mirror of https://github.com/honojs/hono.git synced 2024-11-25 05:07:03 +01:00
Shotaro Nakamura ac069d1696
feat(context): add Context-Type types to c.header (#3255)
* feat(context): add Context-Type types to `c.header`

* chore: add JSDoc

* chore: format code

* use strict mimetype types and change HeaderRecord
2024-08-11 12:57:37 +09:00

907 lines
24 KiB

import { HonoRequest } from './request'
import type { Result } from './router'
import type {
} from './types'
import { HtmlEscapedCallbackPhase, resolveCallback } from './utils/html'
import type { RedirectStatusCode, StatusCode } from './utils/http-status'
import type {
} from './utils/types'
import type { BaseMime } from './utils/mime'
type HeaderRecord =
| Record<'Content-Type', BaseMime>
| Record<ResponseHeader, string | string[]>
| Record<string, string | string[]>
* Data type can be a string, ArrayBuffer, or ReadableStream.
export type Data = string | ArrayBuffer | ReadableStream
* Interface for the execution context in a web worker or similar environment.
export interface ExecutionContext {
* Extends the lifetime of the event callback until the promise is settled.
* @param promise - A promise to wait for.
waitUntil(promise: Promise<unknown>): void
* Allows the event to be passed through to subsequent event listeners.
passThroughOnException(): void
* Interface for context variable mapping.
export interface ContextVariableMap {}
* Interface for context renderer.
export interface ContextRenderer {}
* Interface representing a renderer for content.
* @interface DefaultRenderer
* @param {string | Promise<string>} content - The content to be rendered, which can be either a string or a Promise resolving to a string.
* @returns {Response | Promise<Response>} - The response after rendering the content, which can be either a Response or a Promise resolving to a Response.
interface DefaultRenderer {
(content: string | Promise<string>): Response | Promise<Response>
* Renderer type which can either be a ContextRenderer or DefaultRenderer.
export type Renderer = ContextRenderer extends Function ? ContextRenderer : DefaultRenderer
* Extracts the props for the renderer.
export type PropsForRenderer = [...Required<Parameters<Renderer>>] extends [unknown, infer Props]
? Props
: unknown
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
export type Layout<T = Record<string, any>> = (props: T) => any
* Interface for getting context variables.
* @template E - Environment type.
interface Get<E extends Env> {
<Key extends keyof E['Variables']>(key: Key): E['Variables'][Key]
<Key extends keyof ContextVariableMap>(key: Key): ContextVariableMap[Key]
* Interface for setting context variables.
* @template E - Environment type.
interface Set<E extends Env> {
<Key extends keyof E['Variables']>(key: Key, value: E['Variables'][Key]): void
<Key extends keyof ContextVariableMap>(key: Key, value: ContextVariableMap[Key]): void
* Interface for creating a new response.
interface NewResponse {
(data: Data | null, status?: StatusCode, headers?: HeaderRecord): Response
(data: Data | null, init?: ResponseInit): Response
* Interface for responding with a body.
interface BodyRespond extends NewResponse {}
* Interface for responding with text.
* @interface TextRespond
* @template T - The type of the text content.
* @template U - The type of the status code.
* @param {T} text - The text content to be included in the response.
* @param {U} [status] - An optional status code for the response.
* @param {HeaderRecord} [headers] - An optional record of headers to include in the response.
* @returns {Response & TypedResponse<T, U, 'text'>} - The response after rendering the text content, typed with the provided text and status code types.
interface TextRespond {
<T extends string, U extends StatusCode = StatusCode>(
text: T,
status?: U,
headers?: HeaderRecord
): Response & TypedResponse<T, U, 'text'>
<T extends string, U extends StatusCode = StatusCode>(text: T, init?: ResponseInit): Response &
TypedResponse<T, U, 'text'>
* Interface for responding with JSON.
* @interface JSONRespond
* @template T - The type of the JSON value or simplified unknown type.
* @template U - The type of the status code.
* @param {T} object - The JSON object to be included in the response.
* @param {U} [status] - An optional status code for the response.
* @param {HeaderRecord} [headers] - An optional record of headers to include in the response.
* @returns {JSONRespondReturn<T, U>} - The response after rendering the JSON object, typed with the provided object and status code types.
interface JSONRespond {
T extends JSONValue | SimplifyDeepArray<unknown> | InvalidJSONValue,
U extends StatusCode = StatusCode
object: T,
status?: U,
headers?: HeaderRecord
): JSONRespondReturn<T, U>
T extends JSONValue | SimplifyDeepArray<unknown> | InvalidJSONValue,
U extends StatusCode = StatusCode
object: T,
init?: ResponseInit
): JSONRespondReturn<T, U>
* @template T - The type of the JSON value or simplified unknown type.
