/* * Tests that changing the shard key value of a document using pipeline updates. * @tags: [uses_transactions, uses_multi_shard_transaction] */ (function() { 'use strict'; load("jstests/sharding/libs/update_shard_key_helpers.js"); const st = new ShardingTest({mongos: 1, shards: {rs0: {nodes: 3}, rs1: {nodes: 3}}}); const kDbName = 'db'; const mongos = st.s0; const shard0 = st.shard0.shardName; const shard1 = st.shard1.shardName; const ns = kDbName + '.foo'; assert.commandWorked(mongos.adminCommand({enableSharding: kDbName})); st.ensurePrimaryShard(kDbName, shard0); // Tuples represent [shouldRunCommandInTxn, runUpdateAsFindAndModifyCmd, isUpsert]. const changeShardKeyOptions = [ [false, false, false], [true, false, false], [true, true, false], [false, true, false], [false, false, true], [true, false, true], [false, true, true], [true, true, true] ]; // Test pipeline updates where the document being updated remains on the same shard. changeShardKeyOptions.forEach(function(updateConfig) { let runInTxn, isFindAndModify, upsert; [runInTxn, isFindAndModify, upsert] = [updateConfig[0], updateConfig[1], updateConfig[2]]; jsTestLog("Testing changing the shard key using pipeline style update and " + (isFindAndModify ? "findAndModify command " : "update command ") + (runInTxn ? "in transaction " : "as retryable write")); let session = st.s.startSession({retryWrites: runInTxn ? false : true}); let sessionDB = session.getDatabase(kDbName); assertCanUpdatePrimitiveShardKey( st, kDbName, ns, session, sessionDB, runInTxn, isFindAndModify, [{"x": 300}, {"x": 4}], [ [{$set: {"x": {$multiply: ["$x", 2]}}}, {$addFields: {"z": 1}}], [{$set: {"x": {$multiply: ["$x", -1]}}}, {$addFields: {"z": 1}}] ], upsert, [{"x": 600, "z": 1}, {"x": -4, "z": 1}]); assertCanUpdateDottedPath(st, kDbName, ns, session, sessionDB, runInTxn, isFindAndModify, [{"x.a": 300}, {"x.a": 4}], [ [{$set: {"x": {"a": {$multiply: ["$x.a", 2]}, "y": 1}}}], [{$set: {"x": {"a": {$multiply: ["$x.a", -1]}, "y": 1}}}] ], upsert, [{"x": {"a": 600, "y": 1}}, {"x": {"a": -4, "y": 1}}]); assertCanUpdatePartialShardKey( st, kDbName, ns, session, sessionDB, runInTxn, isFindAndModify, [{"x": 300, "y": 80}, {"x": 4, "y": 3}], [[{$set: {"x": {$multiply: ["$x", 2]}}}], [{$set: {"x": {$multiply: ["$x", -1]}}}]], upsert, [{"x": 600}, {"x": -4}]); // Failure cases. These tests do not take 'upsert' as an option so we do not need to test // them for both upsert true and false. if (!upsert) { assertCannotUpdate_id(st, kDbName, ns, session, sessionDB, runInTxn, isFindAndModify, {"_id": 300}, [{$set: {"_id": {$multiply: ["$_id", 2]}}}], {"_id": 600}); assertCannotUpdate_idDottedPath(st, kDbName, ns, session, sessionDB, runInTxn, isFindAndModify, {"_id.a": 300}, [{$set: {"_id": {"a": {$multiply: ["$_id.a", 2]}}}}], {"_id": {"a": 600}}); assertCannotUnsetSKFieldUsingPipeline(st, kDbName, ns, session, sessionDB, runInTxn, isFindAndModify, {"x": 300, "y": 80}, [{$project: {"y": 0}}], {"x": 300, "y": 80}); if (!isFindAndModify) { assertCannotUpdateWithMultiTrue(st, kDbName, ns, session, sessionDB, runInTxn, {"x": 300}, [{$set: {"x": {$multiply: ["$x", 2]}}}], {"x": 600}); } } }); // Test pipeline updates where the document being updated will move shards. changeShardKeyOptions.forEach(function(updateConfig) { let runInTxn, isFindAndModify, upsert; [runInTxn, isFindAndModify, upsert] = [updateConfig[0], updateConfig[1], updateConfig[2]]; jsTestLog("Testing changing the shard key using pipeline style update and " + (isFindAndModify ? "findAndModify command " : "update command ") + (runInTxn ? "in transaction " : "as retryable write")); let session = st.s.startSession({retryWrites: runInTxn ? false : true}); let sessionDB = session.getDatabase(kDbName); assertCanUpdatePrimitiveShardKey( st, kDbName, ns, session, sessionDB, runInTxn, isFindAndModify, [{"x": 300}, {"x": 4}], [ [{$set: {"x": {$multiply: ["$x", -1]}}}, {$addFields: {"z": 1}}], [{$set: {"x": {$multiply: ["$x", 100]}}}, {$addFields: {"z": 1}}] ], upsert, [{"x": -300, "z": 1}, {"x": 400, "z": 1}]); assertCanUpdateDottedPath(st, kDbName, ns, session, sessionDB, runInTxn, isFindAndModify, [{"x.a": 300}, {"x.a": 4}], [ [{$set: {"x": {"a": {$multiply: ["$x.a", -1]}, "y": 1}}}], [{$set: {"x": {"a": {$multiply: ["$x.a", 100]}, "y": 1}}}] ], upsert, [{"x": {"a": -300, "y": 1}}, {"x": {"a": 400, "y": 1}}]); assertCanUpdatePartialShardKey( st, kDbName, ns, session, sessionDB, runInTxn, isFindAndModify, [{"x": 300, "y": 80}, {"x": 4, "y": 3}], [[{$set: {"x": {$multiply: ["$x", -1]}}}], [{$set: {"x": {$multiply: ["$x", 100]}}}]], upsert, [{"x": -300}, {"x": 400}]); // Failure cases. These tests do not take 'upsert' as an option so we do not need to test // them for both upsert true and false. if (!upsert) { assertCannotUpdate_id(st, kDbName, ns, session, sessionDB, runInTxn, isFindAndModify, {"_id": 300}, [{$set: {"_id": {$multiply: ["$_id", -1]}}}], {"_id": -300}); assertCannotUpdate_idDottedPath(st, kDbName, ns, session, sessionDB, runInTxn, isFindAndModify, {"_id.a": 300}, [{$set: {"_id": {"a": {$multiply: ["$_id.a", -1]}}}}], {"_id": {"a": -300}}); assertCannotUnsetSKFieldUsingPipeline(st, kDbName, ns, session, sessionDB, runInTxn, isFindAndModify, {"x": 300, "y": 80}, [{$project: {"y": 0}}], {"x": 300, "y": 80}); if (!isFindAndModify) { assertCannotUpdateWithMultiTrue(st, kDbName, ns, session, sessionDB, runInTxn, {"x": 300}, [{$set: {"x": {$multiply: ["$x", -1]}}}], {"x": -300}); } } }); st.stop(); })();