// repltests.cpp : Unit tests for replication // /** * Copyright (C) 2009 10gen Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "../db/repl.h" #include "../db/db.h" #include "../db/instance.h" #include "../db/json.h" #include "dbtests.h" namespace mongo { void createOplog(); } namespace ReplTests { BSONObj f( const char *s ) { return fromjson( s ); } class Base { dblock lk; Client::Context _context; public: Base() : _context( ns() ){ replSettings.master = true; createOplog(); ensureHaveIdIndex( ns() ); } ~Base() { try { replSettings.master = false; deleteAll( ns() ); deleteAll( cllNS() ); } catch ( ... ) { FAIL( "Exception while cleaning up test" ); } } protected: static const char *ns() { return "unittests.repltests"; } static const char *cllNS() { return "local.oplog.$main"; } DBDirectClient *client() const { return &client_; } BSONObj one( const BSONObj &query = BSONObj() ) const { return client()->findOne( ns(), query ); } void checkOne( const BSONObj &o ) const { check( o, one( o ) ); } void checkAll( const BSONObj &o ) const { auto_ptr< DBClientCursor > c = client()->query( ns(), o ); assert( c->more() ); while( c->more() ) { check( o, c->next() ); } } void check( const BSONObj &expected, const BSONObj &got ) const { if ( expected.woCompare( got ) ) { out() << "expected: " << expected.toString() << ", got: " << got.toString() << endl; } ASSERT_EQUALS( expected , got ); } BSONObj oneOp() const { return client()->findOne( cllNS(), BSONObj() ); } int count() const { int count = 0; dblock lk; Client::Context ctx( ns() ); auto_ptr< Cursor > c = theDataFileMgr.findAll( ns() ); for(; c->ok(); c->advance(), ++count ) { // cout << "obj: " << c->current().toString() << endl; } return count; } static int opCount() { dblock lk; Client::Context ctx( cllNS() ); int count = 0; for( auto_ptr< Cursor > c = theDataFileMgr.findAll( cllNS() ); c->ok(); c->advance() ) ++count; return count; } static void applyAllOperations() { class Applier : public ReplSource { public: static void apply( const BSONObj &op ) { ReplSource::applyOperation( op ); } }; dblock lk; vector< BSONObj > ops; { Client::Context ctx( cllNS() ); for( auto_ptr< Cursor > c = theDataFileMgr.findAll( cllNS() ); c->ok(); c->advance() ) ops.push_back( c->current() ); } { Client::Context ctx( ns() ); for( vector< BSONObj >::iterator i = ops.begin(); i != ops.end(); ++i ) Applier::apply( *i ); } } static void printAll( const char *ns ) { dblock lk; Client::Context ctx( ns ); auto_ptr< Cursor > c = theDataFileMgr.findAll( ns ); vector< DiskLoc > toDelete; out() << "all for " << ns << endl; for(; c->ok(); c->advance() ) { out() << c->current().toString() << endl; } } // These deletes don't get logged. static void deleteAll( const char *ns ) { dblock lk; Client::Context ctx( ns ); auto_ptr< Cursor > c = theDataFileMgr.findAll( ns ); vector< DiskLoc > toDelete; for(; c->ok(); c->advance() ) { toDelete.push_back( c->currLoc() ); } for( vector< DiskLoc >::iterator i = toDelete.begin(); i != toDelete.end(); ++i ) { theDataFileMgr.deleteRecord( ns, i->rec(), *i, true ); } } static void insert( const BSONObj &o, bool god = false ) { dblock lk; Client::Context ctx( ns() ); theDataFileMgr.insert( ns(), o.objdata(), o.objsize(), god ); } static BSONObj wid( const char *json ) { class BSONObjBuilder b; OID id; id.init(); b.appendOID( "_id", &id ); b.appendElements( fromjson( json ) ); return b.obj(); } private: static DBDirectClient client_; }; DBDirectClient Base::client_; class LogBasic : public Base { public: void run() { ASSERT_EQUALS( 1, opCount() ); client()->insert( ns(), fromjson( "{\"a\":\"b\"}" ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 2, opCount() ); } }; namespace Idempotence { class Base : public ReplTests::Base { public: virtual ~Base() {} void run() { reset(); doIt(); int nOps = opCount(); check(); applyAllOperations(); check(); ASSERT_EQUALS( nOps, opCount() ); reset(); applyAllOperations(); check(); ASSERT_EQUALS( nOps, opCount() ); applyAllOperations(); check(); ASSERT_EQUALS( nOps, opCount() ); } protected: virtual void doIt() const = 0; virtual void check() const = 0; virtual void reset() const = 0; }; class InsertTimestamp : public Base { public: void doIt() const { BSONObjBuilder b; b.append( "a", 1 ); b.appendTimestamp( "t" ); client()->insert( ns(), b.done() ); date_ = client()->findOne( ns(), QUERY( "a" << 1 ) ).getField( "t" ).date(); } void check() const { BSONObj o = client()->findOne( ns(), QUERY( "a" << 1 ) ); ASSERT( 0 != o.getField( "t" ).date() ); ASSERT_EQUALS( date_, o.getField( "t" ).date() ); } void reset() const { deleteAll( ns() ); } private: mutable Date_t date_; }; class InsertAutoId : public Base { public: InsertAutoId() : o_( fromjson( "{\"a\":\"b\"}" ) ) {} void doIt() const { client()->insert( ns(), o_ ); } void check() const { ASSERT_EQUALS( 1, count() ); } void reset() const { deleteAll( ns() ); } protected: BSONObj o_; }; class InsertWithId : public InsertAutoId { public: InsertWithId() { o_ = fromjson( "{\"_id\":ObjectId(\"0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f\"),\"a\":\"b\"}" ); } void check() const { ASSERT_EQUALS( 1, count() ); checkOne( o_ ); } }; class InsertTwo : public Base { public: InsertTwo() : o_( fromjson( "{'_id':1,a:'b'}" ) ), t_( fromjson( "{'_id':2,c:'d'}" ) ) {} void doIt() const { vector< BSONObj > v; v.push_back( o_ ); v.push_back( t_ ); client()->insert( ns(), v ); } void check() const { ASSERT_EQUALS( 2, count() ); checkOne( o_ ); checkOne( t_ ); } void reset() const { deleteAll( ns() ); } private: BSONObj o_; BSONObj t_; }; class InsertTwoIdentical : public Base { public: InsertTwoIdentical() : o_( fromjson( "{\"a\":\"b\"}" ) ) {} void doIt() const { client()->insert( ns(), o_ ); client()->insert( ns(), o_ ); } void check() const { ASSERT_EQUALS( 2, count() ); } void reset() const { deleteAll( ns() ); } private: BSONObj o_; }; class UpdateTimestamp : public Base { public: void doIt() const { BSONObjBuilder b; b.append( "_id", 1 ); b.appendTimestamp( "t" ); client()->update( ns(), BSON( "_id" << 1 ), b.done() ); date_ = client()->findOne( ns(), QUERY( "_id" << 1 ) ).getField( "t" ).date(); } void check() const { BSONObj o = client()->findOne( ns(), QUERY( "_id" << 1 ) ); ASSERT( 0 != o.getField( "t" ).date() ); ASSERT_EQUALS( date_, o.getField( "t" ).date() ); } void reset() const { deleteAll( ns() ); insert( BSON( "_id" << 1 ) ); } private: mutable Date_t date_; }; class UpdateSameField : public Base { public: UpdateSameField() : q_( fromjson( "{a:'b'}" ) ), o1_( wid( "{a:'b'}" ) ), o2_( wid( "{a:'b'}" ) ), u_( fromjson( "{a:'c'}" ) ){} void doIt() const { client()->update( ns(), q_, u_ ); } void check() const { ASSERT_EQUALS( 2, count() ); ASSERT( !client()->findOne( ns(), q_ ).isEmpty() ); ASSERT( !client()->findOne( ns(), u_ ).isEmpty() ); } void reset() const { deleteAll( ns() ); insert( o1_ ); insert( o2_ ); } private: BSONObj q_, o1_, o2_, u_; }; class UpdateSameFieldWithId : public Base { public: UpdateSameFieldWithId() : o_( fromjson( "{'_id':1,a:'b'}" ) ), q_( fromjson( "{a:'b'}" ) ), u_( fromjson( "{'_id':1,a:'c'}" ) ){} void doIt() const { client()->update( ns(), q_, u_ ); } void check() const { ASSERT_EQUALS( 2, count() ); ASSERT( !client()->findOne( ns(), q_ ).isEmpty() ); ASSERT( !client()->findOne( ns(), u_ ).isEmpty() ); } void reset() const { deleteAll( ns() ); insert( o_ ); insert( fromjson( "{'_id':2,a:'b'}" ) ); } private: BSONObj o_, q_, u_; }; class UpdateSameFieldExplicitId : public Base { public: UpdateSameFieldExplicitId() : o_( fromjson( "{'_id':1,a:'b'}" ) ), u_( fromjson( "{'_id':1,a:'c'}" ) ){} void doIt() const { client()->update( ns(), o_, u_ ); } void check() const { ASSERT_EQUALS( 1, count() ); checkOne( u_ ); } void reset() const { deleteAll( ns() ); insert( o_ ); } protected: BSONObj o_, u_; }; class UpdateId : public UpdateSameFieldExplicitId { public: UpdateId() { o_ = fromjson( "{'_id':1}" ); u_ = fromjson( "{'_id':2}" ); } }; class UpdateDifferentFieldExplicitId : public Base { public: UpdateDifferentFieldExplicitId() : o_( fromjson( "{'_id':1,a:'b'}" ) ), q_( fromjson( "{'_id':1}" ) ), u_( fromjson( "{'_id':1,a:'c'}" ) ){} void doIt() const { client()->update( ns(), q_, u_ ); } void check() const { ASSERT_EQUALS( 1, count() ); checkOne( u_ ); } void reset() const { deleteAll( ns() ); insert( o_ ); } protected: BSONObj o_, q_, u_; }; class UpsertUpdateNoMods : public UpdateDifferentFieldExplicitId { void doIt() const { client()->update( ns(), q_, u_, true ); } }; class UpsertInsertNoMods : public InsertAutoId { void doIt() const { client()->update( ns(), fromjson( "{a:'c'}" ), o_, true ); } }; class UpdateSet : public Base { public: UpdateSet() : o_( fromjson( "{'_id':1,a:5}" ) ), q_( fromjson( "{a:5}" ) ), u_( fromjson( "{$set:{a:7}}" ) ), ou_( fromjson( "{'_id':1,a:7}" ) ) {} void doIt() const { client()->update( ns(), q_, u_ ); } void check() const { ASSERT_EQUALS( 1, count() ); checkOne( ou_ ); } void reset() const { deleteAll( ns() ); insert( o_ ); } protected: BSONObj o_, q_, u_, ou_; }; class UpdateInc : public Base { public: UpdateInc() : o_( fromjson( "{'_id':1,a:5}" ) ), q_( fromjson( "{a:5}" ) ), u_( fromjson( "{$inc:{a:3}}" ) ), ou_( fromjson( "{'_id':1,a:8}" ) ) {} void doIt() const { client()->update( ns(), q_, u_ ); } void check() const { ASSERT_EQUALS( 1, count() ); checkOne( ou_ ); } void reset() const { deleteAll( ns() ); insert( o_ ); } protected: BSONObj o_, q_, u_, ou_; }; class UpdateInc2 : public Base { public: UpdateInc2() : o_( fromjson( "{'_id':1,a:5}" ) ), q_( fromjson( "{a:5}" ) ), u_( fromjson( "{$inc:{a:3},$set:{x:5}}" ) ), ou_( fromjson( "{'_id':1,a:8,x:5}" ) ) {} void doIt() const { client()->update( ns(), q_, u_ ); } void check() const { ASSERT_EQUALS( 1, count() ); checkOne( ou_ ); } void reset() const { deleteAll( ns() ); insert( o_ ); } protected: BSONObj o_, q_, u_, ou_; }; class UpsertInsertIdMod : public Base { public: UpsertInsertIdMod() : q_( fromjson( "{'_id':5,a:4}" ) ), u_( fromjson( "{$inc:{a:3}}" ) ), ou_( fromjson( "{'_id':5,a:7}" ) ) {} void doIt() const { client()->update( ns(), q_, u_, true ); } void check() const { ASSERT_EQUALS( 1, count() ); checkOne( ou_ ); } void reset() const { deleteAll( ns() ); } protected: BSONObj q_, u_, ou_; }; class UpsertInsertSet : public Base { public: UpsertInsertSet() : q_( fromjson( "{a:5}" ) ), u_( fromjson( "{$set:{a:7}}" ) ), ou_( fromjson( "{a:7}" ) ) {} void doIt() const { client()->update( ns(), q_, u_, true ); } void check() const { ASSERT_EQUALS( 2, count() ); ASSERT( !client()->findOne( ns(), ou_ ).isEmpty() ); } void reset() const { deleteAll( ns() ); insert( fromjson( "{'_id':7,a:7}" ) ); } protected: BSONObj o_, q_, u_, ou_; }; class UpsertInsertInc : public Base { public: UpsertInsertInc() : q_( fromjson( "{a:5}" ) ), u_( fromjson( "{$inc:{a:3}}" ) ), ou_( fromjson( "{a:8}" ) ) {} void doIt() const { client()->update( ns(), q_, u_, true ); } void check() const { ASSERT_EQUALS( 1, count() ); ASSERT( !client()->findOne( ns(), ou_ ).isEmpty() ); } void reset() const { deleteAll( ns() ); } protected: BSONObj o_, q_, u_, ou_; }; class MultiInc : public Base { public: string s() const { stringstream ss; auto_ptr cc = client()->query( ns() , Query().sort( BSON( "_id" << 1 ) ) ); bool first = true; while ( cc->more() ){ if ( first ) first = false; else ss << ","; BSONObj o = cc->next(); ss << o["x"].numberInt(); } return ss.str(); } void doIt() const { client()->insert( ns(), BSON( "_id" << 1 << "x" << 1 ) ); client()->insert( ns(), BSON( "_id" << 2 << "x" << 5 ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( "1,5" , s() ); client()->update( ns() , BSON( "_id" << 1 ) , BSON( "$inc" << BSON( "x" << 1 ) ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( "2,5" , s() ); client()->update( ns() , BSONObj() , BSON( "$inc" << BSON( "x" << 1 ) ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( "3,5" , s() ); client()->update( ns() , BSONObj() , BSON( "$inc" << BSON( "x" << 1 ) ) , false , true ); check(); } void check() const { ASSERT_EQUALS( "4,6" , s() ); } void reset() const { deleteAll( ns() ); } }; class UpdateWithoutPreexistingId : public Base { public: UpdateWithoutPreexistingId() : o_( fromjson( "{a:5}" ) ), u_( fromjson( "{a:5}" ) ), ot_( fromjson( "{b:4}" ) ) {} void doIt() const { client()->update( ns(), o_, u_ ); } void check() const { ASSERT_EQUALS( 2, count() ); checkOne( u_ ); checkOne( ot_ ); } void reset() const { deleteAll( ns() ); insert( ot_, true ); insert( o_, true ); } protected: BSONObj o_, u_, ot_; }; class Remove : public Base { public: Remove() : o1_( f( "{\"_id\":\"010101010101010101010101\",\"a\":\"b\"}" ) ), o2_( f( "{\"_id\":\"010101010101010101010102\",\"a\":\"b\"}" ) ), q_( f( "{\"a\":\"b\"}" ) ) {} void doIt() const { client()->remove( ns(), q_ ); } void check() const { ASSERT_EQUALS( 0, count() ); } void reset() const { deleteAll( ns() ); insert( o1_ ); insert( o2_ ); } protected: BSONObj o1_, o2_, q_; }; class RemoveOne : public Remove { void doIt() const { client()->remove( ns(), q_, true ); } void check() const { ASSERT_EQUALS( 1, count() ); } }; class FailingUpdate : public Base { public: FailingUpdate() : o_( fromjson( "{'_id':1,a:'b'}" ) ), u_( fromjson( "{'_id':1,c:'d'}" ) ) {} void doIt() const { client()->update( ns(), o_, u_ ); client()->insert( ns(), o_ ); } void check() const { ASSERT_EQUALS( 1, count() ); checkOne( o_ ); } void reset() const { deleteAll( ns() ); } protected: BSONObj o_, u_; }; class SetNumToStr : public Base { public: void doIt() const { client()->update( ns(), BSON( "_id" << 0 ), BSON( "$set" << BSON( "a" << "bcd" ) ) ); } void check() const { ASSERT_EQUALS( 1, count() ); checkOne( BSON( "_id" << 0 << "a" << "bcd" ) ); } void reset() const { deleteAll( ns() ); insert( BSON( "_id" << 0 << "a" << 4.0 ) ); } }; class Push : public Base { public: void doIt() const { client()->update( ns(), BSON( "_id" << 0 ), BSON( "$push" << BSON( "a" << 5.0 ) ) ); } using ReplTests::Base::check; void check() const { ASSERT_EQUALS( 1, count() ); check( fromjson( "{'_id':0,a:[4,5]}" ), one( fromjson( "{'_id':0}" ) ) ); } void reset() const { deleteAll( ns() ); insert( fromjson( "{'_id':0,a:[4]}" ) ); } }; class PushUpsert : public Base { public: void doIt() const { client()->update( ns(), BSON( "_id" << 0 ), BSON( "$push" << BSON( "a" << 5.0 ) ), true ); } using ReplTests::Base::check; void check() const { ASSERT_EQUALS( 1, count() ); check( fromjson( "{'_id':0,a:[4,5]}" ), one( fromjson( "{'_id':0}" ) ) ); } void reset() const { deleteAll( ns() ); insert( fromjson( "{'_id':0,a:[4]}" ) ); } }; class MultiPush : public Base { public: void doIt() const { client()->update( ns(), BSON( "_id" << 0 ), BSON( "$push" << BSON( "a" << 5.0 ) << "$push" << BSON( "b.c" << 6.0 ) ) ); } using ReplTests::Base::check; void check() const { ASSERT_EQUALS( 1, count() ); check( fromjson( "{'_id':0,a:[4,5],b:{c:[6]}}" ), one( fromjson( "{'_id':0}" ) ) ); } void reset() const { deleteAll( ns() ); insert( fromjson( "{'_id':0,a:[4]}" ) ); } }; class EmptyPush : public Base { public: void doIt() const { client()->update( ns(), BSON( "_id" << 0 ), BSON( "$push" << BSON( "a" << 5.0 ) ) ); } using