// dbshell.cpp #include #include #include #include "ShellUtils.h" #include "MongoJS.h" #include "mongo.jsh" void quitNicely( int sig ){ write_history( ".dbshell" ); exit(0); } string fixHost( string url , string host , string port ){ if ( host.size() == 0 && port.size() == 0 ) return url; if ( url.find( "/" ) != string::npos ){ cerr << "url can't have host or port if you specify them individually" << endl; exit(-1); } if ( host.size() == 0 ) host = ""; string newurl = host; if ( port.size() > 0 ) newurl += ":" + port; newurl += "/" + url; return newurl; } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { signal( SIGINT , quitNicely ); RecordMyLocation( argv[ 0 ] ); //v8::V8::SetFlagsFromCommandLine(&argc, argv, true); v8::HandleScope handle_scope; v8::Handle global = v8::ObjectTemplate::New(); installShellUtils( global ); installMongoGlobals( global ); v8::Handle context = v8::Context::New(NULL, global); v8::Context::Scope context_scope(context); { // init mongo code v8::HandleScope handle_scope; if ( ! ExecuteString( v8::String::New( jsconcatcode ) , v8::String::New( "(mongo init)" ) , false , true ) ) return -1; } string url = "test"; string dbhost; string port; string username; string password; bool runShell = false; bool nodb = false; int argNumber = 1; for ( ; argNumber < argc; argNumber++) { const char* str = argv[argNumber]; if (strcmp(str, "--shell") == 0) { runShell = true; continue; } if (strcmp(str, "--nodb") == 0) { nodb = true; continue; } if ( strcmp( str , "--port" ) == 0 ){ port = argv[argNumber+1]; argNumber++; continue; } if ( strcmp( str , "--host" ) == 0 ){ dbhost = argv[argNumber+1]; argNumber++; continue; } if ( strcmp( str , "-u" ) == 0 ){ username = argv[argNumber+1]; argNumber++; continue; } if ( strcmp( str , "-p" ) == 0 ){ password = argv[argNumber+1]; argNumber++; continue; } if ( strstr( str , "-p" ) == str ){ password = str; password = password.substr( 2 ); continue; } if ( strcmp(str, "--help") == 0 || strcmp(str, "-h" ) == 0 ) { cout << "usage: " << argv[0] << " [options] [db address] [file names]\n" << "db address can be:\n" << " foo = foo database on local machine\n" << " = foo database on machine\n" << " = foo database on machine on port 9999\n" << "options\n" << " --shell run the shell after executing files\n" << " -u \n" << " -p - notice no space\n" << " --host - server to connect to\n" << " --port - port to connect to\n" << " --nodb don't connect to mongod on startup. No 'db address' arg expected.\n" << "file names: a list of files to run. will exit after unless --shell is specified\n" ; return 0; } if (strcmp(str, "-f") == 0) { continue; } if (strncmp(str, "--", 2) == 0) { printf("Warning: unknown flag %s.\nTry --help for options\n", str); continue; } if ( nodb ) break; else { const char * last = strstr( str , "/" ); if ( last ) last++; else last = str; if ( ! strstr( last , "." ) ){ url = str; continue; } } break; } if ( !nodb ) { // init mongo code v8::HandleScope handle_scope; string setup = (string)"db = connect( \"" + fixHost( url , dbhost , port ) + "\")"; if ( ! ExecuteString( v8::String::New( setup.c_str() ) , v8::String::New( "(connect)" ) , false , true ) ){ cout << "error connecting!" << endl; return -1; } if ( username.size() && password.size() ){ stringstream ss; ss << "if ( ! db.auth( \"" << username << "\" , \"" << password << "\" ) ){ throw 'login failed'; }"; if ( ! ExecuteString( v8::String::New( ss.str().c_str() ) , v8::String::New( "(auth)" ) , true , true ) ){ cout << "login failed" << endl; return -1; } } } int numFiles = 0; for ( ; argNumber < argc; argNumber++) { const char* str = argv[argNumber]; v8::HandleScope handle_scope; v8::Handle file_name = v8::String::New(str); v8::Handle source = ReadFile(str); if (source.IsEmpty()) { printf("Error reading '%s'\n", str); return 1; } MongodScope s; if (!ExecuteString(source, file_name, false, true)){ cout << "error processing: " << file_name << endl; return 1; } numFiles++; } if ( numFiles == 0 ) runShell = true; if ( runShell ){ MongodScope s; using_history(); read_history( ".dbshell" ); cout << "type \"help\" for help" << endl; v8::Handle shellHelper = context->Global()->Get( v8::String::New( "shellHelper" ) )->ToObject(); while ( 1 ){ char * line = readline( "> " ); if ( ! line || ( strlen(line) == 4 && strstr( line , "exit" ) ) ){ cout << "bye" << endl; break; } string code = line; { string cmd = line; if ( cmd.find( " " ) > 0 ) cmd = cmd.substr( 0 , cmd.find( " " ) ); if ( shellHelper->HasRealNamedProperty( v8::String::New( cmd.c_str() ) ) ){ stringstream ss; ss << "shellHelper( \"" << cmd << "\" , \"" << code.substr( cmd.size() ) << "\" )"; code = ss.str(); } } v8::HandleScope handle_scope; ExecuteString(v8::String::New( code.c_str() ), v8::String::New("(shell)"), true, true); if ( strlen( line ) ) add_history( line ); } write_history( ".dbshell" ); } return 0; }