* @template U - The type of the status code.
* @returns {Response & TypedResponse<SimplifyDeepArray<T> extends JSONValue ? (JSONValue extends SimplifyDeepArray<T> ? never : JSONParsed<T>) : never, U, 'json'>} - The response after rendering the JSON object, typed with the provided object and status code types.
type JSONRespondReturn<
T extends JSONValue | SimplifyDeepArray<unknown> | InvalidJSONValue,
U extends StatusCode
> = Response &
SimplifyDeepArray<T> extends JSONValue
? JSONValue extends SimplifyDeepArray<T>
? never
: JSONParsed<T>
: never,
* Interface representing a function that responds with HTML content.
* @param html - The HTML content to respond with, which can be a string or a Promise that resolves to a string.
* @param status - (Optional) The HTTP status code for the response.
* @param headers - (Optional) A record of headers to include in the response.
* @param init - (Optional) The response initialization object.
* @returns A Response object or a Promise that resolves to a Response object.
interface HTMLRespond {
<T extends string | Promise<string>>(
html: T,
status?: StatusCode,
headers?: HeaderRecord
): T extends string ? Response : Promise<Response>
<T extends string | Promise<string>>(html: T, init?: ResponseInit): T extends string
? Response
: Promise<Response>
* Options for configuring the context.
* @template E - Environment type.
type ContextOptions<E extends Env> = {
* Bindings for the environment.
env: E['Bindings']
* Execution context for the request.
executionCtx?: FetchEventLike | ExecutionContext | undefined
* Handler for not found responses.
notFoundHandler?: NotFoundHandler<E>
matchResult?: Result<[H, RouterRoute]>
path?: string
interface SetHeadersOptions {
append?: boolean
type ResponseHeader =
| 'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials'
| 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers'
| 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods'
| 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin'
| 'Access-Control-Expose-Headers'
| 'Access-Control-Max-Age'
| 'Age'
| 'Allow'
| 'Cache-Control'
| 'Clear-Site-Data'
| 'Content-Disposition'
| 'Content-Encoding'
| 'Content-Language'
| 'Content-Length'
| 'Content-Location'
| 'Content-Range'
| 'Content-Security-Policy'
| 'Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only'
| 'Content-Type'
| 'Cookie'
| 'Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy'
| 'Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy'
| 'Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy'
| 'Date'
| 'ETag'
| 'Expires'
| 'Last-Modified'
| 'Location'
| 'Permissions-Policy'
| 'Pragma'
| 'Retry-After'
| 'Save-Data'
| 'Sec-CH-Prefers-Color-Scheme'
| 'Sec-CH-Prefers-Reduced-Motion'
| 'Sec-CH-UA'
| 'Sec-CH-UA-Arch'
| 'Sec-CH-UA-Bitness'
| 'Sec-CH-UA-Form-Factor'
| 'Sec-CH-UA-Full-Version'
| 'Sec-CH-UA-Full-Version-List'
| 'Sec-CH-UA-Mobile'
| 'Sec-CH-UA-Model'
| 'Sec-CH-UA-Platform'
| 'Sec-CH-UA-Platform-Version'
| 'Sec-CH-UA-WoW64'
| 'Sec-Fetch-Dest'
| 'Sec-Fetch-Mode'
| 'Sec-Fetch-Site'
| 'Sec-Fetch-User'
| 'Sec-GPC'
| 'Server'
| 'Server-Timing'
| 'Service-Worker-Navigation-Preload'
| 'Set-Cookie'
| 'Strict-Transport-Security'
| 'Timing-Allow-Origin'
| 'Trailer'
| 'Transfer-Encoding'
| 'Upgrade'
| 'Vary'
| 'WWW-Authenticate'
| 'Warning'
| 'X-Content-Type-Options'
| 'X-DNS-Prefetch-Control'
| 'X-Frame-Options'
| 'X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies'
| 'X-Powered-By'
| 'X-Robots-Tag'
| 'X-XSS-Protection'
interface SetHeaders {
(name: 'Content-Type', value?: BaseMime, options?: SetHeadersOptions): void
(name: ResponseHeader, value?: string, options?: SetHeadersOptions): void
(name: string, value?: string, options?: SetHeadersOptions): void
type ResponseHeadersInit =
| [string, string][]
| Record<'Content-Type', BaseMime>
| Record<ResponseHeader, string>
| Record<string, string>
| Headers
interface ResponseInit {
headers?: ResponseHeadersInit
status?: number
statusText?: string
export const TEXT_PLAIN = 'text/plain; charset=UTF-8'
* Sets the headers of a response.
