mirror of
synced 2024-12-01 09:32:32 +01:00
Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:mongodb/mongo
This commit is contained in:
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
namespace mongo {
Query& Query::where(const char *jscode, BSONObj scope) {
Query& Query::where(const string &jscode, BSONObj scope) {
/* use where() before sort() and hint() and explain(), else this will assert. */
assert( !obj.hasField("query") );
BSONObjBuilder b;
@ -104,16 +104,16 @@ namespace mongo {
return o.getIntField("ok") == 1;
inline bool DBClientWithCommands::runCommand(const char *dbname, const BSONObj& cmd, BSONObj &info) {
string ns = string(dbname) + ".$cmd";
info = findOne(ns.c_str(), cmd);
inline bool DBClientWithCommands::runCommand(const string &dbname, const BSONObj& cmd, BSONObj &info) {
string ns = dbname + ".$cmd";
info = findOne(ns, cmd);
return isOk(info);
/* note - we build a bson obj here -- for something that is super common like getlasterror you
should have that object prebuilt as that would be faster.
bool DBClientWithCommands::simpleCommand(const char *dbname, BSONObj *info, const char *command) {
bool DBClientWithCommands::simpleCommand(const string &dbname, BSONObj *info, const string &command) {
BSONObj o;
if ( info == 0 )
info = &o;
@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ namespace mongo {
return runCommand(dbname, b.done(), *info);
unsigned long long DBClientWithCommands::count(const char *_ns, BSONObj query) {
unsigned long long DBClientWithCommands::count(const string &_ns, BSONObj query) {
NamespaceString ns(_ns);
BSONObj cmd = BSON( "count" << ns.coll << "query" << query );
BSONObj res;
@ -152,20 +152,20 @@ namespace mongo {
BSONObj getnoncecmdobj = fromjson("{getnonce:1}");
string DBClientWithCommands::createPasswordDigest( const char * username , const char * clearTextPassword ){
string DBClientWithCommands::createPasswordDigest( const string & username , const string & clearTextPassword ){
md5digest d;
md5_state_t st;
md5_append(&st, (const md5_byte_t *) username, strlen(username));
md5_append(&st, (const md5_byte_t *) username.data(), username.length());
md5_append(&st, (const md5_byte_t *) ":mongo:", 7 );
md5_append(&st, (const md5_byte_t *) clearTextPassword, strlen(clearTextPassword));
md5_append(&st, (const md5_byte_t *) clearTextPassword.data(), clearTextPassword.length());
md5_finish(&st, d);
return digestToString( d );
bool DBClientWithCommands::auth(const char *dbname, const char *username, const char *password_text, string& errmsg, bool digestPassword) {
bool DBClientWithCommands::auth(const string &dbname, const string &username, const string &password_text, string& errmsg, bool digestPassword) {
//cout << "TEMP AUTH " << toString() << dbname << ' ' << username << ' ' << password_text << ' ' << digestPassword << endl;
string password = password_text;
@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ namespace mongo {
md5_state_t st;
md5_append(&st, (const md5_byte_t *) nonce.c_str(), nonce.size() );
md5_append(&st, (const md5_byte_t *) username, strlen(username));
md5_append(&st, (const md5_byte_t *) username.data(), username.length());
md5_append(&st, (const md5_byte_t *) password.c_str(), password.size() );
md5_finish(&st, d);
@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ namespace mongo {
return ok;
bool DBClientWithCommands::createCollection(const char *ns, unsigned size, bool capped, int max, BSONObj *info) {
bool DBClientWithCommands::createCollection(const string &ns, unsigned size, bool capped, int max, BSONObj *info) {
BSONObj o;
if ( info == 0 ) info = &o;
BSONObjBuilder b;
@ -227,12 +227,11 @@ namespace mongo {
if ( size ) b.append("size", size);
if ( capped ) b.append("capped", true);
if ( max ) b.append("max", max);
string db = nsToClient(ns);
string db = nsToClient(ns.c_str());
return runCommand(db.c_str(), b.done(), *info);
bool DBClientWithCommands::copyDatabase(const char *fromdb, const char *todb, const char *fromhost, BSONObj *info) {
assert( *fromdb && *todb );
bool DBClientWithCommands::copyDatabase(const string &fromdb, const string &todb, const string &fromhost, BSONObj *info) {
BSONObj o;
if ( info == 0 ) info = &o;
BSONObjBuilder b;
@ -243,7 +242,7 @@ namespace mongo {
return runCommand("admin", b.done(), *info);
bool DBClientWithCommands::setDbProfilingLevel(const char *dbname, ProfilingLevel level, BSONObj *info ) {
bool DBClientWithCommands::setDbProfilingLevel(const string &dbname, ProfilingLevel level, BSONObj *info ) {
BSONObj o;
if ( info == 0 ) info = &o;
@ -251,7 +250,7 @@ namespace mongo {
// Create system.profile collection. If it already exists this does nothing.
