// dbclient.cpp - connect to a Mongo database as a database, from C++ /** * Copyright (C) 2008 10gen Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "../db/pdfile.h" #include "dbclient.h" #include "../util/builder.h" #include "../db/jsobj.h" #include "../db/query.h" #include "../db/json.h" #include "../db/instance.h" /* --- dbclientcommands --- */ inline bool DBClientWithCommands::isOk(const BSONObj& o) { return o.getIntField("ok") == 1; } inline bool DBClientWithCommands::runCommand(const char *dbname, BSONObj cmd, BSONObj &info) { string ns = string(dbname) + ".$cmd"; info = findOne(ns.c_str(), cmd); return isOk(info); } /* note - we build a bson obj here -- for something that is super common like getlasterror you should have that object prebuilt as that would be faster. */ bool DBClientWithCommands::simpleCommand(const char *dbname, BSONObj *info, const char *command) { BSONObj o; if( info == 0 ) info = &o; BSONObjBuilder b; b.appendInt(command, 1); return runCommand(dbname, b.done(), *info); } BSONObj ismastercmdobj = fromjson("{ismaster:1}"); bool DBClientWithCommands::isMaster(bool& isMaster, BSONObj *info) { BSONObj o; if( info == 0 ) info = &o; bool ok = runCommand("admin", ismastercmdobj, *info); isMaster = (info->getIntField("ismaster") == 1); return ok; } bool DBClientWithCommands::createCollection(const char *ns, unsigned size, bool capped, int max, BSONObj *info) { BSONObj o; if( info == 0 ) info = &o; BSONObjBuilder b; b.append("create", ns); if( size ) b.append("size", size); if( capped ) b.append("capped", true); if( max ) b.append("max", max); string db = nsToClient(ns); return runCommand(db.c_str(), b.done(), *info); } bool DBClientWithCommands::copyDatabase(const char *fromdb, const char *todb, const char *fromhost, BSONObj *info) { assert( *fromdb && *todb ); BSONObj o; if( info == 0 ) info = &o; BSONObjBuilder b; b.append("copydb", 1); b.append("fromhost", fromhost); b.append("fromdb", fromdb); b.append("todb", todb); return runCommand("admin", b.done(), *info); } bool DBClientWithCommands::setDbProfilingLevel(const char *dbname, ProfilingLevel level, BSONObj *info ) { BSONObj o; if( info == 0 ) info = &o; if( level ) { // Create system.profile collection. If it already exists this does nothing. // TODO: move this into the db instead of here so that all // drivers don't have to do this. string ns = string(dbname) + ".system.profile"; createCollection(ns.c_str(), 1024 * 1024, true, 0, info); } BSONObjBuilder b; b.append("profile", (int) level); return runCommand(dbname, b.done(), *info); } BSONObj getprofilingcmdobj; // TODO UNCOMMENT !!! = fromjson("{profile:-1}"); bool DBClientWithCommands::getDbProfilingLevel(const char *dbname, ProfilingLevel& level, BSONObj *info) { BSONObj o; if( info == 0 ) info = &o; if( runCommand(dbname, getprofilingcmdobj, *info) ) { level = (ProfilingLevel) info->getIntField("was"); return true; } return false; } bool DBClientWithCommands::eval(const char *dbname, const char *jscode, BSONObj& info, BSONElement& retValue, BSONObj *args) { BSONObjBuilder b; b.appendCode("$eval", jscode); if( args ) b.appendArray("args", *args); bool ok = runCommand(dbname, b.done(), info); if( ok ) retValue = info.getField("retval"); return ok; } bool DBClientWithCommands::eval(const char *dbname, const char *jscode) { BSONObj info; BSONElement retValue; return eval(dbname, jscode, info, retValue); } /* TODO: unit tests should run this? */ void testDbEval() { DBClientConnection c; string err; if( !c.connect("localhost", err) ) { cout << "can't connect to server " << err << endl; return; } BSONObj info; BSONElement retValue; BSONObjBuilder b; b.append("0", 99); BSONObj args = b.done(); bool ok = c.eval("dwight", "function() { return args[0]; }", info, retValue, &args); cout << "eval ok=" << ok << endl; cout << "retvalue=" << retValue.toString() << endl; cout << "info=" << info.toString() << endl; cout << endl; int x = 3; assert( c.eval("dwight", "function() { return 3; }", x) ); cout << "***\n"; BSONObj foo = fromjson("{x:1}"); cout << foo.toString() << endl; int res=0; ok = c.eval("dwight", "function(parm1) { return parm1.x; }", foo, res); cout << ok << " retval:" << res << endl; } int test2() { testDbEval(); return 0; } /* --- dbclientconnection --- */ BSONObj DBClientConnection::findOne(const char *ns, BSONObj query, BSONObj *fieldsToReturn, int queryOptions) { auto_ptr c = this->query(ns, query, 1, 0, fieldsToReturn, queryOptions); massert( "DBClientConnection::findOne: transport error", c.get() ); if ( !c->more() ) return BSONObj(); return c->next().copy(); } bool DBClientConnection::connect(const char *_serverAddress, string& errmsg) { serverAddress = _serverAddress; int port = DBPort; string ip = hostbyname(_serverAddress); if ( ip.empty() ) ip = serverAddress; size_t idx = ip.find( ":" ); if ( idx != string::npos ) { //cout << "port string:" << ip.substr( idx ) << endl; port = atoi( ip.substr( idx + 1 ).c_str() ); ip = ip.substr( 0 , idx ); ip = hostbyname(ip.c_str()); } if ( ip.empty() ) ip = serverAddress; // we keep around SockAddr for connection life -- maybe MessagingPort // requires that? server = auto_ptr(new SockAddr(ip.c_str(), port)); p = auto_ptr(new MessagingPort()); if ( !p->connect(*server) ) { stringstream ss; ss << "couldn't connect to server " << serverAddress << " " << ip << ":" << port; errmsg = ss.str(); failed = true; return false; } return true; } void DBClientConnection::checkConnection() { if ( !failed ) return; if ( lastReconnectTry && time(0)-lastReconnectTry < 2 ) return; if ( !autoReconnect ) return; lastReconnectTry = time(0); log() << "trying reconnect to " << serverAddress << endl; string errmsg; string tmp = serverAddress; failed = false; if ( !connect(tmp.c_str(), errmsg) ) log() << "reconnect " << serverAddress << " failed " << errmsg << endl; else log() << "reconnect " << serverAddress << " ok" << endl; } auto_ptr DBClientConnection::query(const char *ns, BSONObj query, int nToReturn, int nToSkip, BSONObj *fieldsToReturn, int queryOptions) { checkConnection(); auto_ptr c( new DBClientCursor( new CursorConnector( this ), ns, query, nToReturn, nToSkip, fieldsToReturn, queryOptions ) ); if ( c->init() ) return c; return auto_ptr< DBClientCursor >( 0 ); } /* -- DBClientCursor ---------------------------------------------- */ void assembleRequest( const string &ns, BSONObj query, int nToReturn, int nToSkip, BSONObj *fieldsToReturn, int queryOptions, Message &toSend ) { // see query.h for the protocol we are using here. BufBuilder b; int opts = queryOptions; assert( (opts&Option_ALLMASK) == opts ); b.append(opts); b.append(ns.c_str()); b.append(nToSkip); b.append(nToReturn); query.appendSelfToBufBuilder(b); if ( fieldsToReturn ) fieldsToReturn->appendSelfToBufBuilder(b); toSend.setData(dbQuery, b.buf(), b.len()); } bool DBClientConnection::CursorConnector::send( Message &toSend, Message &response, bool assertOk ) { if ( !conn->port().call(toSend, response) ) { conn->failed = true; if ( assertOk ) massert("dbclient error communicating with server", false); return false; } return true; } void DBClientConnection::CursorConnector::checkResponse( const char *data, int nReturned ) { /* check for errors. the only one we really care about at this stage is "not master" */ if ( conn->clientPaired && nReturned ) { BSONObj o(data); BSONElement e = o.firstElement(); if ( strcmp(e.fieldName(), "$err") == 0 && e.type() == String && strncmp(e.valuestr(), "not master", 10) == 0 ) { conn->clientPaired->isntMaster(); } } } bool DBClientCursor::init() { Message toSend; assembleRequest( ns, query, nToReturn, nToSkip, fieldsToReturn, opts, toSend ); if ( !connector->send( toSend, *m, false ) ) return false; dataReceived(); return true; } void DBClientCursor::requestMore() { assert( cursorId && pos == nReturned ); BufBuilder b; b.append(opts); b.append(ns.c_str()); b.append(nToReturn); b.append(cursorId); Message toSend; toSend.setData(dbGetMore, b.buf(), b.len()); auto_ptr response(new Message()); connector->send( toSend, *response ); m = response; dataReceived(); } void DBClientCursor::dataReceived() { QueryResult *qr = (QueryResult *) m->data; if ( qr->resultFlags() & ResultFlag_CursorNotFound ) { // cursor id no longer valid at the server. assert( qr->cursorId == 0 ); cursorId = 0; // 0 indicates no longer valid (dead) } if ( cursorId == 0 ) { // only set initially: we don't want to kill it on end of data // if it's a tailable cursor cursorId = qr->cursorId; } nReturned = qr->nReturned; pos = 0; data = qr->data(); connector->checkResponse( data, nReturned ); /* this assert would fire the way we currently work: assert( nReturned || cursorId == 0 ); */ } bool DBClientCursor::more() { if ( pos < nReturned ) return true; if ( cursorId == 0 ) return false; requestMore(); return pos < nReturned; } BSONObj DBClientCursor::next() { assert( more() ); pos++; BSONObj o(data); data += o.objsize(); return o; } /* ------------------------------------------------------ */ // "./db testclient" to invoke extern BSONObj emptyObj; void testClient() { cout << "testClient()" << endl; // DBClientConnection c(true); DBClientPaired c; string err; if ( !c.connect("", "") ) { // if( !c.connect("", err) ) { cout << "testClient: connect() failed" << endl; } else { // temp: cout << "test query returns: " << c.findOne("foo.bar", fromjson("{}")).toString() << endl; } again: cout << "query foo.bar..." << endl; auto_ptr cursor = c.query("foo.bar", emptyObj, 0, 0, 0, Option_CursorTailable); DBClientCursor *cc = cursor.get(); if ( cc == 0 ) { cout << "query() returned 0, sleeping 10 secs" << endl; sleepsecs(10); goto again; } while ( 1 ) { bool m; try { m = cc->more(); } catch (AssertionException&) { cout << "more() asserted, sleeping 10 sec" << endl; goto again; } cout << "more: " << m << " dead:" << cc->isDead() << endl; if ( !m ) { if ( cc->isDead() ) cout << "cursor dead, stopping" << endl; else { cout << "Sleeping 10 seconds" << endl; sleepsecs(10); continue; } break; } cout << cc->next().toString() << endl; } } /* --- class dbclientpaired --- */ string DBClientPaired::toString() { stringstream ss; ss << "state: " << master << '\n'; ss << "left: " << left.toStringLong() << '\n'; ss << "right: " << right.toStringLong() << '\n'; return ss.str(); } DBClientPaired::DBClientPaired() : left(true), right(true) { master = NotSetL; } /* find which server, the left or right, is currently master mode */ void DBClientPaired::_checkMaster() { for ( int retry = 0; retry < 2; retry++ ) { int x = master; for ( int pass = 0; pass < 2; pass++ ) { DBClientConnection& c = x == 0 ? left : right; try { bool im; BSONObj o; c.isMaster(im, &o); if ( retry ) log() << "checkmaster: " << c.toString() << ' ' << o.toString() << '\n'; if ( im ) { master = (State) (x + 2); return; } } catch (AssertionException&) { if ( retry ) log() << "checkmaster: caught exception " << c.toString() << '\n'; } x = x^1; } sleepsecs(1); } uassert("checkmaster: no master found", false); } inline DBClientConnection& DBClientPaired::checkMaster() { if ( master > NotSetR ) { // a master is selected. let's just make sure connection didn't die DBClientConnection& c = master == Left ? left : right; if ( !c.isFailed() ) return c; // after a failure, on the next checkMaster, start with the other // server -- presumably it took over. (not critical which we check first, // just will make the failover slightly faster if we guess right) master = master == Left ? NotSetR : NotSetL; } _checkMaster(); assert( master > NotSetR ); return master == Left ? left : right; } bool DBClientPaired::connect(const char *serverHostname1, const char *serverHostname2) { string errmsg; bool l = left.connect(serverHostname1, errmsg); bool r = right.connect(serverHostname2, errmsg); master = l ? NotSetL : NotSetR; if ( !l && !r ) // it would be ok to fall through, but checkMaster will then try an immediate reconnect which is slow return false; try { checkMaster(); } catch (UserAssertionException&) { return false; } return true; } auto_ptr DBClientPaired::query(const char *a, BSONObj b, int c, int d, BSONObj *e, int f) { return checkMaster().query(a,b,c,d,e,f); } BSONObj DBClientPaired::findOne(const char *a, BSONObj b, BSONObj *c, int d) { return checkMaster().findOne(a,b,c,d); }