// curop.h #pragma once #include "namespace.h" #include "security.h" #include "client.h" namespace mongo { extern struct CurOp { void reset(time_t now, const sockaddr_in &_client) { active = true; opNum++; startTime = now; ns[0] = '?'; // just in case not set later *query = 0; killCurrentOp = 0; client = _client; } bool active; unsigned opNum; time_t startTime; int op; char ns[Namespace::MaxNsLen+2]; char query[128]; char zero; struct sockaddr_in client; CurOp() { opNum = 0; // These addresses should never be written to again. The zeroes are // placed here as a precaution because currentOp may be accessed // without the db mutex. ns[sizeof(ns)-1] = 0; query[sizeof(query)-1] = 0; } BSONObj info() { AuthenticationInfo *ai = currentClient.get()->ai; if( !ai->isAuthorized("admin") ) { BSONObjBuilder b; b.append("err", "unauthorized"); return b.obj(); } return infoNoauth(); } BSONObj infoNoauth() { BSONObjBuilder b; b.append("opid", opNum); b.append("active", active); if( active ) b.append("secs_running", (int) (time(0)-startTime)); if( op == 2004 ) b.append("op", "query"); else if( op == 2005 ) b.append("op", "getMore"); else if( op == 2001 ) b.append("op", "update"); else if( op == 2002 ) b.append("op", "insert"); else if( op == 2006 ) b.append("op", "delete"); else b.append("op", op); b.append("ns", ns); b.append("query", query); b.append("inLock", dbMutexInfo.isLocked()); stringstream clientStr; clientStr << inet_ntoa( client.sin_addr ) << ":" << ntohs( client.sin_port ); b.append("client", clientStr.str()); return b.obj(); } } currentOp; }