// jsobjtests.cpp - Tests for jsobj.{h,cpp} code // /** * Copyright (C) 2008 10gen Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "../db/jsobj.h" #include "../db/jsobjmanipulator.h" #include "../db/json.h" #include "../db/repl.h" #include "../db/extsort.h" #include "dbtests.h" namespace JsobjTests { class BufBuilderBasic { public: void run() { BufBuilder b( 0 ); b.append( "foo" ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 4, b.len() ); ASSERT( strcmp( "foo", b.buf() ) == 0 ); } }; class BSONElementBasic { public: void run() { ASSERT_EQUALS( 1, BSONElement().size() ); } }; namespace BSONObjTests { class Create { public: void run() { BSONObj b; ASSERT_EQUALS( 0, b.nFields() ); } }; class Base { protected: static BSONObj basic( const char *name, int val ) { BSONObjBuilder b; b.append( name, val ); return b.obj(); } static BSONObj basic( const char *name, vector< int > val ) { BSONObjBuilder b; b.append( name, val ); return b.obj(); } template< class T > static BSONObj basic( const char *name, T val ) { BSONObjBuilder b; b.append( name, val ); return b.obj(); } }; class WoCompareBasic : public Base { public: void run() { ASSERT( basic( "a", 1 ).woCompare( basic( "a", 1 ) ) == 0 ); ASSERT( basic( "a", 2 ).woCompare( basic( "a", 1 ) ) > 0 ); ASSERT( basic( "a", 1 ).woCompare( basic( "a", 2 ) ) < 0 ); // field name comparison ASSERT( basic( "a", 1 ).woCompare( basic( "b", 1 ) ) < 0 ); } }; class NumericCompareBasic : public Base { public: void run() { ASSERT( basic( "a", 1 ).woCompare( basic( "a", 1.0 ) ) == 0 ); } }; class WoCompareEmbeddedObject : public Base { public: void run() { ASSERT( basic( "a", basic( "b", 1 ) ).woCompare ( basic( "a", basic( "b", 1.0 ) ) ) == 0 ); ASSERT( basic( "a", basic( "b", 1 ) ).woCompare ( basic( "a", basic( "b", 2 ) ) ) < 0 ); } }; class WoCompareEmbeddedArray : public Base { public: void run() { vector< int > i; i.push_back( 1 ); i.push_back( 2 ); vector< double > d; d.push_back( 1 ); d.push_back( 2 ); ASSERT( basic( "a", i ).woCompare( basic( "a", d ) ) == 0 ); vector< int > j; j.push_back( 1 ); j.push_back( 3 ); ASSERT( basic( "a", i ).woCompare( basic( "a", j ) ) < 0 ); } }; class WoCompareOrdered : public Base { public: void run() { ASSERT( basic( "a", 1 ).woCompare( basic( "a", 1 ), basic( "a", 1 ) ) == 0 ); ASSERT( basic( "a", 2 ).woCompare( basic( "a", 1 ), basic( "a", 1 ) ) > 0 ); ASSERT( basic( "a", 1 ).woCompare( basic( "a", 2 ), basic( "a", 1 ) ) < 0 ); ASSERT( basic( "a", 1 ).woCompare( basic( "a", 1 ), basic( "a", -1 ) ) == 0 ); ASSERT( basic( "a", 2 ).woCompare( basic( "a", 1 ), basic( "a", -1 ) ) < 0 ); ASSERT( basic( "a", 1 ).woCompare( basic( "a", 2 ), basic( "a", -1 ) ) > 0 ); } }; class WoCompareDifferentLength : public Base { public: void run() { ASSERT( BSON( "a" << 1 ).woCompare( BSON( "a" << 1 << "b" << 1 ) ) < 0 ); ASSERT( BSON( "a" << 1 << "b" << 1 ).woCompare( BSON( "a" << 1 ) ) > 0 ); } }; class WoSortOrder : public Base { public: void run() { ASSERT( BSON( "a" << 1 ).woSortOrder( BSON( "a" << 2 ), BSON( "b" << 1 << "a" << 1 ) ) < 0 ); ASSERT( fromjson( "{a:null}" ).woSortOrder( BSON( "b" << 1 ), BSON( "a" << 1 ) ) == 