#!/usr/bin/python from __future__ import with_statement from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, call import os import sys import utils import time import socket from optparse import OptionParser import atexit import glob import shutil import re import parser mongoRepo = './' mongodExecutable = "./mongod" mongodPort = "32000" shellExecutable = "./mongo" continueOnFailure = False oneMongodPerTest = False tests = [] winners = [] losers = {} # Finally, atexit functions seem to be a little oblivious to whether # Python is exiting because of an error, so we'll use this to # communicate with the report() function. exit_bad = True # For replication hash checking replicated_dbs = [] lost_in_slave = [] lost_in_master = [] screwy_in_slave = {} smokeDbPrefix = '' smallOplog = False # This class just implements the with statement API, for a sneaky # purpose below. class nothing(object): def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): return not isinstance(value, Exception) class mongod(object): def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.kwargs = kwargs self.proc = None def __enter__(self): self.start() return self def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): try: self.stop() except Exception, e: print >> sys.stderr, "error shutting down mongod" print >> sys.stderr, e return not isinstance(value, Exception) def ensureTestDirs(self): utils.ensureDir( smokeDbPrefix + "/tmp/unittest/" ) utils.ensureDir( smokeDbPrefix + "/data/" ) utils.ensureDir( smokeDbPrefix + "/data/db/" ) def checkMongoPort( self, port=27017 ): sock = socket.socket() sock.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY, 1) sock.settimeout(1) sock.connect(("localhost", int(port))) sock.close() def didMongodStart( self, port=mongodPort, timeout=20 ): while timeout > 0: time.sleep( 1 ) try: self.checkMongoPort( int(port) ) return True except Exception,e: print >> sys.stderr, e timeout = timeout - 1 return False def start(self): global mongodPort global mongod if self.proc: print >> sys.stderr, "probable bug: self.proc already set in start()" return self.ensureTestDirs() dirName = smokeDbPrefix + "/data/db/sconsTests/" self.port = int(mongodPort) self.slave = False if 'slave' in self.kwargs: dirName = smokeDbPrefix + '/data/db/sconsTestsSlave/' srcport = mongodPort self.port += 1 self.slave = True if os.path.exists ( dirName ): call( ["python", "buildscripts/cleanbb.py", dirName] ) utils.ensureDir( dirName ) argv = [mongodExecutable, "--port", str(self.port), "--dbpath", dirName] if self.kwargs.get('smallOplog'): argv += ["--master", "--oplogSize", "10"] if self.slave: argv += ['--slave', '--source', 'localhost:'+str(srcport)] print "running " + " ".join(argv) self.proc = Popen(argv) if not self.didMongodStart( self.port ): raise Exception( "Failed to start mongod" ) if self.slave: while True: argv = [shellExecutable, "--port", str(self.port), "--quiet", "--eval", 'db.printSlaveReplicationInfo()'] res = Popen(argv, stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0] if res.find('initial sync') < 0: break def stop(self): if not self.proc: print >> sys.stderr, "probable bug: self.proc unset in stop()" return try: # This function not available in Python 2.5 self.proc.terminate() except AttributeError: if os.sys.platform == "windows": import win32process win32process.TerminateProcess(self.proc._handle, -1) else: from os import kill kill( self.proc.pid, 15 ) self.proc.wait() sys.stderr.flush() sys.stdout.flush() class Bug(Exception): pass class TestFailure(Exception): pass class TestExitFailure(TestFailure): def __init__(self, *args): self.path = args[0] self.status=args[1] def __str__(self): return "test %s exited with status %d" % (self.path, self.status) class TestServerFailure(TestFailure): def __init__(self, *args): self.path = args[0] self.status = -1 # this is meaningless as an exit code, but # that's the point. def __str__(self): return 'mongod not ok after test %s' % self.path def checkDbHashes(master, slave): # Need to pause a bit so a slave might catch up... if not slave.slave: raise(Bug("slave instance doesn't have slave attribute set")) print "waiting for slave to catch up..." ARB=10 # ARBITRARY time.sleep(ARB) while True: # FIXME: it's probably better to do an empty insert and a # getLastError() to force a sync. argv = [shellExecutable, "--port", str(slave.port), "--quiet", "--eval", 'db.printSlaveReplicationInfo()'] res = Popen(argv, stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0] m = re.search('(\d+)secs ', res) if int(m.group(1)) > ARB: #res.find('initial sync') < 