# Generate linker commands in both Bazel and SCons for the intention of recording the differences # during migration to Bazel. This will allow us to audit for differences if there are any issues # found later on. import argparse import os import platform import re import subprocess import sys from buildscripts.install_bazel import install_bazel bazel_env_settings: dict[str, str] = {} def scons_to_bazel_target(scons_target: str) -> str: # Example input: mongo/db/commands/libfsync_locked.a, output: //src/mongo/db/commands:fsync_locked # Remove lib prefix in filename scons_target = scons_target.replace("\\", "/") scons_target_parts = scons_target.split("/") if scons_target_parts[-1].startswith("lib"): scons_target = "/".join(scons_target_parts[:-1] + [scons_target_parts[-1][3:]]) bazel_target = f"//src/{scons_target}" # Replace last / with : last_slash_idx = bazel_target.rfind("/") bazel_target = bazel_target[:last_slash_idx] + ":" + bazel_target[last_slash_idx + 1 :] # Remove suffix if "." in bazel_target: bazel_target = bazel_target[: bazel_target.rfind(".")] return bazel_target def platformize_scons_target(scons_target: str) -> str: # Patch the target name to match the platform's file naming conventions. if platform.system() == "Windows": scons_target = scons_target.replace(".so", ".dll") scons_target = scons_target.replace(".a", ".lib") if not scons_target.endswith(".lib") and not scons_target.endswith(".dll"): scons_target += ".exe" scons_target_parts = scons_target.split("/") if scons_target_parts[-1].startswith("lib"): scons_target = "/".join(scons_target_parts[:-1] + [scons_target_parts[-1][3:]]) elif platform.system() == "Darwin": scons_target = scons_target.replace(".so", ".dylib") return scons_target def normalize_link_mode_ext(scons_target: str, link_static: bool) -> str: if link_static: scons_target = scons_target.replace(".so", ".a") scons_target = scons_target.replace(".dylib", ".a") scons_target = scons_target.replace(".dll", ".lib") else: if platform.system() == "Darwin": scons_target = scons_target.replace(".a", ".dylib") else: scons_target = scons_target.replace(".a", ".so") scons_target = scons_target.replace(".dll", ".lib") return scons_target def log_subprocess_run(*args, **kwargs) -> subprocess.CompletedProcess: arg_list_or_string = kwargs["args"] if "args" in kwargs else args[0] print(" ".join(arg_list_or_string) if type(arg_list_or_string) == list else arg_list_or_string) try: proc = subprocess.run(*args, **kwargs) print(proc.stdout) print(proc.stderr) return proc except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: print(e.stdout) print(e.stderr) raise e def get_bazel_args(compiler_type: str, extra_args: list[str]) -> list[str]: # Do an actual run since dry-runs cannot create configure test entries which are needed for # getting the command line flags from dry runs later in the execution of this script. log_subprocess_run( [ sys.executable, "buildscripts/scons.py", *extra_args, *( [] if compiler_type is None else [f"--variables-files=etc/scons/mongodbtoolchain_stable_{compiler_type}.vars"] ), "VERBOSE=1", "ICECC=", "CCACHE=", "--ninja=disabled", "$BUILD_ROOT/scons/$VARIANT_DIR/sconf_temp", ], env={**os.environ.copy(), **bazel_env_settings}, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, check=True, text=True, ) with open("build/scons/bazel/bazel_command", "r") as bazel_command_file: # strip off "bazel build" return bazel_command_file.read().split(" ")[2:] def bazel_compile_commands( bazel_bin: str, bazel_targets: list[str], bazel_args: list[str] ) -> list[str]: debug_targets = " ".join([f'"{target}_with_debug"' for target in bazel_targets]) proc = log_subprocess_run( [ bazel_bin, "aquery", f'mnemonic("CppCompile", set({debug_targets}))', "--include_artifacts=false", *bazel_args, ], env={**os.environ.copy(), **bazel_env_settings}, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, check=True, text=True, ) compile_lines_parts = [] in_command = False for line in proc.stdout.split("\n"): if "Command Line:" in line: in_command = True compile_lines_parts.append([]) line = line.replace("Command Line:", "") line = line.replace(" (exec ", "") if in_command: if not line.endswith("\\"): in_command = False # Remove the trailing \ or ) if line.endswith("\\") or line.endswith(")"): line = line[:-1] compile_lines_parts[-1] += [line.strip()] bazel_output_files = set() compile_lines = [] for i, compile_line_parts in enumerate(compile_lines_parts): # Move the -o {file} part to the beginning compiler_path = compile_line_parts[:1] if platform.system() == "Windows": # Windows appends /c output_args = [compile_line_parts[-3]] other_args = compile_line_parts[1:-3] + compile_line_parts[-2:] else: output_args = compile_line_parts[-2:] other_args = compile_line_parts[1:-2] if output_args[0].startswith("/Fo"): output_args[0] = output_args[0].replace("/Fo", "") compile_line_parts = compiler_path + output_args + other_args bazel_output_files.add(compile_line_parts[-1]) compile_lines += [" ".join(compile_line_parts)] # Replace Bazel parts to match SCons output compile_lines[i] = re.sub(r"bazel-out/\S*/bin/src/", "", compile_lines[i]) compile_lines[i] = re.sub(r"_objs/(\S*)_with_debug", r"\1", compile_lines[i]) with open("./build/bazel-compile-commands", "w") as output_file: # Sort by output path compile_lines = sorted(compile_lines, key=lambda compile_line: compile_line.split(" ")[1]) for compile_line in compile_lines: print(compile_line, file=output_file) return bazel_output_files def bazel_linker_commands( bazel_bin: str, bazel_targets: list[str], target_type_map: dict[str, str], bazel_args: list[str], link_static: bool, ) -> list[str]: debug_targets = " ".join( [ f'"{target}_shared_with_debug"' if target_type_map[target] == "library" and not link_static else f'"{target}_with_debug"' for target in bazel_targets ] ) proc = log_subprocess_run( [ bazel_bin, "aquery", f'mnemonic("CppLink", set({debug_targets}))', "--include_artifacts=false", *bazel_args, ], env={**os.environ.copy(), **bazel_env_settings}, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, check=True, text=True, ) link_lines_parts = [] in_command = False for line in proc.stdout.split("\n"): if "Command Line: (exec " in line: in_command = True link_lines_parts.append([]) line = line.replace("Command Line: (exec ", "") if in_command: if not line.endswith("\\"): in_command = False # Remove the trailing \ or ) line = line[:-1] link_lines_parts[-1] += [line.strip()] linker_output_paths = set() link_lines = [] for i, link_line_parts in enumerate(link_lines_parts): # Remove the compiler path to match SCons output link_line_parts = link_line_parts[1:] # Move the -shared flag to the end to match SCons output if link_line_parts[0] == "-shared": link_line_parts = link_line_parts[1:] + link_line_parts[:1] link_lines += [" ".join(link_line_parts)] # Cleanup spammy linker flags link_lines[i] = re.sub(r"-Xlinker -rpath -Xlinker \S* ", "", link_lines[i]) # Replace bazel paths to match SCons paths link_lines[i] = re.sub(r"bazel-out/\S*/bin/src/", "", link_lines[i]) link_lines[i] = re.sub(r"_shared_with_debug", "", link_lines[i]) link_lines[i] = re.sub(r"_with_debug", "", link_lines[i]) linker_output_paths.update([link_line.split(" ")[1] for link_line in link_lines]) with open("./build/bazel-link-commands", "w") as output_file: # Sort by output path link_lines = sorted(link_lines, key=lambda link_line: link_line.split(" ")[1]) for link_line in link_lines: print(link_line, file=output_file) return linker_output_paths def scons_commands( scons_targets: list[str], compiler_type: str, compile_output_paths: set[str], linker_output_paths: set[str], extra_args: list[str], ): log_subprocess_run( [ sys.executable, "buildscripts/scons.py", *extra_args, *( [] if compiler_type is None else [f"--variables-files=etc/scons/mongodbtoolchain_stable_{compiler_type}.vars"] ), "VERBOSE=1", "ICECC=", "CCACHE=", "--ninja=disabled", "$BUILD_ROOT/scons/$VARIANT_DIR/sconf_temp", ], env={**os.environ.copy(), **bazel_env_settings}, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, check=True, text=True, ) proc = log_subprocess_run( [ sys.executable, "buildscripts/scons.py", *extra_args, *( [] if compiler_type is None else [f"--variables-files=etc/scons/mongodbtoolchain_stable_{compiler_type}.vars"] ), "VERBOSE=1", "ICECC=", "CCACHE=", "--ninja=disabled", "--dry-run", *scons_targets, ], env={**os.environ.copy(), **bazel_env_settings}, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, check=True, text=True, ) with open("./build/scons-compile-commands", "w") as output_file: # Use -fno-omit-frame-pointer and /D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS to identify compile commands since they're present on all compilations and will # not be removed in the lifetime of the hybrid build system. compile_commands = [ output_line for output_line in proc.stdout.split("\n") if ("-fno-omit-frame-pointer" in output_line and "-o" in output_line) or "/D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS" in output_line ] # Replace prefix to match Bazel compile_commands = [ re.sub(r"build[\\/](opt|debug|san|optdebug)[\\/]", "", compile_command) for compile_command in compile_commands ] # Sort by output path compile_commands = sorted( compile_commands, key=lambda compile_command: compile_command.split(" ")[2] ) compile_commands = [ " ".join(compile_command.split(" ")) for compile_command in compile_commands ] for compile_command in compile_commands: # Skip over any lines with inputs not used in the Bazel compilation src_path = ( compile_command.split(" ")[3].replace("\\", "/") if platform.system() == "Windows" else compile_command.split(" ")[-1] ) if src_path not in compile_output_paths: continue print(compile_command, file=output_file) with open("./build/scons-link-commands", "w") as output_file: link_commands = [ output_line for output_line in proc.stdout.split("\n") if ("-Wl," in output_line and "-o" in