mirror of
synced 2024-12-01 09:32:32 +01:00
First cut of query and update using new qo
This commit is contained in:
@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
#include "storage.h"
#include "jsobj.h"
#include "namespace.h"
#include "../util/message.h"
namespace mongo {
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
#include "security.h"
#include "curop.h"
#include "commands.h"
#include "queryoptimizer.h"
namespace mongo {
@ -933,4 +934,513 @@ namespace mongo {
return qr;
class CountOp : public QueryOp {
CountOp( const BSONObj &spec ) : spec_( spec ), count_() {}
virtual void run( const QueryPlan &qp, const QueryAborter &qa ) {
BSONObj query = spec_.getObjectField("query");
set< string > fields;
spec_.getObjectField("fields").getFieldNames( fields );
auto_ptr<Cursor> c = qp.newCursor();
// TODO We could check if all fields in the key are in 'fields'
if ( qp.exactKeyMatch() && fields.empty() ) {
/* Here we only look at the btree keys to determine if a match, instead of looking
into the records, which would be much slower.
BtreeCursor *bc = dynamic_cast<BtreeCursor *>(c.get());
if ( c->ok() && !query.woCompare( bc->currKeyNode().key, BSONObj(), false ) ) {
BSONObj firstMatch = bc->currKeyNode().key;
while ( c->advance() ) {
if ( !firstMatch.woEqual( bc->currKeyNode().key ) )
auto_ptr<JSMatcher> matcher(new JSMatcher(query, c->indexKeyPattern()));
while ( c->ok() ) {
BSONObj js = c->current();
bool deep;
if ( !matcher->matches(js, &deep) ) {
else if ( !deep || !c->getsetdup(c->currLoc()) ) { // i.e., check for dups on deep items only
bool match = true;
for( set< string >::iterator i = fields.begin(); i != fields.end(); ++i ) {
if ( js.getFieldDotted( i->c_str() ).eoo() ) {
match = false;
if ( match )
virtual QueryOp *clone() const {
return new CountOp( *this );
int count() const { return count_; }
BSONObj spec_;
int count_;
int doCount( const char *ns, const BSONObj &cmd, string &err ) {
BSONObj query = cmd.getObjectField("query");
BSONObj fields = cmd.getObjectField("fields");
// count of all objects
if ( query.isEmpty() && fields.isEmpty() ) {
NamespaceDetails *d = nsdetails( ns );
massert( "ns missing", d );
return d->nrecords;
QueryPlanSet qps( ns, query, emptyObj );
auto_ptr< CountOp > original( new CountOp( cmd ) );
shared_ptr< CountOp > res = qps.runOp( *original );
return res->count();
class DoQueryOp : public QueryOp {
DoQueryOp( int ntoskip, int ntoreturn, const BSONObj &order, bool wantMore,
bool explain, set< string > &filter, int queryOptions ) :
b_( 32768 ),
ntoskip_( ntoskip ),
ntoreturn_( ntoreturn ),
order_( order ),
wantMore_( wantMore ),
explain_( explain ),
filter_( filter ),
queryOptions_( queryOptions ),
soSize_() {}
virtual void run( const QueryPlan &qp, const QueryAborter &qa ) {
b_.skip( sizeof( QueryResult ) );
auto_ptr< Cursor > c = qp.newCursor();
auto_ptr<ScanAndOrder> so;
auto_ptr<JSMatcher> matcher(new JSMatcher(qp.query(), c->indexKeyPattern()));
if ( qp.scanAndOrderRequired() ) {
ordering_ = true;
so = auto_ptr<ScanAndOrder>(new ScanAndOrder(ntoskip_, ntoreturn_,order_));
wantMore_ = false;
// scanAndOrder(b, c.get(), order, ntoreturn);
bool saveCursor = false;
while ( c->ok() ) {
BSONObj js = c->current();
bool deep;
if ( !matcher->matches(js, &deep) ) {
else if ( !deep || !c->getsetdup(c->currLoc()) ) { // i.e., check for dups on deep items only
// got a match.
assert( js.objsize() >= 0 ); //defensive for segfaults
if ( ordering_ ) {
// note: no cursors for non-indexed, ordered results. results must be fairly small.