// TODO: move this into the db instead of here so that all
// drivers don't have to do this.
string ns = string(dbname) + ".system.profile";
string ns = dbname + ".system.profile";
createCollection(ns.c_str(), 1024 * 1024, true, 0, info);
@ -262,7 +261,7 @@ namespace mongo {
BSONObj getprofilingcmdobj = fromjson("{\"profile\":-1}");
bool DBClientWithCommands::getDbProfilingLevel(const char *dbname, ProfilingLevel& level, BSONObj *info) {
bool DBClientWithCommands::getDbProfilingLevel(const string &dbname, ProfilingLevel& level, BSONObj *info) {
BSONObj o;
if ( info == 0 ) info = &o;
if ( runCommand(dbname, getprofilingcmdobj, *info) ) {
@ -272,9 +271,9 @@ namespace mongo {
return false;
bool DBClientWithCommands::eval(const char *dbname, const char *jscode, BSONObj& info, BSONElement& retValue, BSONObj *args) {
bool DBClientWithCommands::eval(const string &dbname, const string &jscode, BSONObj& info, BSONElement& retValue, BSONObj *args) {
BSONObjBuilder b;
b.appendCode("$eval", jscode);
b.appendCode("$eval", jscode.c_str());
if ( args )
b.appendArray("args", *args);
bool ok = runCommand(dbname, b.done(), info);
@ -283,7 +282,7 @@ namespace mongo {
return ok;
bool DBClientWithCommands::eval(const char *dbname, const char *jscode) {
bool DBClientWithCommands::eval(const string &dbname, const string &jscode) {
BSONObj info;
BSONElement retValue;
return eval(dbname, jscode, info, retValue);
@ -349,7 +348,7 @@ namespace mongo {
/* --- dbclientconnection --- */
bool DBClientConnection::auth(const char *dbname, const char *username, const char *password_text, string& errmsg, bool digestPassword) {
bool DBClientConnection::auth(const string &dbname, const string &username, const string &password_text, string& errmsg, bool digestPassword) {
string password = password_text;
if( digestPassword )
password = createPasswordDigest( username , password_text );
@ -365,7 +364,7 @@ namespace mongo {
return DBClientBase::auth(dbname, username, password.c_str(), errmsg, false);
BSONObj DBClientBase::findOne(const char *ns, Query query, BSONObj *fieldsToReturn, int queryOptions) {
BSONObj DBClientBase::findOne(const string &ns, Query query, BSONObj *fieldsToReturn, int queryOptions) {
auto_ptr<DBClientCursor> c =
this->query(ns, query, 1, 0, fieldsToReturn, queryOptions);
@ -377,7 +376,7 @@ namespace mongo {
return c->next().copy();
bool DBClientConnection::connect(const char *_serverAddress, string& errmsg) {
bool DBClientConnection::connect(const string &_serverAddress, string& errmsg) {
serverAddress = _serverAddress;
string ip;
@ -436,7 +435,7 @@ namespace mongo {
auto_ptr<DBClientCursor> DBClientBase::query(const char *ns, Query query, int nToReturn,
auto_ptr<DBClientCursor> DBClientBase::query(const string &ns, Query query, int nToReturn,
int nToSkip, BSONObj *fieldsToReturn, int queryOptions) {
auto_ptr<DBClientCursor> c( new DBClientCursor( this,
ns, query.obj, nToReturn, nToSkip,
@ -446,14 +445,14 @@ namespace mongo {
return auto_ptr< DBClientCursor >( 0 );
auto_ptr<DBClientCursor> DBClientBase::getMore( const char *ns, long long cursorId, int nToReturn, int options ) {
auto_ptr<DBClientCursor> DBClientBase::getMore( const string &ns, long long cursorId, int nToReturn, int options ) {
auto_ptr<DBClientCursor> c( new DBClientCursor( this, ns, cursorId, nToReturn, options ) );
if ( c->init() )
return c;
return auto_ptr< DBClientCursor >( 0 );
void DBClientBase::insert( const char * ns , BSONObj obj ) {
void DBClientBase::insert( const string & ns , BSONObj obj ) {
Message toSend;
BufBuilder b;
@ -467,7 +466,7 @@ namespace mongo {
