// distlock_test.h /* Copyright 2009 10gen Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include "../pch.h" #include "dbclient.h" #include "distlock.h" #include "../db/commands.h" #include "../util/bson_util.h" // Modify some config options for the RNG, since they cause MSVC to fail #include #if defined(BOOST_MSVC) && defined(BOOST_NO_MEMBER_TEMPLATE_FRIENDS) #undef BOOST_NO_MEMBER_TEMPLATE_FRIENDS #define BOOST_RNG_HACK #endif // Well, sort-of cross-platform RNG #include #ifdef BOOST_RNG_HACK #define BOOST_NO_MEMBER_TEMPLATE_FRIENDS #undef BOOST_RNG_HACK #endif #include #include // TODO: Make a method in BSONObj if useful, don't modify for now #define string_field(obj, name, def) ( obj.hasField(name) ? obj[name].String() : def ) #define number_field(obj, name, def) ( obj.hasField(name) ? obj[name].Number() : def ) namespace mongo { class TestDistLockWithSync: public Command { public: TestDistLockWithSync() : Command("_testDistLockWithSyncCluster") { } virtual void help(stringstream& help) const { help << "should not be calling this directly" << endl; } virtual bool slaveOk() const { return false; } virtual bool adminOnly() const { return true; } virtual LockType locktype() const { return NONE; } static void runThread() { while (keepGoing) { if (current->lock_try( "test" )) { count++; int before = count; sleepmillis(3); int after = count; if (after != before) { error() << " before: " << before << " after: " << after << endl; } current->unlock(); } } } bool run(const string&, BSONObj& cmdObj, string& errmsg, BSONObjBuilder& result, bool) { Timer t; DistributedLock lk(ConnectionString(cmdObj["host"].String(), ConnectionString::SYNC), "testdistlockwithsync", 0, 0); current = &lk; count = 0; gotit = 0; errors = 0; keepGoing = true; vector > l; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { l.push_back( shared_ptr (new boost::thread(runThread))); } int secs = 10; if (cmdObj["secs"].isNumber()) secs = cmdObj["secs"].numberInt(); sleepsecs(secs); keepGoing = false; for (unsigned i = 0; i < l.size(); i++) l[i]->join(); current = 0; result.append("count", count); result.append("gotit", gotit); result.append("errors", errors); result.append("timeMS", t.millis()); return errors == 0; } // variables for test static DistributedLock * current; static int gotit; static int errors; static AtomicUInt count; static bool keepGoing; } testDistLockWithSyncCmd; DistributedLock * TestDistLockWithSync::current; AtomicUInt TestDistLockWithSync::count; int TestDistLockWithSync::gotit; int TestDistLockWithSync::errors; bool TestDistLockWithSync::keepGoing; class TestDistLockWithSkew: public Command { public: static const int logLvl = 1; TestDistLockWithSkew() : Command("_testDistLockWithSkew") { } virtual void help(stringstream& help) const { help << "should not be calling this directly" << endl; } virtual bool slaveOk() const { return false; } virtual bool adminOnly() const { return true; } virtual LockType locktype() const { return NONE; } void runThread(ConnectionString& hostConn, unsigned threadId, unsigned seed, BSONObj& cmdObj, BSONObjBuilder& result) { stringstream ss; ss << "thread-" << threadId; setThreadName(ss.str().c_str()); // Lock name string lockName = string_field(cmdObj, "lockName", this->name + "_lock"); // Range of clock skew in diff threads int skewRange = (int) number_field(cmdObj, "skewRange", 1); // How long to wait with the lock int threadWait = (int) number_field(cmdObj, "threadWait", 30); if(threadWait <= 0) threadWait = 1; // Max amount of time (ms) a thread waits before checking the lock again int threadSleep = (int) number_field(cmdObj, "threadSleep", 30); if(threadSleep <= 0) threadSleep = 1; // How long until the lock is forced in ms, only compared locally unsigned long long takeoverMS = (unsigned long long) number_field(cmdObj, "takeoverMS", 0); // Whether or not we should hang some threads int hangThreads = (int) number_field(cmdObj, "hangThreads", 0); boost::mt19937 gen((boost::mt19937::result_type) seed); boost::variate_generator > randomSkew(gen, boost::uniform_int<>(0, skewRange)); boost::variate_generator > randomWait(gen, boost::uniform_int<>(1, threadWait)); boost::variate_generator > randomSleep(gen, boost::uniform_int<>(1, threadSleep)); int skew = 0; if (!lock.get()) { // Pick a skew, but the first two threads skew the whole range if(threadId == 0) skew = -skewRange / 2; else if(threadId == 1) skew = skewRange / 2; else skew = randomSkew() - (skewRange / 2); // Skew this thread jsTimeVirtualThreadSkew( skew ); log() << "Initializing lock with skew of " << skew << " for thread " << threadId << endl; lock.reset(new DistributedLock(hostConn, lockName, takeoverMS, true )); log() << "Skewed time " << jsTime() << " for thread " << threadId << endl << " max wait (with lock: " << threadWait << ", after lock: " << threadSleep << ")" << endl << " takeover in " << takeoverMS << "(ms