else if ( ntoskip_ > 0 ) {
} else {
if ( explain_ ) {
if ( n_ >= ntoreturn_ && !wantMore_ )
break; // .limit() was used, show just that much.
else {
bool ok = fillQueryResultFromObj(b_, &filter_, js);
if ( ok ) n_++;
if ( ok ) {
if ( (ntoreturn_>0 && (n_ >= ntoreturn_ || b_.len() > MaxBytesToReturnToClientAtOnce)) ||
(ntoreturn_==0 && (b_.len()>1*1024*1024 || n_>=101)) ) {
/* if ntoreturn is zero, we return up to 101 objects. on the subsequent getmore, there
is only a size limit. The idea is that on a find() where one doesn't use much results,
we don't return much, but once getmore kicks in, we start pushing significant quantities.
The n limit (vs. size) is important when someone fetches only one small field from big
objects, which causes massive scanning server-side.
/* if only 1 requested, no cursor saved for efficiency...we assume it is findOne() */
if ( wantMore_ && ntoreturn_ != 1 ) {
if ( useCursors ) {
if ( c->ok() ) {
// more...so save a cursor
saveCursor = true;
} // end while
if ( explain_ ) {
soSize_ = so->size();
} else if ( ordering_ ) {
// TODO Allow operation to abort during fill.
so->fill(b_, &filter_, n_);
else if ( !saveCursor && (queryOptions_ & Option_CursorTailable) && c->tailable() ) {
saveCursor = true;
if ( saveCursor ) {
c_ = c;
matcher_ = matcher;
virtual QueryOp *clone() const {
return new DoQueryOp( ntoskip_, ntoreturn_, order_, wantMore_, explain_, filter_, queryOptions_ );
BufBuilder &builder() { return b_; }
bool scanAndOrderRequired() const { return ordering_; }
auto_ptr< Cursor > cursor() { return c_; }
auto_ptr< JSMatcher > matcher() { return matcher_; }
int n() const { return n_; }
int soSize() const { return soSize_; }
BufBuilder b_;
int ntoskip_;
int ntoreturn_;
BSONObj order_;
bool wantMore_;
bool explain_;
set< string > &filter_;
bool ordering_;
auto_ptr< Cursor > c_;
int nscanned_;
int queryOptions_;
auto_ptr< JSMatcher > matcher_;
int n_;
int soSize_;
auto_ptr< QueryResult > doQuery(Message& m, stringstream& ss ) {
DbMessage d( m );
QueryMessage q( d );
const char *ns = q.ns;
int ntoskip = q.ntoskip;
int _ntoreturn = q.ntoreturn;
BSONObj jsobj = q.query;
auto_ptr< set< string > > filter = q.fields;
int queryOptions = q.queryOptions;
Timer t;
log(2) << "runQuery: " << ns << jsobj << endl;
int nscanned = 0;
bool wantMore = true;
int ntoreturn = _ntoreturn;
if ( _ntoreturn < 0 ) {
/* _ntoreturn greater than zero is simply a hint on how many objects to send back per
"cursor batch".
A negative number indicates a hard limit.
ntoreturn = -_ntoreturn;
wantMore = false;
ss << "query " << ns << " ntoreturn:" << ntoreturn;
string s = jsobj.toString();
strncpy(currentOp.query, s.c_str(), sizeof(currentOp.query)-1);
BufBuilder bb;
BSONObjBuilder cmdResBuf;
long long cursorid = 0;
auto_ptr< QueryResult > qr;
int n = 0;
/* we assume you are using findOne() for running a cmd... */
if ( ntoreturn == 1 && runCommands(ns, jsobj, ss, bb, cmdResBuf, false, queryOptions) ) {
n = 1;
qr.reset( (QueryResult *) bb.buf() );
qr->resultFlags() = 0;
qr->len = bb.len();
ss << " reslen:" << bb.len();
// qr->channel = 0;
qr->cursorId = cursorid;
qr->startingFrom = 0;
qr->nReturned = n;
else {
AuthenticationInfo *ai = authInfo.get();
uassert("unauthorized", ai->isAuthorized(database->name.c_str()));
uassert("not master", isMaster() || (queryOptions & Option_SlaveOk));
BSONElement hint;
bool explain = false;
bool _gotquery = false;
BSONObj query;// = jsobj.getObjectField("query");
BSONElement e = jsobj.findElement("query");
if ( !e.eoo() && (e.type() == Object || e.type() == Array) ) {
query = e.embeddedObject();
_gotquery = true;
BSONObj order;
BSONElement e = jsobj.findElement("orderby");
if ( !e.eoo() ) {
order = e.embeddedObjectUserCheck();
if ( e.type() == Array )
order = transformOrderFromArrayFormat(order);
if ( !_gotquery && order.isEmpty() )
query = jsobj;
else {
explain = jsobj.getBoolField("$explain");
hint = jsobj.getField("$hint");
/* The ElemIter will not be happy if this isn't really an object. So throw exception
here when that is true.
