// update.h /** * Copyright (C) 2008 10gen Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "../stdafx.h" #include "jsobj.h" #include "../util/embedded_builder.h" #include "matcher.h" namespace mongo { /* Used for modifiers such as $inc, $set, ... */ struct Mod { // See opFromStr below // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 enum Op { INC, SET, PUSH, PUSH_ALL, PULL, PULL_ALL , POP, UNSET, BITAND, BITOR , BIT } op; static const char* modNames[]; static unsigned modNamesNum; const char *fieldName; const char *shortFieldName; // kind of lame; fix one day? double *ndouble; int *nint; long long *nlong; BSONElement elt; // x:5 note: this is the actual element from the updateobj int pushStartSize; boost::shared_ptr matcher; void init( Op o , BSONElement& e ){ op = o; elt = e; if ( op == PULL && e.type() == Object ) matcher.reset( new JSMatcher( e.embeddedObject() ) ); } void setFieldName( const char * s ){ fieldName = s; shortFieldName = strrchr( fieldName , '.' ); if ( shortFieldName ) shortFieldName++; else shortFieldName = fieldName; } /* [dm] why is this const? (or rather, why was setn const?) i see why but think maybe clearer if were not. */ void inc(BSONElement& n) const { uassert( 10160 , "$inc value is not a number", n.isNumber() ); if( ndouble ) *ndouble += n.numberDouble(); else if( nint ) *nint += n.numberInt(); else *nlong += n.numberLong(); } void setElementToOurNumericValue(BSONElement& e) const { BSONElementManipulator manip(e); if( e.type() == NumberLong ) manip.setLong(_getlong()); else manip.setNumber(_getn()); } double _getn() const { if( ndouble ) return *ndouble; if( nint ) return *nint; return (double) *nlong; } long long _getlong() const { if( nlong ) return *nlong; if( ndouble ) return (long long) *ndouble; return *nint; } bool operator<( const Mod &other ) const { return strcmp( fieldName, other.fieldName ) < 0; } bool arrayDep() const { switch (op){ case PUSH: case PUSH_ALL: case POP: return true; default: return false; } } bool isIndexed( const set& idxKeys ) const { // check if there is an index key that is a parent of mod for( const char *dot = strchr( fieldName, '.' ); dot; dot = strchr( dot + 1, '.' ) ) if ( idxKeys.count( string( fieldName, dot - fieldName ) ) ) return true; string fullName = fieldName; // check if there is an index key equal to mod if ( idxKeys.count(fullName) ) return true; // check if there is an index key that is a child of mod set< string >::const_iterator j = idxKeys.upper_bound( fullName ); if ( j != idxKeys.end() && j->find( fullName ) == 0 && (*j)[fullName.size()] == '.' ) return true; return false; } void apply( BSONObjBuilder& b , BSONElement in ); /** * @return true iff toMatch should be removed from the array */ bool _pullElementMatch( BSONElement& toMatch ) const; bool needOpLogRewrite() const { switch( op ){ case BIT: case BITAND: case BITOR: // TODO: should we convert this to $set? return false; default: return false; } } void appendForOpLog( BSONObjBuilder& b ) const { const char * name = modNames[op]; BSONObjBuilder bb( b.subobjStart( name ) ); bb.append( elt ); bb.done(); } }; class ModSet { typedef map ModHolder; ModHolder _mods; static void extractFields( map< string, BSONElement > &fields, const BSONElement &top, const string &base ); FieldCompareResult compare( const ModHolder::iterator &m, map< string, BSONElement >::iterator &p, const map< string, BSONElement >::iterator &pEnd ) const { bool mDone = ( m == _mods.end() ); bool pDone = ( p == pEnd ); assert( ! mDone ); assert( ! pDone ); if ( mDone && pDone ) return SAME; // If one iterator is done we want to read from the other one, so say the other one is lower. if ( mDone ) return RIGHT_BEFORE; if ( pDone ) return LEFT_BEFORE; return compareDottedFieldNames( m->first, p->first.c_str() ); } void _appendNewFromMods( const string& root , Mod& m , BSONObjBuilder& b , set& onedownseen ); void appendNewFromMod( Mod& m , BSONObjBuilder& b ){ switch ( m.op ){ case Mod::PUSH: { BSONObjBuilder arr( b.subarrayStart( m.shortFieldName ) ); arr.appendAs( m.elt, "0" ); arr.done(); m.pushStartSize = -1; break; } case Mod::PUSH_ALL: { b.appendAs( m.elt, m.shortFieldName ); m.pushStartSize = -1; break; } case Mod::UNSET: case Mod::PULL: case Mod::PULL_ALL: // no-op b/c unset/pull of nothing does nothing break; case Mod::INC: case Mod::SET: { b.appendAs( m.elt, m.shortFieldName ); break; } default: stringstream ss; ss << "unknown mod in appendNewFromMod: " << m.op; throw UserException( 9015, ss.str() ); } } bool mayAddEmbedded( map< string, BSONElement > &existing, string right ) { for( string left = EmbeddedBuilder::splitDot( right ); left.length() > 0 && left[ left.length() - 1 ] != '.'; left += "." + EmbeddedBuilder::splitDot( right ) ) { if ( existing.count( left ) > 0 && existing[ left ].type() != Object ) return false; if ( haveModForField( left.c_str() ) ) return false; } return true; } static Mod::Op opFromStr( const char *fn ) { assert( fn[0] == '$' ); switch( fn[1] ){ case 'i': { if ( fn[2] == 'n' && fn[3] == 'c' && fn[4] == 0 ) return Mod::INC; break; } case 's': { if ( fn[2] == 'e' && fn[3] == 't' && fn[4] == 0 ) return Mod::SET; break; } case 'p': { if ( fn[2] == 'u' ){ if ( fn[3] == 's' && fn[4] == 'h' ){ if ( fn[5] == 0 ) return Mod::PUSH; if ( fn[5] == 'A' && fn[6] == 'l' && fn[7] == 'l' && fn[8] == 0 ) return Mod::PUSH_ALL; } else if ( fn[3] == 'l' && fn[4] == 'l' ){ if ( fn[5] == 0 ) return Mod::PULL; if ( fn[5] == 'A' && fn[6] == 'l' && fn[7] == 'l' && fn[8] == 0 ) return Mod::PULL_ALL; } } else if ( fn[2] == 'o' && fn[3] == 'p' && fn[4] == 0 ) return Mod::POP; break; } case 'u': { if ( fn[2] == 'n' && fn[3] == 's' && fn[4] == 'e' && fn[5] == 't' && fn[6] == 0 ) return Mod::UNSET; break; } case 'b': { if ( fn[2] == 'i' && fn[3] == 't' ){ if ( fn[4] == 0 ) return Mod::BIT; if ( fn[4] == 'a' && fn[5] == 'n' && fn[6] == 'd' && fn[7] == 0 ) return Mod::BITAND; if ( fn[4] == 'o' && fn[5] == 'r' && fn[6] == 0 ) return Mod::BITOR; } break; } default: break; } uassert( 10161 , "Invalid modifier specified " + string( fn ), false ); return Mod::INC; } public: void getMods( const BSONObj &from ); /** will return if can be done in place, or uassert if there is an error @return whether or not the mods can be done in place */ bool canApplyInPlaceAndVerify( const BSONObj &obj ) const; void applyModsInPlace( const BSONObj &obj ) const; // new recursive version, will replace at some point void createNewFromMods( const string& root , BSONObjBuilder& b , const BSONObj &obj ); BSONObj createNewFromMods( const BSONObj &obj ); BSONObj createNewFromQuery( const BSONObj& query ); /** * */ int isIndexed( const set& idxKeys ) const { int numIndexes = 0; for ( ModHolder::const_iterator i = _mods.begin(); i != _mods.end(); i++ ){ if ( i->second.isIndexed( idxKeys ) ) numIndexes++; } return numIndexes; } unsigned size() const { return _mods.size(); } bool haveModForField( const char *fieldName ) const { return _mods.find( fieldName ) != _mods.end(); } bool haveConflictingMod( const string& fieldName ){ size_t idx = fieldName.find( '.' ); if ( idx == string::npos ) idx = fieldName.size(); ModHolder::const_iterator start = _mods.lower_bound(fieldName.substr(0,idx)); for ( ; start != _mods.end(); start++ ){ FieldCompareResult r = compareDottedFieldNames( fieldName , start->first ); switch ( r ){ case LEFT_SUBFIELD: return true; case LEFT_BEFORE: return false; case SAME: return true; case RIGHT_BEFORE: return false; case RIGHT_SUBFIELD: return true; } } return false; } // re-writing for oplog bool needOpLogRewrite() const { for ( ModHolder::const_iterator i = _mods.begin(); i != _mods.end(); i++ ) if ( i->second.needOpLogRewrite() ) return true; return false; } BSONObj getOpLogRewrite() const { BSONObjBuilder b; for ( ModHolder::const_iterator i = _mods.begin(); i != _mods.end(); i++ ) i->second.appendForOpLog( b ); return b.obj(); } bool haveArrayDepMod() const { for ( ModHolder::const_iterator i = _mods.begin(); i != _mods.end(); i++ ) if ( i->second.arrayDep() ) return true; return false; } void appendSizeSpecForArrayDepMods( BSONObjBuilder &b ) const { for ( ModHolder::const_iterator i = _mods.begin(); i != _mods.end(); i++ ) { const Mod& m = i->second; if ( m.arrayDep() ){ if ( m.pushStartSize == -1 ) b.appendNull( m.fieldName ); else b << m.fieldName << BSON( "$size" << m.pushStartSize ); } } } }; }