ReplTests::Base::check; void check() const { ASSERT_EQUALS( 1, count() ); check( fromjson( "{'_id':0,a:[5]}" ), one( fromjson( "{'_id':0}" ) ) ); } void reset() const { deleteAll( ns() ); insert( fromjson( "{'_id':0}" ) ); } }; class PushAll : public Base { public: void doIt() const { client()->update( ns(), BSON( "_id" << 0 ), fromjson( "{$pushAll:{a:[5.0,6.0]}}" ) ); } using ReplTests::Base::check; void check() const { ASSERT_EQUALS( 1, count() ); check( fromjson( "{'_id':0,a:[4,5,6]}" ), one( fromjson( "{'_id':0}" ) ) ); } void reset() const { deleteAll( ns() ); insert( fromjson( "{'_id':0,a:[4]}" ) ); } }; class PushAllUpsert : public Base { public: void doIt() const { client()->update( ns(), BSON( "_id" << 0 ), fromjson( "{$pushAll:{a:[5.0,6.0]}}" ), true ); } using ReplTests::Base::check; void check() const { ASSERT_EQUALS( 1, count() ); check( fromjson( "{'_id':0,a:[4,5,6]}" ), one( fromjson( "{'_id':0}" ) ) ); } void reset() const { deleteAll( ns() ); insert( fromjson( "{'_id':0,a:[4]}" ) ); } }; class EmptyPushAll : public Base { public: void doIt() const { client()->update( ns(), BSON( "_id" << 0 ), fromjson( "{$pushAll:{a:[5.0,6.0]}}" ) ); } using ReplTests::Base::check; void check() const { ASSERT_EQUALS( 1, count() ); check( fromjson( "{'_id':0,a:[5,6]}" ), one( fromjson( "{'_id':0}" ) ) ); } void reset() const { deleteAll( ns() ); insert( fromjson( "{'_id':0}" ) ); } }; class Pull : public Base { public: void doIt() const { client()->update( ns(), BSON( "_id" << 0 ), BSON( "$pull" << BSON( "a" << 4.0 ) ) ); } using ReplTests::Base::check; void check() const { ASSERT_EQUALS( 1, count() ); check( fromjson( "{'_id':0,a:[5]}" ), one( fromjson( "{'_id':0}" ) ) ); } void reset() const { deleteAll( ns() ); insert( fromjson( "{'_id':0,a:[4,5]}" ) ); } }; class PullNothing : public Base { public: void doIt() const { client()->update( ns(), BSON( "_id" << 0 ), BSON( "$pull" << BSON( "a" << 6.0 ) ) ); } using ReplTests::Base::check; void check() const { ASSERT_EQUALS( 1, count() ); check( fromjson( "{'_id':0,a:[4,5]}" ), one( fromjson( "{'_id':0}" ) ) ); } void reset() const { deleteAll( ns() ); insert( fromjson( "{'_id':0,a:[4,5]}" ) ); } }; class PullAll : public Base { public: void doIt() const { client()->update( ns(), BSON( "_id" << 0 ), fromjson( "{$pullAll:{a:[4,5]}}" ) ); } using ReplTests::Base::check; void check() const { ASSERT_EQUALS( 1, count() ); check( fromjson( "{'_id':0,a:[6]}" ), one( fromjson( "{'_id':0}" ) ) ); } void reset() const { deleteAll( ns() ); insert( fromjson( "{'_id':0,a:[4,5,6]}" ) ); } }; class Pop : public Base { public: void doIt() const { client()->update( ns(), BSON( "_id" << 0 ), fromjson( "{$pop:{a:1}}" ) ); } using ReplTests::Base::check; void check() const { ASSERT_EQUALS( 1, count() ); check( fromjson( "{'_id':0,a:[4,5]}" ), one( fromjson( "{'_id':0}" ) ) ); } void reset() const { deleteAll( ns() ); insert( fromjson( "{'_id':0,a:[4,5,6]}" ) ); } }; class PopReverse : public Base { public: void doIt() const { client()->update( ns(), BSON( "_id" << 