say( toSend );
void DBClientBase::insert( const char * ns , const vector< BSONObj > &v ) {
void DBClientBase::insert( const string & ns , const vector< BSONObj > &v ) {
Message toSend;
BufBuilder b;
@ -482,7 +481,7 @@ namespace mongo {
say( toSend );
void DBClientBase::remove( const char * ns , Query obj , bool justOne ) {
void DBClientBase::remove( const string & ns , Query obj , bool justOne ) {
Message toSend;
BufBuilder b;
@ -502,7 +501,7 @@ namespace mongo {
say( toSend );
void DBClientBase::update( const char * ns , Query query , BSONObj obj , bool upsert ) {
void DBClientBase::update( const string & ns , Query query , BSONObj obj , bool upsert ) {
BufBuilder b;
b.append( (int)0 ); // reserverd
@ -519,7 +518,7 @@ namespace mongo {
say( toSend );
bool DBClientBase::ensureIndex( const string &ns , BSONObj keys , const char * name ) {
bool DBClientBase::ensureIndex( const string &ns , BSONObj keys , const string & name ) {
BSONObjBuilder toSave;
toSave.append( "ns" , ns );
toSave.append( "key" , keys );
@ -527,7 +526,7 @@ namespace mongo {
string cacheKey(ns);
cacheKey += "--";
if ( name ) {
if ( name != "" ) {
toSave.append( "name" , name );
cacheKey += name;
@ -840,7 +839,7 @@ again:
return master == Left ? left : right;
bool DBClientPaired::connect(const char *serverHostname1, const char *serverHostname2) {
bool DBClientPaired::connect(const string &serverHostname1, const string &serverHostname2) {
string errmsg;
bool l = left.connect(serverHostname1, errmsg);
bool r = right.connect(serverHostname2, errmsg);
@ -856,7 +855,7 @@ again:
return true;
bool DBClientPaired::auth(const char *dbname, const char *username, const char *pwd, string& errmsg) {
bool DBClientPaired::auth(const string &dbname, const string &username, const string &pwd, string& errmsg) {
DBClientConnection& m = checkMaster();
if( !m.auth(dbname, username, pwd, errmsg) )
return false;
@ -873,13 +872,13 @@ again:
return true;
auto_ptr<DBClientCursor> DBClientPaired::query(const char *a, Query b, int c, int d,
auto_ptr<DBClientCursor> DBClientPaired::query(const string &a, Query b, int c, int d,
BSONObj *e, int f)
return checkMaster().query(a,b,c,d,e,f);
BSONObj DBClientPaired::findOne(const char *a, Query b, BSONObj *c, int d) {
BSONObj DBClientPaired::findOne(const string &a, Query b, BSONObj *c, int d) {
return checkMaster().findOne(a,b,c,d);
@ -60,8 +60,8 @@ namespace mongo {
Query(const BSONObj& b) : obj(b) { }
Query(const string &json) :
obj(fromjson(json)) { }
Query(const char *json) :
obj(fromjson(json)) { }
Query(const char * json) :
obj(fromjson(json)) { }
/** Add a sort (ORDER BY) criteria to the query expression.
@param sortPattern the sort order template. For example to order by name ascending, time descending:
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ namespace mongo {
@param asc = 1 for ascending order
asc = -1 for descending order
Query& sort(const char *field, int asc = 1) { sort( BSON( field << asc ) ); return *this; }
Query& sort(const string &field, int asc = 1) { sort( BSON( field << asc ) ); return *this; }
/** Provide a hint to the query.
@param keyPattern Key pattern for the index to use.
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ namespace mongo {
Query& hint(BSONObj keyPattern);
Query& hint(const char *jsonKeyPatt) { return hint(fromjson(jsonKeyPatt)); }
Query& hint(const string &jsonKeyPatt) { return hint(fromjson(jsonKeyPatt)); }
/** Return explain information about execution of this query instead of the actual query results.
Normally it is easier to use the mongo shell to run db.find(...).explain().