(Which may indicate bad data from appserver?)
if ( query.objsize() == 0 ) {
out() << "Bad query object?\n jsobj:";
out() << jsobj.toString() << "\n query:";
out() << query.toString() << endl;
uassert("bad query object", false);
QueryPlanSet qps( ns, query, order );
auto_ptr< DoQueryOp > original( new DoQueryOp( ntoskip, ntoreturn, order, wantMore, explain, *filter, queryOptions ) );
shared_ptr< DoQueryOp > o = qps.runOp( *original );
DoQueryOp &dqo = *o;
n = dqo.n();
if ( dqo.scanAndOrderRequired() )
ss << " scanAndOrder ";
auto_ptr< Cursor > c = dqo.cursor();
if ( c.get() ) {
ClientCursor *cc = new ClientCursor();
cc->c = c;
cursorid = cc->cursorid;
DEV out() << " query has more, cursorid: " << cursorid << endl;
cc->matcher = dqo.matcher();
cc->ns = ns;
cc->pos = n;
cc->filter = filter;
cc->originalMessage = m;
if ( c->tailing() )
DEV out() << " query has no more but tailable, cursorid: " << cursorid << endl;
DEV out() << " query has more, cursorid: " << cursorid << endl;
if ( explain ) {
BSONObjBuilder builder;
builder.append("cursor", c->toString());
builder.append("startKey", c->prettyStartKey());
builder.append("endKey", c->prettyEndKey());
builder.append("nscanned", nscanned);
builder.append("n", dqo.scanAndOrderRequired() ? dqo.soSize() : n);
if ( dqo.scanAndOrderRequired() )
builder.append("scanAndOrder", true);
builder.append("millis", t.millis());
BSONObj obj = builder.done();
fillQueryResultFromObj(dqo.builder(), 0, obj);
n = 1;
qr.reset( (QueryResult *) dqo.builder().buf() );
qr->cursorId = cursorid;
qr->resultFlags() = 0;
qr->len = dqo.builder().len();
ss << " reslen:" << qr->len;
qr->startingFrom = 0;
qr->nReturned = n;
int duration = t.millis();
if ( (database && database->profile) || duration >= 100 ) {
ss << " nscanned:" << nscanned << ' ';
if ( ntoskip )
ss << " ntoskip:" << ntoskip;
if ( database && database->profile )
ss << " \nquery: ";
ss << jsobj << ' ';
ss << " nreturned:" << n;
return qr;
class UpdateOp : public QueryOp {
UpdateOp() : nscanned_() {}
virtual void run( const QueryPlan &qp, const QueryAborter &qa ) {
BSONObj pattern = qp.query();
c_ = qp.newCursor();
if ( c_->ok() ) {
JSMatcher matcher(pattern, c_->indexKeyPattern());
do {
Record *r = c_->_current();
BSONObj js(r);
if ( matcher.matches(js) )
} while( c_->ok() );
virtual QueryOp *clone() const {
return new UpdateOp();
auto_ptr< Cursor > c() { return c_; }
int nscanned() const { return nscanned_; }
auto_ptr< Cursor > c_;
int nscanned_;
int __doUpdateObjects(const char *ns, BSONObj updateobj, BSONObj &pattern, bool upsert, stringstream& ss, bool logop=false) {
int profile = database->profile;
if ( strstr(ns, ".system.") ) {
if( strstr(ns, ".system.users") )
else {
out() << "\nERROR: attempt to update in system namespace " << ns << endl;
ss << " can't update system namespace ";
return 0;
QueryPlanSet qps( ns, pattern, emptyObj );
auto_ptr< UpdateOp > original( new UpdateOp() );
shared_ptr< UpdateOp > u = qps.runOp( *original );
auto_ptr< Cursor > c = u->c();
if ( c->ok() ) {
Record *r = c->_current();
BSONObj js(r);
if ( logop ) {
BSONObjBuilder idPattern;
BSONElement id;
// NOTE: If the matching object lacks an id, we'll log
// with the original pattern. This isn't replay-safe.
