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Parser for command line arguments.
from __future__ import absolute_import
import os
import os.path
import optparse
from . import config as _config
from . import testing
from . import utils
from .. import resmokeconfig
# Mapping of the attribute of the parsed arguments (dest) to its key as it appears in the options
# YAML configuration file. Most should only be converting from snake_case to camelCase.
"buildlogger_url": "buildloggerUrl",
"continue_on_failure": "continueOnFailure",
"dbpath_prefix": "dbpathPrefix",
"dbtest_executable": "dbtest",
"dry_run": "dryRun",
"jobs": "jobs",
"mongo_executable": "mongo",
"mongod_executable": "mongod",
"mongos_executable": "mongos",
"no_journal": "nojournal",
"no_prealloc_journal": "nopreallocj",
"repeat": "repeat",
"report_file": "reportFile",
"seed": "seed",
"shell_write_mode": "shellWriteMode",
"shuffle": "shuffle",
"storage_engine": "storageEngine",
"wt_coll_config": "wiredTigerCollectionConfigString",
"wt_engine_config": "wiredTigerEngineConfigString",
"wt_index_config": "wiredTigerIndexConfigString"
def parse_command_line():
Parses the command line arguments passed to resmoke.py.
parser = optparse.OptionParser()
parser.add_option("--suites", dest="suite_files", metavar="SUITE1,SUITE2",
help=("Comma separated list of YAML files that each specify the configuration"
" of a suite. If the file is located in the resmokeconfig/suites/"
" directory, then the basename without the .yml extension can be"
" specified, e.g. 'core'."))
parser.add_option("--log", dest="logger_file", metavar="LOGGER",
help=("A YAML file that specifies the logging configuration. If the file is"
" located in the resmokeconfig/suites/ directory, then the basename"
" without the .yml extension can be specified, e.g. 'console'."))
parser.add_option("--options", dest="options_file", metavar="OPTIONS",
help="A YAML file that specifies global options to resmoke.py.")
parser.add_option("--buildloggerUrl", action="store", dest="buildlogger_url", metavar="URL",
help="The root url of the buildlogger server.")
parser.add_option("--continueOnFailure", action="store_true", dest="continue_on_failure",
help="Executes all tests in all suites, even if some of them fail.")
parser.add_option("--dbpathPrefix", dest="dbpath_prefix", metavar="PATH",
help=("The directory which will contain the dbpaths of any mongod's started "
" by resmoke.py or the tests themselves."))
parser.add_option("--dbtest", dest="dbtest_executable", metavar="PATH",
help="The path to the dbtest executable for resmoke to use.")
parser.add_option("-n", action="store_const", const="tests", dest="dry_run",
help=("Output the tests that would be run."))
# TODO: add support for --dryRun=commands
parser.add_option("--dryRun", type="choice", action="store", dest="dry_run",
choices=("off", "tests"), metavar="MODE",
help=("Instead of running the tests, output the tests that would be run"
" (if MODE=tests). Defaults to MODE=%default."))
parser.add_option("-j", "--jobs", type="int", dest="jobs", metavar="JOBS",
help=("The number of Job instances to use. Each instance will receive its own"
" MongoDB deployment to dispatch tests to."))
parser.add_option("-l", "--listSuites", action="store_true", dest="list_suites",
help="List the names of the suites available to execute.")
parser.add_option("--mongo", dest="mongo_executable", metavar="PATH",
help="The path to the mongo shell executable for resmoke.py to use.")
parser.add_option("--mongod", dest="mongod_executable", metavar="PATH",
help="The path to the mongod executable for resmoke.py to use.")
parser.add_option("--mongos", dest="mongos_executable", metavar="PATH",
help="The path to the mongos executable for resmoke.py to use.")
parser.add_option("--nojournal", action="store_true", dest="no_journal",
help="Disable journaling for all mongod's.")
parser.add_option("--nopreallocj", action="store_true", dest="no_prealloc_journal",
help="Disable preallocation of journal files for all mongod's.")
parser.add_option("--repeat", type="int", dest="repeat", metavar="N",
help="Repeat the given suite(s) N times, or until one fails.")
parser.add_option("--reportFile", dest="report_file", metavar="REPORT",
help="Write a JSON file with test status and timing information.")
parser.add_option("--seed", type="int", dest="seed", metavar="SEED",
help=("Seed for the random number generator. Useful in combination with the"
" --shuffle option for producing a consistent test execution order."))
parser.add_option("--shellWriteMode", type="choice", action="store", dest="shell_write_mode",
choices=("commands", "compatibility", "legacy"), metavar="WRITE_MODE",
help="The write mode used by the mongo shell.")
parser.add_option("--shuffle", action="store_true", dest="shuffle",
help="Randomize the order in which tests are executed.")
parser.add_option("--storageEngine", dest="storage_engine", metavar="ENGINE",
help="The storage engine used by dbtests and jstests.")
parser.add_option("--wiredTigerCollectionConfigString", dest="wt_coll_config", metavar="CONFIG",
help="Set the WiredTiger collection configuration setting for all mongod's.")
parser.add_option("--wiredTigerEngineConfigString", dest="wt_engine_config", metavar="CONFIG",
help="Set the WiredTiger engine configuration setting for all mongod's.")
