# Merging ## Merging into master ### Standard Merge If you have some changes locally that you want to merge into the mongodb repo, you must create a [pull request](https://docs.github.com/en/pull-requests/collaborating-with-pull-requests/proposing-changes-to-your-work-with-pull-requests/creating-a-pull-request?tool=webui#creating-the-pull-request). Once the pull request is created you must get approval from an [owner](owners_format.md) of the files changed. If the files changed have no owner then you must get approval from one other engineer. Once you have gotten approval you will see a green merge button which, when pressed, will merge your code. ### Override If you have changes that fall into one of the following categories you can get an override to merge your PR. 1. [standard merge](#Standard-Merge) is currently broken and you are making a change to fix [standard merge](#Standard-Merge). 2. You are reverting a change that has caused a failure in mainline. 3. You are making a large scale change. For example, renaming a prolific typo in the codebase, applying formatting, applying a generated fix, etc... To get an override you must get approval from any module owner or a member of 10gen/mongo-break-glass (module owners should be members of 10gen/mongo-break-glass). Once you have the approvals needed, the person providing the override must wait to a merge queue patch pass with the changes and a base merged within 8 hours (should be verified by the overrider). The overrider will then click the checkbox and the red "Merge pull request" button.![override_image](override_image.png) This will skip the merge queue and force all merges in the queue to restart since the base was updated. ## Merging into an older branch (backports) TODO: in the interim please see the wiki for details