// matcher.cpp /* JSMatcher is our boolean expression evaluator for "where" clauses */ /** * Copyright (C) 2008 10gen Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "jsobj.h" #include "../util/goodies.h" #include "javajs.h" #include "../util/unittest.h" #include "storage.h" namespace mongo { #if defined(_WIN32) } // namespace mongo #include using namespace stdext; namespace mongo { typedef const char * MyStr; struct less_str { bool operator()(const MyStr & x, const MyStr & y) const { if ( strcmp(x, y) > 0) return true; return false; } }; typedef hash_map > strhashmap; #else } // namespace mongo #include namespace mongo { using namespace __gnu_cxx; typedef const char * MyStr; struct eq_str { bool operator()(const MyStr & x, const MyStr & y) const { if ( strcmp(x, y) == 0) return true; return false; } }; typedef hash_map, eq_str > strhashmap; #endif //#include "minilex.h" //MiniLex minilex; class Where { public: Where() { jsScope = 0; } ~Where() { #if !defined(NOJNI) JavaJS->scopeFree(scope); #endif if ( jsScope ) delete jsScope; scope = 0; func = 0; } jlong scope, func; BSONObj *jsScope; void setFunc(const char *code) { #if !defined(NOJNI) func = JavaJS->functionCreate( code ); #endif } }; JSMatcher::~JSMatcher() { for ( int i = 0; i < nBuilders; i++ ) delete builders[i]; delete in; delete where; } } // namespace mongo #include "pdfile.h" namespace mongo { KeyValJSMatcher::KeyValJSMatcher(const BSONObj &_jsobj, const BSONObj &indexKeyPattern) : keyMatcher_(_jsobj.filterFieldsUndotted(indexKeyPattern, true), indexKeyPattern), recordMatcher_(_jsobj.filterFieldsUndotted(indexKeyPattern, false)) { } bool KeyValJSMatcher::matches(const BSONObj &key, const DiskLoc &recLoc, bool *deep) { if ( !keyMatcher_.matches(key, deep) ) return false; if ( recordMatcher_.trivial() ) return true; return recordMatcher_.matches(recLoc.rec(), deep); } /* _jsobj - the query pattern */ JSMatcher::JSMatcher(const BSONObj &_jsobj, const BSONObj &constrainIndexKey) : in(0), where(0), jsobj(_jsobj), constrainIndexKey_(constrainIndexKey), nRegex(0) { nBuilders = 0; BSONObjIterator i(jsobj); n = 0; while ( i.more() ) { BSONElement e = i.next(); if ( e.eoo() ) break; if ( ( e.type() == CodeWScope || e.type() == Code ) && strcmp(e.fieldName(), "$where")==0 ) { // $where: function()... uassert( "$where occurs twice?", where == 0 ); where = new Where(); uassert( "$where query, but jni is disabled", JavaJS ); #if !defined(NOJNI) where->scope = JavaJS->scopeCreate(); JavaJS->scopeSetString(where->scope, "$client", database->name.c_str()); if ( e.type() == CodeWScope ) { where->setFunc( e.codeWScopeCode() ); where->jsScope = new BSONObj( e.codeWScopeScopeData() , 0 ); } else { const char *code = e.valuestr(); where->setFunc(code); } #endif continue; } if ( e.type() == RegEx ) { if ( nRegex >= 4 ) { out() << "ERROR: too many regexes in query" << endl; } else { pcrecpp::RE_Options options; options.set_utf8(true); const char *flags = e.regexFlags(); while ( flags && *flags ) { if ( *flags == 'i' ) options.set_caseless(true); else if ( *flags == 'm' ) options.set_multiline(true); else if ( *flags == 'x' ) options.set_extended(true); flags++; } RegexMatcher& rm = regexs[nRegex]; rm.re = new pcrecpp::RE(e.regex(), options); rm.fieldName = e.fieldName(); nRegex++; } continue; } // greater than / less than... // e.g., e == { a : { $gt : 3 } } // or // { a : { $in : [1,2,3] } } if ( e.type() == Object ) { // e.g., fe == { $gt : 3 } BSONObjIterator j(e.embeddedObject()); bool ok = false; while ( j.more() ) { BSONElement fe = j.next(); if ( fe.eoo() ) break; // BSONElement fe = e.embeddedObject().firstElement(); const char *fn = fe.fieldName(); /* TODO: use getGtLtOp() here. this code repeats ourself */ if ( fn[0] == '$' && fn[1] ) { if ( fn[2] == 't' ) { int op = Equality; if ( fn[1] == 'g' ) { if ( fn[3] == 0 ) op = GT; else if ( fn[3] == 'e' && fn[4] == 0 ) op = GTE; else uassert("invalid $operator", false); } else if ( fn[1] == 'l' ) { if ( fn[3] == 0 ) op = LT; else if ( fn[3] == 'e' && fn[4] == 0 ) op = LTE; else uassert("invalid $operator", false); } else uassert("invalid $operator", false); if ( op ) { uassert("too many items to match in query", nBuilders < 8); BSONObjBuilder *b = new BSONObjBuilder(); builders[nBuilders++] = b; b->appendAs(fe, e.fieldName()); addBasic(b->done().firstElement(), op); ok = true; } } else if ( fn[2] == 'e' ) { if ( fn[1] == 'n' && fn[3] == 0 ) { // $ne uassert("too many items to match in query", nBuilders < 8); BSONObjBuilder *b = new BSONObjBuilder(); builders[nBuilders++] = b; b->appendAs(fe, e.fieldName()); addBasic(b->done().firstElement(), NE); ok = true; } else uassert("invalid $operator", false); } else if ( fn[1] == 'i' && fn[2] == 'n' && fn[3] == 0 && fe.type() == Array ) { // $in uassert( "only 1 $in statement per query supported", in == 0 ); // todo... in = new set(); BSONObjIterator i(fe.embeddedObject()); if ( i.more() ) { while ( 1 ) { BSONElement ie = i.next(); if ( ie.eoo() ) break; in->insert(ie); } } addBasic(e, opIN); // e not actually used at the moment for $in ok = true; } else uassert("invalid $operator", false); } else { ok = false; break; } } if ( ok ) continue; } // normal, simple case e.g. { a : "foo" } addBasic(e, Equality); } } inline int JSMatcher::valuesMatch(const BSONElement& l, const BSONElement& r, int op) { if ( op == 0 ) return l.valuesEqual(r); if ( op == NE ) { return !l.valuesEqual(r); } if ( op == opIN ) { // { $in : [1,2,3] } int c = in->count(l); return c; } /* check LT, GTE, ... */ if ( !( l.isNumber() && r.isNumber() ) && ( l.type() != r.type() ) ) return false; int c = compareElementValues(l, r); if ( c < -1 ) c = -1; if ( c > 1 ) c = 1; int z = 1 << (c+1); return (op & z); } /* Check if a particular field matches. fieldName - field to match "a.b" if we are reaching into an embedded object. toMatch - element we want to match. obj - database object to check against compareOp - Equality, LT, GT, etc. deep - out param. set to true/false if we scanned an array isArr - Special forms: { "a.b" : 3 } means obj.a.b == 3 { a : { $lt : 3 } } means obj.a < 3 { a : { $in : [1,2] } } means [1,2].contains(obj.a) return value -1 mismatch 0 missing element 1 match */ int JSMatcher::matchesDotted(const char *fieldName, const BSONElement& toMatch, const BSONObj& obj, int compareOp, bool *deep, bool isArr) { BSONElement e; if ( !constrainIndexKey_.isEmpty() ) { e = obj.getFieldUsingIndexNames(fieldName, constrainIndexKey_); assert( !e.eoo() ); } else { const char *p = strchr(fieldName, '.'); if ( p ) { string left(fieldName, p-fieldName); BSONElement e = obj.getField(left.c_str()); if ( e.eoo() ) return 0; if ( e.type() != Object && e.type() != Array ) return -1; BSONObj eo = e.embeddedObject(); return matchesDotted(p+1, toMatch, eo, compareOp, deep, e.type() == Array); } else { e = obj.getField(fieldName); } } if ( valuesMatch(e, toMatch, compareOp) ) { return 1; } else if ( e.type() == Array ) { BSONObjIterator ai(e.embeddedObject()); while ( ai.more() ) { BSONElement z = ai.next(); if ( valuesMatch( z, toMatch, compareOp) ) { if ( deep ) *deep = true; return 1; } } } else if ( isArr ) { BSONObjIterator ai(obj); while ( ai.more() ) { BSONElement z = ai.next(); if ( z.type() == Object ) { BSONObj eo = z.embeddedObject(); int cmp = matchesDotted(fieldName, toMatch, eo, compareOp, deep); if ( cmp > 0 ) { if ( deep ) *deep = true; return 1; } } } } else if ( e.eoo() ) { // 0 indicatse "missing element" return 0; } return -1; } extern int dump; inline bool _regexMatches(RegexMatcher& rm, BSONElement& e) { char buf[64]; const char *p = buf; if ( e.type() == String || e.type() == Symbol ) p = e.valuestr(); else if ( e.isNumber() ) { sprintf(buf, "%f", e.number()); } else if ( e.type() == Date ) { unsigned long long d = e.date(); time_t t = (d/1000); time_t_to_String(t, buf); } else return false; return rm.re->PartialMatch(p); } /* todo: internal dotted notation scans -- not done yet here. */ inline bool regexMatches(RegexMatcher& rm, BSONElement& e, bool *deep) { if ( e.type() != Array ) return _regexMatches(rm, e); BSONObjIterator ai(e.embeddedObject()); while ( ai.more() ) { BSONElement z = ai.next(); if ( _regexMatches(rm, z) ) { if ( deep ) *deep = true; return true; } } return false; } /* See if an object matches the query. deep - return true when means we looked into arrays for a match */ bool JSMatcher::matches(const BSONObj& jsobj, bool *deep) { if ( deep ) *deep = false; /* assuming there is usually only one thing to match. if more this could be slow sometimes. */ // check normal non-regex cases: for ( int i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { BasicMatcher& bm = basics[i]; BSONElement& m = bm.toMatch; // -1=mismatch. 0=missing element. 1=match int cmp = matchesDotted(m.fieldName(), m, jsobj, bm.compareOp, deep); if ( cmp < 0 ) return false; if ( cmp == 0 ) { /* missing is ok iff we were looking for null */ if ( m.type() == jstNULL || m.type() == Undefined ) { if ( bm.compareOp == NE ) { return false; } } else { return false; } } } for ( int r = 0; r < nRegex; r++ ) { RegexMatcher& rm = regexs[r]; BSONElement e; if ( !constrainIndexKey_.isEmpty() ) e = jsobj.getFieldUsingIndexNames(rm.fieldName, constrainIndexKey_); else e = jsobj.getFieldDotted(rm.fieldName); if ( e.eoo() ) return false; if ( !regexMatches(rm, e, deep) ) return false; } if ( where ) { if ( where->func == 0 ) { uassert("$where compile error", false); return false; // didn't compile } #if !defined(NOJNI) /**if( 1 || jsobj.objsize() < 200 || where->fullObject ) */ { if ( where->jsScope ) { JavaJS->scopeInit( where->scope , where->jsScope ); } JavaJS->scopeSetThis( where->scope, const_cast< BSONObj * >( &jsobj ) ); JavaJS->scopeSetObject( where->scope, "obj", const_cast< BSONObj * >( &jsobj ) ); } /*else { BSONObjBuilder b; where->buildSubset(jsobj, b); BSONObj temp = b.done(); JavaJS->scopeSetObject(where->scope, "obj", &temp); }*/ if ( JavaJS->invoke(where->scope, where->func) ) { uassert("error in invocation of $where function", false); return false; } return JavaJS->scopeGetBoolean(where->scope, "return") != 0; #else return false; #endif } return true; } struct JSObj1 js1; #pragma pack(1) struct JSObj2 { JSObj2() { totsize=sizeof(JSObj2); s = String; strcpy_s(sname, 7, "abcdef"); slen = 10; strcpy_s(sval, 10, "123456789"); eoo = EOO; } unsigned totsize; char s; char sname[7]; unsigned slen; char sval[10]; char eoo; } js2; struct JSUnitTest : public UnitTest { void run() { BSONObj j1((const char *) &js1); BSONObj j2((const char *) &js2); JSMatcher m(j2); assert( m.matches(j1) ); js2.sval[0] = 'z'; assert( !m.matches(j1) ); JSMatcher n(j1); assert( n.matches(j1) ); assert( !n.matches(j2) ); BSONObj j0 = BSONObj(); // BSONObj j0((const char *) &js0); JSMatcher p(j0); assert( p.matches(j1) ); assert( p.matches(j2) ); } } jsunittest; #pragma pack() struct RXTest : public UnitTest { RXTest() { } void run() { /* static const boost::regex e("(\\d{4}[- ]){3}\\d{4}"); static const boost::regex b("....."); out() << "regex result: " << regex_match("hello", e) << endl; out() << "regex result: " << regex_match("abcoo", b) << endl; */ pcrecpp::RE re1(")({a}h.*o"); pcrecpp::RE re("h.llo"); assert( re.FullMatch("hello") ); assert( !re1.FullMatch("hello") ); pcrecpp::RE_Options options; options.set_utf8(true); pcrecpp::RE part("dwi", options); assert( part.PartialMatch("dwight") ); } } rxtest; } // namespace mongo