// It might make sense to suppress the log instead
// if there's no id.
if ( js.getObjectID( id ) ) {
idPattern.append( id );
pattern = idPattern.obj();
/* note: we only update one row and quit. if you do multiple later,
be careful or multikeys in arrays could break things badly. best
to only allow updating a single row with a multikey lookup.
if ( profile )
ss << " nscanned:" << u->nscanned();
/* look for $inc etc. note as listed here, all fields to inc must be this type, you can't set some
regular ones at the moment. */
const char *firstField = updateobj.firstElement().fieldName();
if ( firstField[0] == '$' ) {
vector<Mod> mods;
Mod::getMods(mods, updateobj);
NamespaceDetailsTransient& ndt = NamespaceDetailsTransient::get(ns);
set<string>& idxKeys = ndt.indexKeys();
for ( vector<Mod>::iterator i = mods.begin(); i != mods.end(); i++ ) {
if ( idxKeys.count(i->fieldName) ) {
uassert("can't $inc/$set an indexed field", false);
Mod::applyMods(mods, c->currLoc().obj());
if ( profile )
ss << " fastmod ";
if ( logop ) {
if ( mods.size() ) {
logOp("u", ns, updateobj, &pattern, &upsert);
return 5;
return 2;
} else {
checkNoMods( updateobj );
theDataFileMgr.update(ns, r, c->currLoc(), updateobj.objdata(), updateobj.objsize(), ss);
return 1;
if ( profile )
ss << " nscanned:" << u->nscanned();
if ( upsert ) {
if ( updateobj.firstElement().fieldName()[0] == '$' ) {
/* upsert of an $inc. build a default */
vector<Mod> mods;
Mod::getMods(mods, updateobj);
BSONObjBuilder b;
BSONObjIterator i( pattern );
while( i.more() ) {
BSONElement e = i.next();
if ( e.eoo() )
// Presumably the number of mods is small, so this loop isn't too expensive.
for( vector<Mod>::iterator i = mods.begin(); i != mods.end(); ++i ) {
if ( strcmp( e.fieldName(), i->fieldName ) == 0 )
b.append( e );
for ( vector<Mod>::iterator i = mods.begin(); i != mods.end(); i++ )
b.append(i->fieldName, i->getn());
BSONObj obj = b.done();
theDataFileMgr.insert(ns, obj);
if ( profile )
ss << " fastmodinsert ";
if ( logop )
logOp( "i", ns, obj );
return 3;
if ( profile )
ss << " upsert ";
theDataFileMgr.insert(ns, updateobj);
if ( logop )
logOp( "i", ns, updateobj );
return 4;
return 0;
} // namespace mongo
@ -87,6 +87,10 @@ namespace mongo {
int runCount(const char *ns, BSONObj& cmd, string& err);
// Using new query optimizer:
int doCount( const char *ns, const BSONObj &cmd, string &err );
auto_ptr< QueryResult > doQuery(Message& m, stringstream& ss );
} // namespace mongo
#include "clientcursor.h"
@ -309,80 +309,6 @@ namespace mongo {
return shared_ptr< QueryOp >();
class CountOp : public QueryOp {
CountOp( const BSONObj &spec ) : spec_( spec ), count_() {}
virtual void run( const QueryPlan &qp, QueryAborter &qa ) {
BSONObj query = spec_.getObjectField("query");
set< string > fields;
spec_.getObjectField("fields").getFieldNames( fields );
auto_ptr<Cursor> c = qp.newCursor();
// TODO We could check if all fields in the key are in 'fields'
if ( qp.exactKeyMatch() && fields.empty() ) {
/* Here we only look at the btree keys to determine if a match, instead of looking
into the records, which would be much slower.
