mirror of
synced 2024-12-01 09:32:32 +01:00
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This commit is contained in:
@ -110,65 +110,6 @@ namespace mongo {
return _manager->getShardKey().extractKey( end );
BSONObj Chunk::pickSplitPoint_DEPRECATED( const vector<BSONObj> * possibleSplitPoints ) const {
// check to see if we're at the edge of the key range
// if so, split on the edge for sequential insertion efficienc
if ( minIsInf() )
return _getExtremeKey( 1 );
if ( maxIsInf() )
return _getExtremeKey( -1 );
// we're not at an edge, so use the hint if we have one
if ( possibleSplitPoints && possibleSplitPoints->size() )
return possibleSplitPoints->at(0);
// no edge, no hint, so find the median of the range
BSONObj cmd = BSON( "medianKey" << _manager->getns()
<< "keyPattern" << _manager->getShardKey().key()
<< "min" << getMin()
<< "max" << getMax() );
ScopedDbConnection conn( getShard().getConnString() );
BSONObj result;
if ( ! conn->runCommand( "admin" , cmd , result ) ){
stringstream ss;
ss << "medianKey command failed: " << result;
uassert( 10164 , ss.str() , 0 );
BSONObj median = result.getObjectField( "median" ).getOwned();
if ( median == getMin() ) {
// if the median is the same as the min
// we don't want to split on the median,
// but the maximum real value
// otherwise we'll never be able to split up a chunk with lots of key dups
Query q;
median = conn->findOne(_manager->getns(), q);
median = _manager->getShardKey().extractKey( median );
// sanity check median - purely defensive
if ( median < getMin() || median >= getMax() ){
stringstream ss;
ss << "medianKey returned value out of range. "
<< " cmd: " << cmd
<< " result: " << result;
uasserted( 13394 , ss.str() );
return median;
void Chunk::pickMedianKey( BSONObj& medianKey ) const {
// Ask the mongod holding this chunk to figure out the split points.
ScopedDbConnection conn( getShard().getConnString() );
@ -224,12 +165,6 @@ namespace mongo {
ChunkPtr Chunk::split_DEPRECATED(){
vector<BSONObj> splitPoints;
splitPoints.push_back( pickSplitPoint_DEPRECATED() );
return multiSplit( splitPoints );
ChunkPtr Chunk::singleSplit( bool force ){
vector<BSONObj> splitPoint;
@ -283,7 +218,6 @@ namespace mongo {
return ChunkPtr();
//return multiSplit_DEPRECATED( splitPoint );
return multiSplit( splitPoint );
@ -334,128 +268,6 @@ namespace mongo {
return _manager->findChunk( m[0] );
ChunkPtr Chunk::multiSplit_DEPRECATED( const vector<BSONObj>& m ){
dist_lock_try dlk( &_manager->_nsLock , string("split-") + toString() );
uassert( 10166 , "locking namespace failed" , dlk.got() );
// const size_t maxSplitPoints = 256;
// uassert( 99910165 , "can't split as shard doesn't have a manager" , _manager );
// uassert( 99913332 , "need a split key to split chunk" , !m.empty() );
// uassert( 99913333 , "can't split a chunk in that many parts", m.size() < maxSplitPoints );
// uassert( 99913003 , "can't split a chunk with only one distinct value" , _min.woCompare(_max) );
ShardChunkVersion onServer = getVersionOnConfigServer();
ShardChunkVersion mine = _lastmod;
if ( onServer > mine ){
stringstream ss;
ss << "mulitSplit failing because config not up to date"
<< " onServer: " << onServer.toString()
<< " mine: " << mine.toString();
//reload config
grid.getDBConfig(_manager->_ns)->getChunkManager(_manager->_ns, true);
uasserted( 13387 , ss.str() );
// Now that we're sure to have the freshest data about the shard, sanity check the split
// keys. Recall we get the split keys without any lock. It is possible that another split
// started in front of us and made the split vector used here invalid.
if ( ( _min.woCompare( m.front() ) > 0 ) || ( _max.woCompare( m.back() ) <= 0 ) ){
stringstream ss;
ss << "attempt to split on stale range (other split got through first?)"
