mirror of https://github.com/mongodb/mongo.git synced 2024-11-30 17:10:48 +01:00

Rejigger makedist.py to use libcloud. SERVER-792

This commit is contained in:
Richard Kreuter 2010-04-26 13:16:41 -04:00
parent 027dbd515b
commit a41766bef0

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@ -6,18 +6,7 @@
# sys.path, containing something like the following:
# makedist = {
# # ec2-api-tools needs the following two set in the process
# # environment.
# "EC2_HOME": "/path/to/ec2-api-tools",
# # The EC2 tools won't run at all unless this variable is set to a directory
# # relative to which a "bin/java" exists.
# "JAVA_HOME" : "/usr",
# # All the ec2-api-tools take these two as arguments.
# # Alternatively, you can set the environment variables EC2_PRIVATE_KEY and EC2_CERT
# # respectively, leave these two out of settings.py, and let the ec2 tools default.
# "ec2_pkey": "/path/to/pk-file.pem"
# "ec2_cert" : "/path/to/cert-file.pem"
# # This gets supplied to ec2-run-instances to rig up an ssh key for
# # This gets supplied to EC2 to rig up an ssh key for
# # the remote user.
# "ec2_sshkey" : "key-id",
# # And so we need to tell our ssh processes where to find the
@ -55,6 +44,16 @@ import time
import os.path
import tempfile
import string
import settings
from libcloud.types import Provider
from libcloud.providers import get_driver
from libcloud.drivers.ec2 import EC2NodeDriver, NodeImage
from libcloud.base import Node, NodeImage, NodeSize, NodeState
EC2 = get_driver(Provider.EC2)
EC2Driver=EC2NodeDriver(settings.id, settings.key)
# For the moment, we don't handle any of the errors we raise, so it
# suffices to have a simple subclass of Exception that just
@ -158,113 +157,57 @@ class EC2Instance (object):
self.use_internal_name = True if "use_internal_name" in kwargs else False
# Authentication stuff defaults according to the conventions
# of the ec2-api-tools.
# FIXME: this needs to be a commandline option
self.ec2_groups = ["default", "buildbot-slave", "dist-slave"]
self.terminate = False if "no_terminate" in kwargs else True
def parsedesc (self, hdl):
(_, reservation, unknown1, groupstr) = splitline1[:4]
groups = groupstr.split(',')
self.ec2_reservation = reservation
self.ec2_unknown1 = unknown1
self.ec2_groups = groups
# I haven't seen more than 4 data fields in one of these
# descriptions, but what do I know?
if len(splitline1)>4:
print >> sys.stderr, "more than 4 fields in description line 1\n%s\n" % line1
self.ec2_extras1 = splitline1[4:]
# The jerks make it tricky to parse line 2: the fields are
# dependent on the instance's state.
(_, instance, ami, status_or_hostname) = splitline2[:4]
self.ec2_instance = instance
if ami != self.ec2_ami:
print >> sys.stderr, "warning: AMI in description isn't AMI we invoked\nwe started %s, but got\n%s", (self.ec2_ami, line2)
# FIXME: are there other non-running statuses?
if status_or_hostname in ["pending", "terminated"]:
self.ec2_status = status_or_hostname
self.ec2_running = False
index = 4
self.ec2_storage = splitline2[index+8]
self.ec2_running = True
index = 6
self.ec2_status = splitline2[5]
self.ec2_external_hostname = splitline2[3]
self.ec2_internal_hostname = splitline2[4]
self.ec2_external_ipaddr = splitline2[index+8]
self.ec2_internal_ipaddr = splitline2[index+9]
self.ec2_storage = splitline2[index+10]
(sshkey, unknown2, mtype, starttime, zone, unknown3, unknown4, monitoring) = splitline2[index:index+8]
# FIXME: potential disagreement with the supplied sshkey?
self.ec2_sshkey = sshkey
self.ec2_unknown2 = unknown2
# FIXME: potential disagreement with the supplied mtype?
self.ec2_mtype = mtype
self.ec2_starttime = starttime
self.ec2_zone = zone
self.ec2_unknown3 = unknown3
self.ec2_unknown4 = unknown4
self.ec2_monitoring = monitoring
def start(self):
"Fire up a fresh EC2 instance."
groups = reduce(lambda x, y : x+y, [["-g", i] for i in self.ec2_groups], [])
argv = ["ec2-run-instances",
self.ec2_ami, "-K", self.ec2_pkey, "-C", self.ec2_cert,
