import { SHA256 } from 'crypto-js' import { Hono } from '../../src/index' import { basicAuth } from '../../src/middleware/basic-auth' import { jwt } from '../../src/middleware/jwt' // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment // @ts-ignore globalThis.fastly = true const app = new Hono() describe('Hello World', () => { app.get('/', (c) => c.text('Hello! Compute!')) app.get('/runtime-name', (c) => { return c.text(c.runtime) }) it('Should return 200', async () => { const res = await app.request('http://localhost/') expect(res.status).toBe(200) expect(await res.text()).toBe('Hello! Compute!') }) it('Should return the correct runtime name', async () => { const res = await app.request('http://localhost/runtime-name') expect(res.status).toBe(200) expect(await res.text()).toBe('fastly') }) }) describe('Basic Auth Middleware without `hashFunction`', () => { const app = new Hono() const username = 'hono-user-a' const password = 'hono-password-a' app.use( '/auth/*', basicAuth({ username, password, }) ) app.get('/auth/*', () => new Response('auth')) it('Should authorize, return 401 Response', async () => { const credential = 'aG9uby11c2VyLWE6aG9uby1wYXNzd29yZC1h' const req = new Request('http://localhost/auth/a') req.headers.set('Authorization', `Basic ${credential}`) const res = await app.request(req) expect(res.status).toBe(401) }) }) describe('Basic Auth Middleware with `hashFunction`', () => { const app = new Hono() const username = 'hono-user-a' const password = 'hono-password-a' app.use( '/auth/*', basicAuth({ username, password, hashFunction: (m: string) => SHA256(m).toString(), }) ) app.get('/auth/*', () => new Response('auth')) it('Should not authorize, return 401 Response', async () => { const req = new Request('http://localhost/auth/a') const res = await app.request(req) expect(res.status).toBe(401) expect(await res.text()).toBe('Unauthorized') }) it('Should authorize, return 200 Response', async () => { const credential = 'aG9uby11c2VyLWE6aG9uby1wYXNzd29yZC1h' const req = new Request('http://localhost/auth/a') req.headers.set('Authorization', `Basic ${credential}`) const res = await app.request(req) expect(res.status).toBe(200) expect(await res.text()).toBe('auth') }) }) describe('JWT Auth Middleware does not work', () => { const app = new Hono() it('Should throw error', () => { expect(() => { app.use('/jwt/*', jwt({ secret: 'secret' })) }).toThrow(/`crypto.subtle.importKey` is undefined/) }) })