parser.add_option("--wiredTigerIndexConfigString", dest="wt_index_config", metavar="CONFIG",
help="Set the WiredTiger index configuration setting for all mongod's.")
parser.set_defaults(logger_file="console", dry_run="off", list_suites=False)
return parser.parse_args()
def get_logging_config(values):
return _get_logging_config(values.logger_file)
def update_config_vars(values):
options = _get_options_config(values.options_file)
config = _config.DEFAULTS.copy()
values = vars(values)
for dest in values:
if dest not in DEST_TO_CONFIG:
config_var = DEST_TO_CONFIG[dest]
if values[dest] is not None:
config[config_var] = values[dest]
_config.BUILDLOGGER_URL = config.pop("buildloggerUrl")
_config.DBPATH_PREFIX = _expand_user(config.pop("dbpathPrefix"))
_config.DBTEST_EXECUTABLE = _expand_user(config.pop("dbtest"))
_config.DRY_RUN = config.pop("dryRun")
_config.FAIL_FAST = not config.pop("continueOnFailure")
_config.JOBS = config.pop("jobs")
_config.MONGO_EXECUTABLE = _expand_user(config.pop("mongo"))
_config.MONGOD_EXECUTABLE = _expand_user(config.pop("mongod"))
_config.MONGOS_EXECUTABLE = _expand_user(config.pop("mongos"))
_config.NO_JOURNAL = config.pop("nojournal")
_config.NO_PREALLOC_JOURNAL = config.pop("nopreallocj")
_config.RANDOM_SEED = config.pop("seed")
_config.REPEAT = config.pop("repeat")
_config.REPORT_FILE = config.pop("reportFile")
_config.SHELL_WRITE_MODE = config.pop("shellWriteMode")
_config.SHUFFLE = config.pop("shuffle")
_config.STORAGE_ENGINE = config.pop("storageEngine")
_config.WT_COLL_CONFIG = config.pop("wiredTigerCollectionConfigString")
_config.WT_ENGINE_CONFIG = config.pop("wiredTigerEngineConfigString")
_config.WT_INDEX_CONFIG = config.pop("wiredTigerIndexConfigString")
if config:
raise optparse.OptionValueError("Unknown option(s): %s" % (config.keys()))
def get_suites(values, args):
if (values.suite_files is None and not args) or (values.suite_files is not None and args):
raise optparse.OptionValueError("Must specify either --suites or a list of tests")
# If there are no suites specified, but there are args, assume they are jstests.
if args:
# No specified config, just use the following, and default the logging and executor.
suite_config = _make_jstests_config(args)
suite = testing.suite.Suite("<jstests>", suite_config)
return [suite]
suite_files = values.suite_files.split(",")
suites = []
for suite_filename in suite_files:
suite_config = _get_suite_config(suite_filename)
suite = testing.suite.Suite(suite_filename, suite_config)
return suites
def get_named_suites():
Returns the list of suites available to execute.
# Skip "with_server" because it does not define any test files to run.
suite_names = [suite for suite in resmokeconfig.NAMED_SUITES if suite != "with_server"]
return suite_names
def _get_logging_config(pathname):
Attempts to read a YAML configuration from 'pathname' that describes
how resmoke.py should log the tests and fixtures.
# Named loggers are specified as the basename of the file, without the .yml extension.
if not utils.is_yaml_file(pathname) and not os.path.dirname(pathname):
if pathname not in resmokeconfig.NAMED_LOGGERS:
raise optparse.OptionValueError("Unknown logger '%s'" % (pathname))
pathname = resmokeconfig.NAMED_LOGGERS[pathname] # Expand 'pathname' to full path.
return utils.load_yaml_file(pathname).pop("logging")
def _get_options_config(pathname):
Attempts to read a YAML configuration from 'pathname' that describes
any modifications to global options.
if pathname is None:
return {}
return utils.load_yaml_file(pathname).pop("options")
def _get_suite_config(pathname):
Attempts to read a YAML configuration from 'pathname' that describes
what tests to run and how to run them.
# Named suites are specified as the basename of the file, without the .yml extension.
if not utils.is_yaml_file(pathname) and not os.path.dirname(pathname):
if pathname not in resmokeconfig.NAMED_SUITES:
raise optparse.OptionValueError("Unknown suite '%s'" % (pathname))
pathname = resmokeconfig.NAMED_SUITES[pathname] # Expand 'pathname' to full path.
return utils.load_yaml_file(pathname)
def _make_jstests_config(js_files):
for pathname in js_files:
if not utils.is_js_file(pathname) or not os.path.isfile(pathname):
raise optparse.OptionValueError("Expected a list of JS files, but got '%s'"
% (pathname))
return {"selector": {"js_test": {"roots": js_files}}}
def _ensure_executor(suite_config):
if "executor" not in suite_config:
pathname = resmokeconfig.NAMED_SUITES["with_server"]
suite_config["executor"] = utils.load_yaml_file(pathname).pop("executor")
def _expand_user(pathname):
Wrapper around os.path.expanduser() to do nothing when given None.
if pathname is None:
return None
return os.path.expanduser(pathname)