/** @file log.cpp */ /* Copyright 2009 10gen Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "pch.h" #include "assert_util.h" #include "assert.h" #include #include "time_support.h" using namespace std; #ifdef _WIN32 # include #else # include # include #endif //#include "../db/jsobj.h" namespace mongo { Nullstream nullstream; vector* Logstream::globalTees = 0; thread_specific_ptr Logstream::tsp; class LoggingManager { public: LoggingManager() : _enabled(0) , _file(0) { } void start( const string& lp , bool append ) { uassert( 10268 , "LoggingManager already started" , ! _enabled ); _append = append; bool exists = boost::filesystem::exists(lp); // test path FILE * test = fopen( lp.c_str() , _append ? "a" : "w" ); if ( ! test ) { if (boost::filesystem::is_directory(lp)) { cout << "logpath [" << lp << "] should be a file name not a directory" << endl; } else { cout << "can't open [" << lp << "] for log file: " << errnoWithDescription() << endl; } dbexit( EXIT_BADOPTIONS ); assert( 0 ); } if (append && exists){ // two blank lines before and after const string msg = "\n\n***** SERVER RESTARTED *****\n\n\n"; massert(14036, errnoWithPrefix("couldn't write to log file"), fwrite(msg.data(), 1, msg.size(), test) == msg.size()); } fclose( test ); _path = lp; _enabled = 1; rotate(); } void rotate() { if ( ! _enabled ) { cout << "LoggingManager not enabled" << endl; return; } if ( _file ) { #ifdef _WIN32 cout << "log rotation net yet supported on windows" << endl; return; #else struct tm t; localtime_r( &_opened , &t ); stringstream ss; ss << _path << "." << terseCurrentTime(false); string s = ss.str(); rename( _path.c_str() , s.c_str() ); #endif } FILE* tmp = freopen(_path.c_str(), (_append ? "a" : "w"), stdout); if (!tmp) { cerr << "can't open: " << _path.c_str() << " for log file" << endl; dbexit( EXIT_BADOPTIONS ); assert(0); } #ifdef _WIN32 // windows has these functions it just gives them a funny name # define dup2 _dup2 # define fileno _fileno #endif // redirect stderr to log file dup2(fileno(tmp), 2); Logstream::setLogFile(tmp); // after this point no thread will be using old file #if 0 // enable to test redirection cout << "written to cout" << endl; cerr << "written to cerr" << endl; log() << "written to log()" << endl; #endif _file = tmp; _opened = time(0); } private: bool _enabled; string _path; bool _append; FILE * _file; time_t _opened; } loggingManager; void initLogging( const string& lp , bool append ) { cout << "all output going to: " << lp << endl; loggingManager.start( lp , append ); } void rotateLogs( int signal ) { loggingManager.rotate(); } // done *before* static initialization FILE* Logstream::logfile = stdout; }