BtreeCursor *bc = dynamic_cast<BtreeCursor *>(c.get());
if ( c->ok() && !query.woCompare( bc->currKeyNode().key, BSONObj(), false ) ) {
BSONObj firstMatch = bc->currKeyNode().key;
while ( c->advance() ) {
if ( !firstMatch.woEqual( bc->currKeyNode().key ) )
auto_ptr<JSMatcher> matcher(new JSMatcher(query, c->indexKeyPattern()));
while ( c->ok() ) {
BSONObj js = c->current();
bool deep;
if ( !matcher->matches(js, &deep) ) {
else if ( !deep || !c->getsetdup(c->currLoc()) ) { // i.e., check for dups on deep items only
bool match = true;
for( set< string >::iterator i = fields.begin(); i != fields.end(); ++i ) {
if ( js.getFieldDotted( i->c_str() ).eoo() ) {
match = false;
if ( match )
virtual QueryOp *clone() const {
return new CountOp( *this );
int count() const { return count_; }
BSONObj spec_;
int count_;
int doCount( const char *ns, const BSONObj &cmd, string &err ) {
BSONObj query = cmd.getObjectField("query");
BSONObj fields = cmd.getObjectField("fields");
// count of all objects
if ( query.isEmpty() && fields.isEmpty() ) {
NamespaceDetails *d = nsdetails( ns );
massert( "ns missing", d );
return d->nrecords;
QueryPlanSet qps( ns, query, emptyObj );
auto_ptr< QueryOp > original( new CountOp( cmd ) );
shared_ptr< QueryOp > o = qps.runOp( *original );
return dynamic_cast< CountOp* >( o.get() )->count();
// QueryPlan QueryOptimizer::getPlan(
// const char *ns,
@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ namespace mongo {
return count;
const char *ns() const { return ns_; }
BSONObj query() const { return query_; }
static FieldBound *trivialBound_;
static FieldBound &trivialBound();
@ -95,6 +96,7 @@ namespace mongo {
auto_ptr< Cursor > newCursor() const;
BSONObj indexKey() const;
const char *ns() const { return fbs_.ns(); }
BSONObj query() const { return fbs_.query(); }
const FieldBoundSet &fbs_;
const BSONObj &order_;
@ -110,25 +112,33 @@ namespace mongo {
class QueryAborter {
QueryAborter( bool &firstDone ) :
QueryAborter( const bool &firstDone ) :
firstDone_( firstDone ){}
class AbortException : public std::exception {
void mayAbort() {
void mayAbort() const {
if ( firstDone_ )
throw AbortException();
bool &firstDone_;
const bool &firstDone_;
// Inherit from this interface to implement a new query operation.
class QueryOp {
QueryOp() : done_() {}
virtual ~QueryOp() {}
virtual void run( const QueryPlan &qp, QueryAborter &qa ) = 0;
// Called by the runner, to execute this query operation using the
// given query plan. The implementation should call qa.mayAbort()
// periodically in order to abort if the operation on another query
// plan is complete.
virtual void run( const QueryPlan &qp, const QueryAborter &qa ) = 0;
// Return a copy of the inheriting class, which will be run with its own
// query plan.
virtual QueryOp *clone() const = 0;
bool done() const { return done_; }
// To be called by the runner only.
void setDone() { done_ = true; }
bool done_;
@ -139,6 +149,10 @@ namespace mongo {
QueryPlanSet( const char *ns, const BSONObj &query, const BSONObj &order, const BSONElement *hint = 0 );
int nPlans() const { return plans_.size(); }
shared_ptr< QueryOp > runOp( QueryOp &op );
template< class T >
shared_ptr< T > runOp( T &op ) {
return dynamic_pointer_cast< T >( runOp( static_cast< QueryOp& >( op ) ) );
struct RunnerSet {
RunnerSet( QueryPlanSet &plans, QueryOp &op );
@ -173,8 +187,6 @@ namespace mongo {
PlanSet plans_;
int doCount( const char *ns, const BSONObj &cmd, string &err );
// class QueryOptimizer {
// public:
// static QueryPlan getPlan(
@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
#include "../db/db.h"
#include "../db/dbhelpers.h"
#include "../db/instance.h"
#include "../db/query.h"
#include "dbtests.h"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user