@ -109,8 +109,8 @@ namespace mongo {
conn.findOne("test.coll", Query("{a:3}").where("this.b == 2 || this.c == 3"));
Query badBalance = Query().where("this.debits - this.credits < 0");
Query& where(const char *jscode, BSONObj scope);
Query& where(const char *jscode) { return where(jscode, BSONObj()); }
Query& where(const string &jscode, BSONObj scope);
Query& where(const string &jscode) { return where(jscode, BSONObj()); }
@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ namespace mongo {
virtual bool call( Message &toSend, Message &response, bool assertOk=true ) = 0;
virtual void say( Message &toSend ) = 0;
virtual void sayPiggyBack( Message &toSend ) = 0;
virtual void checkResponse( const char *data, int nReturned ) {}
virtual void checkResponse( const string &data, int nReturned ) {}
/** Queries return a cursor object */
@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ namespace mongo {
bool init();
DBClientCursor( DBConnector *_connector, const char * _ns, BSONObj _query, int _nToReturn,
DBClientCursor( DBConnector *_connector, const string &_ns, BSONObj _query, int _nToReturn,
int _nToSkip, BSONObj *_fieldsToReturn, int queryOptions ) :
@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ namespace mongo {
ownCursor_( true ) {
DBClientCursor( DBConnector *_connector, const char *_ns, long long _cursorId, int _nToReturn, int options ) :
DBClientCursor( DBConnector *_connector, const string &_ns, long long _cursorId, int _nToReturn, int options ) :
nToReturn( _nToReturn ),
@ -241,20 +241,20 @@ namespace mongo {
class DBClientInterface : boost::noncopyable {
virtual auto_ptr<DBClientCursor> query(const char *ns, Query query, int nToReturn = 0, int nToSkip = 0,
virtual auto_ptr<DBClientCursor> query(const string &ns, Query query, int nToReturn = 0, int nToSkip = 0,
BSONObj *fieldsToReturn = 0, int queryOptions = 0) = 0;
virtual auto_ptr<DBClientCursor> getMore( const char *ns, long long cursorId, int nToReturn = 0, int options = 0 ) = 0;
virtual auto_ptr<DBClientCursor> getMore( const string &ns, long long cursorId, int nToReturn = 0, int options = 0 ) = 0;
virtual BSONObj findOne(const char *ns, Query query, BSONObj *fieldsToReturn = 0, int queryOptions = 0) = 0;
virtual BSONObj findOne(const string &ns, Query query, BSONObj *fieldsToReturn = 0, int queryOptions = 0) = 0;
virtual void insert( const char * ns, BSONObj obj ) = 0;
virtual void insert( const string &ns, BSONObj obj ) = 0;
virtual void insert( const char * ns, const vector< BSONObj >& v ) = 0;
virtual void insert( const string &ns, const vector< BSONObj >& v ) = 0;
virtual void remove( const char * ns , Query query, bool justOne = 0 ) = 0;
virtual void remove( const string &ns , Query query, bool justOne = 0 ) = 0;
virtual void update( const char * ns , Query query , BSONObj obj , bool upsert = 0 ) = 0;
virtual void update( const string &ns , Query query , BSONObj obj , bool upsert = 0 ) = 0;
virtual ~DBClientInterface() { }
@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ namespace mongo {
class DBClientWithCommands : public DBClientInterface {
bool isOk(const BSONObj&);
bool simpleCommand(const char *dbname, BSONObj *info, const char *command);
bool simpleCommand(const string &dbname, BSONObj *info, const string &command);
/** Run a database command. Database commands are represented as BSON objects. Common database
commands have prebuilt helper functions -- see below. If a helper is not available you can
@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ namespace mongo {
@return true if the command returned "ok".
bool runCommand(const char *dbname, const BSONObj& cmd, BSONObj &info);
bool runCommand(const string &dbname, const BSONObj& cmd, BSONObj &info);
/** Authorize access to a particular database.
Authentication is separate for each database on the server -- you may authenticate for any
@ -288,14 +288,14 @@ namespace mongo {
@param digestPassword if password is plain text, set this to true. otherwise assumed to be pre-digested
@return true if successful
virtual bool auth(const char *dbname, const char *username, const char *pwd, string& errmsg, bool digestPassword = true);
virtual bool auth(const string &dbname, const string &username, const string &pwd, string& errmsg, bool digestPassword = true);
/** count number of objects in collection ns that match the query criteria specified
throws UserAssertion if database returns an error
unsigned long long count(const char *ns, BSONObj query = BSONObj());
unsigned long long count(const string &ns, BSONObj query = BSONObj());
string createPasswordDigest( const char * username , const char * clearTextPassword );
string createPasswordDigest( const string &username , const string &clearTextPassword );
/** returns true in isMaster parm if this db is the current master
of a replica pair.