<< " min / max on split request: " << m.front() << " / " << m.back()
<< " min / max on shard: " << _min << " / " << _max;
uasserted( 13442 , ss.str() );
BSONObjBuilder detail;
appendShortVersion( "before" , detail );
log(1) << "before split on " << m.size() << " points " << toString() << endl;
// Iterate over the split points in 'm', splitting off a new chunk per entry. That chunk's range
// covers until the next entry in 'm' or _max .
vector<ChunkPtr> newChunks;
vector<BSONObj>::const_iterator i = m.begin();
BSONObj nextPoint = i->getOwned();
_modified = true;
do {
BSONObj splitPoint = nextPoint;
log(4) << "splitPoint: " << splitPoint << endl;
nextPoint = (++i != m.end()) ? i->getOwned() : _max.getOwned();
log(4) << "nextPoint: " << nextPoint << endl;
if ( nextPoint <= splitPoint) {
stringstream ss;
ss << "multiSplit failing because keys min: " << splitPoint << " and max: " << nextPoint
<< " do not define a valid chunk";
uasserted( 13395, ss.str() );
ChunkPtr c( new Chunk( _manager, splitPoint , nextPoint , _shard) );
c->_modified = true;
newChunks.push_back( c );
} while ( i != m.end() );
// Have the chunk manager reflect the key change for the first chunk and create an entry for every
// new chunk spawned by it.
rwlock lk( _manager->_lock , true );
DEV assert( shared_from_this() );
_manager->_chunkMap[_max] = shared_from_this();
for ( vector<ChunkPtr>::const_iterator it = newChunks.begin(); it != newChunks.end(); ++it ){
ChunkPtr s = *it;
_manager->_chunkMap[s->getMax()] = s;
log(1) << "after split adjusted range: " << toString() << endl;
for ( vector<ChunkPtr>::const_iterator it = newChunks.begin(); it != newChunks.end(); ++it ){
ChunkPtr s = *it;
log(1) << "after split created new chunk: " << s->toString() << endl;
// Save the new key boundaries in the configDB.
_manager->save( false /* does not inc 'major', ie no moves, in ShardChunkVersion control */);
// Log all these changes in the configDB's log. We log a single split differently than a multi-split.
if ( newChunks.size() == 1) {
appendShortVersion( "left" , detail );
newChunks[0]->appendShortVersion( "right" , detail );
configServer.logChange( "split" , _manager->getns(), detail.obj() );
} else {
BSONObj beforeDetailObj = detail.obj();
BSONObj firstDetailObj = beforeDetailObj.getOwned();
const int newChunksSize = newChunks.size();
BSONObjBuilder firstDetail;
firstDetail.appendElements( beforeDetailObj );
firstDetail.append( "number" , 0 );
firstDetail.append( "of" , newChunksSize );
appendShortVersion( "chunk" , firstDetail );
configServer.logChange( "multi-split" , _manager->getns() , firstDetail.obj() );
for ( int i=0; i < newChunksSize; i++ ){
BSONObjBuilder chunkDetail;
chunkDetail.appendElements( beforeDetailObj );
chunkDetail.append( "number", i+1 );
chunkDetail.append( "of" , newChunksSize );
newChunks[i]->appendShortVersion( "chunk" , chunkDetail );
configServer.logChange( "multi-split" , _manager->getns() , chunkDetail.obj() );
return newChunks[0];
bool Chunk::moveAndCommit( const Shard& to , BSONObj& res ){
uassert( 10167 , "can't move shard to its current location!" , getShard() != to );
@ -96,13 +96,6 @@ namespace mongo {
// split support
* @param a vector of possible split points
* used as a hint only
BSONObj pickSplitPoint_DEPRECATED( const vector<BSONObj> * possibleSplitPoints = 0 ) const;
ChunkPtr split_DEPRECATED();
* if the amount of data written nears the max size of a shard
* then we check the real size, and if its too big, we split
@ -124,7 +117,6 @@ namespace mongo {
* @param splitPoints the vector of keys that should be used to divide this chunk
* @return shared pointer to the first new Chunk
ChunkPtr multiSplit_DEPRECATED( const vector<BSONObj>& splitPoints );
ChunkPtr multiSplit( const vector<BSONObj>& splitPoints );
Reference in New Issue
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