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// Tests of invalidate entries for a $changeStream on a whole database.
(function() {
"use strict";
load("jstests/libs/change_stream_util.js"); // For ChangeStreamTest.
load('jstests/replsets/libs/two_phase_drops.js'); // For 'TwoPhaseDropCollectionTest'.
load("jstests/libs/collection_drop_recreate.js"); // For assert[Drop|Create]Collection.
const testDB = db.getSiblingDB(jsTestName());
let cst = new ChangeStreamTest(testDB);
// Write a document to the collection and test that the change stream returns it
// and getMore command closes the cursor afterwards.
let coll = assertDropAndRecreateCollection(testDB, "change_stream_whole_db_invalidations");
let aggCursor = cst.startWatchingChanges({pipeline: [{$changeStream: {}}], collection: 1});
// Create oplog entries of type insert, update, and delete.
assert.writeOK(coll.insert({_id: 1}));
assert.writeOK(coll.update({_id: 1}, {$set: {a: 1}}));
assert.writeOK(coll.remove({_id: 1}));
// Drop the collection.
assert.commandWorked(testDB.runCommand({drop: coll.getName()}));
// We should get 4 oplog entries of type insert, update, delete, and invalidate. The cursor
// should be closed.
let change = cst.getOneChange(aggCursor);
assert.eq(change.operationType, "insert", tojson(change));
change = cst.getOneChange(aggCursor);
assert.eq(change.operationType, "update", tojson(change));
change = cst.getOneChange(aggCursor);
assert.eq(change.operationType, "delete", tojson(change));
cursor: aggCursor,
expectedChanges: [{operationType: "invalidate"}],
expectInvalidate: true
const collAgg =
assertDropAndRecreateCollection(testDB, "change_stream_whole_db_agg_invalidations");
// Get a valid resume token that the next change stream can use.
aggCursor = cst.startWatchingChanges({pipeline: [{$changeStream: {}}], collection: 1});
assert.writeOK(collAgg.insert({_id: 1}, {writeConcern: {w: "majority"}}));
change = cst.getOneChange(aggCursor, false);
const resumeToken = change._id;
// It should not possible to resume a change stream after a collection drop, even if the
// invalidate has not been received.
assertDropCollection(testDB, collAgg.getName());
// Wait for two-phase drop to complete, so that the UUID no longer exists.
assert.soon(function() {
return !TwoPhaseDropCollectionTest.collectionIsPendingDropInDatabase(testDB,
{aggregate: 1, pipeline: [{$changeStream: {resumeAfter: resumeToken}}], cursor: {}}),
// Test that invalidation entries for other databases are filtered out.
const otherDB = testDB.getSiblingDB("change_stream_whole_db_invalidations_other");
const otherDBColl = otherDB["change_stream_whole_db_invalidations_other"];
assert.writeOK(otherDBColl.insert({_id: 0}));
// Create collection on the database being watched.
coll = assertDropAndRecreateCollection(testDB, "change_stream_whole_db_invalidations");
aggCursor = cst.startWatchingChanges({pipeline: [{$changeStream: {}}], collection: 1});
// Drop the collection on the other database, this should *not* invalidate the change stream.
assertDropCollection(otherDB, otherDBColl.getName());
// Insert into the collection in the watched database, and verify the change stream is able to
// pick it up.
assert.writeOK(coll.insert({_id: 1}));
change = cst.getOneChange(aggCursor);
assert.eq(change.operationType, "insert", tojson(change));
assert.eq(change.documentKey._id, 1);
// Dropping a collection should invalidate the change stream.
assertDropCollection(testDB, coll.getName());
cursor: aggCursor,
expectedChanges: [{operationType: "invalidate"}],
expectInvalidate: true
// Renaming a collection should invalidate the change stream.
assertCreateCollection(testDB, coll.getName());
assertDropCollection(testDB, "renamed_coll");
aggCursor = cst.startWatchingChanges({pipeline: [{$changeStream: {}}], collection: 1});
cursor: aggCursor,
expectedChanges: [{operationType: "invalidate"}],
expectInvalidate: true
// Dropping a 'system' collection should invalidate the change stream.
// Create a view to ensure that the 'system.views' collection exists.
testDB.runCommand({create: "view1", viewOn: coll.getName(), pipeline: []}));
aggCursor = cst.startWatchingChanges({pipeline: [{$changeStream: {}}], collection: 1});
assertDropCollection(testDB, "system.views");
cursor: aggCursor,
expectedChanges: [{operationType: "invalidate"}],
expectInvalidate: true