@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ namespace mongo {
returns true if successful.
bool createCollection(const char *ns, unsigned size = 0, bool capped = false, int max = 0, BSONObj *info = 0);
bool createCollection(const string &ns, unsigned size = 0, bool capped = false, int max = 0, BSONObj *info = 0);
/** Get error result from the last operation on this connection.
@return error or empty string if no error.
@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ namespace mongo {
bool resetError() { return simpleCommand("admin", 0, "reseterror"); }
/** Erase / drop an entire database */
bool dropDatabase(const char *dbname, BSONObj *info = 0) {
bool dropDatabase(const string &dbname, BSONObj *info = 0) {
return simpleCommand(dbname, info, "dropDatabase");
@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ namespace mongo {
/** Perform a repair and compaction of the specified database. May take a long time to run. Disk space
must be available equal to the size of the database while repairing.
bool repairDatabase(const char *dbname, BSONObj *info = 0) {
bool repairDatabase(const string &dbname, BSONObj *info = 0) {
return simpleCommand(dbname, info, "repairDatabase");
@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ namespace mongo {
returns true if successful
bool copyDatabase(const char *fromdb, const char *todb, const char *fromhost = "", BSONObj *info = 0);
bool copyDatabase(const string &fromdb, const string &todb, const string &fromhost = "", BSONObj *info = 0);
/** The Mongo database provides built-in performance profiling capabilities. Uset setDbProfilingLevel()
to enable. Profiling information is then written to the system.profiling collection, which one can
@ -398,8 +398,8 @@ namespace mongo {
ProfileSlow = 1, // log very slow (>100ms) operations
ProfileAll = 2
bool setDbProfilingLevel(const char *dbname, ProfilingLevel level, BSONObj *info = 0);
bool getDbProfilingLevel(const char *dbname, ProfilingLevel& level, BSONObj *info = 0);
bool setDbProfilingLevel(const string &dbname, ProfilingLevel level, BSONObj *info = 0);
bool getDbProfilingLevel(const string &dbname, ProfilingLevel& level, BSONObj *info = 0);
/** Run javascript code on the database server.
dbname database context in which the code runs. The javascript variable 'db' will be assigned
@ -416,12 +416,12 @@ namespace mongo {
See testDbEval() in dbclient.cpp for an example of usage.
bool eval(const char *dbname, const char *jscode, BSONObj& info, BSONElement& retValue, BSONObj *args = 0);
bool eval(const string &dbname, const string &jscode, BSONObj& info, BSONElement& retValue, BSONObj *args = 0);
bool validate( const char * ns , bool scandata=true ){
bool validate( const string &ns , bool scandata=true ){
BSONObj cmd = BSON( "validate" << nsGetCollection( ns ) << "scandata" << scandata );
BSONObj info;
return runCommand( nsGetDB( ns ).c_str() , cmd , info );
@ -430,9 +430,9 @@ namespace mongo {
/* The following helpers are simply more convenient forms of eval() for certain common cases */
/* invocation with no return value of interest -- with or without one simple parameter */
bool eval(const char *dbname, const char *jscode);
bool eval(const string &dbname, const string &jscode);
template< class T >
bool eval(const char *dbname, const char *jscode, T parm1) {
bool eval(const string &dbname, const string &jscode, T parm1) {
BSONObj info;
BSONElement retValue;
BSONObjBuilder b;
@ -443,7 +443,7 @@ namespace mongo {
/** eval invocation with one parm to server and one numeric field (either int or double) returned */
template< class T, class NumType >
bool eval(const char *dbname, const char *jscode, T parm1, NumType& ret) {
bool eval(const string &dbname, const string &jscode, T parm1, NumType& ret) {
BSONObj info;
BSONElement retValue;
BSONObjBuilder b;
@ -497,41 +497,41 @@ namespace mongo {
