliedOpTime.ts;
let prevAppliedWallTime = prevReplStatus.optimes.lastAppliedWallTime;
let prevDurableWallTime = prevReplStatus.optimes.lastDurableWallTime;
let prevWrittenWallTime =
(reduceMajorityWriteLatency) ? prevReplStatus.optimes.lastWrittenWallTime : null;
for (var i = 1; i < replTest.nodes.length; i++) {
let currentReplStatus = replTest.nodes[i].getDB('admin').runCommand({replSetGetStatus: 1});
let currOptime = currentReplStatus.optimes.appliedOpTime.ts;
let currAppliedWallTime = currentReplStatus.optimes.lastAppliedWallTime;
let currDurableWallTime = currentReplStatus.optimes.lastDurableWallTime;
let currWrittenWallTime =
(reduceMajorityWriteLatency) ? currentReplStatus.optimes.lastWrittenWallTime : null;
if (timestampCompare(prevOptime, currOptime) != 0 ||
wallTimeCompare(prevAppliedWallTime, currAppliedWallTime) != 0 ||
// If ReduceMajorityWriteLatency is set, the prevWrittenWallTime and
// currWrittenWallTime will not be null, so they'll be truthy.
(prevWrittenWallTime && currWrittenWallTime &&
wallTimeCompare(prevWrittenWallTime, currWrittenWallTime) != 0) ||
(isPersistent && wallTimeCompare(prevDurableWallTime, currDurableWallTime) != 0)) {
jsTest.log("optimesAndWallTimesAreEqual returning false match, prevOptime: " +
tojson(prevOptime) + " latestOptime: " + tojson(currOptime) +
" prevAppliedWallTime: " + tojson(prevAppliedWallTime) +
" latestAppliedWallTime: " + tojson(currAppliedWallTime) +
" prevWrittenAppliedWallTime: " + tojson(prevWrittenWallTime) +
" latestWrittenWallTime: " + tojson(currWrittenWallTime) +
" prevDurableWallTime: " + tojson(prevDurableWallTime) +
" latestDurableWallTime: " + tojson(currDurableWallTime));
replTest.dumpOplog(replTest.nodes[i], {}, 20);
replTest.dumpOplog(replTest.nodes[i - 1], {}, 20);
return false;
prevReplStatus = currentReplStatus;
return true;
// This test has a part that rolls over the oplog. Doing so requires a fresh stable
// checkpoint. Set the syncdelay to a small value to increase checkpoint frequency.
var replTest = new ReplSetTest(
{name: "replStatus", nodes: 3, oplogSize: 1, waitForKeys: true, nodeOptions: {syncdelay: 1}});
const nodes = replTest.startSet();
// Tests that serverStatus oplog returns null timestamps if the oplog collection doesn't exist.
const zeroTs = new Timestamp(0, 0);
const oplogStatus = nodes[0].getDB('admin').serverStatus({oplog: true}).oplog;
assert.eq(oplogStatus.earliestOptime, zeroTs);
assert.eq(oplogStatus.latestOptime, zeroTs);
var primary = replTest.getPrimary();
const isPersistent = primary.getDB('admin').serverStatus().storageEngine.persistent;
// Check initial optimes
assert.soon(function() {
return optimesAndWallTimesAreEqual(replTest, isPersistent);
var initialInfo = primary.getDB('admin').serverStatus({oplog: true}).oplog;
let initialReplStatusInfo = primary.getDB('admin').runCommand({replSetGetStatus: 1});
// Do an insert to increment optime, but without rolling the oplog
// latestOptime should be updated, but earliestOptime should be unchanged
var options = {writeConcern: {w: replTest.nodes.length}};
if (isPersistent) {
// Ensure the durable optime is advanced.
options.writeConcern.j = true;
assert.commandWorked(primary.getDB('test').foo.insert({a: 1}, options));
assert.soon(function() {
return optimesAndWallTimesAreEqual(replTest, isPersistent);
var info = primary.getDB('admin').serverStatus({oplog: true}).oplog;
var entry = primary.getDB('local').oplog.rs.findOne().ts;
jsTest.log("First entry's timestamp is " + tojson(entry));
let replStatusInfo = primary.getDB('admin').runCommand({replSetGetStatus: 1});
const dumpInfoFn = function() {
jsTestLog("Initial server status: " + tojsononeline(initialInfo));
jsTestLog("Initial replSetGetStatus: " + tojsononeline(initialReplStatusInfo));
jsTestLog("Final server status: " + tojsononeline(info));
jsTestLog("Final replSetGetStatus: " + tojsononeline(replStatusInfo));
assert.gt(timestampCompare(info.latestOptime, initialInfo.latestOptime), 0, dumpInfoFn);
assert.eq(timestampCompare(info.earliestOptime, initialInfo.earliestOptime), 0, dumpInfoFn);
// Insert some large documents to force the oplog to roll over
var largeString = new Array(1024 * 10).toString();
for (var i = 0; i < 2000; i++) {
primary.getDB('test').foo.insert({largeString: largeString}, options);
assert.soon(function() {
return optimesAndWallTimesAreEqual(replTest, isPersistent);
entry = primary.getDB('local').oplog.rs.findOne().ts;
jsTest.log("First entry's timestamp is now " + tojson(entry) + " after oplog rollover");
// This block requires a fresh stable checkpoint.
assert.soon(function() {
// Test that earliestOptime was updated
info = primary.getDB('admin').serverStatus({oplog: true}).oplog;
jsTest.log("Earliest optime is now " + tojson(info.earliestOptime) +
"; looking for it to be different from " + tojson(initialInfo.earliestOptime));
replStatusInfo = primary.getDB('admin').runCommand({replSetGetStatus: 1});
return timestampCompare(info.latestOptime, initialInfo.latestOptime) > 0 &&
timestampCompare(info.earliestOptime, initialInfo.earliestOptime) > 0;