# Copyright 2019 MongoDB Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # TODO: Versioned libraries # TODO: library dependency chaining for windows dynamic builds, static dev packages # TODO: Injectible component dependencies (jscore -> resmoke, etc.) # TODO: Handle chmod state # TODO: Installing resmoke and configurations # TODO: package decomposition # TODO: Install/package target help text # TODO: implement sdk_headers import os import shlex import itertools from collections import defaultdict, namedtuple import SCons from SCons.Tool import install ALIAS_MAP = "AIB_ALIAS_MAP" SUFFIX_MAP = "AIB_SUFFIX_MAP" PACKAGE_PREFIX = "AIB_PACKAGE_PREFIX" ROLE_DEPENDENCIES = "AIB_ROLE_DEPENDENCIES" COMPONENTS = "AIB_COMPONENTS_EXTRA" ROLES = "AIB_ROLES" PRIMARY_COMPONENT = "AIB_COMPONENT" PRIMARY_ROLE = "AIB_ROLE" AVAILABLE_ROLES = [ "base", "debug", "dev", "meta", "runtime", ] RoleInfo = namedtuple( 'RoleInfo', [ 'alias_name', 'alias', ], ) SuffixMap = namedtuple( 'SuffixMap', [ 'directory', 'default_roles', ], ) def generate_alias(component, role, target="install"): return "{target}-{component}{role}".format( target=target, component=component, role="" if role == "runtime" else "-" + role, ) def get_dependent_actions( components, roles, non_transitive_roles, node, cb=None, ): """ Check if node is a transitive dependency of components and roles If cb is not None and is callable then it will be called with all the arguments that get_dependent_actions was called with (except for cb itself) as well as the results of node_roles and the aib_install_actions that this function would have returned. The return of cb should be the dependent actions. This allows cb to access the results of scanning and modify the returned results via additional filtering. Returns the dependent actions. """ actions = getattr(node.attributes, INSTALL_ACTIONS, None) if not actions: return [] # Determine if the roles have any overlap with non_transitive_roles # # If they are overlapping then that means we can't transition to a # new role during scanning. can_transfer = ( non_transitive_roles and roles.isdisjoint(non_transitive_roles) ) node_roles = { role for role in getattr(node.attributes, "aib_roles", set()) if role != "meta" } if ( # TODO: make the "always transitive" roles configurable "common" not in node_roles # If we are not transferrable and not can_transfer # Checks if we are actually crossing a boundry and node_roles.isdisjoint(roles) ): return [] if cb is not None and callable(cb): return cb( components, roles, non_transitive_roles, node, node_roles, actions, ) return actions def scan_for_transitive_install(node, env, path=None, cb=None): """Walk the children of node finding all installed dependencies of it.""" results = [] install_sources = node.sources # Filter out all components = { component for component in getattr(node.sources[0].attributes, "aib_components", set()) if component != "all" } roles = { role for role in getattr(node.sources[0].attributes, "aib_roles", set()) if role != "meta" } # TODO: add fancy configurability non_transitive_roles = {role for role in roles if role == "runtime"} for install_source in install_sources: install_executor = install_source.get_executor() if not install_executor: continue install_targets = install_executor.get_all_targets() if not install_targets: continue for install_target in install_targets: grandchildren = install_target.children() for grandchild in grandchildren: results.extend( get_dependent_actions( components, roles, non_transitive_roles, grandchild, cb=cb, ) ) # Produce deterministic output for caching purposes results = sorted(results, key=str) return results def collect_transitive_files(sources, env, ignore_component_boundries=False): """Collect all transitive files for node.""" dependent_components = {} def check_component_boundries( components, roles, non_transitive_roles, node, node_roles, aib_actions, ): # Filter out all, otherwise it would always share a component node_components = { component for component in getattr(node.sources[0].attributes, "aib_components", set()) if component != "all" } shares_component = not node_components.isdisjoint(components) if not shares_component: dependent_components = dependent_components.union(node_components) # TODO: make the always transitive roles configurable # # Check if we're crossing a component boundry. Unless we're one of # the "special" always transitive roles we should not cross # component boundries. if ( not ignore_component_boundries and "common" not in node_roles and not shares_component ): return [] return aib_actions scanned_components = set() files = [] for source in sources: component = getattr(source.sources[0].attributes, "aib_components", set()) if not component: continue diff = component.difference(scanned_components) if not diff: continue scanned_components = scanned_components.union(component) files.extend(scan_for_transitive_install(source, env)) files.extend(sources) return { "dependent_components": dependent_components, "files": files, } def tarball_builder(target, source, env): """Build a tarball of the AutoInstall'd sources.""" if not source: return if not isinstance(source, list): source = [source] transitive_files = collect_transitive_files( source, env, ignore_component_boundries=True ) common_ancestor = None if str(env.subst("$DESTDIR")) != str(env.subst("$PREFIX")): dest_dir_elems = env.Dir("$DESTDIR").get_path_elements() prefix_elems = env.Dir("$PREFIX").get_path_elements() # Strip off the prefix from the DESTDIR since we want to # preserve PREFIX in the tarball ancestor_elems = dest_dir_elems[:-len(prefix_elems)] common_ancestor = os.path.sep.join(ancestor_elems) else: common_ancestor = env.Dir("$DESTDIR").get_abspath() paths = [file.get_abspath() for file in transitive_files["files"]] relative_files = [os.path.relpath(path, common_ancestor) for path in paths] # Target name minus the .gz # TODO: $PKGDIR support tar_name = str(target[0])[0:-3] tar_cmd = SCons.Action._subproc( env, shlex.split( "tar -cvf {tarball} -C {ancestor} {files}".format( tarball=tar_name, ancestor=common_ancestor, files=" ".join(relative_files), ) ), ) tar_cmd.wait() gzip_cmd = SCons.Action._subproc( env, shlex.split("gzip -9 {tarball}".format(tarball=tar_name)) ) gzip_cmd.wait() def auto_install(env, target, source, **kwargs): """Auto install builder.""" source = [env.Entry(s) for s in env.Flatten([source])] roles = { kwargs.get(PRIMARY_ROLE), # The 'meta' tag is implicitly attached as a role. "meta", } if kwargs.get(ROLES) is not None: roles = roles.union(set(kwargs[ROLES])) component = kwargs.get(PRIMARY_COMPONENT) if ( component is not None and (not isinstance(component, str) or " " in component) ): raise Exception( "AIB_COMPONENT must be a string and contain no whitespace." ) components = { component, # The 'all' tag is implicitly attached as a component "all", } # Some tools will need to create multiple components so we add # this "hidden" argument that accepts a set or list. # # Use get here to check for existence because it is rarely # ommitted as a kwarg (because it is set by the default emitter # for all common builders), but is often set to None. if kwargs.get(COMPONENTS) is not None: components = components.union(set(kwargs[COMPONENTS])) # Remove false values such as None or "" roles = {role for role in roles if role} components = {component for component in components if component} actions = [] for s in source: s.attributes.keep_targetinfo = 1 setattr(s.attributes, COMPONENTS, components) setattr(s.attributes, ROLES, roles) target = env.Dir(target) action = env.Install( target=target, source=s, ) setattr( s.attributes, INSTALL_ACTIONS, action if isinstance(action, (list, set)) else [action] ) actions.append(action) actions = env.Flatten(actions) for component, role in itertools.product(components, roles): alias_name = generate_alias(component, role) alias = env.Alias(alias_name, actions) if role != "base": env.Depends(alias, env.Alias(generate_alias(component, "base"))) if not (component == "common" and role == "base"): env.Depends(alias, env.Alias("install-common-base")) env[ALIAS_MAP][component][role] = RoleInfo( alias_name=alias_name, alias=alias, ) return actions def finalize_install_dependencies(env): """Generates package aliases and wires install dependencies.""" common_rolemap = env[ALIAS_MAP].get("common") default_rolemap = env[ALIAS_MAP].get("default") if default_rolemap and "runtime" in default_rolemap: env.Alias("install", "install-default") env.Default("install") installed_files = env.FindInstalledFiles() for component, rolemap in env[ALIAS_MAP].items(): for role, info in rolemap.items(): if common_rolemap and component != "common" and role in common_rolemap: env.Depends(info.alias, common_rolemap[role].alias) for dependency in env[ROLE_DEPENDENCIES].get(role, []): dependency_info = rolemap.get(dependency, []) if dependency_info: env.Depends(info.alias, dependency_info.alias) installed_component_files = [ file for file in installed_files if ( component in getattr(file.sources[0].attributes, COMPONENTS, []) and ( role in getattr(file.sources[0].attributes, ROLES, []) # TODO: make configurable or "common" in