@return cursor. 0 if error (connection failure)
@throws AssertionException
virtual auto_ptr<DBClientCursor> query(const char *ns, Query query, int nToReturn = 0, int nToSkip = 0,
virtual auto_ptr<DBClientCursor> query(const string &ns, Query query, int nToReturn = 0, int nToSkip = 0,
BSONObj *fieldsToReturn = 0, int queryOptions = 0);
/** @param cursorId id of cursor to retrieve
@return an handle to a previously allocated cursor
@throws AssertionException
virtual auto_ptr<DBClientCursor> getMore( const char *ns, long long cursorId, int nToReturn = 0, int options = 0 );
virtual auto_ptr<DBClientCursor> getMore( const string &ns, long long cursorId, int nToReturn = 0, int options = 0 );
@return a single object that matches the query. if none do, then the object is empty
@throws AssertionException
virtual BSONObj findOne(const char *ns, Query query, BSONObj *fieldsToReturn = 0, int queryOptions = 0);
virtual BSONObj findOne(const string &ns, Query query, BSONObj *fieldsToReturn = 0, int queryOptions = 0);
insert an object into the database
virtual void insert( const char * ns , BSONObj obj );
virtual void insert( const string &ns , BSONObj obj );
insert a vector of objects into the database
virtual void insert( const char * ns, const vector< BSONObj >& v );
virtual void insert( const string &ns, const vector< BSONObj >& v );
remove matching objects from the database
@param justOne if this true, then once a single match is found will stop
virtual void remove( const char * ns , Query q , bool justOne = 0 );
virtual void remove( const string &ns , Query q , bool justOne = 0 );
updates objects matching query
virtual void update( const char * ns , Query query , BSONObj obj , bool upsert = 0 );
virtual void update( const string &ns , Query query , BSONObj obj , bool upsert = 0 );
/** Create an index if it does not already exist.
ensureIndex calls are remembered so it is safe/fast to call this function many
@ -541,7 +541,7 @@ namespace mongo {
@return whether or not sent message to db.
should be true on first call, false on subsequent unless resetIndexCache was called
virtual bool ensureIndex( const string &ns , BSONObj keys , const char * name = 0 );
virtual bool ensureIndex( const string &ns , BSONObj keys , const string &name = "" );
clears the index cache, so the subsequent call to ensureIndex for any index will go to the server
@ -592,7 +592,7 @@ namespace mongo {
@param errmsg any relevant error message will appended to the string
@return false if fails to connect.
virtual bool connect(const char *serverHostname, string& errmsg);
virtual bool connect(const string &serverHostname, string& errmsg);
/** Connect to a Mongo database server. Exception throwing version.
Throws a UserException if cannot connect.
@ -608,9 +608,9 @@ namespace mongo {
throw ConnectException(string("can't connect ") + errmsg);
virtual bool auth(const char *dbname, const char *username, const char *pwd, string& errmsg, bool digestPassword = true);
virtual bool auth(const string &dbname, const string &username, const string &pwd, string& errmsg, bool digestPassword = true);
virtual auto_ptr<DBClientCursor> query(const char *ns, Query query, int nToReturn = 0, int nToSkip = 0,
virtual auto_ptr<DBClientCursor> query(const string &ns, Query query, int nToReturn = 0, int nToSkip = 0,
BSONObj *fieldsToReturn = 0, int queryOptions = 0) {
return DBClientBase::query( ns, query, nToReturn, nToSkip, fieldsToReturn, queryOptions );
@ -673,7 +673,7 @@ namespace mongo {
when false returned, you can still try to use this connection object, it will
try reconnects.
bool connect(const char *serverHostname1, const char *serverHostname2);
bool connect(const string &serverHostname1, const string &serverHostname2);
/** Connect to a server pair using a host pair string of the form
@ -686,35 +686,35 @@ namespace mongo {
/** Authorize. Authorizes both sides of the pair as needed.