0 ), fromjson( "{$pop:{a:-1}}" ) ); } using ReplTests::Base::check; void check() const { ASSERT_EQUALS( 1, count() ); check( fromjson( "{'_id':0,a:[5,6]}" ), one( fromjson( "{'_id':0}" ) ) ); } void reset() const { deleteAll( ns() ); insert( fromjson( "{'_id':0,a:[4,5,6]}" ) ); } }; class BitOp : public Base { public: void doIt() const { client()->update( ns(), BSON( "_id" << 0 ), fromjson( "{$bit:{a:{and:2,or:8}}}" ) ); } using ReplTests::Base::check; void check() const { ASSERT_EQUALS( 1, count() ); check( BSON( "_id" << 0 << "a" << ( ( 3 & 2 ) | 8 ) ) , one( fromjson( "{'_id':0}" ) ) ); } void reset() const { deleteAll( ns() ); insert( fromjson( "{'_id':0,a:3}" ) ); } }; } // namespace Idempotence class DeleteOpIsIdBased : public Base { public: void run() { insert( BSON( "_id" << 0 << "a" << 10 ) ); insert( BSON( "_id" << 1 << "a" << 11 ) ); insert( BSON( "_id" << 3 << "a" << 10 ) ); client()->remove( ns(), BSON( "a" << 10 ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 1U, client()->count( ns(), BSONObj() ) ); insert( BSON( "_id" << 0 << "a" << 11 ) ); insert( BSON( "_id" << 2 << "a" << 10 ) ); insert( BSON( "_id" << 3 << "a" << 10 ) ); applyAllOperations(); ASSERT_EQUALS( 2U, client()->count( ns(), BSONObj() ) ); ASSERT( !one( BSON( "_id" << 1 ) ).isEmpty() ); ASSERT( !one( BSON( "_id" << 2 ) ).isEmpty() ); } }; class DbIdsTest { public: void run() { Client::Context ctx( "unittests.repltest.DbIdsTest" ); s_.reset( new DbIds( "local.temp.DbIdsTest" ) ); s_->reset(); check( false, false, false ); s_->set( "a", BSON( "_id" << 4 ), true ); check( true, false, false ); s_->set( "a", BSON( "_id" << 4 ), false ); check( false, false, false ); s_->set( "b", BSON( "_id" << 4 ), true ); check( false, true, false ); s_->set( "b", BSON( "_id" << 4 ), false ); check( false, false, false ); s_->set( "a", BSON( "_id" << 5 ), true ); check( false, false, true ); s_->set( "a", BSON( "_id" << 5 ), false ); check( false, false, false ); s_->set( "a", BSON( "_id" << 4 ), true ); s_->set( "b", BSON( "_id" << 4 ), true ); s_->set( "a", BSON( "_id" << 5 ), true ); check( true, true, true ); s_->reset(); check( false, false, false ); s_->set( "a", BSON( "_id" << 4 ), true ); s_->set( "a", BSON( "_id" << 4 ), true ); check( true, false, false ); s_->set( "a", BSON( "_id" << 4 ), false ); check( false, false, false ); } private: void check( bool one, bool two, bool three ) { ASSERT_EQUALS( one, s_->get( "a", BSON( "_id" << 4 ) ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( two, s_->get( "b", BSON( "_id" << 4 ) ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( three, s_->get( "a", BSON( "_id" << 5 ) ) ); } dblock lk_; auto_ptr< DbIds > s_; }; class MemIdsTest { public: void run() { int n = sizeof( BSONObj ) + BSON( "_id" << 4 ).objsize(); s_.reset(); ASSERT_EQUALS( 0, s_.roughSize() ); ASSERT( !s_.get( "a", BSON( "_id" << 4 ) ) ); ASSERT( !s_.get( "b", BSON( "_id" << 4 ) ) ); s_.set( "a", BSON( "_id" << 4 ), true ); ASSERT_EQUALS( n, s_.roughSize() ); ASSERT( s_.get( "a", BSON( "_id" << 