0 ); } }; class MultiKeySortOrder : public Base { public: void run(){ ASSERT( BSON( "x" << "a" ).woCompare( BSON( "x" << "b" ) ) < 0 ); ASSERT( BSON( "x" << "b" ).woCompare( BSON( "x" << "a" ) ) > 0 ); ASSERT( BSON( "x" << "a" << "y" << "a" ).woCompare( BSON( "x" << "a" << "y" << "b" ) ) < 0 ); ASSERT( BSON( "x" << "a" << "y" << "a" ).woCompare( BSON( "x" << "b" << "y" << "a" ) ) < 0 ); ASSERT( BSON( "x" << "a" << "y" << "a" ).woCompare( BSON( "x" << "b" ) ) < 0 ); ASSERT( BSON( "x" << "c" ).woCompare( BSON( "x" << "b" << "y" << "h" ) ) > 0 ); ASSERT( BSON( "x" << "b" << "y" << "b" ).woCompare( BSON( "x" << "c" ) ) < 0 ); BSONObj key = BSON( "x" << 1 << "y" << 1 ); ASSERT( BSON( "x" << "c" ).woSortOrder( BSON( "x" << "b" << "y" << "h" ) , key ) > 0 ); ASSERT( BSON( "x" << "b" << "y" << "b" ).woCompare( BSON( "x" << "c" ) , key ) < 0 ); key = BSON( "" << 1 << "" << 1 ); ASSERT( BSON( "" << "c" ).woSortOrder( BSON( "" << "b" << "" << "h" ) , key ) > 0 ); ASSERT( BSON( "" << "b" << "" << "b" ).woCompare( BSON( "" << "c" ) , key ) < 0 ); { BSONObjBuilder b; b.append( "" , "c" ); b.appendNull( "" ); BSONObj o = b.obj(); ASSERT( o.woSortOrder( BSON( "" << "b" << "" << "h" ) , key ) > 0 ); ASSERT( BSON( "" << "b" << "" << "h" ).woSortOrder( o , key ) < 0 ); } ASSERT( BSON( "" << "a" ).woCompare( BSON( "" << "a" << "" << "c" ) ) < 0 ); { BSONObjBuilder b; b.append( "" , "a" ); b.appendNull( "" ); ASSERT( b.obj().woCompare( BSON( "" << "a" << "" << "c" ) ) < 0 ); // SERVER-282 } } }; class TimestampTest : public Base { public: void run() { BSONObjBuilder b; b.appendTimestamp( "a" ); BSONObj o = b.done(); o.toString(); ASSERT( o.valid() ); ASSERT_EQUALS( Timestamp, o.getField( "a" ).type() ); BSONObjIterator i( o ); ASSERT( i.moreWithEOO() ); ASSERT( i.more() ); BSONElement e = i.next(); ASSERT_EQUALS( Timestamp, e.type() ); ASSERT( i.moreWithEOO() ); ASSERT( ! i.more() ); e = i.next(); ASSERT( e.eoo() ); OpTime before = OpTime::now(); BSONElementManipulator( o.firstElement() ).initTimestamp(); OpTime after = OpTime::now(); OpTime test = OpTime( o.firstElement().date() ); ASSERT( before < test && test < after ); BSONElementManipulator( o.firstElement() ).initTimestamp(); test = OpTime( o.firstElement().date() ); ASSERT( before < test && test < after ); } }; class Nan : public Base { public: void run() { double inf = numeric_limits< double >::infinity(); double nan = numeric_limits< double >::quiet_NaN(); double nan2 = numeric_limits< double >::signaling_NaN(); ASSERT( BSON( "a" << inf ).woCompare( BSON( "a" << inf ) ) == 0 ); ASSERT( BSON( "a" << inf ).woCompare( BSON( "a" << 1 ) ) < 0 ); ASSERT( BSON( "a" << 1 ).woCompare( BSON( "a" << inf ) ) > 0 ); ASSERT( BSON( "a" << nan ).woCompare( BSON( "a" << nan ) ) == 0 ); ASSERT( BSON( "a" << nan ).woCompare( BSON( "a" << 1 ) ) < 0 ); ASSERT( BSON( "a" << 1 ).woCompare( BSON( "a" << nan ) ) > 0 ); ASSERT( BSON( "a" << nan2 ).woCompare( BSON( "a" << nan2 ) ) == 0 ); ASSERT( BSON( "a" << nan2 ).woCompare( BSON( "a" << 1 ) ) < 0 ); ASSERT( BSON( "a" << 1 ).woCompare( BSON( "a" << nan2 ) ) > 0 ); ASSERT( BSON( "a" << inf ).woCompare( BSON( "a" << nan ) ) == 0 ); ASSERT( BSON( "a" << inf ).woCompare( BSON( "a" << nan2 ) ) == 0 ); ASSERT( BSON( "a" << nan ).woCompare( BSON( "a" << nan2 ) ) == 0 ); } }; namespace Validation { class Base { public: virtual ~Base() {} void run() { ASSERT( valid().valid() ); ASSERT( !invalid().valid() ); } protected: virtual BSONObj valid() const { return BSONObj(); } virtual BSONObj invalid() const { return BSONObj(); } static char get( const BSONObj &o, int i ) { return o.objdata()[ i ]; } static void set( BSONObj &o, int i, char c ) { const_cast< char * >( o.objdata() )[ i ] = c; } }; class BadType : public Base { BSONObj valid() const { return fromjson( "{\"a\":1}" ); } BSONObj invalid() const { BSONObj ret = valid(); set( ret, 4, 50 ); return ret; } }; class EooBeforeEnd : public Base { BSONObj valid() const { return fromjson( "{\"a\":1}" ); } BSONObj invalid() const { BSONObj ret = valid(); // (first byte of size)++ set( ret, 0, get( ret, 0 ) + 1 ); // re-read size for BSONObj::details return ret.copy(); } }; class Undefined : public Base { public: void run() { BSONObjBuilder b; b.appendNull( "a" ); BSONObj o = b.done(); set( o, 4, mongo::Undefined ); ASSERT( o.valid() ); } }; class TotalSizeTooSmall : public Base { BSONObj valid() const { return fromjson( "{\"a\":1}" ); } BSONObj invalid() const { BSONObj ret = valid(); // (first byte of size)-- set( ret, 0, get( ret, 0 ) - 1 ); // re-read size for BSONObj::details return ret.copy(); } }; class EooMissing : public Base { BSONObj valid() const { return fromjson( "{\"a\":1}" ); } BSONObj invalid() const { BSONObj ret = valid(); set( ret, ret.objsize() - 1, 0xff ); // (first byte of size)-- set( ret, 0, get( ret, 0 ) - 1 ); // re-read size for BSONObj::details return ret.copy(); } }; class WrongStringSize : public Base { BSONObj valid() const { return fromjson( "{\"a\":\"b\"}" ); } BSONObj invalid() const { BSONObj ret = valid(); set( ret, 0, get( ret, 0 ) + 1 ); set( ret, 7, get( ret, 7 ) + 1 ); return ret.copy(); } }; class ZeroStringSize : public Base { BSONObj valid() const { return fromjson( "{\"a\":\"b\"}" ); } BSONObj invalid() const { BSONObj ret = valid(); set( ret, 7, 0 ); return ret; } }; class NegativeStringSize : public Base { BSONObj valid() const { return fromjson( "{\"a\":\"b\"}" ); } BSONObj invalid() const { BSONObj ret = valid(); set( ret, 10, -100 ); return ret; } }; class WrongSubobjectSize : public Base { BSONObj valid() const { return fromjson( "{\"a\":{\"b\":1}}" ); } BSONObj invalid() const { BSONObj ret = valid(); set( ret, 0, get( ret, 0 ) + 1 ); set( ret, 7, get( ret, 7 ) + 1 ); return ret.copy(); } }; class WrongDbrefNsSize : public Base { BSONObj valid() const { return fromjson( "{ \"a\": Dbref( \"b\", \"ffffffffffffffffffffffff\" ) }" ); } BSONObj invalid() const { BSONObj ret = valid(); set( ret, 0, get( ret, 0 ) + 1 ); set( ret, 7, get( ret, 7 ) + 1 ); return ret.copy(); }; }; class WrongSymbolSize : public Base { BSONObj valid() const { return fromjson( "{\"a\":\"b\"}" ); } BSONObj invalid() const { BSONObj ret = valid(); set( ret, 4, Symbol ); set( ret, 0, get( ret, 0 ) + 1 ); set( ret, 7, get( ret, 7 ) + 1 ); return