remote)" << endl; } DistributedLock* myLock = lock.get(); bool errors = false; BSONObj lockObj; while (keepGoing) { try { if (myLock->lock_try("Testing distributed lock with skew.", false, &lockObj )) { log() << "**** Locked for thread " << threadId << " with ts " << lockObj["ts"] << endl; if( count % 2 == 1 && ! myLock->lock_try( "Testing lock re-entry.", true ) ) { errors = true; log() << "**** !Could not re-enter lock already held" << endl; break; } if( count % 3 == 1 && myLock->lock_try( "Testing lock non-re-entry.", false ) ) { errors = true; log() << "**** !Invalid lock re-entry" << endl; break; } count++; int before = count; int sleep = randomWait(); sleepmillis(sleep); int after = count; if(after != before) { errors = true; log() << "**** !Bad increment while sleeping with lock for: " << sleep << "ms" << endl; break; } // Unlock only half the time... if(hangThreads == 0 || threadId % hangThreads != 0) { log() << "**** Unlocking for thread " << threadId << " with ts " << lockObj["ts"] << endl; myLock->unlock( &lockObj ); } else { log() << "**** Not unlocking for thread " << threadId << endl; DistributedLock::killPinger( *myLock ); // We're simulating a crashed process... break; } } } catch( LockException& e ) { log() << "*** !Could not try distributed lock." << causedBy( e ) << endl; break; } sleepmillis(randomSleep()); } result << "errors" << errors << "skew" << skew << "takeover" << (long long) takeoverMS << "localTimeout" << (takeoverMS > 0); } void test(ConnectionString& hostConn, string& lockName, unsigned seed) { return; } bool run(const string&, BSONObj& cmdObj, string& errmsg, BSONObjBuilder& result, bool) { Timer t; ConnectionString hostConn(cmdObj["host"].String(), ConnectionString::SYNC); unsigned seed = (unsigned) number_field(cmdObj, "seed", 0); int numThreads = (int) number_field(cmdObj, "numThreads", 4); int wait = (int) number_field(cmdObj, "wait", 10000); log() << "Starting " << this->name << " with -" << endl << " seed: " << seed << endl << " numThreads: " << numThreads << endl << " total wait: " << wait << endl << endl; // Skew host clocks if needed try { skewClocks( hostConn, cmdObj ); } catch( DBException e ) { errmsg = str::stream() << "Clocks could not be skewed." << causedBy( e ); return false; } count = 0; keepGoing = true; vector > threads; vector > results; for (int i = 0; i < numThreads; i++) { results.push_back(shared_ptr (new BSONObjBuilder())); threads.push_back(shared_ptr (new boost::thread( boost::bind(&TestDistLockWithSkew::runThread, this, hostConn, (unsigned) i, seed + i, boost::ref(cmdObj), boost::ref(*(results[i].get())))))); } sleepsecs(wait / 1000); keepGoing = false; bool errors = false; for (unsigned i = 0; i < threads.size(); i++) { threads[i]->join(); errors = errors || results[i].get()->obj()["errors"].Bool(); } result.append("count", count); result.append("errors", errors); result.append("timeMS", t.millis()); return !errors; } /** * Skews the clocks of a remote cluster by a particular amount, specified by * the "skewHosts" element in a BSONObj. */ static void skewClocks( ConnectionString& cluster, BSONObj& cmdObj ) { vector skew; if(cmdObj.hasField("skewHosts")) { bsonArrToNumVector(cmdObj["skewHosts"], skew); } else { log( logLvl ) << "No host clocks to skew." << endl; return; } log( logLvl ) << "Skewing clocks of hosts " << cluster << endl; unsigned s = 0; for(vector::iterator i = skew.begin(); i != skew.end(); ++i,s++) { ConnectionString server( cluster.getServers()[s] ); ScopedDbConnection conn( server ); BSONObj result; try { bool success = conn->runCommand( string("admin"), BSON( "_skewClockCommand" << 1 << "skew" << *i ), result ); uassert(13678, str::stream() << "Could not communicate with server " << server.toString() << " in cluster " << cluster.toString() << " to change skew by " << *i, success ); log( logLvl + 1 ) << " Skewed host " << server << " clock by " << *i << endl; } catch(...) { conn.done(); throw; } conn.done(); } } // variables for test thread_specific_ptr lock; AtomicUInt count; bool keepGoing; } testDistLockWithSkewCmd; /** * Utility command to virtually skew the clock of a mongo server a particular amount. * This skews the clock globally, per-thread skew is also possible. */ class SkewClockCommand: public Command { public: SkewClockCommand() : Command("_skewClockCommand") { } virtual void help(stringstream& help) const { help << "should not be calling this directly" << endl; } virtual bool slaveOk() const { return false; } virtual bool adminOnly() const { return true; } virtual LockType locktype() const { return NONE; } bool run(const string&, BSONObj& cmdObj, string& errmsg, BSONObjBuilder& result, bool) { long long skew = (long long) number_field(cmdObj, "skew", 0); log() << "Adjusting jsTime() clock skew to " << skew << endl; jsTimeVirtualSkew( skew ); log() << "JSTime adjusted, now is " << jsTime() << endl; return true; } } testSkewClockCommand; }