0: break time.sleep(3) # FIXME: maybe make this run dbhash on all databases? for mongod in [master, slave]: argv = [shellExecutable, "--port", str(mongod.port), "--quiet", "--eval", "x=db.runCommand('dbhash'); printjson(x.collections)"] hashstr = Popen(argv, stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0] # WARNING FIXME KLUDGE et al.: this is sleazy and unsafe. mongod.dict = eval(hashstr) global lost_in_slave, lost_in_master, screwy_in_slave, replicated_dbs for db in replicated_dbs: if db not in slave.dict: lost_in_slave.append(db) mhash = master.dict[db] shash = slave.dict[db] if mhash != shash: screwy_in_slave[db] = mhash + "/" + shash for db in slave.dict.keys(): if db not in master.dict: lost_in_master.append(db) replicated_dbs += master.dict.keys() def runTest(test): (path, usedb) = test (ignore, ext) = os.path.splitext(path) if ext == ".js": argv=[shellExecutable, "--port", mongodPort] if not usedb: argv += ["--nodb"] if smallOplog: argv += ["--eval", 'testingReplication = true;'] argv += [path] elif ext in ["", ".exe"]: # Blech. if os.path.basename(path) in ["test", "test.exe", "perftest", "perftest.exe"]: argv=[path] # more blech elif os.path.basename(path) == 'mongos': argv=[path, "--test"] else: argv=[path, "--port", mongodPort] else: raise Bug("fell off in extenstion case: %s" % path) print " *******************************************" print " Test : " + os.path.basename(path) + " ..." t1=time.time() # FIXME: we don't handle the case where the subprocess # hangs... that's bad. r = call(argv) t2=time.time() print " " + str((t2-t1)*1000) + "ms" if r != 0: raise TestExitFailure(path, r) if Popen( [ mongodExecutable, "msg", "ping", mongodPort ], stdout=PIPE ).communicate()[0].count( "****ok" ) == 0: raise TestServerFailure(path) if call( [ mongodExecutable, "msg", "ping", mongodPort ] ) != 0: raise TestServerFailure(path) print "" def runTests(tests): # If we're in one-mongo-per-test mode, we instantiate a nothing # around the loop, and a mongod inside the loop. # FIXME: some suites of tests start their own mongod, so don't # need this. (So long as there are no conflicts with port, # dbpath, etc., and so long as we shut ours down properly, # starting this mongod shouldn't break anything, though.) with nothing() if oneMongodPerTest else mongod(smallOplog=smallOplog) as master1: with nothing() if oneMongodPerTest else (mongod(slave=True) if smallOplog else nothing()) as slave1: for test in tests: try: with mongod(smallOplog=smallOplog) if oneMongodPerTest else nothing() as master2: with mongod(slave=True) if oneMongodPerTest and smallOplog else nothing() as slave2: runTest(test) winners.append(test) if isinstance(slave2, mongod): checkDbHashes(master2, slave2) except TestFailure, f: try: print f # Record the failing test and re-raise. losers[f.path] = f.status raise f except TestServerFailure, f: if not oneMongodPerTest: return 2 except TestFailure, f: if not continueOnFailure: return 1 if isinstance(slave1, mongod): checkDbHashes(master1, slave1) return 0 def report(): print "%d test%s succeeded" % (len(winners), '' if len(winners) == 1 else 's') num_missed = len(tests) - (len(winners) + len(losers.keys())) if num_missed: print "%d tests didn't get run" % num_missed if losers: print "The following tests failed (with exit code):" for loser in losers: print "%s\t%d" % (loser, losers[loser]) def missing(lst, src, dst): if lst: print """The following databases were present in the %s but not the %s at the end of testing:""" % (src, dst) for db in lst: print db missing(lost_in_slave, "master", "slave") missing(lost_in_master, "slave", "master") if screwy_in_slave: print """The following databases has different hashes in master and slave at the end of testing:""" for db in screwy_in_slave.keys(): print "%s\t %s" % (db, screwy_in_slave[db]) if smallOplog and not (lost_in_master or lost_in_slave or screwy_in_slave): print "replication ok for %d collections" % (len(replicated_dbs)) if (exit_bad or losers or lost_in_slave or lost_in_master or screwy_in_slave): status = 1 else: status = 0 exit (status) def expandSuites(suites): globstr = None global mongoRepo, tests for suite in suites: if suite == 'smokeAll': tests = [] expandSuites(['smoke', 'smokePerf', 'smokeClient', 'smokeJs', 'smokeJsPerf', 'smokeJsSlow', 'smokeParallel', 'smokeClone', 'smokeParallel', 'smokeRepl', 'smokeAuth', 'smokeSharding', 'smokeTool']) break if suite == 'smoke': (globstr, usedb) = ('test', False) elif suite == 'smokePerf': (globstr, usedb) = ('perftest', False) elif suite == 'smokeJs': # FIXME: _runner.js seems equivalent to "[!