#################################################### # configuration.yml # ##################################################### # # This file contains global configuration values set for the mongodb-mongo-master and # mongodb-mongo-master-nightly projects. # command_type: system exec_timeout_secs: 21600 # 6 hours. oom_tracker: true pre_error_fails_task: true stepback: true ## Parameters for parameterized builds (see https://github.com/evergreen-ci/evergreen/wiki/Parameterized-Builds) parameters: - key: patch_compile_flags description: "Additional SCons flags to be applied during scons compile invocations in this patch" - key: future_git_tag description: "Future git tag to be added. If empty, we will use the most recent git tag instead." - key: last_lts_evg_version_id description: "The Evergreen Version ID of the last-lts MongoDB binaries. Only binaries from release variants are used" - key: last_continuous_evg_version_id description: "The Evergreen Version ID of the last-continuous MongoDB binaries. Only binaries from release variants are used" - key: antithesis_image_tag description: "The docker tag to use when pushing images to Antithesis" - key: build_patch_id description: "Patch id of evergreen patch to pull binaries from for testing." ## Cron parameters. - key: project_required_suggested_cron value: "0 */4 * * *" # Every 4 hours starting at 0000 UTC description: "Cron schedule for required and suggested variants" - key: project_nightly_cron value: "0 4 * * *" # Every day starting at 0400 UTC description: "Cron schedule for nightly variants" - key: project_weekly_cron value: "0 4 * * 0" # Every week starting 0400 UTC Sunday description: "Cron schedule for nightly variants" - key: bazel_scons_diff_targets description: "Targets to run the bazel-scons diff on in this patch" - key: convert_bazel_headers_target description: "Target to generate bazel headers for" ####################################### # Modules # ####################################### # if a module is added and to be added to the manifest # be sure to add the module to git.get_project revisions parameter modules: - name: wtdevelop repo: git@github.com:wiredtiger/wiredtiger.git prefix: src/third_party branch: develop - name: mongot repo: git@github.com:10gen/mongot.git prefix: ${workdir}/src branch: master # Pre task steps pre: - func: "set task expansion macros" - func: "f_expansions_write" # Post task steps post: - func: "f_expansions_write" - func: "cleanup external auth OIDC resources" - func: "upload npm logs" - func: "attach scons logs" - func: "attach local resmoke invocation" - func: "attach bazel invocation" - func: "attach multiversion exclude tags" - func: "attach report" - func: "attach task errors" - func: "attach artifacts" - func: "attach multiversion download links" - func: "save ec2 task artifacts" - func: "attach wiki page" - func: "upload docker compose" - func: "attach docker logs" - func: "upload jstestfuzz minimized output" - func: "upload clang tidy results" - func: "generate and upload network diagnostics" - func: "kill processes" - func: "save code coverage data" - func: "save local client logs" - func: "save jepsen artifacts" - func: "save mongo coredumps" - func: "generate hang analyzer tasks" - func: "save failed unittests" - func: "save unstripped dbtest" - func: "save hang analyzer debugger files" - func: "save disk statistics" - func: "save system resource information" - func: "save UndoDB recordings" - func: "save libfuzzertest corpora" - func: "remove files" vars: files: >- src/resmoke_error_code src/build/scons/config.log src/*.gcda.gcov src/gcov-intermediate-files.tgz src/*.core src/*.mdmp src/*.core.gz src/*.mdmp.gz mongo-coredumps.json src/dist-unittests/bin/* src/dist-unittests/lib/* mongo-unittests.tgz src/debugger*.* src/mongo-hanganalyzer.tgz diskstats.tgz system-resource-info.tgz ${report_file|src/report.json} ${archive_file|src/archive.json} src/network_diagnostics.txt - func: "umount shared scons directory" - func: "umount tmp directory" - func: "cleanup FUSE watchdog" - func: "cleanup environment" - func: "cleanup jepsen docker test" # Timeout steps timeout: - func: "f_expansions_write" - func: "run hang analyzer" - func: "wait for resmoke to shutdown"