bool auth(const char *dbname, const char *username, const char *pwd, string& errmsg);
bool auth(const string &dbname, const string &username, const string &pwd, string& errmsg);
/** throws userassertion "no master found" */
auto_ptr<DBClientCursor> query(const char *ns, Query query, int nToReturn = 0, int nToSkip = 0,
auto_ptr<DBClientCursor> query(const string &ns, Query query, int nToReturn = 0, int nToSkip = 0,
BSONObj *fieldsToReturn = 0, int queryOptions = 0);
/** throws userassertion "no master found" */
BSONObj findOne(const char *ns, Query query, BSONObj *fieldsToReturn = 0, int queryOptions = 0);
BSONObj findOne(const string &ns, Query query, BSONObj *fieldsToReturn = 0, int queryOptions = 0);
/** insert */
virtual void insert( const char * ns , BSONObj obj ) {
virtual void insert( const string &ns , BSONObj obj ) {
checkMaster().insert(ns, obj);
/** insert multiple objects. Note that single object insert is asynchronous, so this version
is only nominally faster and not worth a special effort to try to use. */
virtual void insert( const char * ns, const vector< BSONObj >& v ) {
virtual void insert( const string &ns, const vector< BSONObj >& v ) {
checkMaster().insert(ns, v);
/** remove */
virtual void remove( const char * ns , Query obj , bool justOne = 0 ) {
virtual void remove( const string &ns , Query obj , bool justOne = 0 ) {
checkMaster().remove(ns, obj, justOne);
/** update */
virtual void update( const char * ns , Query query , BSONObj obj , bool upsert = 0 ) {
virtual void update( const string &ns , Query query , BSONObj obj , bool upsert = 0 ) {
return checkMaster().update(ns, query, obj, upsert);
@ -858,6 +858,10 @@ namespace mongo {
/** Append a 32 bit integer element */
void append(const string &fieldName, int n) {
append( fieldName.c_str(), n );
void append(const char *fieldName, unsigned n) { append(fieldName, (int) n); }
/** Append a double element */
BSONObjBuilder& append(const char *fieldName, double n) {
@ -1014,6 +1018,9 @@ namespace mongo {
void appendWhere( const char *code, const BSONObj &scope ){
appendCodeWScope( "$where" , code , scope );
void appendWhere( const string &code, const BSONObj &scope ){
appendWhere( code.c_str(), scope );
/** Append an array of values. */
template < class T >
@ -25,11 +25,11 @@ class MockDBClientConnection : public DBClientConnection {
MockDBClientConnection() : connect_() {}
BSONObj findOne(const char *ns, Query query, BSONObj *fieldsToReturn = 0, int queryOptions = 0) {
BSONObj findOne(const string &ns, Query query, BSONObj *fieldsToReturn = 0, int queryOptions = 0) {
return one_;
bool connect(const char *serverHostname, string& errmsg) {
bool connect(const string &serverHostname, string& errmsg) {
return connect_;
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ public:
rp_( rp ),
cc_( cc ) {
virtual BSONObj findOne(const char *ns, Query query, BSONObj *fieldsToReturn = 0, int queryOptions = 0) {
virtual BSONObj findOne(const string &ns, Query query, BSONObj *fieldsToReturn = 0, int queryOptions = 0) {
if ( cc_ ) cc_->beforeCommand();
SetGlobalReplPair s( rp_ );
BSONObjBuilder result;
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ public:
if ( cc_ ) cc_->afterCommand();
return result.obj();
virtual bool connect( const char *serverHostname, string& errmsg ) {
virtual bool connect( const string &serverHostname, string& errmsg ) {
return true;
@ -46,18 +46,42 @@ char * shellReadline( const char * prompt ){
#if !defined(_WIN32)
#include <execinfo.h>
#include <string.h>
void quitNicely( int sig ){
/* use "addr2line -CFe <exe>" to parse. */
inline void printStackTrace() {
void *b[20];
size_t size;
char **strings;
size_t i;
size = backtrace(b, 20);
strings = backtrace_symbols(b, size);
for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
cout << hex << b[i] << ' ';
cout << '\n';
for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
cout << ' ' << strings[i] << '\n';
cout << dec;
free (strings);
void quitAbruptly( int sig ) {
cout << "mongo got signal" << sig << " (" << strsignal( sig ) << "), stack trace: " << endl;
void setupSignals() {
#ifndef _WIN32
signal( SIGINT , quitNicely );
signal( SIGTERM , quitNicely );
signal( SIGPIPE , quitNicely ); // Maybe just log and continue?
@ -65,8 +89,10 @@ void setupSignals() {
signal( SIGSEGV , quitAbruptly );
signal( SIGBUS , quitAbruptly );
signal( SIGFPE , quitAbruptly );
inline void setupSignals() {}
string fixHost( string url , string host , string port ){
if ( host.size() == 0 && port.size() == 0 ){
@ -83,6 +83,10 @@ namespace mongo {
void append(const char *str) {
append((void*) str, strlen(str)+1);
void append(const string &str) {
append( (void *)str.c_str(), str.length() + 1 );
int len() {
return l;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user