// curop.h /* * Copyright (C) 2010 10gen Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #pragma once #include "namespace.h" #include "client.h" #include "../bson/util/atomic_int.h" #include "db.h" namespace mongo { class OpDebug { public: StringBuilder str; void reset(){ str.reset(); } }; /* Current operation (for the current Client). an embedded member of Client class, and typically used from within the mutex there. */ class CurOp : boost::noncopyable { static AtomicUInt _nextOpNum; static BSONObj _tooBig; // { $msg : "query not recording (too large)" } Client * _client; CurOp * _wrapped; unsigned long long _start; unsigned long long _checkpoint; unsigned long long _end; bool _active; int _op; bool _command; int _lockType; // see concurrency.h for values bool _waitingForLock; int _dbprofile; // 0=off, 1=slow, 2=all AtomicUInt _opNum; char _ns[Namespace::MaxNsLen+2]; struct SockAddr _remote; char _queryBuf[256]; void resetQuery(int x=0) { *((int *)_queryBuf) = x; } OpDebug _debug; ThreadSafeString _message; ProgressMeter _progressMeter; void _reset(){ _command = false; _lockType = 0; _dbprofile = 0; _end = 0; _waitingForLock = false; _message = ""; _progressMeter.finished(); } void setNS(const char *ns) { strncpy(_ns, ns, Namespace::MaxNsLen); } public: bool haveQuery() const { return *((int *) _queryBuf) != 0; } BSONObj query() { if( *((int *) _queryBuf) == 1 ) { return _tooBig; } BSONObj o(_queryBuf); return o; } void ensureStarted(){ if ( _start == 0 ) _start = _checkpoint = curTimeMicros64(); } void enter( Client::Context * context ){ ensureStarted(); setNS( context->ns() ); if ( context->_db && context->_db->profile > _dbprofile ) _dbprofile = context->_db->profile; } void leave( Client::Context * context ){ unsigned long long now = curTimeMicros64(); Top::global.record( _ns , _op , _lockType , now - _checkpoint , _command ); _checkpoint = now; } void reset(){ _reset(); _start = _checkpoint = 0; _active = true; _opNum = _nextOpNum++; _ns[0] = '?'; // just in case not set later _debug.reset(); resetQuery(); } void reset( const SockAddr & remote, int op ) { reset(); _remote = remote; _op = op; } void markCommand(){ _command = true; } void waitingForLock( int type ){ _waitingForLock = true; if ( type > 0 ) _lockType = 1; else _lockType = -1; } void gotLock(){ _waitingForLock = false; } OpDebug& debug(){ return _debug; } int profileLevel() const { return _dbprofile; } const char * getNS() const { return _ns; } bool shouldDBProfile( int ms ) const { if ( _dbprofile <= 0 ) return false; return _dbprofile >= 2 || ms >= cmdLine.slowMS; } AtomicUInt opNum() const { return _opNum; } /** if this op is running */ bool active() const { return _active; } int getLockType() const { return _lockType; } bool isWaitingForLock() const { return _waitingForLock; } int getOp() const { return _op; } /** micros */ unsigned long long startTime() { ensureStarted(); return _start; } void done() { _active = false; _end = curTimeMicros64(); } unsigned long long totalTimeMicros() { massert( 12601 , "CurOp not marked done yet" , ! _active ); return _end - startTime(); } int totalTimeMillis() { return (int) (totalTimeMicros() / 1000); } int elapsedMillis() { unsigned long long total = curTimeMicros64() - startTime(); return (int) (total / 1000); } int elapsedSeconds() { return elapsedMillis() / 1000; } void setQuery(const BSONObj& query) { if( query.objsize() > (int) sizeof(_queryBuf) ) { resetQuery(1); // flag as too big and return return; } memcpy(_queryBuf, query.objdata(), query.objsize()); } Client * getClient() const { return _client; } CurOp( Client * client , CurOp * wrapped = 0 ) { _client = client; _wrapped = wrapped; if ( _wrapped ){ _client->_curOp = this; } _start = _checkpoint = 0; _active = false; _reset(); _op = 0; // These addresses should never be written to again. The zeroes are // placed here as a precaution because currentOp may be accessed // without the db mutex. memset(_ns, 0, sizeof(_ns)); memset(_queryBuf, 0, sizeof(_queryBuf)); } ~CurOp(){ if ( _wrapped ) _client->_curOp = _wrapped; } BSONObj info() { if( ! cc().getAuthenticationInfo()->isAuthorized("admin") ) { BSONObjBuilder b; b.append("err", "unauthorized"); return b.obj(); } return infoNoauth(); } BSONObj infoNoauth(); string getRemoteString( bool incPort = true ){ return _remote.toString(incPort); } ProgressMeter& setMessage( const char * msg , long long progressMeterTotal = 0 , int secondsBetween = 3 ){ if ( progressMeterTotal ){ if ( _progressMeter.isActive() ){ cout << "about to assert, old _message: " << _message << " new message:" << msg << endl; assert( ! _progressMeter.isActive() ); } _progressMeter.reset( progressMeterTotal , secondsBetween ); } else { _progressMeter.finished(); } _message = msg; return _progressMeter; } string getMessage() const { return _message; } ProgressMeter& getProgressMeter() { return _progressMeter; } friend class Client; }; /* 0 = ok 1 = kill current operation and reset this to 0 future: maybe use this as a "going away" thing on process termination with a higher flag value */ extern class KillCurrentOp { enum { Off, On, All } state; AtomicUInt toKill; public: void killAll() { state = All; } void kill(AtomicUInt i) { toKill = i; state = On; } void checkForInterrupt() { if( state != Off ) { if( state == All ) uasserted(11600,"interrupted at shutdown"); if( cc().curop()->opNum() == toKill ) { state = Off; uasserted(11601,"interrupted"); } } } } killCurrentOp; }