4 ) ) ); ASSERT( !s_.get( "b", BSON( "_id" << 4 ) ) ); s_.set( "a", BSON( "_id" << 4 ), false ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 0, s_.roughSize() ); ASSERT( !s_.get( "a", BSON( "_id" << 4 ) ) ); s_.set( "a", BSON( "_id" << 4 ), true ); s_.set( "b", BSON( "_id" << 4 ), true ); s_.set( "b", BSON( "_id" << 100 ), true ); s_.set( "b", BSON( "_id" << 101 ), true ); ASSERT_EQUALS( n * 4, s_.roughSize() ); } private: MemIds s_; }; class IdTrackerTest { public: void run() { Client::Context ctx( "unittests.repltests.IdTrackerTest" ); ASSERT( s_.inMem() ); s_.reset( 4 * sizeof( BSONObj ) - 1 ); s_.haveId( "a", BSON( "_id" << 0 ), true ); s_.haveId( "a", BSON( "_id" << 1 ), true ); s_.haveId( "b", BSON( "_id" << 0 ), true ); s_.haveModId( "b", BSON( "_id" << 0 ), true ); ASSERT( s_.inMem() ); check(); s_.mayUpgradeStorage(); ASSERT( !s_.inMem() ); check(); s_.haveId( "a", BSON( "_id" << 1 ), false ); ASSERT( !s_.haveId( "a", BSON( "_id" << 1 ) ) ); s_.haveId( "a", BSON( "_id" << 1 ), true ); check(); ASSERT( !s_.inMem() ); s_.reset(); ASSERT( s_.inMem() ); } private: void check() { ASSERT( s_.haveId( "a", BSON( "_id" << 0 ) ) ); ASSERT( s_.haveId( "a", BSON( "_id" << 1 ) ) ); ASSERT( s_.haveId( "b", BSON( "_id" << 0 ) ) ); ASSERT( s_.haveModId( "b", BSON( "_id" << 0 ) ) ); } dblock lk_; IdTracker s_; }; class All : public Suite { public: All() : Suite( "repl" ){ } void setupTests(){ add< LogBasic >(); add< Idempotence::InsertTimestamp >(); add< Idempotence::InsertAutoId >(); add< Idempotence::InsertWithId >(); add< Idempotence::InsertTwo >(); add< Idempotence::InsertTwoIdentical >(); add< Idempotence::UpdateTimestamp >(); add< Idempotence::UpdateSameField >(); add< Idempotence::UpdateSameFieldWithId >(); add< Idempotence::UpdateSameFieldExplicitId >(); add< Idempotence::UpdateId >(); add< Idempotence::UpdateDifferentFieldExplicitId >(); add< Idempotence::UpsertUpdateNoMods >(); add< Idempotence::UpsertInsertNoMods >(); add< Idempotence::UpdateSet >(); add< Idempotence::UpdateInc >(); add< Idempotence::UpdateInc2 >(); add< Idempotence::UpsertInsertIdMod >(); add< Idempotence::UpsertInsertSet >(); add< Idempotence::UpsertInsertInc >(); add< Idempotence::MultiInc >(); // Don't worry about this until someone wants this functionality. // add< Idempotence::UpdateWithoutPreexistingId >(); add< Idempotence::Remove >(); add< Idempotence::RemoveOne >(); add< Idempotence::FailingUpdate >(); add< Idempotence::SetNumToStr >(); add< Idempotence::Push >(); add< Idempotence::PushUpsert >(); add< Idempotence::MultiPush >(); add< Idempotence::EmptyPush >(); add< Idempotence::PushAll >(); add< Idempotence::PushAllUpsert >(); add< Idempotence::EmptyPushAll >(); add< Idempotence::Pull >(); add< Idempotence::PullNothing >(); add< Idempotence::PullAll >(); add< Idempotence::Pop >(); add< Idempotence::PopReverse >(); add< Idempotence::BitOp >(); add< DeleteOpIsIdBased >(); add< DbIdsTest >(); add< MemIdsTest >(); add< IdTrackerTest >(); } } myall; } // namespace ReplTests