// @file oid.cpp /* Copyright 2009 10gen Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "pch.h" #include "oid.h" #include "util/atomic_int.h" #include "../db/nonce.h" BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT( sizeof(mongo::OID) == 12 ); namespace mongo { // machine # before folding in the process id OID::MachineAndPid OID::ourMachine; unsigned OID::ourPid() { unsigned pid; #if defined(_WIN32) pid = (unsigned short) GetCurrentProcessId(); #elif defined(__linux__) pid = (unsigned short) getpid(); #else pid = (unsigned short) security.getNonce(); #endif return pid; } void OID::foldInPid(OID::MachineAndPid& x) { unsigned p = ourPid(); x._pid ^= (unsigned short) p; // when the pid is greater than 16 bits, let the high bits modulate the machine id field. unsigned short& rest = (unsigned short &) x._machineNumber[1]; rest ^= p >> 16; } OID::MachineAndPid OID::genMachineAndPid() { BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT( sizeof(mongo::OID::MachineAndPid) == 5 ); // this is not called often, so the following is not expensive, and gives us some // testing that nonce generation is working right and that our OIDs are (perhaps) ok. { nonce a = security.getNonce(); nonce b = security.getNonce(); nonce c = security.getNonce(); assert( !(a==b && b==c) ); } unsigned long long n = security.getNonce(); OID::MachineAndPid x = ourMachine = (OID::MachineAndPid&) n; foldInPid(x); return x; } // after folding in the process id OID::MachineAndPid OID::ourMachineAndPid = OID::genMachineAndPid(); void OID::regenMachineId() { ourMachineAndPid = genMachineAndPid(); } inline bool OID::MachineAndPid::operator!=(const OID::MachineAndPid& rhs) const { return _pid != rhs._pid || _machineNumber != rhs._machineNumber; } unsigned OID::getMachineId() { unsigned char x[4]; x[0] = ourMachineAndPid._machineNumber[0]; x[1] = ourMachineAndPid._machineNumber[1]; x[2] = ourMachineAndPid._machineNumber[2]; x[3] = 0; return (unsigned&) x[0]; } void OID::justForked() { MachineAndPid x = ourMachine; // we let the random # for machine go into all 5 bytes of MachineAndPid, and then // xor in the pid into _pid. this reduces the probability of collisions. foldInPid(x); ourMachineAndPid = genMachineAndPid(); assert( x != ourMachineAndPid ); ourMachineAndPid = x; } void OID::init() { static AtomicUInt inc = (unsigned) security.getNonce(); { unsigned t = (unsigned) time(0); unsigned char *T = (unsigned char *) &t; _time[0] = T[3]; // big endian order because we use memcmp() to compare OID's _time[1] = T[2]; _time[2] = T[1]; _time[3] = T[0]; } _machineAndPid = ourMachineAndPid; { int new_inc = inc++; unsigned char *T = (unsigned char *) &new_inc; _inc[0] = T[2]; _inc[1] = T[1]; _inc[2] = T[0]; } } void OID::init( string s ) { assert( s.size() == 24 ); const char *p = s.c_str(); for( int i = 0; i < 12; i++ ) { data[i] = fromHex(p); p += 2; } } void OID::init(Date_t date, bool max) { int time = (int) (date / 1000); char* T = (char *) &time; data[0] = T[3]; data[1] = T[2]; data[2] = T[1]; data[3] = T[0]; if (max) *(long long*)(data + 4) = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFll; else *(long long*)(data + 4) = 0x0000000000000000ll; } time_t OID::asTimeT() { int time; char* T = (char *) &time; T[0] = data[3]; T[1] = data[2]; T[2] = data[1]; T[3] = data[0]; return time; } }