/** * Tests that $out and $merge with readConcern majority will only see committed data. * * Each operation is tested on a single node, and (if supported) through mongos on both sharded and * unsharded collections. Mongos doesn't directly handle readConcern majority, but these tests * should ensure that it correctly propagates the setting to the shards when running commands. * @tags: [requires_sharding, requires_majority_read_concern] */ (function() { 'use strict'; // Skip this test if running with --nojournal and WiredTiger. if (jsTest.options().noJournal && (!jsTest.options().storageEngine || jsTest.options().storageEngine === "wiredTiger")) { print("Skipping test because running WiredTiger without journaling isn't a valid" + " replica set configuration"); return; } const testServer = MongoRunner.runMongod(); const db = testServer.getDB("test"); if (!db.serverStatus().storageEngine.supportsCommittedReads) { print("Skipping read_majority.js since storageEngine doesn't support it."); MongoRunner.stopMongod(testServer); return; } MongoRunner.stopMongod(testServer); function runTests(sourceColl, mongodConnection) { function makeSnapshot() { return assert.commandWorked(mongodConnection.adminCommand("makeSnapshot")).name; } function setCommittedSnapshot(snapshot) { assert.commandWorked(mongodConnection.adminCommand({"setCommittedSnapshot": snapshot})); } const db = sourceColl.getDB(); const targetColl = db.targetColl; const targetReplaceDocsColl = db.targetReplaceDocsColl; assert.commandWorked(sourceColl.remove({})); assert.commandWorked(targetColl.remove({})); assert.commandWorked(targetReplaceDocsColl.remove({})); setCommittedSnapshot(makeSnapshot()); // Insert a single document and make it visible by advancing the snapshot. assert.commandWorked(sourceColl.insert({_id: 1, state: 'before'})); assert.commandWorked(targetReplaceDocsColl.insert({_id: 1, state: 'before'})); setCommittedSnapshot(makeSnapshot()); // This insert will not be visible to $merge. assert.commandWorked(sourceColl.insert({_id: 2, state: 'before'})); assert.commandWorked(targetReplaceDocsColl.insert({_id: 2, state: 'before'})); // Similarly this update will not be visible. assert.commandWorked(sourceColl.update({_id: 1}, {state: 'after'})); assert.commandWorked(targetReplaceDocsColl.update({_id: 1}, {state: 'after'})); // Make sure we see only the first document. let res = sourceColl.aggregate([], {readConcern: {level: 'majority'}}); assert.eq(res.itcount(), 1); // Run $merge with whenNotMatched set to "insert". It will pick only the first document. // Also it will not see the update ('after'). res = sourceColl.aggregate( [ {$match: {state: 'before'}}, {$project: {state: 'merge'}}, { $merge: { into: {db: targetColl.getDB().getName(), coll: targetColl.getName()}, whenMatched: "fail", whenNotMatched: "insert" } } ], {readConcern: {level: 'majority'}}); assert.eq(res.itcount(), 0); res = targetColl.find().sort({_id: 1}); // Only a single document is visible ($merge did not see the second insert). assert.docEq(res.next(), {_id: 1, state: 'merge'}); assert(res.isExhausted()); // The same $merge but with whenMatched set to "replace". res = sourceColl.aggregate( [ {$match: {state: 'before'}}, {$project: {state: 'merge'}}, { $merge: { into: { db: targetReplaceDocsColl.getDB().getName(), coll: targetReplaceDocsColl.getName() }, whenMatched: "replace", whenNotMatched: "insert" } } ], {readConcern: {level: 'majority'}}); assert.eq(res.itcount(), 0); setCommittedSnapshot(makeSnapshot()); res = targetReplaceDocsColl.find().sort({_id: 1}); // The first document must overwrite the update that the read portion of $merge did not see. assert.docEq(res.next(), {_id: 1, state: 'merge'}); // The second document is the result of the independent insert that $merge did not see. assert.docEq(res.next(), {_id: 2, state: 'before'}); assert(res.isExhausted()); assert.commandWorked(targetColl.remove({})); setCommittedSnapshot(makeSnapshot()); // Insert a document that will collide with $merge insert. The insert is not majority // commited. assert.commandWorked(targetColl.insert({_id: 1, state: 'collision'})); res = db.runCommand({ aggregate: sourceColl.getName(), pipeline: [ {$project: {state: 'merge'}}, { $merge: { into: {db: targetColl.getDB().getName(), coll: targetColl.getName()}, whenMatched: "fail", whenNotMatched: "insert" } } ], cursor: {}, readConcern: {level: 'majority'} }); assert.commandFailedWithCode(res, ErrorCodes.DuplicateKey); // Remove the documents (not majority). assert.commandWorked(targetColl.remove({_id: 1})); assert.commandWorked(targetColl.remove({_id: 2})); // $merge should successfuly 'overwrite' the collection as it is 'empty' (not majority). res = targetReplaceDocsColl.aggregate( [ {$match: {state: 'before'}}, {$project: {state: 'merge'}}, { $merge: { into: {db: targetColl.getDB().getName(), coll: targetColl.getName()}, whenMatched: "fail", whenNotMatched: "insert" } } ], {readConcern: {level: 'majority'}}); assert.eq(res.itcount(), 0); setCommittedSnapshot(makeSnapshot()); res = targetColl.find().sort({_id: 1}); // Only a single document is visible ($merge did not see the second insert). assert.docEq(res.next(), {_id: 2, state: 'merge'}); assert(res.isExhausted()); } const replTest = new ReplSetTest({ nodes: 1, oplogSize: 2, nodeOptions: { setParameter: 'testingSnapshotBehaviorInIsolation=true', enableMajorityReadConcern: '', shardsvr: '' } }); replTest.startSet(); // Cannot wait for a stable recovery timestamp with 'testingSnapshotBehaviorInIsolation' set. replTest.initiateWithAnyNodeAsPrimary( null, "replSetInitiate", {doNotWaitForStableRecoveryTimestamp: true}); const mongod = replTest.getPrimary(); (function testSingleNode() { const db = mongod.getDB("singleNode"); runTests(db.collection, mongod); })(); const shardingTest = new ShardingTest({ shards: 0, mongos: 1, }); assert(shardingTest.adminCommand({addShard: replTest.getURL()})); (function testUnshardedDBThroughMongos() { const db = shardingTest.getDB("throughMongos"); runTests(db.unshardedDB, mongod); })(); shardingTest.adminCommand({enableSharding: 'throughMongos'}); (function testUnshardedCollectionThroughMongos() { const db = shardingTest.getDB("throughMongos"); runTests(db.unshardedCollection, mongod); })(); (function testShardedCollectionThroughMongos() { const db = shardingTest.getDB("throughMongos"); const collection = db.shardedCollection; shardingTest.adminCommand({shardCollection: collection.getFullName(), key: {_id: 1}}); runTests(collection, mongod); })(); shardingTest.stop(); replTest.stopSet(); })();