_]*.js". #(globstr, usedb) = ('_runner.js', True) (globstr, usedb) = ('[!_]*.js', True) elif suite == 'smokeQuota': (globstr, usedb) = ('quota/*.js', True) elif suite == 'smokeJsPerf': (globstr, usedb) = ('perf/*.js', True) elif suite == 'smokeDisk': (globstr, usedb) = ('disk/*.js', True) elif suite == 'smokeJsSlow': (globstr, usedb) = ('slow/*.js', True) elif suite == 'smokeParallel': (globstr, usedb) = ('parallel/*', True) elif suite == 'smokeClone': (globstr, usedb) = ('clone/*.js', False) elif suite == 'smokeRepl': (globstr, usedb) = ('repl/*.js', False) elif suite == 'smokeAuth': (globstr, usedb) = ('auth/*.js', False) elif suite == 'smokeSharding': (globstr, usedb) = ('sharding/*.js', False) elif suite == 'smokeTool': (globstr, usedb) = ('tool/*.js', False) # well, the above almost works for everything... elif suite == 'smokeClient': tests += [(os.path.join(mongoRepo, path), False) for path in ["firstExample", "secondExample", "whereExample", "authTest", "clientTest", "httpClientTest"]] elif suite == 'mongosTest': tests += [(os.path.join(mongoRepo, 'mongos'), False)] else: raise Exception('unknown test suite %s' % suite) if globstr: globstr = mongoRepo+('jstests/' if globstr.endswith('.js') else '')+globstr paths = glob.glob(globstr) paths.sort() tests += [(path, usedb) for path in paths] return tests def main(): parser = OptionParser(usage="usage: smoke.py [OPTIONS] ARGS*") parser.add_option('--mode', dest='mode', default='suite', help='If "files", ARGS are filenames; if "suite", ARGS are sets of tests. (default "suite")') # Some of our tests hard-code pathnames e.g., to execute, so until # th we don't have the freedom to run from anyplace. # parser.add_option('--mongo-repo', dest='mongoRepo', default=None, # help='Top-level directory of mongo checkout to use. (default: script will make a guess)') parser.add_option('--mongod', dest='mongodExecutable', #default='./mongod', help='Path to mongod to run (default "./mongod")') parser.add_option('--port', dest='mongodPort', default="32000", help='Port the mongod will bind to (default 32000)') parser.add_option('--mongo', dest='shellExecutable', #default="./mongo", help='Path to mongo, for .js test files (default "./mongo")') parser.add_option('--continue-on-failure', dest='continueOnFailure', action="store_true", default=False, help='If supplied, continue testing even after a test fails') parser.add_option('--one-mongod-per-test', dest='oneMongodPerTest', action="store_true", default=False, help='If supplied, run each test in a fresh mongod') parser.add_option('--from-file', dest='File', help="Run tests/suites named in FILE, one test per line, '-' means stdin") parser.add_option('--smoke-db-prefix', dest='smokeDbPrefix', default='') parser.add_option('--small-oplog', dest='smallOplog', default=False, action="store_true") global tests (options, tests) = parser.parse_args() # global mongoRepo # if options.mongoRepo: # pass # mongoRepo = options.mongoRepo # else: # prefix = '' # while True: # if os.path.exists(prefix+'buildscripts'): # mongoRepo = os.path.normpath(prefix) # break # else: # prefix += '../' # # FIXME: will this be a device's root directory on # # Windows? # if os.path.samefile('/', prefix): # raise Exception("couldn't guess the mongo repository path") global mongoRepo, mongodExecutable, mongodPort, shellExecutable, continueOnFailure, oneMongodPerTest, smallOplog, smokeDbPrefix mongodExecutable = options.mongodExecutable if options.mongodExecutable else os.path.join(mongoRepo, 'mongod') mongodPort = options.mongodPort if options.mongodPort else mongodPort shellExecutable = options.shellExecutable if options.shellExecutable else os.path.join(mongoRepo, 'mongo') continueOnFailure = options.continueOnFailure if options.continueOnFailure else continueOnFailure oneMongodPerTest = options.oneMongodPerTest if options.oneMongodPerTest else oneMongodPerTest smokeDbPrefix = options.smokeDbPrefix smallOplog = options.smallOplog if options.File: if options.File == '-': tests = sys.stdin.readlines() else: with open(options.File) as f: tests = f.readlines() tests = [t.rstrip('\n') for t in tests] # If we're in suite mode, tests is a list of names of sets of tests. if options.mode == 'suite': # Suites: smoke, smokePerf, smokeJs, smokeQuota, smokeJsPerf, # smokeJsSlow, smokeParalell, smokeClone, smokeRepl, smokeDisk suites = tests tests = [] expandSuites(suites) elif options.mode == 'files': tests = [(os.path.abspath(test), True) for test in tests] runTests(tests) global exit_bad exit_bad = False atexit.register(report) if __name__ == "__main__": main()