output_line) or "/LARGEADDRESSAWARE" in output_line ] # Remove binary name since it's not present in Bazel link_commands = [" ".join(link_command.split(" ")[1:]) for link_command in link_commands] # Replace prefix to match Bazel link_commands = [ re.sub(r"build[\\/](opt|debug|san|optdebug)[\\/]", "", link_command) for link_command in link_commands ] # Sort by output path link_commands = sorted(link_commands, key=lambda link_command: link_command.split(" ")[1]) link_commands = [" ".join(link_command.split(" ")) for link_command in link_commands] for link_command in link_commands: # Skip over any lines with outputs not referenced in the Bazel compilation if link_command.split(" ")[1] not in linker_output_paths: continue print(link_command, file=output_file) def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( "--compiler_type", type=str, help="compiler type override, use for running locally", default=None, ) parser.add_argument("--extra_args", type=str, help="list of args to pass to scons", default="") parser.add_argument( "scons_targets", nargs="+", help="List of SCons targets to compare with their Bazel equivalents. Remove the build/*config/ prefix. " + "Example: for build/fast/mongo/platform/visibility_test1 pass in mongo/platform/visibility_test1", ) args = parser.parse_args() # Needed for git stash on Windows git_env = { **os.environ.copy(), **{ "GIT_COMMITTER_NAME": "Evergreen", "GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL": "evergreen@mongodb.com", "GIT_AUTHOR_NAME": "Evergreen", "GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL": "evergreen@mongodb.com", }, } # Switch to repository root directory. os.chdir(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))) # Set JAVA_HOME on ppc & s390x architectures global bazel_env_settings if platform.machine().lower() == "ppc64le": bazel_env_settings["JAVA_HOME"] = "/usr/lib/jvm/java-21-openjdk-" elif platform.machine().lower() == "s390x": bazel_env_settings["JAVA_HOME"] = "/usr/lib/jvm/java-21-openjdk-" target_type_map = {} for scons_target in args.scons_targets: basename = os.path.basename(scons_target) if basename.endswith((".a", ".lib", ".dylib", ".dll", ".so")): target_type = "library" elif (basename.endswith(".exe") and platform.system() == "Windows") or ( "." not in (basename and platform.system() != "Windows") ): target_type = "binary" else: print("malformed target:", scons_target) exit(1) target_type_map[scons_to_bazel_target(scons_target)] = target_type extra_args = args.extra_args.strip().split(" ") if args.extra_args != "" else [] # Replace the single quotes in the build command that would usually be removed by Bash extra_args = [extra_arg.replace("'", "") for extra_arg in extra_args] bazel_args = get_bazel_args(args.compiler_type, extra_args) link_static = "--//bazel/config:linkstatic=True" in bazel_args scons_targets = [ "$BUILD_DIR/" + normalize_link_mode_ext(platformize_scons_target(scons_target), link_static).replace( "\\", "/" ) for scons_target in args.scons_targets ] bazel_targets = [scons_to_bazel_target(scons_target) for scons_target in args.scons_targets] print("Bazel targets:", bazel_targets) print("SCons targets:", scons_targets) bazel_bin_dir = ( os.getenv("TMPDIR") if os.getenv("TMPDIR") else os.path.expanduser("~/.local/bin") ) if not os.path.exists(bazel_bin_dir): os.makedirs(bazel_bin_dir) bazel_bin = install_bazel(bazel_bin_dir) print("Bazel bin:", bazel_bin_dir) compile_output_paths = bazel_compile_commands(bazel_bin, bazel_targets, bazel_args) linker_output_paths = bazel_linker_commands( bazel_bin, bazel_targets, target_type_map, bazel_args, link_static ) # With thin targets, the build system only allows one definition of each target between both SCons and Bazel. # Since we want to get a diff after removing the target from SCons and adding it to Bazel, we can rely on git # to revert the change to add the BUILD.bazel definitions when we want to execute the SCons version of the build. current_branch = subprocess.check_output( ["git", "rev-parse", "--abbrev-ref", "HEAD"], env=git_env, text=True ).strip() subprocess.run(["git", "commit", "-m", "tmp"], env=git_env) subprocess.run(["git", "checkout", "HEAD~1"], env=git_env, check=True) scons_commands( scons_targets, args.compiler_type, compile_output_paths, linker_output_paths, extra_args ) with open("./build/merged_diff.md", "w") as output_file: output_file.write(" ".join(sys.argv) + "\n\n") for file_name in [ "scons-compile-commands", "bazel-compile-commands", "scons-link-commands", "bazel-link-commands", ]: with open(f"./build/{file_name}", "r") as input_file: output_file.write(f"{file_name}:\n\n") print(f"{file_name}:\n\n") output_file.write("```\n") for line in input_file: output_file.write(line) print(line) print("\n\n\n") output_file.write("\n```\n\n\n") subprocess.run(["git", "checkout", current_branch], env=git_env, check=True) subprocess.run(["git", "reset", "HEAD~1"], env=git_env, check=True) if __name__ == "__main__": main()