// Test that the ssl=true/false option is honored in shell URIs. (function() { "use strict"; var shouldSucceed = function(uri) { var conn = new Mongo(uri); var res = conn.getDB('admin').runCommand({"hello": 1}); assert(res.ok); }; var shouldFail = function(uri) { assert.throws(function(uri) { var conn = new Mongo(uri); }, [uri], "network error while attempting to run command"); }; // Start up a mongod with ssl required. var sslMongo = MongoRunner.runMongod({ sslMode: "requireSSL", sslPEMKeyFile: "jstests/libs/server.pem", sslCAFile: "jstests/libs/ca.pem", }); var sslURI = "mongodb://localhost:" + sslMongo.port + "/admin"; // When talking to a server with SSL, connecting with ssl=false fails. shouldSucceed(sslURI); shouldSucceed(sslURI + "?ssl=true"); shouldFail(sslURI + "?ssl=false"); var connectWithURI = function(uri) { return runMongoProgram('mongo', '--ssl', '--sslAllowInvalidCertificates', '--sslCAFile', 'jstests/libs/ca.pem', '--sslPEMKeyFile', 'jstests/libs/client.pem', uri, '--eval', 'db.runCommand({hello: 1})'); }; var shouldConnect = function(uri) { assert.eq(connectWithURI(uri), 0, "should have been able to connect with " + uri); }; var shouldNotConnect = function(uri) { assert.eq(connectWithURI(uri), 1, "should not have been able to connect with " + uri); }; // When talking to a server with SSL, connecting with ssl=false on the command line fails. shouldConnect(sslURI); shouldNotConnect(sslURI + "?ssl=false"); shouldConnect(sslURI + "?ssl=true"); // Connecting with ssl=true without --ssl will not work var res = runMongoProgram('mongo', sslURI + "?ssl=true", '--eval', 'db.runCommand({hello: 1})'); assert.eq(res, 1, "should not have been able to connect without --ssl"); // Clean up MongoRunner.stopMongod(sslMongo); }());