ret.copy(); } }; class WrongCodeSize : public Base { BSONObj valid() const { return fromjson( "{\"a\":\"b\"}" ); } BSONObj invalid() const { BSONObj ret = valid(); set( ret, 4, Code ); set( ret, 0, get( ret, 0 ) + 1 ); set( ret, 7, get( ret, 7 ) + 1 ); return ret.copy(); } }; class NoFieldNameEnd : public Base { BSONObj valid() const { return fromjson( "{\"a\":1}" ); } BSONObj invalid() const { BSONObj ret = valid(); memset( const_cast< char * >( ret.objdata() ) + 5, 0xff, ret.objsize() - 5 ); return ret; } }; class BadRegex : public Base { BSONObj valid() const { return fromjson( "{\"a\":/c/i}" ); } BSONObj invalid() const { BSONObj ret = valid(); memset( const_cast< char * >( ret.objdata() ) + 7, 0xff, ret.objsize() - 7 ); return ret; } }; class BadRegexOptions : public Base { BSONObj valid() const { return fromjson( "{\"a\":/c/i}" ); } BSONObj invalid() const { BSONObj ret = valid(); memset( const_cast< char * >( ret.objdata() ) + 9, 0xff, ret.objsize() - 9 ); return ret; } }; class CodeWScopeBase : public Base { BSONObj valid() const { BSONObjBuilder b; BSONObjBuilder scope; scope.append( "a", "b" ); b.appendCodeWScope( "c", "d", scope.done() ); return b.obj(); } BSONObj invalid() const { BSONObj ret = valid(); modify( ret ); return ret; } protected: virtual void modify( BSONObj &o ) const = 0; }; class CodeWScopeSmallSize : public CodeWScopeBase { void modify( BSONObj &o ) const { set( o, 7, 7 ); } }; class CodeWScopeZeroStrSize : public CodeWScopeBase { void modify( BSONObj &o ) const { set( o, 11, 0 ); } }; class CodeWScopeSmallStrSize : public CodeWScopeBase { void modify( BSONObj &o ) const { set( o, 11, 1 ); } }; class CodeWScopeNoSizeForObj : public CodeWScopeBase { void modify( BSONObj &o ) const { set( o, 7, 13 ); } }; class CodeWScopeSmallObjSize : public CodeWScopeBase { void modify( BSONObj &o ) const { set( o, 17, 1 ); } }; class CodeWScopeBadObject : public CodeWScopeBase { void modify( BSONObj &o ) const { set( o, 21, JSTypeMax + 1 ); } }; class NoSize { public: NoSize( BSONType type ) : type_( type ) {} void run() { const char data[] = { 0x07, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, char( type_ ), 'a', 0x00 }; BSONObj o( data ); ASSERT( !o.valid() ); } private: BSONType type_; }; // Randomized BSON parsing test. See if we seg fault. class Fuzz { public: Fuzz( double frequency ) : frequency_( frequency ) {} void run() { BSONObj a = fromjson( "{\"a\": 1, \"b\": \"c\"}" ); fuzz( a ); a.valid(); BSONObj b = fromjson( "{\"one\":2, \"two\":5, \"three\": {}," "\"four\": { \"five\": { \"six\" : 11 } }," "\"seven\": [ \"a\", \"bb\", \"ccc\", 5 ]," "\"eight\": Dbref( \"rrr\", \"01234567890123456789aaaa\" )," "\"_id\": ObjectId( \"deadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeef\" )," "\"nine\": { \"$binary\": \"abc=\", \"$type\": \"02\" }," "\"ten\": Date( 44 ), \"eleven\": /foooooo/i }" ); fuzz( b ); b.valid(); } private: void fuzz( BSONObj &o ) const { for( int i = 4; i < o.objsize(); ++i ) for( unsigned char j = 1; j; j <<= 1 ) if ( rand() < int( RAND_MAX * frequency_ ) ) { char *c = const_cast< char * >( o.objdata() ) + i; if ( *c & j ) *c &= ~j; else *c |= j; } } double frequency_; }; } // namespace Validation } // namespace BSONObjTests namespace OIDTests { class init1 { public: void run(){ OID a; OID b; a.init(); b.init(); ASSERT( a != b ); } }; class initParse1 { public: void run(){ OID a; OID b; a.init(); b.init( a.str() ); ASSERT( a == b ); } }; class append { public: void run(){ BSONObjBuilder b; b.appendOID( "a" , 0 ); b.appendOID( "b" , 0 , false ); b.appendOID( "c" , 0 , true ); BSONObj o = b.obj(); ASSERT( o["a"].__oid().str() == "000000000000000000000000" ); ASSERT( o["b"].__oid().str() == "000000000000000000000000" ); ASSERT( o["c"].__oid().str() != "000000000000000000000000" ); } }; } // namespace OIDTests namespace ValueStreamTests { class LabelBase { public: virtual ~LabelBase() {} void run() { ASSERT( !expected().woCompare( actual() ) ); } protected: virtual BSONObj expected() = 0; virtual BSONObj actual() = 0; }; class LabelBasic : public LabelBase { BSONObj expected() { return BSON( "a" << ( BSON( "$gt" << 1 ) ) ); } BSONObj actual() { return BSON( "a" << GT << 1 ); } }; class LabelShares : public LabelBase { BSONObj expected() { return BSON( "z" << "q" << "a" << ( BSON( "$gt" << 1 ) ) << "x" << "p" ); } BSONObj actual() { return BSON( "z" << "q" << "a" << GT << 1 << "x" << "p" ); } }; class LabelDouble : public LabelBase { BSONObj expected() { return BSON( "a" << ( BSON( "$gt" << 1 << "$lte" << "x" ) ) ); } BSONObj actual() { return BSON( "a" << GT << 1 << LTE << "x" ); } }; class LabelDoubleShares : public LabelBase { BSONObj expected() { return BSON( "z" << "q" << "a" << ( BSON( "$gt" << 1 << "$lte" << "x" ) ) << "x" << "p" ); } BSONObj actual() { return BSON( "z" << "q" << "a" << GT << 1 << LTE << "x" << "x" << "p" ); } }; class LabelSize : public LabelBase { BSONObj expected() { return BSON( "a" << BSON( "$size" << 4 ) ); } BSONObj actual() { return BSON( "a" << mongo::SIZE << 4 ); } }; class LabelMulti : public LabelBase { BSONObj expected() { return BSON( "z" << "q" << "a" << BSON( "$gt" << 1 << "$lte" << "x" ) << "b" << BSON( "$ne" << 1 << "$ne" << "f" << "$ne" << 22.3 ) << "x" << "p" ); } BSONObj actual() { return BSON( "z" << "q" << "a" << GT << 1 << LTE << "x" << "b" << NE << 1 << NE << "f" << NE << 22.3 << "x" << "p" ); } }; class Unallowed { public: void run() { ASSERT_EXCEPTION( BSON( GT << 4 ), MsgAssertionException ); ASSERT_EXCEPTION( BSON( "a" << 1 << GT << 4 ), MsgAssertionException ); } }; class ElementAppend { public: void run(){ BSONObj a = BSON( "a" << 17 ); BSONObj b = BSON( "b" << a["a"] ); ASSERT_EQUALS( NumberInt , a["a"].type() ); ASSERT_EQUALS( NumberInt , b["b"].type() ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 17 , b["b"].number() ); } }; } // namespace ValueStreamTests class SubObjectBuilder { public: void run() { BSONObjBuilder b1; b1.append( "a", "bcd" ); BSONObjBuilder b2( b1.subobjStart( "foo" ) ); b2.append( "ggg", 44.0 ); b2.done(); b1.append( "f", 10.0 ); BSONObj ret = b1.done(); ASSERT( ret.valid() ); ASSERT( ret.woCompare( fromjson( "{a:'bcd',foo:{ggg:44},f:10}" ) ) == 0 ); } }; class MinMaxElementTest { public: BSONObj min( int t ){ BSONObjBuilder