// @file collection.js - DBCollection support in the mongo shell // db.colName is a DBCollection object // or db["colName"] if ( ( typeof DBCollection ) == "undefined" ){ DBCollection = function( mongo , db , shortName , fullName ){ this._mongo = mongo; this._db = db; this._shortName = shortName; this._fullName = fullName; this.verify(); } } DBCollection.prototype.verify = function(){ assert( this._fullName , "no fullName" ); assert( this._shortName , "no shortName" ); assert( this._db , "no db" ); assert.eq( this._fullName , this._db._name + "." + this._shortName , "name mismatch" ); assert( this._mongo , "no mongo in DBCollection" ); } DBCollection.prototype.getName = function(){ return this._shortName; } DBCollection.prototype.help = function () { var shortName = this.getName(); print("DBCollection help"); print("\tdb." + shortName + ".find().help() - show DBCursor help"); print("\tdb." + shortName + ".count()"); print("\tdb." + shortName + ".dataSize()"); print("\tdb." + shortName + ".distinct( key ) - eg. db." + shortName + ".distinct( 'x' )"); print("\tdb." + shortName + ".drop() drop the collection"); print("\tdb." + shortName + ".dropIndex(name)"); print("\tdb." + shortName + ".dropIndexes()"); print("\tdb." + shortName + ".ensureIndex(keypattern[,options]) - options is an object with these possible fields: name, unique, dropDups"); print("\tdb." + shortName + ".reIndex()"); print("\tdb." + shortName + ".find([query],[fields]) - query is an optional query filter. fields is optional set of fields to return."); print("\t e.g. db." + shortName + ".find( {x:77} , {name:1, x:1} )"); print("\tdb." + shortName + ".find(...).count()"); print("\tdb." + shortName + ".find(...).limit(n)"); print("\tdb." + shortName + ".find(...).skip(n)"); print("\tdb." + shortName + ".find(...).sort(...)"); print("\tdb." + shortName + ".findOne([query])"); print("\tdb." + shortName + ".findAndModify( { update : ... , remove : bool [, query: {}, sort: {}, 'new': false] } )"); print("\tdb." + shortName + ".getDB() get DB object associated with collection"); print("\tdb." + shortName + ".getIndexes()"); print("\tdb." + shortName + ".group( { key : ..., initial: ..., reduce : ...[, cond: ...] } )"); print("\tdb." + shortName + ".mapReduce( mapFunction , reduceFunction , )"); print("\tdb." + shortName + ".remove(query)"); print("\tdb." + shortName + ".renameCollection( newName , ) renames the collection."); print("\tdb." + shortName + ".runCommand( name , ) runs a db command with the given name where the first param is the collection name"); print("\tdb." + shortName + ".save(obj)"); print("\tdb." + shortName + ".stats()"); print("\tdb." + shortName + ".storageSize() - includes free space allocated to this collection"); print("\tdb." + shortName + ".totalIndexSize() - size in bytes of all the indexes"); print("\tdb." + shortName + ".totalSize() - storage allocated for all data and indexes"); print("\tdb." + shortName + ".update(query, object[, upsert_bool, multi_bool])"); print("\tdb." + shortName + ".validate( ) - SLOW");; print("\tdb." + shortName + ".getShardVersion() - only for use with sharding"); return __magicNoPrint; } DBCollection.prototype.getFullName = function(){ return this._fullName; } DBCollection.prototype.getMongo = function(){ return this._db.getMongo(); } DBCollection.prototype.getDB = function(){ return this._db; } DBCollection.prototype._dbCommand = function( cmd , params ){ if ( typeof( cmd ) == "object" ) return this._db._dbCommand( cmd ); var c = {}; c[cmd] = this.getName(); if ( params ) Object.extend( c , params ); return this._db._dbCommand( c ); } DBCollection.prototype.runCommand = DBCollection.prototype._dbCommand; DBCollection.prototype._massageObject = function( q ){ if ( ! q ) return {}; var type = typeof q; if ( type == "function" ) return { $where : q }; if ( q.isObjectId ) return { _id : q }; if ( type == "object" ) return q; if ( type == "string" ){ if ( q.length == 24 ) return { _id : q }; return { $where : q }; } throw "don't know how to massage : " + type; } DBCollection.prototype._validateObject = function( o ){ if ( o._ensureSpecial && o._checkModify ) throw "can't save a DBQuery object"; } DBCollection._allowedFields = { $id : 1 , $ref : 1 , $db : 1 }; DBCollection.prototype._validateForStorage = function( o ){ this._validateObject( o ); for ( var k in o ){ if ( k.indexOf( "." ) >= 0 ) { throw "can't have . in field names [" + k + "]" ; } if ( k.indexOf( "$" ) == 0 && ! DBCollection._allowedFields[k] ) { throw "field names cannot start with $ [" + k + "]"; } if ( o[k] !== null && typeof( o[k] ) === "object" ) { this._validateForStorage( o[k] ); } } }; DBCollection.prototype.find = function( query , fields , limit , skip ){ return new DBQuery( this._mongo , this._db , this , this._fullName , this._massageObject( query ) , fields , limit , skip ); } DBCollection.prototype.findOne = function( query , fields ){ var cursor = this._mongo.find( this._fullName , this._massageObject( query ) || {} , fields , -1 /* limit */ , 0 /* skip*/, 0 /* batchSize */ , 0 /* options */ ); if ( ! cursor.hasNext() ) return null; var ret = cursor.next(); if ( cursor.hasNext() ) throw "findOne has more than 1 result!"; if ( ret.$err ) throw "error " + tojson( ret ); return ret; } DBCollection.prototype.insert = function( obj , _allow_dot ){ if ( ! obj ) throw "no object passed to insert!"; if ( ! _allow_dot ) { this._validateForStorage( obj ); } if ( typeof( obj._id ) == "undefined" ){ var tmp = obj; // don't want to modify input obj = {_id: new ObjectId()}; for (var key in tmp){ obj[key] = tmp[key]; } } this._mongo.insert( this._fullName , obj ); this._lastID = obj._id; } DBCollection.prototype.remove = function( t , justOne ){ for ( var k in t ){ if ( k == "_id" && typeof( t[k] ) == "undefined" ){ throw "can't have _id set to undefined in a remove expression" } } this._mongo.remove( this._fullName , this._massageObject( t ) , justOne ? true : false ); } DBCollection.prototype.update = function( query , obj , upsert , multi ){ assert( query , "need a query" ); assert( obj , "need an object" ); var firstKey = null; for (var k in obj) { firstKey = k; break; } if (firstKey != null && firstKey[0] == '$') { // for mods we only validate partially, for example keys may have dots this._validateObject( obj ); } else { // we're basically inserting a brand new object, do full validation this._validateForStorage( obj ); } this._mongo.update( this._fullName , query , obj , upsert ? true : false , multi ? true : false ); } DBCollection.prototype.save = function( obj ){ if ( obj == null || typeof( obj ) == "undefined" ) throw "can't save a null"; if ( typeof( obj ) == "number" || typeof( obj) == "string" ) throw "can't save a number or string" if ( typeof( obj._id ) == "undefined" ){ obj._id = new ObjectId(); return this.insert( obj ); } else { return this.update( { _id : obj._id } , obj , true ); } } DBCollection.prototype._genIndexName = function( keys ){ var name = ""; for ( var k in keys ){ var v = keys[k]; if ( typeof v == "function" ) continue; if ( name.length > 0 ) name += "_"; name += k + "_"; if ( typeof v == "number" ) name += v; } return name; } DBCollection.prototype._indexSpec = function( keys, options ) { var ret = { ns : this._fullName , key : keys , name : this._genIndexName( keys ) }; if ( ! options ){ } else if ( typeof ( options ) == "string" ) ret.name = options; else if ( typeof ( options ) == "boolean" ) ret.unique = true; else if ( typeof ( options ) == "object" ){ if ( options.length ){ var nb = 0; for ( var i=0; i 0 ) { ret.unique = true; } if ( nTrue > 1 ) { ret.dropDups = true; } } */ return ret; } DBCollection.prototype.createIndex = function( keys , options ){ var o = this._indexSpec( keys, options ); this._db.getCollection( "system.indexes" ).insert( o , true ); } DBCollection.prototype.ensureIndex = function( keys , options ){ var name = this._indexSpec( keys, options ).name; this._indexCache = this._indexCache || {}; if ( this._indexCache[ name ] ){ return; } this.createIndex( keys , options ); if ( this.getDB().getLastError() == "" ) { this._indexCache[name] = true; } } DBCollection.prototype.resetIndexCache = function(){ this._indexCache = {}; } DBCollection.prototype.reIndex = function() { return this._db.runCommand({ reIndex: this.getName() }); } DBCollection.prototype.dropIndexes = function(){ this.resetIndexCache(); var res = this._db.runCommand( { deleteIndexes: this.getName(), index: "*" } ); assert( res , "no result from dropIndex result" ); if ( res.ok ) return res; if ( res.errmsg.match( /not found/ ) ) return res; throw "error dropping indexes : " + tojson( res ); } DBCollection.prototype.drop = function(){ if ( arguments.length > 0 ) throw "drop takes no argument"; this.resetIndexCache(); var ret = this._db.runCommand( { drop: this.getName() } ); if ( ! ret.ok ){ if ( ret.errmsg == "ns not found" ) return false; throw "drop failed: " + tojson( ret ); } return true; } DBCollection.prototype.findAndModify = function(args){ var cmd = { findandmodify: this.getName() }; for (var key in args){ cmd[key] = args[key]; } var ret = this._db.runCommand( cmd ); if ( ! ret.ok ){ if (ret.errmsg == "No matching object found"){ return null; } throw "findAndModifyFailed failed: " + tojson( ret.errmsg ); } return ret.value; } DBCollection.prototype.renameCollection = function( newName , dropTarget ){ return this._db._adminCommand( { renameCollection : this._fullName , to : this._db._name + "." + newName , dropTarget : dropTarget } ) } DBCollection.prototype.validate = function(full) { var cmd = { validate: this.getName() }; if (typeof(full) == 'object') // support arbitrary options here Object.extend(cmd, full); else cmd.full = full; var res = this._db.runCommand( cmd ); if (typeof(res.valid) == 'undefined') { // old-style format just put everything in a string. Now using proper fields res.valid = false; var raw = res.result || res.raw; if ( raw ){ var str = "-" + tojson( raw ); res.valid = ! ( str.match( /exception/ ) || str.match( /corrupt/ ) ); var p = /lastExtentSize:(\d+)/; var r = p.exec( str ); if ( r ){ res.lastExtentSize = Number( r[1] ); } } } return res; } DBCollection.prototype.getShardVersion = function(){ return this._db._adminCommand( { getShardVersion : this._fullName } ); } DBCollection.prototype.getIndexes = function(){ return this.getDB().getCollection( "system.indexes" ).find( { ns : this.getFullName() } ).toArray(); } DBCollection.prototype.getIndices = DBCollection.prototype.getIndexes; DBCollection.prototype.getIndexSpecs = DBCollection.prototype.getIndexes; DBCollection.prototype.getIndexKeys = function(){ return this.getIndexes().map( function(i){ return i.key; } ); } DBCollection.prototype.count = function( x ){ return this.find( x ).count(); } /** * Drop free lists. Normally not used. * Note this only does the collection itself, not the namespaces of its indexes (see cleanAll). */ DBCollection.prototype.clean = function() { return this._dbCommand( { clean: this.getName() } ); } /** *

Drop a specified index.

