// engine.h /* Copyright 2009 10gen Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #pragma once #include "../pch.h" #include "../db/jsobj.h" namespace mongo { struct JSFile { const char* name; const StringData& source; }; namespace JSFiles { extern const JSFile collection; extern const JSFile db; extern const JSFile mongo; extern const JSFile mr; extern const JSFile query; extern const JSFile servers; extern const JSFile utils; } typedef unsigned long long ScriptingFunction; typedef BSONObj (*NativeFunction) ( const BSONObj &args ); class Scope : boost::noncopyable { public: Scope(); virtual ~Scope(); virtual void reset() = 0; virtual void init( BSONObj * data ) = 0; void init( const char * data ){ BSONObj o( data , 0 ); init( &o ); } virtual void localConnect( const char * dbName ) = 0; virtual void externalSetup() = 0; class NoDBAccess { Scope * _s; public: NoDBAccess( Scope * s ){ _s = s; } ~NoDBAccess(){ _s->rename( "____db____" , "db" ); } }; NoDBAccess disableDBAccess( const char * why ){ rename( "db" , "____db____" ); return NoDBAccess( this ); } virtual double getNumber( const char *field ) = 0; virtual int getNumberInt( const char *field ){ return (int)getNumber( field ); } virtual long long getNumberLongLong( const char *field ){ return (long long)getNumber( field ); } virtual string getString( const char *field ) = 0; virtual bool getBoolean( const char *field ) = 0; virtual BSONObj getObject( const char *field ) = 0; virtual int type( const char *field ) = 0; void append( BSONObjBuilder & builder , const char * fieldName , const char * scopeName ); virtual void setElement( const char *field , const BSONElement& e ) = 0; virtual void setNumber( const char *field , double val ) = 0; virtual void setString( const char *field , const char * val ) = 0; virtual void setObject( const char *field , const BSONObj& obj , bool readOnly=true ) = 0; virtual void setBoolean( const char *field , bool val ) = 0; virtual void setThis( const BSONObj * obj ) = 0; virtual ScriptingFunction createFunction( const char * code ); virtual void rename( const char * from , const char * to ) = 0; /** * @return 0 on success */ virtual int invoke( ScriptingFunction func , const BSONObj& args, int timeoutMs = 0 , bool ignoreReturn = false ) = 0; void invokeSafe( ScriptingFunction func , const BSONObj& args, int timeoutMs = 0 ){ int res = invoke( func , args , timeoutMs ); if ( res == 0 ) return; throw UserException( 9004 , (string)"invoke failed: " + getError() ); } virtual string getError() = 0; int invoke( const char* code , const BSONObj& args, int timeoutMs = 0 ); void invokeSafe( const char* code , const BSONObj& args, int timeoutMs = 0 ){ if ( invoke( code , args , timeoutMs ) == 0 ) return; throw UserException( 9005 , (string)"invoke failed: " + getError() ); } virtual bool exec( const StringData& code , const string& name , bool printResult , bool reportError , bool assertOnError, int timeoutMs = 0 ) = 0; virtual void execSetup( const StringData& code , const string& name = "setup" ){ exec( code , name , false , true , true , 0 ); } void execSetup( const JSFile& file){ execSetup(file.source, file.name); } void execCoreFiles(){ // keeping same order as in SConstruct execSetup(JSFiles::utils); execSetup(JSFiles::db); execSetup(JSFiles::mongo); execSetup(JSFiles::mr); execSetup(JSFiles::query); execSetup(JSFiles::collection); } virtual bool execFile( const string& filename , bool printResult , bool reportError , bool assertOnError, int timeoutMs = 0 ); virtual void injectNative( const char *field, NativeFunction func ) = 0; virtual void gc() = 0; void loadStored( bool ignoreNotConnected = false ); /** if any changes are made to .system.js, call this right now its just global - slightly inefficient, but a lot simpler */ static void storedFuncMod(); static int getNumScopes(){ return _numScopes; } static void validateObjectIdString( const string &str ); protected: virtual ScriptingFunction _createFunction( const char * code ) = 0; string _localDBName; long long _loadedVersion; set _storedNames; static long long _lastVersion; map _cachedFunctions; static int _numScopes; }; void installGlobalUtils( Scope& scope ); class DBClientWithCommands; class ScriptEngine : boost::noncopyable { public: ScriptEngine(); virtual ~ScriptEngine(); virtual Scope * newScope() { Scope *s = createScope(); if ( s && _scopeInitCallback ) _scopeInitCallback( *s ); installGlobalUtils( *s ); return s; } virtual void runTest() = 0; virtual bool utf8Ok() const = 0; static void setup(); auto_ptr getPooledScope( const string& pool ); void threadDone(); struct Unlocker { virtual ~Unlocker() {} }; virtual auto_ptr newThreadUnlocker() { return auto_ptr< Unlocker >( new Unlocker ); } void setScopeInitCallback( void ( *func )( Scope & ) ) { _scopeInitCallback = func; } static void setConnectCallback( void ( *func )( DBClientWithCommands& ) ) { _connectCallback = func; } static void runConnectCallback( DBClientWithCommands &c ) { if ( _connectCallback ) _connectCallback( c ); } // engine implementation may either respond to interrupt events or // poll for interrupts // the interrupt functions must not wait indefinitely on a lock virtual void interrupt( unsigned opSpec ) {} virtual void interruptAll() {} static void setGetInterruptSpecCallback( unsigned ( *func )() ) { _getInterruptSpecCallback = func; } static bool haveGetInterruptSpecCallback() { return _getInterruptSpecCallback; } static unsigned getInterruptSpec() { massert( 13474, "no _getInterruptSpecCallback", _getInterruptSpecCallback ); return _getInterruptSpecCallback(); } static void setCheckInterruptCallback( const char * ( *func )() ) { _checkInterruptCallback = func; } static bool haveCheckInterruptCallback() { return _checkInterruptCallback; } static const char * checkInterrupt() { return _checkInterruptCallback ? _checkInterruptCallback() : ""; } static bool interrupted() { const char *r = checkInterrupt(); return r && r[ 0 ]; } protected: virtual Scope * createScope() = 0; private: void ( *_scopeInitCallback )( Scope & ); static void ( *_connectCallback )( DBClientWithCommands & ); static const char * ( *_checkInterruptCallback )(); static unsigned ( *_getInterruptSpecCallback )(); }; bool hasJSReturn( const string& s ); extern ScriptEngine * globalScriptEngine; }