b; b.appendMinForType( "a" , t ); return b.obj(); } BSONObj max( int t ){ BSONObjBuilder b; b.appendMaxForType( "a" , t ); return b.obj(); } void run(){ for ( int t=1; t 0 ); massert( s , min( t ).woCompare( min( t ) ) == 0 ); massert( s , max( t ).woCompare( max( t ) ) == 0 ); massert( s , abs( min( t ).firstElement().canonicalType() - max( t ).firstElement().canonicalType() ) <= 10 ); } } }; class ExtractFieldsTest { public: void run(){ BSONObj x = BSON( "a" << 10 << "b" << 11 ); assert( BSON( "a" << 10 ).woCompare( x.extractFields( BSON( "a" << 1 ) ) ) == 0 ); assert( BSON( "b" << 11 ).woCompare( x.extractFields( BSON( "b" << 1 ) ) ) == 0 ); assert( x.woCompare( x.extractFields( BSON( "a" << 1 << "b" << 1 ) ) ) == 0 ); assert( (string)"a" == x.extractFields( BSON( "a" << 1 << "c" << 1 ) ).firstElement().fieldName() ); } }; class ComparatorTest { public: BSONObj one( string s ){ return BSON( "x" << s ); } BSONObj two( string x , string y ){ BSONObjBuilder b; b.append( "x" , x ); if ( y.size() ) b.append( "y" , y ); else b.appendNull( "y" ); return b.obj(); } void test( BSONObj order , BSONObj l , BSONObj r , bool wanted ){ BSONObjCmp c( order ); bool got = c(l,r); if ( got == wanted ) return; cout << " order: " << order << " l: " << l << "r: " << r << " wanted: " << wanted << " got: " << got << endl; } void lt( BSONObj order , BSONObj l , BSONObj r ){ test( order , l , r , 1 ); } void run(){ BSONObj s = BSON( "x" << 1 ); BSONObj c = BSON( "x" << 1 << "y" << 1 ); test( s , one( "A" ) , one( "B" ) , 1 ); test( s , one( "B" ) , one( "A" ) , 0 ); test( c , two( "A" , "A" ) , two( "A" , "B" ) , 1 ); test( c , two( "A" , "A" ) , two( "B" , "A" ) , 1 ); test( c , two( "B" , "A" ) , two( "A" , "B" ) , 0 ); lt( c , one("A") , two( "A" , "A" ) ); lt( c , one("A") , one( "B" ) ); lt( c , two("A","") , two( "B" , "A" ) ); lt( c , two("B","A") , two( "C" , "A" ) ); lt( c , two("B","A") , one( "C" ) ); lt( c , two("B","A") , two( "C" , "" ) ); } }; namespace external_sort { class Basic1 { public: void run(){ BSONObjExternalSorter sorter; sorter.add( BSON( "x" << 10 ) , 5 , 1); sorter.add( BSON( "x" << 2 ) , 3 , 1 ); sorter.add( BSON( "x" << 5 ) , 6 , 1 ); sorter.add( BSON( "x" << 5 ) , 7 , 1 ); sorter.sort(); auto_ptr i = sorter.iterator(); int num=0; while ( i->more() ){ pair p = i->next(); if ( num == 0 ) assert( p.first["x"].number() == 2 ); else if ( num <= 2 ){ assert( p.first["x"].number() == 5 ); } else if ( num == 3 ) assert( p.first["x"].number() == 10 ); else ASSERT( 0 ); num++; } ASSERT_EQUALS( 0 , sorter.numFiles() ); } }; class Basic2 { public: void run(){ BSONObjExternalSorter sorter( BSONObj() , 10 ); sorter.add( BSON( "x" << 10 ) , 5 , 11 ); sorter.add( BSON( "x" << 2 ) , 3 , 1 ); sorter.add( BSON( "x" << 5 ) , 6 , 1 ); sorter.add( BSON( "x" << 5 ) , 7 , 1 ); sorter.sort(); auto_ptr i = sorter.iterator(); int num=0; while ( i->more() ){ pair p = i->next(); if ( num == 0 ){ assert( p.first["x"].number() == 2 ); ASSERT_EQUALS( p.second.toString() , "3:1" ); } else if ( num <= 2 ) assert( p.first["x"].number() == 5 ); else if ( num == 3 ){ assert( p.first["x"].number() == 10 ); ASSERT_EQUALS( p.second.toString() , "5:b" ); } else ASSERT( 0 ); num++; } } }; class Basic3 { public: void run(){ BSONObjExternalSorter sorter( BSONObj() , 10 ); sorter.sort(); auto_ptr i = sorter.iterator(); assert( ! i->more() ); } }; class ByDiskLock { public: void run(){ BSONObjExternalSorter sorter; sorter.add( BSON( "x" << 10 ) , 5 , 4); sorter.add( BSON( "x" << 2 ) , 3 , 0 ); sorter.add( BSON( "x" << 5 ) , 6 , 2 ); sorter.add( BSON( "x" << 5 ) , 7 , 3 ); sorter.add( BSON( "x" << 5 ) , 2 , 1 ); sorter.sort(); auto_ptr i = sorter.iterator(); int num=0; while ( i->more() ){ pair p = i->next(); if ( num == 0 ) assert( p.first["x"].number() == 2 ); else if ( num <= 3 ){ assert( p.first["x"].number() == 5 ); } else if ( num == 4 ) assert( p.first["x"].number() == 10 ); else ASSERT( 0 ); ASSERT_EQUALS( num , p.second.getOfs() ); num++; } } }; class Big1 { public: void run(){ BSONObjExternalSorter sorter( BSONObj() , 2000 ); for ( int i=0; i<10000; i++ ){ sorter.add( BSON( "x" << rand() % 10000 ) , 5 , i ); } sorter.sort(); auto_ptr i = sorter.iterator(); int num=0; double prev = 0; while ( i->more() ){ pair p = i->next(); num++; double cur = p.first["x"].number(); assert( cur >= prev ); prev = cur; } assert( num == 10000 ); } }; class Big2 { public: void run(){ const int total = 100000; BSONObjExternalSorter sorter( BSONObj() , total * 2 ); for ( int i=0; i i = sorter.iterator(); int num=0; double prev = 0; while ( i->more() ){ pair p = i->next(); num++; double cur = p.first["x"].number(); assert( cur >= prev ); prev = cur; } assert( num == total ); ASSERT( sorter.numFiles() > 2 ); } }; class D1 { public: void run(){ BSONObjBuilder b; b.appendNull(""); BSONObj x = b.obj(); BSONObjExternalSorter sorter; sorter.add(x, DiskLoc(3,7)); sorter.add(x, DiskLoc(4,7)); sorter.add(x, DiskLoc(2,7)); sorter.add(x, DiskLoc(1,7)); sorter.add(x, DiskLoc(3,77)); sorter.sort(); auto_ptr i = sorter.iterator(); while( i->more() ) { BSONObjExternalSorter::Data d = i->next(); cout << d.second.toString() << endl; cout << d.first.objsize() << endl; cout<<"SORTER next:" << d.first.toString() << endl; } } }; } class CompatBSON { public: #define JSONBSONTEST(j,s,m) ASSERT_EQUALS( fromjson( j ).objsize() , s ); ASSERT_EQUALS( fromjson( j ).md5() , m ); #define RAWBSONTEST(j,s,m) ASSERT_EQUALS( j.objsize() , s ); ASSERT_EQUALS( j.md5() , m ); void run(){ JSONBSONTEST( "{ 'x' : true }" , 9 , "6fe24623e4efc5cf07f027f9c66b5456" ); JSONBSONTEST( "{ 'x' : null }" , 8 , "12d43430ff6729af501faf0638e68888" ); JSONBSONTEST( "{ 'x' : 5.2 }" , 16 , "aaeeac4a58e9c30eec6b0b0319d0dff2" ); JSONBSONTEST( "{ 'x' : 'eliot' }" , 18 , "331a3b8b7cbbe0706c80acdb45d4ebbe" ); JSONBSONTEST( "{ 'x' : 5.2 , 'y' : 'truth' , 'z' : 1.1 }" , 40 , "7c77b3a6e63e2f988ede92624409da58" ); JSONBSONTEST( "{ 'a' : { 'b' : 1.1 } }" , 24 , "31887a4b9d55cd9f17752d6a8a45d51f" ); JSONBSONTEST( "{ 'x' : 5.2 , 'y' : { 'a' : 'eliot' , b : true } , 'z' : null }" , 44 , "b3de8a0739ab329e7aea138d87235205" ); JSONBSONTEST( "{ 'x' : 5.2 , 'y' : [ 'a' , 'eliot' , 'b' , true ] , 'z' : null }" , 62 , "cb7bad5697714ba0cbf51d113b6a0ee8" ); RAWBSONTEST( BSON( "x" << 4 ) , 12 , "d1ed8dbf79b78fa215e2ded74548d89d" ); } }; class All : public Suite { public: All() : Suite( "jsobj" ){ } void setupTests(){ add< BufBuilderBasic >(); add< BSONElementBasic >(); add< BSONObjTests::Create >(); add< BSONObjTests::WoCompareBasic >(); add< BSONObjTests::NumericCompareBasic >(); add< BSONObjTests::WoCompareEmbeddedObject >(); add< BSONObjTests::WoCompareEmbeddedArray >(); add< BSONObjTests::WoCompareOrdered >(); add< BSONObjTests::WoCompareDifferentLength >(); add< BSONObjTests::WoSortOrder >(); add< BSONObjTests::MultiKeySortOrder > (); add< BSONObjTests::TimestampTest >(); add< BSONObjTests::Nan >(); add< BSONObjTests::Validation::BadType >(); add< BSONObjTests::Validation::EooBeforeEnd >(); add< BSONObjTests::Validation::Undefined >(); add< BSONObjTests::Validation::TotalSizeTooSmall >(); add< BSONObjTests::Validation::EooMissing >(); add< BSONObjTests::Validation::WrongStringSize >(); add< BSONObjTests::Validation::ZeroStringSize >(); add< BSONObjTests::Validation::NegativeStringSize >(); add< BSONObjTests::Validation::WrongSubobjectSize >(); add< BSONObjTests::Validation::WrongDbrefNsSize >(); add< BSONObjTests::Validation::WrongSymbolSize >(); add< BSONObjTests::Validation::WrongCodeSize >(); add< BSONObjTests::Validation::NoFieldNameEnd >(); add< BSONObjTests::Validation::BadRegex >(); add< BSONObjTests::Validation::BadRegexOptions >(); add< BSONObjTests::Validation::CodeWScopeSmallSize >(); add< BSONObjTests::Validation::CodeWScopeZeroStrSize >(); add< BSONObjTests::Validation::CodeWScopeSmallStrSize >(); add< BSONObjTests::Validation::CodeWScopeNoSizeForObj >(); add< BSONObjTests::Validation::CodeWScopeSmallObjSize >(); add< BSONObjTests::Validation::CodeWScopeBadObject >(); add< BSONObjTests::Validation::NoSize >( Symbol ); add< BSONObjTests::Validation::NoSize >( Code ); add< BSONObjTests::Validation::NoSize >( String ); add< BSONObjTests::Validation::NoSize >( CodeWScope ); add< BSONObjTests::Validation::NoSize >( DBRef ); add< BSONObjTests::Validation::NoSize >( Object ); add< BSONObjTests::Validation::NoSize >( Array ); add< BSONObjTests::Validation::NoSize >( BinData ); add< BSONObjTests::Validation::Fuzz >( .5 ); add< BSONObjTests::Validation::Fuzz >( .1 ); add< BSONObjTests::Validation::Fuzz >( .05 ); add< BSONObjTests::Validation::Fuzz >( .01 ); add< BSONObjTests::Validation::Fuzz >( .001 ); add< OIDTests::init1 >(); add< OIDTests::initParse1 >(); add< OIDTests::append >(); add< ValueStreamTests::LabelBasic >(); add< ValueStreamTests::LabelShares >(); add< ValueStreamTests::LabelDouble >(); add< ValueStreamTests::LabelDoubleShares >(); add< ValueStreamTests::LabelSize >(); add< ValueStreamTests::LabelMulti >(); add< ValueStreamTests::Unallowed >(); add< ValueStreamTests::ElementAppend >(); add< SubObjectBuilder >(); add< MinMaxElementTest >(); add< ComparatorTest >(); add< ExtractFieldsTest >(); add< external_sort::Basic1 >(); add< external_sort::Basic2 >(); add< external_sort::Basic3 >(); add< external_sort::ByDiskLock >(); add< external_sort::Big1 >(); add< external_sort::Big2 >(); add< external_sort::D1 >(); add< CompatBSON >(); } } myall; } // namespace JsobjTests