* @param headers - The Headers object to set the headers on.
* @param map - A record of header key-value pairs to set.
* @returns The updated Headers object.
const setHeaders = (headers: Headers, map: Record<string, string> = {}) => {
Object.entries(map).forEach(([key, value]) => headers.set(key, value))
return headers
export class Context<
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
E extends Env = any,
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
P extends string = any,
I extends Input = {}
> {
#rawRequest: Request
#req: HonoRequest<P, I['out']> | undefined
* `.env` can get bindings (environment variables, secrets, KV namespaces, D1 database, R2 bucket etc.) in Cloudflare Workers.
* @see {@link https://hono.dev/docs/api/context#env}
* @example
* ```ts
* // Environment object for Cloudflare Workers
* app.get('*', async c => {
* const counter = c.env.COUNTER
* })
* ```
env: E['Bindings'] = {}
#var: Map<unknown, unknown> | undefined
finalized: boolean = false
* `.error` can get the error object from the middleware if the Handler throws an error.
* @see {@link https://hono.dev/docs/api/context#error}
* @example
* ```ts
* app.use('*', async (c, next) => {
* await next()
* if (c.error) {
* // do something...
* }
* })
* ```
error: Error | undefined
#status: StatusCode = 200
#executionCtx: FetchEventLike | ExecutionContext | undefined
#headers: Headers | undefined
#preparedHeaders: Record<string, string> | undefined
#res: Response | undefined
#isFresh = true
#layout: Layout<PropsForRenderer & { Layout: Layout }> | undefined
#renderer: Renderer | undefined
#notFoundHandler: NotFoundHandler<E> | undefined
#matchResult: Result<[H, RouterRoute]> | undefined
#path: string | undefined
* Creates an instance of the Context class.
* @param req - The Request object.
* @param options - Optional configuration options for the context.
constructor(req: Request, options?: ContextOptions<E>) {
this.#rawRequest = req
if (options) {
this.#executionCtx = options.executionCtx
this.env = options.env
this.#notFoundHandler = options.notFoundHandler
this.#path = options.path
this.#matchResult = options.matchResult
* `.req` is the instance of {@link HonoRequest}.
get req(): HonoRequest<P, I['out']> {
this.#req ??= new HonoRequest(this.#rawRequest, this.#path, this.#matchResult)
return this.#req
* @see {@link https://hono.dev/docs/api/context#event}
* The FetchEvent associated with the current request.
* @throws Will throw an error if the context does not have a FetchEvent.
get event(): FetchEventLike {
if (this.#executionCtx && 'respondWith' in this.#executionCtx) {
return this.#executionCtx
} else {
throw Error('This context has no FetchEvent')
* @see {@link https://hono.dev/docs/api/context#executionctx}
* The ExecutionContext associated with the current request.
* @throws Will throw an error if the context does not have an ExecutionContext.
get executionCtx(): ExecutionContext {
if (this.#executionCtx) {
return this.#executionCtx as ExecutionContext
} else {
throw Error('This context has no ExecutionContext')
* @see {@link https://hono.dev/docs/api/context#res}
* The Response object for the current request.
get res(): Response {
this.#isFresh = false
return (this.#res ||= new Response('404 Not Found', { status: 404 }))
* Sets the Response object for the current request.
* @param _res - The Response object to set.
set res(_res: Response | undefined) {
this.#isFresh = false
if (this.#res && _res) {
for (const [k, v] of this.#res.headers.entries()) {
if (k === 'set-cookie') {
const cookies = this.#res.headers.getSetCookie()
for (const cookie of cookies) {
_res.headers.append('set-cookie', cookie)
} else {
_res.headers.set(k, v)
this.#res = _res
this.finalized = true
* `.render()` can create a response within a layout.
* @see {@link https://hono.dev/docs/api/context#render-setrenderer}
* @example
* ```ts
* app.get('/', (c) => {
* return c.render('Hello!')
* })
* ```
render: Renderer = (...args) => {
this.#renderer ??= (content: string | Promise<string>) => this.html(content)
return this.#renderer(...args)
* Sets the layout for the response.
* @param layout - The layout to set.
