// Test that the collection catalog is restored correctly after a restart in a multitenant // environment. (function() { "use strict"; load('jstests/aggregation/extras/utils.js'); // For arrayEq() function runTest(featureFlagRequireTenantId) { const rst = new ReplSetTest({ nodes: 3, nodeOptions: { auth: '', setParameter: { multitenancySupport: true, featureFlagMongoStore: true, featureFlagRequireTenantID: featureFlagRequireTenantId } } }); rst.startSet({keyFile: 'jstests/libs/key1'}); rst.initiate(); let primary = rst.getPrimary(); let adminDb = primary.getDB('admin'); // Must be authenticated as a user with ActionType::useTenant in order to use $tenant. assert.commandWorked(adminDb.runCommand({createUser: 'admin', pwd: 'pwd', roles: ['root']})); assert(adminDb.auth('admin', 'pwd')); { const kTenant = ObjectId(); let testDb = primary.getDB('myDb0'); // Create a collection by inserting a document to it. assert.commandWorked(testDb.runCommand( {insert: 'myColl0', documents: [{_id: 0, a: 1, b: 1}], '$tenant': kTenant})); // Run findAndModify on the document. let fad = assert.commandWorked(testDb.runCommand({ findAndModify: "myColl0", query: {a: 1}, update: {$inc: {a: 10}}, '$tenant': kTenant })); assert.eq({_id: 0, a: 1, b: 1}, fad.value); // Create a view on the collection. assert.commandWorked(testDb.runCommand( {"create": "view1", "viewOn": "myColl0", pipeline: [], '$tenant': kTenant})); // Stop the rs and restart it. rst.stopSet(null /* signal */, true /* forRestart */, {noCleanData: true}); rst.startSet({restart: true}); primary = rst.getPrimary(); adminDb = primary.getDB('admin'); assert(adminDb.auth('admin', 'pwd')); testDb = primary.getDB('myDb0'); // Assert we see 3 collections in the tenant's db 'myDb0' - the original collection we // created, the view on it, and the system.views collection. const colls = assert.commandWorked( testDb.runCommand({listCollections: 1, nameOnly: true, '$tenant': kTenant})); assert.eq(3, colls.cursor.firstBatch.length, tojson(colls.cursor.firstBatch)); const expectedColls = [ {"name": "myColl0", "type": "collection"}, {"name": "system.views", "type": "collection"}, {"name": "view1", "type": "view"} ]; assert(arrayEq(expectedColls, colls.cursor.firstBatch), tojson(colls.cursor.firstBatch)); // Assert we can still run findAndModify on the doc. fad = assert.commandWorked(testDb.runCommand({ findAndModify: "myColl0", query: {a: 11}, update: {$inc: {a: 10}}, '$tenant': kTenant })); assert.eq({_id: 0, a: 11, b: 1}, fad.value); // Check that we will cannot run findAndModify on the doc when the tenantId is passed as the // prefix. fad = assert.commandWorked( primary.getDB(kTenant + '_myDb0') .runCommand({findAndModify: "myColl0", query: {b: 1}, update: {$inc: {b: 10}}})); assert.eq(null, fad.value); } rst.stopSet(); } runTest(true); runTest(false); })();