* *

* Name is the name of the index in the system.indexes name field. (Run db.system.indexes.find() to * see example data.) *

* *

Note : alpha: space is not reclaimed

* @param {String} name of index to delete. * @return A result object. result.ok will be true if successful. */ DBCollection.prototype.dropIndex = function(index) { assert(index , "need to specify index to dropIndex" ); if ( ! isString( index ) && isObject( index ) ) index = this._genIndexName( index ); var res = this._dbCommand( "deleteIndexes" ,{ index: index } ); this.resetIndexCache(); return res; } DBCollection.prototype.copyTo = function( newName ){ return this.getDB().eval( function( collName , newName ){ var from = db[collName]; var to = db[newName]; to.ensureIndex( { _id : 1 } ); var count = 0; var cursor = from.find(); while ( cursor.hasNext() ){ var o = cursor.next(); count++; to.save( o ); } return count; } , this.getName() , newName ); } DBCollection.prototype.getCollection = function( subName ){ return this._db.getCollection( this._shortName + "." + subName ); } DBCollection.prototype.stats = function( scale ){ return this._db.runCommand( { collstats : this._shortName , scale : scale } ); } DBCollection.prototype.dataSize = function(){ return this.stats().size; } DBCollection.prototype.storageSize = function(){ return this.stats().storageSize; } DBCollection.prototype.totalIndexSize = function( verbose ){ var stats = this.stats(); if (verbose){ for (var ns in stats.indexSizes){ print( ns + "\t" + stats.indexSizes[ns] ); } } return stats.totalIndexSize; } DBCollection.prototype.totalSize = function(){ var total = this.storageSize(); var mydb = this._db; var shortName = this._shortName; this.getIndexes().forEach( function( spec ){ var coll = mydb.getCollection( shortName + ".$" + spec.name ); var mysize = coll.storageSize(); //print( coll + "\t" + mysize + "\t" + tojson( coll.validate() ) ); total += coll.dataSize(); } ); return total; } DBCollection.prototype.convertToCapped = function( bytes ){ if ( ! bytes ) throw "have to specify # of bytes"; return this._dbCommand( { convertToCapped : this._shortName , size : bytes } ) } DBCollection.prototype.exists = function(){ return this._db.system.namespaces.findOne( { name : this._fullName } ); } DBCollection.prototype.isCapped = function(){ var e = this.exists(); return ( e && e.options && e.options.capped ) ? true : false; } DBCollection.prototype._distinct = function( keyString , query ){ return this._dbCommand( { distinct : this._shortName , key : keyString , query : query || {} } ); if ( ! res.ok ) throw "distinct failed: " + tojson( res ); return res.values; } DBCollection.prototype.distinct = function( keyString , query ){ var res = this._distinct( keyString , query ); if ( ! res.ok ) throw "distinct failed: " + tojson( res ); return res.values; } DBCollection.prototype.group = function( params ){ params.ns = this._shortName; return this._db.group( params ); } DBCollection.prototype.groupcmd = function( params ){ params.ns = this._shortName; return this._db.groupcmd( params ); } MapReduceResult = function( db , o ){ Object.extend( this , o ); this._o = o; this._keys = Object.keySet( o ); this._db = db; if ( this.result != null ) { this._coll = this._db.getCollection( this.result ); } } MapReduceResult.prototype._simpleKeys = function(){ return this._o; } MapReduceResult.prototype.find = function(){ if ( this.results ) return this.results; return DBCollection.prototype.find.apply( this._coll , arguments ); } MapReduceResult.prototype.drop = function(){ if ( this._coll ) { return this._coll.drop(); } } /** * just for debugging really */ MapReduceResult.prototype.convertToSingleObject = function(){ var z = {}; var it = this.results != null ? this.results : this._coll.find(); it.forEach( function(a){ z[a._id] = a.value; } ); return z; } DBCollection.prototype.convertToSingleObject = function(valueField){ var z = {}; this.find().forEach( function(a){ z[a._id] = a[valueField]; } ); return z; } /** * @param optional object of optional fields; */ DBCollection.prototype.mapReduce = function( map , reduce , optionsOrOutString ){ var c = { mapreduce : this._shortName , map : map , reduce : reduce }; assert( optionsOrOutString , "need to an optionsOrOutString" ) if ( typeof( optionsOrOutString ) == "string" ) c["out"] = optionsOrOutString; else Object.extend( c , optionsOrOutString ); var raw = this._db.runCommand( c ); if ( ! raw.ok ){ __mrerror__ = raw; throw "map reduce failed:" + tojson(raw); } return new MapReduceResult( this._db , raw ); } DBCollection.prototype.toString = function(){ return this.getFullName(); } DBCollection.prototype.toString = function(){ return this.getFullName(); } DBCollection.prototype.tojson = DBCollection.prototype.toString; DBCollection.prototype.shellPrint = DBCollection.prototype.toString; DBCollection.autocomplete = function(obj){ var colls = DB.autocomplete(obj.getDB()); var ret = []; for (var i=0; i