getattr(file.sources[0].attributes, ROLES, []) ) ) ] tar_alias = generate_alias(component, role, target="tar") tar = env.TarBall( "{prefix}{component}-{role}.tar.gz".format( prefix=env.subst(env[PACKAGE_PREFIX]), component=component, role=role, ), source=installed_component_files, AIB_COMPONENT=component, AIB_ROLE=role, ) env.NoCache(tar) env.Alias(tar_alias, tar) env.Depends(tar, info.alias) def auto_install_emitter(target, source, env): """When attached to a builder adds an appropriate AutoInstall to that Builder.""" for t in target: entry = env.Entry(t) suffix = entry.get_suffix() if env.get("AIB_IGNORE", False): continue auto_install_mapping = env[SUFFIX_MAP].get(suffix) if auto_install_mapping is not None: env.AutoInstall( auto_install_mapping.directory, entry, AIB_COMPONENT=env.get(PRIMARY_COMPONENT), AIB_ROLE=env.get(PRIMARY_ROLE), AIB_ROLES=auto_install_mapping.default_roles, AIB_COMPONENTS_EXTRA=env.get(COMPONENTS), ) return (target, source) def extend_attr(node, attr, value): """Set attr to value or extend the set if it exists.""" existing = getattr(node.attributes, attr, False) if existing: value = existing.union(value) setattr(node.attributes, attr, value) def add_suffix_mapping(env, source, target=None): """Map the suffix source to target""" if isinstance(source, str): if target not in AVAILABLE_ROLES: raise Exception( "target {} is not a known role. Available roles are {}".format( target, AVAILABLE_ROLES ) ) env[SUFFIX_MAP][env.subst(source)] = target if not isinstance(source, dict): raise Exception("source must be a dictionary or a string") for _, mapping in source.items(): for role in mapping.default_roles: if role not in AVAILABLE_ROLES: raise Exception( "target {} is not a known role. Available roles are {}".format( target, AVAILABLE_ROLES ) ) env[SUFFIX_MAP].update({env.subst(key): value for key, value in source.items()}) def suffix_mapping(env, source=False, target=False, **kwargs): """Generate a SuffixMap object from source and target.""" return SuffixMap( directory=source if source else kwargs.get("directory"), default_roles=target if target else kwargs.get("default_roles"), ) def _aib_debugdir(source, target, env, for_signature): for s in source: # TODO: Dry this with auto_install_emitter # TODO: We shouldn't need to reach into the attributes of the debug tool like this. origin = getattr(s.attributes, "debug_file_for", None) oentry = env.Entry(origin) osuf = oentry.get_suffix() return env[SUFFIX_MAP].get(osuf)[0] def exists(_env): """Always activate this tool.""" return True def list_components(env, **kwargs): """List registered components for env.""" print("Known AIB components:") for key in env[ALIAS_MAP]: print("\t", key) def list_targets(env, **kwargs): """List AIB generated targets for env.""" print("Generated AIB targets:") for _, rolemap in env[ALIAS_MAP].items(): for _, info in rolemap.items(): print("\t", info.alias[0].name) def generate(env): # pylint: disable=too-many-statements """Generate the auto install builders.""" bld = SCons.Builder.Builder(action=tarball_builder) env.Append(BUILDERS={"TarBall": bld}) # Matches the autoconf documentation: # https://www.gnu.org/prep/standards/html_node/Directory-Variables.html env["PREFIX_BINDIR"] = "$DESTDIR/bin" env["PREFIX_LIBDIR"] = "$DESTDIR/lib" env["PREFIX_SHAREDIR"] = "$DESTDIR/share" env["PREFIX_DOCDIR"] = "$PREFIX_SHAREDIR/doc" env["PREFIX_INCLUDEDIR"] = "$DESTDIR/include" env["PREFIX_DEBUGDIR"] = _aib_debugdir env[PACKAGE_PREFIX] = env.get(PACKAGE_PREFIX, "") env[SUFFIX_MAP] = {} env[ALIAS_MAP] = defaultdict(dict) env[ROLE_DEPENDENCIES] = { "debug": [ "runtime", ], "dev": [ "runtime", "common", ], "meta": [ "dev", "runtime", "common", "debug", ], "runtime": [ "common", ], } env.AddMethod(suffix_mapping, "SuffixMap") env.AddMethod(add_suffix_mapping, "AddSuffixMapping") env.AddMethod(auto_install, "AutoInstall") env.AddMethod(finalize_install_dependencies, "FinalizeInstallDependencies") env.Tool("install") env.Alias("list-aib-components", [], [list_components]) env.AlwaysBuild("list-aib-components") env.Alias("list-aib-targets", [], [list_targets]) env.AlwaysBuild("list-aib-targets") for builder in ["Program", "SharedLibrary", "LoadableModule", "StaticLibrary"]: builder = env["BUILDERS"][builder] base_emitter = builder.emitter new_emitter = SCons.Builder.ListEmitter([ base_emitter, auto_install_emitter, ]) builder.emitter = new_emitter base_install_builder = install.BaseInstallBuilder assert base_install_builder.target_scanner is None base_install_builder.target_scanner = SCons.Scanner.Scanner( function=scan_for_transitive_install, path_function=None )