* @returns The layout function.
setLayout = (
layout: Layout<PropsForRenderer & { Layout: Layout }>
): Layout<
PropsForRenderer & {
Layout: Layout
> => (this.#layout = layout)
* Gets the current layout for the response.
* @returns The current layout function.
getLayout = (): Layout<PropsForRenderer & { Layout: Layout }> | undefined => this.#layout
* `.setRenderer()` can set the layout in the custom middleware.
* @see {@link https://hono.dev/docs/api/context#render-setrenderer}
* @example
* ```tsx
* app.use('*', async (c, next) => {
* c.setRenderer((content) => {
* return c.html(
* <html>
* <body>
* <p>{content}</p>
* </body>
* </html>
* )
* })
* await next()
* })
* ```
setRenderer = (renderer: Renderer): void => {
this.#renderer = renderer
* `.header()` can set headers.
* @see {@link https://hono.dev/docs/api/context#body}
* @example
* ```ts
* app.get('/welcome', (c) => {
* // Set headers
* c.header('X-Message', 'Hello!')
* c.header('Content-Type', 'text/plain')
* return c.body('Thank you for coming')
* })
* ```
header: SetHeaders = (name, value, options): void => {
// Clear the header
if (value === undefined) {
if (this.#headers) {
} else if (this.#preparedHeaders) {
delete this.#preparedHeaders[name.toLocaleLowerCase()]
if (this.finalized) {
if (options?.append) {
if (!this.#headers) {
this.#isFresh = false
this.#headers = new Headers(this.#preparedHeaders)
this.#preparedHeaders = {}
this.#headers.append(name, value)
} else {
if (this.#headers) {
this.#headers.set(name, value)
} else {
this.#preparedHeaders ??= {}
this.#preparedHeaders[name.toLowerCase()] = value
if (this.finalized) {
if (options?.append) {
this.res.headers.append(name, value)
} else {
this.res.headers.set(name, value)
status = (status: StatusCode): void => {
this.#isFresh = false
this.#status = status
* `.set()` can set the value specified by the key.
* @see {@link https://hono.dev/docs/api/context#set-get}
* @example
* ```ts
* app.use('*', async (c, next) => {
* c.set('message', 'Hono is cool!!')
* await next()
* })
* ```
set: Set<
IsAny<E> extends true
? {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
Variables: ContextVariableMap & Record<string, any>
: E
> = (key: string, value: unknown) => {
this.#var ??= new Map()
this.#var.set(key, value)
* `.get()` can use the value specified by the key.
* @see {@link https://hono.dev/docs/api/context#set-get}
* @example
* ```ts
* app.get('/', (c) => {
* const message = c.get('message')
* return c.text(`The message is "${message}"`)
* })
* ```
get: Get<
IsAny<E> extends true
? {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
Variables: ContextVariableMap & Record<string, any>
: E
> = (key: string) => {
return this.#var ? this.#var.get(key) : undefined
* `.var` can access the value of a variable.
* @see {@link https://hono.dev/docs/api/context#var}
* @example
* ```ts
* const result = c.var.client.oneMethod()
* ```
// c.var.propName is a read-only
get var(): Readonly<
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
ContextVariableMap & (IsAny<E['Variables']> extends true ? Record<string, any> : E['Variables'])
> {
if (!this.#var) {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
return {} as any
return Object.fromEntries(this.#var)
newResponse: NewResponse = (
data: Data | null,
arg?: StatusCode | ResponseInit,
headers?: HeaderRecord
): Response => {
// Optimized
if (this.#isFresh && !headers && !arg && this.#status === 200) {
return new Response(data, {
headers: this.#preparedHeaders,
if (arg && typeof arg !== 'number') {
const header = new Headers(arg.headers)
if (this.#headers) {
// If the header is set by c.header() and arg.headers, c.header() will be prioritized.
this.#headers.forEach((v, k) => {
if (k === 'set-cookie') {
header.append(k, v)
} else {
header.set(k, v)
const headers = setHeaders(header, this.#preparedHeaders)
return new Response(data, {
status: arg.status ?? this.#status,
const status = typeof arg === 'number' ? arg : this.#status
this.#preparedHeaders ??= {}
this.#headers ??= new Headers()
setHeaders(this.#headers, this.#preparedHeaders)
if (this.#res) {
this.#res.headers.forEach((v, k) => {
if (k === 'set-cookie') {
this.#headers?.append(k, v)
} else {
this.#headers?.set(k, v)
setHeaders(this.#headers, this.#preparedHeaders)
headers ??= {}
for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(headers)) {
if (typeof v === 'string') {
this.#headers.set(k, v)
} else {
for (const v2 of v) {
this.#headers.append(k, v2)
return new Response(data, {
headers: this.#headers,
* `.body()` can return the HTTP response.
* You can set headers with `.header()` and set HTTP status code with `.status`.
* This can also be set in `.text()`, `.json()` and so on.
* @see {@link https://hono.dev/docs/api/context#body}
* @example
* ```ts
* app.get('/welcome', (c) => {
* // Set headers
* c.header('X-Message', 'Hello!')
* c.header('Content-Type', 'text/plain')
* // Set HTTP status code
* c.status(201)
* // Return the response body
* return c.body('Thank you for coming')
* })
* ```
body: BodyRespond = (
data: Data | null,
arg?: StatusCode | ResponseInit,
headers?: HeaderRecord
): Response => {
return typeof arg === 'number'
? this.newResponse(data, arg, headers)
: this.newResponse(data, arg)
* `.text()` can render text as `Content-Type:text/plain`.
* @see {@link https://hono.dev/docs/api/context#text}
* @example
* ```ts
* app.get('/say', (c) => {
* return c.text('Hello!')
* })
* ```
text: TextRespond = (
text: string,
arg?: StatusCode | ResponseInit,
headers?: HeaderRecord
): ReturnType<TextRespond> => {
// If the header is empty, return Response immediately.
// Content-Type will be added automatically as `text/plain`.
if (!this.#preparedHeaders) {
if (this.#isFresh && !headers && !arg) {
// @ts-expect-error `Response` due to missing some types-only keys
return new Response(text)
this.#preparedHeaders = {}
this.#preparedHeaders['content-type'] = TEXT_PLAIN
// @ts-expect-error `Response` due to missing some types-only keys
return typeof arg === 'number'
? this.newResponse(text, arg, headers)
: this.newResponse(text, arg)
* `.json()` can render JSON as `Content-Type:application/json`.
* @see {@link https://hono.dev/docs/api/context#json}
* @example
* ```ts
* app.get('/api', (c) => {
* return c.json({ message: 'Hello!' })
* })
* ```
json: JSONRespond = <
T extends JSONValue | SimplifyDeepArray<unknown> | InvalidJSONValue,
U extends StatusCode = StatusCode
object: T,
arg?: U | ResponseInit,
headers?: HeaderRecord
): JSONRespondReturn<T, U> => {
const body = JSON.stringify(object)
this.#preparedHeaders ??= {}
this.#preparedHeaders['content-type'] = 'application/json; charset=UTF-8'
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */
return (
typeof arg === 'number' ? this.newResponse(body, arg, headers) : this.newResponse(body, arg)
) as any
html: HTMLRespond = (
html: string | Promise<string>,
arg?: StatusCode | ResponseInit,
headers?: HeaderRecord
): Response | Promise<Response> => {
this.#preparedHeaders ??= {}
this.#preparedHeaders['content-type'] = 'text/html; charset=UTF-8'
if (typeof html === 'object') {
if (!(html instanceof Promise)) {
html = (html as string).toString() // HtmlEscapedString object to string
if ((html as string | Promise<string>) instanceof Promise) {
return (html as unknown as Promise<string>)
.then((html) => resolveCallback(html, HtmlEscapedCallbackPhase.Stringify, false, {}))
.then((html) => {
return typeof arg === 'number'
? this.newResponse(html, arg, headers)
: this.newResponse(html, arg)
return typeof arg === 'number'
? this.newResponse(html as string, arg, headers)
: this.newResponse(html as string, arg)
* `.redirect()` can Redirect, default status code is 302.
* @see {@link https://hono.dev/docs/api/context#redirect}
* @example
* ```ts
* app.get('/redirect', (c) => {
* return c.redirect('/')
* })
* app.get('/redirect-permanently', (c) => {
* return c.redirect('/', 301)
* })
* ```
redirect = <T extends RedirectStatusCode = 302>(
location: string,
status?: T
): Response & TypedResponse<undefined, T, 'redirect'> => {
this.#headers ??= new Headers()
this.#headers.set('Location', location)
return this.newResponse(null, status ?? 302) as any
* `.notFound()` can return the Not Found Response.
* @see {@link https://hono.dev/docs/api/context#notfound}
* @example
* ```ts
* app.get('/notfound', (c) => {
* return c.notFound()
* })
* ```
notFound = (): Response | Promise<Response> => {
this.#notFoundHandler ??= () => new Response()
return this.#notFoundHandler(this)