"-k", self.ec2_sshkey, "-t", self.ec2_mtype] + groups
self.ec2_running = False
print "running %s" % argv
proc = subprocess.Popen(argv, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
if self.ec2_instance == "":
raise SimpleError("instance id is empty")
print "Instance id: %s" % self.ec2_instance
r = proc.wait()
if r != 0:
raise SimpleError("ec2-run-instances exited %d", r)
image=NodeImage(self.ec2_ami, self.ec2_ami, EC2)
size=NodeSize(self.ec2_mtype, self.ec2_mtype, None, None, None, None, EC2)
self.node = EC2Driver.create_node(image=image, name=self.ec2_ami, size=size, keyname=self.ec2_sshkey, securitygroup=self.ec2_groups)
print "Created node %s" % self.node.id
def initwait(self):
# poll the instance description until we get a hostname.
# Note: it seems there can be a time interval after
# ec2-run-instance finishes during which EC2 will tell us that
# the instance ID doesn't exist. This is sort of bad.
state = "pending"
numtries = 0
giveup = 5
while not self.ec2_running:
time.sleep(15) # arbitrary
argv = ["ec2-describe-instances", "-K", self.ec2_pkey, "-C", self.ec2_cert, self.ec2_instance]
proc = subprocess.Popen(argv, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
except Exception, e:
r = proc.wait()
if r < giveup:
print sys.stderr, str(e)
print "waiting for node to spin up"
# Wait for EC2 to tell us the node is running.
while 1:
n=[n for n in EC2Driver.list_nodes() if (n.id==self.node.id)][0]
if n.state == NodeState.PENDING:
raise SimpleError("ec2-describe-instances exited %d", r)
self.node = n
print "ok"
# Now wait for the node's sshd to be accepting connections.
print "waiting for ssh"
sshwait = True
if sshwait == False:
while sshwait:
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect((self.node.public_ip[0], 22))
sshwait = False
print "connected on port 22 (ssh)"
time.sleep(15) # arbitrary timeout, in case the
# remote sshd is slow.
except socket.error, err:
time.sleep(3) # arbitrary timeout
print "ok"
def stop(self):
if self.terminate:
LocalHost.runLocally(["ec2-terminate-instances", "-K", self.ec2_pkey, "-C", self.ec2_cert, self.ec2_instance])
print "Destroying node %s" % self.node.id
print "Not terminating EC2 instance %s." % self.ec2_instance
print "Not terminating EC2 instance %s." % self.node.id
def __enter__(self):
@ -274,7 +217,8 @@ class EC2Instance (object):
def getHostname(self):
return self.ec2_internal_hostname if self.use_internal_name else self.ec2_external_hostname
return self.node.public_ip[0] # FIXME private_ip?
# return self.ec2_internal_hostname if self.use_internal_name else self.ec2_external_hostname
class SshConnectionConfigurator (BaseConfigurator):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
@ -776,26 +720,13 @@ def main():
import settings
if "makedist" in dir ( settings ):
for key in ["EC2_HOME", "JAVA_HOME"]:
if key in settings.makedist:
os.environ[key] = settings.makedist[key]
for key in ["ec2_pkey", "ec2_cert", "ec2_sshkey", "ssh_keyfile", "gpg_homedir" ]:
for key in ["ec2_sshkey", "ssh_keyfile", "gpg_homedir" ]:
if key not in kwargs and key in settings.makedist:
kwargs[key] = settings.makedist[key]
except Exception, err:
print "No settings: %s. Continuing anyway..." % err
# Ensure that PATH contains $EC2_HOME/bin
vars = ["EC2_HOME", "JAVA_HOME"]
for var in vars:
if os.getenv(var) == None:
raise SimpleError("Environment variable %s is unset; did you create a settings.py?", var)
if len([True for x in os.environ["PATH"].split(":") if x.find(os.environ["EC2_HOME"]) > -1]) == 0:
kwargs["distro_name"] = distro_name
kwargs["distro_version"] = distro_version
kwargs["arch"] = arch
@ -908,8 +839,7 @@ Options:"""
print "%-20s\t%s." % ("%4s--%s%s:" % ("-%s, " % t[0] if t[0] else "", t[1], ("="+t[4]) if t[4] else ""), t[3])
print """
Mandatory arguments to long options are also mandatory for short
options. Some EC2 arguments default to (and override) environment
variables; see the ec2-api-tools documentation."""
if "usage" in kwargs: