(function() { 'use strict'; // This test makes assertions about the number of sessions, which are not compatible with // implicit sessions. TestData.disableImplicitSessions = true; var conn; var admin; var foo; var result; const request = {startSession: 1}; conn = MongoRunner.runMongod({setParameter: {maxSessions: 2}}); admin = conn.getDB("admin"); // ensure that the cache is empty var serverStatus = assert.commandWorked(admin.adminCommand({serverStatus: 1})); assert.eq(0, serverStatus.logicalSessionRecordCache.activeSessionsCount); // test that we can run startSession unauthenticated when the server is running without --auth result = admin.runCommand(request); assert.commandWorked( result, "failed test that we can run startSession unauthenticated when the server is running without --auth"); assert(result.id, "failed test that our session response has an id"); assert.eq( result.timeoutMinutes, 30, "failed test that our session record has the correct timeout"); // test that startSession added to the cache serverStatus = assert.commandWorked(admin.adminCommand({serverStatus: 1})); assert.eq(1, serverStatus.logicalSessionRecordCache.activeSessionsCount); // test that we can run startSession authenticated when the server is running without --auth admin.createUser({user: 'user0', pwd: 'password', roles: []}); admin.auth("user0", "password"); result = admin.runCommand(request); assert.commandWorked( result, "failed test that we can run startSession authenticated when the server is running without --auth"); assert(result.id, "failed test that our session response has an id"); assert.eq( result.timeoutMinutes, 30, "failed test that our session record has the correct timeout"); assert.commandFailed(admin.runCommand(request), "failed test that we can't run startSession when the cache is full"); MongoRunner.stopMongod(conn); // conn = MongoRunner.runMongod({auth: "", nojournal: ""}); admin = conn.getDB("admin"); foo = conn.getDB("foo"); // test that we can't run startSession unauthenticated when the server is running with --auth assert.commandFailed( admin.runCommand(request), "failed test that we can't run startSession unauthenticated when the server is running with --auth"); // admin.createUser({user: 'admin', pwd: 'admin', roles: jsTest.adminUserRoles}); admin.auth("admin", "admin"); admin.createUser({user: 'user0', pwd: 'password', roles: jsTest.basicUserRoles}); foo.createUser({user: 'user1', pwd: 'password', roles: jsTest.basicUserRoles}); admin.createUser({user: 'user2', pwd: 'password', roles: []}); admin.logout(); // test that we can run startSession authenticated as one user with proper permissions admin.auth("user0", "password"); result = admin.runCommand(request); assert.commandWorked( result, "failed test that we can run startSession authenticated as one user with proper permissions"); assert(result.id, "failed test that our session response has an id"); assert.eq( result.timeoutMinutes, 30, "failed test that our session record has the correct timeout"); // test that we cant run startSession authenticated as two users with proper permissions foo.auth("user1", "password"); assert.commandFailed( admin.runCommand(request), "failed test that we cant run startSession authenticated as two users with proper permissions"); // test that we cant run startSession authenticated as one user without proper permissions admin.logout(); admin.auth("user2", "password"); assert.commandFailed( admin.runCommand(request), "failed test that we cant run startSession authenticated as one user without proper permissions"); // MongoRunner.stopMongod(conn); })();